
Ski overalls

Ski overalls

Every year active rest is gaining momentum. There are people who love snowboarding or skiing much more than lounging on the beach under the scorching sun. For them, it is already becoming a style and way of life.

Of course, this kind of rest is not easy to do. In order to learn how to skate well, you need a lot of strength, patience, effort and more. For example, without a good ski suit, it will be quite difficult for you to conquer the snowy peaks. Therefore, it is so important not to be mistaken in the choice and to choose the really necessary thing. You will now find out how to buy the right ski suit.

Of course, this kind of rest is not easy to do. In order to learn how to skate well, you need a lot of strength, patience, effort and more. For example, without a good ski suit, it will be quite difficult for you to conquer the snowy peaks. Therefore, it is so important not to be mistaken in the choice and to choose the really necessary thing. You will now find out how to buy the right ski suit.


Why can't you wear ordinary jackets at ski resorts and what is the advantage of special clothing? Firstly, for a sports wardrobe, two qualities are important - they are warm and dry. You will say that a regular jacket can do these tasks too, but it is not. In ordinary clothes, we don’t wallow in the snow, we don’t run or sweat, but often we just walk from the car to the building. Of course, in such conditions, non-specialized clothing can cope, but not in the mountains. After all, the materials of our everyday outerwear are not intended for this at all.

Secondly, comfort is very important during active rest. Ski overalls will make your stay at the resort as comfortable as possible and give you absolute freedom of movement. Agree, not all casual wear can boast of this advantage. Often, it is comfortable for us to walk in winter clothes, but it becomes more difficult to run or exercise.

When it comes to comfort, a ski suit outperforms a suit. It has a special zipper that prevents the fabric from piling up for maximum comfort.


Ski overalls are divided according to the way they are used. There are clothes for professional athletes or amateurs. Naturally they will be different.

Overalls made of membrane fabric are of the highest quality. They are considered the best because of their unique property of not allowing evaporation from the inside, but at the same time not absorbing moisture from the outside. Such fabric also has various types and designs. The best brands of membrane fabric are Sympatex, Nikwax, Porelle.

In the manufacture of inexpensive ski overalls, fabrics are most often used impregnated or sprayed with a special solution. This solution gives the tissue the properties of a membrane, but of inferior quality.

There is also a water-repellent impregnation, with which only the outer side of the fabric is treated.

Ski overalls also differ in the type of insulation. It can be made from natural down or modern synthetic material. Membrane overalls rarely have insulation. It is recommended to wear vests or fleece jackets with them.

Also, jumpsuits differ depending on what kind of skiing you like. There are descenders and races. Racing is usually much lighter and has special protection to avoid injury when falling at high speed.

Overalls for alpine skiing differ in their style. There are one-piece and semi-overalls. One-piece is a combined trousers and a zipper sweater. Bib pants are pants with straps. Recently, this style is gradually going out of fashion due to its inconvenience.

But if you do decide to buy it, then you should pay special attention to the fastening of the straps, because they can easily fall when riding on a slope.


Today, almost every self-respecting sports company produces ski suits. There are specialized shops, and mass, and even overalls from luxury designers.

One of the most beloved and popular brands is Adidas. It is difficult to doubt the quality of such a successful brand. The special material, consisting of several layers, reliably repels moisture, retains warmth and provides maximum comfort. Various fabric enhancers are excellent protection against rubbing of the material. Therefore, ski overalls from Adidas have increased durability.

Of the manufacturers specializing in ski clothing, Salomon can be distinguished. Her jumpsuits have three layers of protection, so no wind or snow will interfere with your weekend.

Manufacturers of overalls for professionals include firms such as Fischer, Swix and Odlo. These brands use advanced technology and the highest quality materials.

How to choose?

When choosing a ski suit, you need to clearly present your requirements for it. Will it be clothing for professional training, racing or downhill? Based on this, we draw up points that are worth paying attention to. Ditch looks and pricing for the last plan. An expensive jumpsuit isn't always the best.

  • So, first of all, we study the label or brochure for the overalls. It must be marked with water resistance. Its level should not be less than 10 thousand mm of water column (mm h.st.)
  • The next item will be vapor permeability. Its level is determined by the amount of steam per day for 1 m2... There should be as much of it as possible. For a beginner, a figure of 5 thousand grams is also suitable, but for an experienced athlete with heavy loads, this will not be enough - here it is better to look at a jumpsuit with a vapor resistance of 20 thousand grams.
  • It is very important to pay attention to the insulation. After all, the absorption of moisture in the body and warmth depend on it. Fleece, Polartec and Thinsulate are excellent materials for ski equipment. You should not buy a jumpsuit with padding polyester or down. Such heaters are cumbersome, impractical and, frankly, the past century.
  • When choosing the style and color of the jumpsuit, pay attention to the brighter models. With them, you will not merge against the background of snow, and you will always be clearly visible, which is very important when observing safety rules. As for the style, everything is individual here. But be sure to try on the thing before buying and check if it is convenient for you to move in it.

How to wash?

This question causes great difficulties for many owners of ski suits. It is believed that it is best not to wash such equipment if possible. Manufacturers are trying to do their best to make the suits are not easily soiled. But sometimes it happens that the jumpsuit needs to be washed. How can you do this without spoiling the valuable thing?

Wash overalls made of membrane fabric by hand with special products. Regular powder is out of place here. It will clog the pores of the membrane and your jumpsuit will no longer be breathable. Also, do not give such a product to dry cleaning. Various chemicals have a negative effect on such material.

A big headache is created by an overalls made of impregnated fabric. During normal washing, it will lose its properties, and in ordinary dry cleaning it will deteriorate. Here you will have to get confused and look for a special dry cleaner, which will have special opportunities for cleaning such fabric.

It is worth paying attention to the labels on the product. If you see a crossed out basin on one of them, then such a product cannot be washed. The picture with hand and basin is hand wash. Crossed-out circle - do not dry clean. The number 30 or 40 on the basin means the permissibility of a delicate wash at a temperature not exceeding that presented.

Ironing ski overalls is strictly prohibited!

But don't be intimidated. It is quite difficult to stain such clothes, because they are treated with a water-repellent and dirt-repellent liquid. If you see a stain on your overalls, then it can be easily wiped off with snow or a damp cloth. If you find dirt too late, then you can use a napkin soaked in a special solution for membrane tissue. And that's it, the stain will disappear.

  • This image, on the contrary, is replete with its colors. Acid pink, yellow and blue will never leave you unnoticed at the resort. Perfectly complements the look with a blue hat, which gives the look a little boyish style.

A very feminine and cute look. There is fur on the hood, which makes the look even more elegant. This style is suitable for girls who are categorically against acid shades.

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