Ring with amber

The ring at all times was considered the best jewelry of a woman. No matter how fashion changes, it has always remained a popular and fashionable accessory. Today, fashion trends represent the current trend - a ring with amber.

Amber is a stone of organic origin with different shades and degrees of transparency. It is called a frozen tear, a bright star, a sun stone. It is a petrified resin of coniferous trees, its age is estimated at tens of millions of years.

Since ancient times, the most valuable stone was considered to be the one that got insects, small leaves and twigs. Amber possesses a mummifying property, preserving in its original form what got into it many years ago. The cost of a large stone with a beetle, dragonfly or other insect on the international market reaches 20 thousand dollars.

This gem is credited with magical properties, it was a magical talisman for shamans, participating in magical rituals. At the same time, it becomes an adornment for magical items, gradually turning into a fashionable accessory. In the process of grinding and processing with a special coating, it acquires a beautiful appearance.

The amber ring is popular for its healing properties:
- amber relieves headaches;
- relieves colds and viral diseases;
- improves metabolism;
- normalizes heart function;
- treats skin infections;
- stimulates the nervous system;
- eliminates inflammation;
- the smoke of a burning stone helps to cope with ear and eye pain;
- helps to restore strength.

Amber is considered to be a symbol of happiness and health, which is why such jewelry is very popular among women.

A ring with amber is also credited with magical properties:
- it is believed that it protects against the evil eye and damage;
- gives the owner a sense of self-confidence;
- attracts the attention of the opposite sex.
These rings are not intended for weddings or weddings.

The shade of amber is different. The classic color of the stone is honey-yellow. Depending on the place of origin, the tone can be colorless, black, red, fiery, orange. The most beautiful shades are green and blue.

The color of the stone depends on inclusions of different origin: minerals give a silvery sheen, algae - a greenish tone, air bubbles lighten the color. Blue amber is obtained from the resin of the carob tree, it is very laborious to process, therefore, such a ring is very expensive.

More often stones from yellow to brown shades become the accent of the rings. Rarely, a stone can even be silver in color. Green amber is considered rare, derived from the resin of trees growing in swampy areas. Even less often, you can see the bright, rich green color, which is obtained from the fossilized resin of the rare plant Pinus Sccinieferra.

Experienced jewelers today can brighten the shades of the stone. Such a ring resembles an accessory with carnelian, but amber is more transparent and noble.

Amber is friendly with all metals. The most beautiful and aristocratic models are jewelry in gold, platinum and silver frames.

Today, the choice of jewelry is so great that it satisfies the most demanding preferences. The frame can be one-piece, consisting of a combination of metal of different shades. Combinations of white and red gold are relevant today.

Fashionable models have original and intricate designs. With a skillful choice, you can choose different options for a specific case or a universal model that suits any style and image.

Massive jewelry is in fashion today. Beautiful rings with large amber in a lace setting are masterpieces of jewelry art and the best adornment of a woman.

A ring with three stones of different shades looks unusual: green, orange and matte honey in a gold setting. Jewelry made of gilded 925 sterling silver with five triangular stones is no less original. The combination of yellow, red and dark green shades makes the accessory bright and effective. The intricate design is different from the usual design and makes the ring unique.
Rings with multi-colored amber come in many different shapes. These are simple abstract compositions, geometric shapes, beads, flower petals, realistic flowers.

A ring with fiery amber in the form of a blossoming rose looks beautiful. The designs of jewelers can be very diverse. Sometimes it is a monolithic decoration made in the style of minimalism without patterns and relief embossing. For a woman's ring, 583 yellow gold, 585 red, 750 white gold and 875, 925 sterling silver are used.

One of the metals that go well with amber is blackened silver. It takes on a black tint when added to the composition of sulfur and oxidized. Any amber color can be combined with such metal. It will look beautiful and aristocratic.

Amber beads look original in the frame. When polished, they become more transparent and play in the sunlight. Crimson fire beads look good when set in yellow gold.
Designer rings with amber have the most bizarre shapes. Often they are made according to individual sketches to order.

Fashion trends
Massive models with large amber are ideal for special and ceremonial occasions. Such a ring can be worn with a luxurious evening dress or an elegant suit, complementing the set with a hat or a neat hoop.
A massive ring with green amber will also look good. It can be worn for going to the theater, to an art gallery, to an exhibition, to a restaurant.

If you are planning to buy a stone in a yellow gold setting, it is better to buy a product with a stone of the same shade or a tone darker. Red and green amber looks good with yellow gold. Choosing a silver jewelry or platinum accessory, you can opt for contrasting gem inserts.

How to distinguish a fake?
Unfortunately, counterfeits are not uncommon today. This is especially true for jewelry. Only an experienced jeweler can visually determine the authenticity of a stone.
However, knowing the unique physical properties of amber, any customer can check them:
- Natural amber, when rubbed or burned, gives off a faint resinous aroma. Synthetics have a pungent chemical odor.
- When rubbed, amber becomes negatively charged and attracts small pieces of paper.
- The color of the natural stone is uniform, it does not contain multiple inclusions of air bubbles.
- When scratched, a real gem crumbles into small fragments.
- When the UV lamp is on, the real gem will glow with a bluish glow.
- You can drop a drop of acetone or alcohol on the stone: if it became sticky, then it was digging, but not amber.
- In addition, scratches from a copper needle will not be visible on the copal, but it is better to protect amber from it.

The amber ring is afraid of temperature changes. It is best to store such jewelry at room temperature, away from heating appliances.
The stone is fragile and can crumble with a strong impact, so you need to handle it with care. Do not scratch, drop or throw the ring.

If the product gets dirty, you need to rinse it with warm running water. In case of severe contamination, you can immerse the ring in ammonia or saline solution for a couple of minutes, and then be sure to rinse it with running water.