gold ring

It's no secret that almost all modern girls love gold rings. Many myths and legends are associated with this decoration, there is a lot of talk about signs, but in addition to rumors and gossip, there are many rather interesting facts. We will talk about them.

Features and properties
Gold rings have been popular since the time when people learned how to mine and recycle the precious metal. With their first appearance, every girl dreamed of becoming the owner of a stylish accessory.

Gold jewelry was considered a symbol of wealth, and diamond rings aroused envy and rapturous glances. And among some peoples it was even believed that gold liberates the human soul, to exalt it, but with an excess of jewelry, depression and detachment can develop.
Why are gold rings so popular, what types of gold exist and what stones are used to decorate popular items?

Types of gold
The varieties of gold have several characteristics that distinguish one from the other. This is mainly a trial. It is a measure of how pure the gold alloy is used in the item.

The thing is that initially not the metal itself is mined, ready-made and in its pure form, but only raw materials that need subsequent processing, in the process of which the usual alloy for us is obtained, which is used for the manufacture of jewelry.

Thus, the breakdown denotes the degree of quality and purity of the metal. The higher the purity, the purer the gold alloy.For the manufacture of high-quality jewelry, 585 samples are used.

Alloys also differ in colors, each of which has its own characteristic features. For example, an alloy of white gold may include silver and platinum, making it stronger and stronger, but also more expensive. White gold has a characteristic platinum color.

The alloy of the familiar and more common yellow gold contains particles of silver and copper. To obtain the standard golden hue that yellow gold has, you need the same percentage of the components, otherwise the alloy may turn out to be too light or vice versa, it will have a reddish tint.

Red and rose gold is characterized by a high content of copper elements in the alloy. These alloy options are more affordable because copper itself has a very low cost. Jewelry from these alloys is beautiful, but not strong enough and wear-resistant.

Black gold is a rather rare alloy, obtained in combination with cobalt and chromium, and also subject to special external processing.
In addition to jewelry alloys, there is medical gold, which is widely used in dentistry.

A wide range of rings provides a wide selection of products for every taste, for people with absolutely any preferences.
For supporters of timeless classics, there are many models without inserts, for lovers of everything new and unusual, there are phalanx products that are worn over the whole finger, and for connoisseurs of practicality, there is also a double-sided ring - a transformer among the models.

With stone
Models with precious stones and natural minerals look very beautiful. For example, a product with amber looks fascinating, especially when some unusual insects remain inside the stone.

The model with agate looks more restrained, but it will be an excellent decoration for an evening dress, as well as a product with chrysolite, which is more transparent than agate and has a lighter green tint.
An opal ring looks like a magic piece from a fairy tale, and all because the stone has an unusual and even slightly cosmic look.

The product with citrine looks very luxurious, but not every girl will like the yellow tint of the stone, therefore such a ring has much fewer fans than the model with alexandrite. This stone has a dark green or purple hue, deepening towards the base of the shard.

Rings with jade, turquoise, lapis lazuli, chrysoprase, aquamarine and onyx are incredibly beautiful. Natural stones have natural shades that attract attention. Unlike artificially derived crystals, they do not even fade over time and do not lose their luster.

The product with rose quartz will definitely amaze with its tenderness and femininity, because the stone looks just incredible! A slightly hazy light pink shade will look great when paired with a white or yellow gold cut.

No less attractive are rings with jasper, zircon, rock crystal, aventurine, sultanite, crystals and diamonds.

Rings can be made not only of pure gold, but also with the addition of pieces and parts from other materials. For example, gold rings with silver are popular, the inserts in which look like white gold, but are much cheaper.

A popular fashion trend is models with enamel. Beautiful patterns are applied with multi-colored enamel, giving the product an unusual, exclusive look.

There are unusual models made of three types of gold. Such a model, most often, is made of three thin rings, intertwined with each other, each of which is made of a specific material: white, yellow and rose gold. Such a model usually has no decor.

The model with mother-of-pearl looks no less impressive, shimmering in sunlight.

Among the unusual models is a gold ring with leather. The bezel of the ring is made in the form of a wide leather strap, in the middle of which there is an interesting gold detail in the form of a buckle.

The double ring looks beautiful, and thin, matte and openwork products have not lost their popularity for several years now.

If you want something more democratic and restrained, we advise you to pay attention to a classic product, and if you want to surprise your loved ones, then you should consider models with a pendant and engraved.

Size and shape
The size of a gold ring completely affects its value, appearance, shape and variety of decor applied to it.
For example, a large, wide piece looks most impressive in a matte finish, especially if its surface is complemented by some kind of engraving or a neat diamond.
In addition, only wide flat models look beautiful in combination with openwork carvings that adorn it.

A small, neat ring also has many benefits. For example, a sophisticated decoration in the form of a diamond flaunting in the middle of the item. Such options are most often chosen for an engagement.

A square product looks unusual, which is convenient only when its corners are slightly smoothed. The fact is that the sharp corners of such a model can scratch, cling to hair and clothes, and even spoil it.

Inflated models of rings look no less unusual and very impressive. The product has a certain rounded seal, which creates the "inflated" effect, due to which it has the appropriate name.

In addition to choosing a suitable shape, you need to make sure that the product matches the parameter of a woman's finger and will fit. This video details how to determine your finger size.
Unusual design
With heart
The abundance of products with an unusual design allows girls with absolutely any jewelry preferences to make a choice.
For example, more romantic natures prefer the model with a heart. It can be one, located in the center and made of stone or gold, or there can be several hearts located on the surface of the ring in different places.

With a butterfly
Dreamy girls, whose character is characterized by lightness and sociability, can opt for a model with a bow tie. Butterfly wings can be decorated with carvings, or can be lined with small colored stones.

With bow
Rings look very feminine, the decorative element in the center of which is a small, neat bow. Most often, it is made of gold and is not completely laid out with stones, but has only a refined decor in the form of a small diamond in the center.

The ring - a snake wrapping around a finger, looks quite sophisticated, but at the same time a little insidious, since this animal itself carries a certain hidden meaning and danger. It is worth taking a closer look at the owner of such a product, because his choice already says something about the girl's character.

With an inscription
This season, models with all sorts of inscriptions denoting love, preferences, age, or even a person's name are relevant. Wedding and engagement rings are also made with the inscription.

With wings
Angel wings are the newest and most popular trend in jewelry fashion. The product is a standard ring, the upper part of which is made in the form of two spread small wings. This model is especially suitable for girls.

With balls
The ring has the same manufacturing principle as the wing model. The balls are located on the separated upper edges of the product, one of them can be larger than the other, creating a slight asymmetry. Sometimes the balls can be part of the model called the kiss.

In the form of a flower
The ring can be decorative, made in the shape of a flower, which will add additional charm and attractiveness to the product.
When it comes to a large product, a loose rosebud is most often chosen as a flower. The rose is a symbol of something eternal and pure, but at the same time passionate and disturbing consciousness, therefore such a model will definitely attract the attention of temperamental persons.

Among the large models, one cannot fail to note the attention of the ring with a lily flower, which looks incredibly delicate and will emphasize the beauty and sophistication of women's brushes. But girls with full pens should avoid such a product, as it can draw undue attention to the shortcomings.
Other variants of flowers, consisting of three, four or more petals, have a much smaller size. Products with a small flower are much more versatile and will easily fit into any outfit.

In the form of animals
A relatively new trend in the world of jewelry fashion is gold rings in the shape of animals. Such models look very interesting and attract attention, first of all, with their idea and careful study of small details.

The girl, on whose finger a small dragon flaunts, will undoubtedly arouse the interest and delight of the people around. The model with the dragon is made taking into account even the slightest peculiarities, and as a result of painstaking work, even the scales of a fabulous animal can be seen on the product.

The graceful forest predator, the fox, is incredibly smart and cunning, which is probably why the animal's eyes on the model of the corresponding ring are depicted slightly elongated, with mischief and cunning. The muzzle of an animal flaunting on a ring is most often decorated with a scattering of small diamonds.

Dolphin is perhaps the most amazing and mysterious mammal of all known to mankind. It has been established that dolphins remain faithful to their partner throughout their lives.
That is why rings with such symbols always carry some kind of romantic overtones and are very often used as engagement rings. Giving a ring with a dolphin to his chosen one, the young man secretly promises to be always there and be faithful to her.

The turtle flaunting on the product is very interesting, since it is not as simple as it seems. The model has a secret mechanism that opens the shell, under which there is a small figurine of a baby turtle. A cute ring with a deep meaning.

Rings in the form of predatory animals such as a lion, tiger or panther look no less beautiful. And a poisonous scorpion can be a stunning piece of jewelry, especially when paired with precious stones.

Who is it for?
Gold jewelry suits almost everyone. Girls of any type of appearance will look amazing with a cute ring on their finger. The model can be selected based on the parameters of the figure in order to visually correct the fullness or length of the fingers.

But individual intolerance can become a serious obstacle to the constant use of gold rings. Yes, in medicine, there really is an allergy to gold jewelry, which manifests itself in the form of redness, spots and severe itching in the places where the products come into contact with the skin, after wearing them for a long time.
If you experience similar symptoms, it is best to remove the gold, wash your hands with soap and water, and see a doctor for further assistance.

How to choose?
It is worth choosing a gold ring based on the case on which it will be presented. Very rarely, girls buy such products on their own, most often it is a gift, which, unfortunately, is not always appropriate.

First, the ring must be appropriate for the event. For a wedding, you need engagement models, as you need appropriate rings for an engagement and wedding, and for a simple gift, something neutral but elegant will do.

Secondly, it is very important to consider the size.If the ring is too small, it can squeeze the finger and even disrupt the natural circulation. If the product is large, it can simply slip off your finger imperceptibly and get lost.
And, of course, the design of the product should be chosen based on the girl's preferences.

The cost of a gold ring largely depends on the manufacturer, weight, precious stones and the alloy of the metal itself.
On average, a white gold ring has a cost of 3,000-10,000 rubles, depending on the model.

The average cost of a yellow gold ring with a small diamond is about 5,000 rubles, while red gold, combined with rubies and diamonds, will cost 13,000 rubles.
But paired wedding rings made of a rare alloy of black gold can cost as much as 50,000 rubles.

How to clean?
There are several simple life hacks that will help you quickly and easily clean your gold ring at home.
If the product has greasy and dirty marks, the available detergents will help to clean it. This can be dishwashing liquid, shampoo, soap powder, or laundry detergent. To clean the product, it is enough to mix one of the ingredients with hot water, and then dip it into the resulting solution and leave it for a while.

If necessary, you can use a brush or boil the gold piece in the same solution.
Among the popular recipes, you can find several simple options, for example, cleaning the ring with onion gruel. It is necessary to grate the onion on a fine grater, then take a small amount of the resulting gruel on a cloth and rub the ring with it.

You can also clean the product with toothpaste, which is definitely available in every home. To apply the paste to the ring without scratching or damaging the surface of the product, it is best to use a soft bristled toothbrush or soft cloth.
If you need to clean old gold, it is best to use the following solution: a teaspoon of ammonia is mixed with a teaspoon of liquid soap and two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide solution. It is important that the ingredients are mixed in a container that does not contain metal particles.

The ring is placed in the resulting mixture and remains in it for twenty minutes. Then, you need to rinse it in water and wipe it with a soft cloth.
But this method of cleaning is only suitable for rings consisting exclusively of gold. If you have precious stones, you should use another option.

What to wear with?
As a rule, gold rings are quite versatile in combination with clothes, so there should be no difficulties in composing an image. They can complement a casual outfit with jeans, a business-style bow, an unusual retro look, and even an evening dress.
Attention should be paid to details, namely the combination of rings with other accessories. First of all, it should be said that there is no need to overload the image by putting on a large number of rings, it is quite possible to get by with two or three interesting pieces.

There are many options for jewelry sets, consisting of approximately the following sets: ring + earrings + bracelet or ring + earrings + pendant. You should not wear a pendant and a bracelet along with two other accessories, because this way the image will be too catchy and, due to the abundance of jewelry, it may even seem defiantly vulgar.
You can safely combine rings with other wrist accessories, such as bracelets and watches, but you must adhere to one rule: wrist products must match in color. If the watch has a leather strap or a bracelet is decorated with fabric details, it is best that these materials are close in color to the shade of gold.

Beautiful images
- The most delicate image in light menthol tones will not leave indifferent any girl. The stylish combination of dress and jacket is complemented by many accessories, including a neat gold ring worn on the index finger.The product is decorated with a cross-shaped figure and goes well with other accessories.

- A fashionable city bow will make you feel at your best even in the bustle of everyday life! A stylish sweater in a milky-coffee color scheme is complemented by massive accessories in the form of bracelets and watches, and slender fingers adorn massive gold rings.

- An image that is suitable even for a social event. A sophisticated white dress is complemented by a set of gold jewelry consisting of a bracelet, earrings and a large rose-shaped ring. For a feminine look, it's best to put the ring on your index finger.

- A sophisticated outfit that will delight others and cause envious and admiring glances. The white skirt is complemented by a light light brown blouse and large gold-colored bracelets decorated with precious stones. Several gold rings of different sizes flaunt on the hand, which perfectly complete the composition of the image.