Everything you need to know about ice skating

Skates are equipment for sports activities or regular ice walks. Similar products are available in the arsenal of many people who are fond of figure skating. Finding the perfect skates is a very important and responsible process. In today's article we will learn all the fun about ice skating.

What it is?
As stated above, skates are sports or walking equipment, the design of which is made up of special boots and blades. The latter can be mobile or static. Such products are used for fast movement on a hard ice surface. Modern skating shoes are most often made from practical composite materials, and the blade is made from high-strength metals.
There are many different models of quality skates on the market today. Different types are designed for use in different conditions. This suggests that today buyers can choose the perfect pair for themselves, regardless of the purpose of its use.

Modern manufacturing firms produce many variations of quality skates. People can choose for themselves a very comfortable and practical pair for simple walks, for figure skating, as well as for playing hockey. On sale you can find excellent sprint models, characterized by high wear resistance and reliability. We will find out what features and distinctive characteristics the skates of all the listed types have.

Modern models of amateur skates do not obey such exaggerated requirements as sports or sprint options.Due to this, the products under consideration are presented in a huge variety.
When choosing the ideal skates for skating on the rink, it is important to initially decide on the goals of purchasing them.

Among the modern walking models, there are options that can be used in the game of hockey, but with less rounded blades. Also on sale you can find excellent specimens designed to demonstrate simple curly elements. In such products, there is a smaller protrusion of the teeth or their complete absence.
Boots in quality walking products are usually made from practical, but not overly expensive materials. You can often find specimens made of leatherette or various polymers.

In the inner part, such pairs are supplemented with insulation, due to which walking skates turn out to be very soft and comfortable. However, there is no rigid fixation of the legs in such pairs, which is why they are completely unprepared for extreme skiing.
Walking models are adapted for calm and measured skiing without extreme elements. You should not try to perform very difficult elements in them or play professional hockey at high speed, as this can lead to very serious injuries. For sports activities, the options under consideration are also not suitable.
For more complex operation, it is necessary to purchase other types of skates.

For figure skating
Skates, which are designed specifically for figure skating, are equipped with a not too large heel. They look very elegant and neat when compared to hockey options. The blades in the pairs under consideration are longer than the sole. Weak rounding takes place. In the front of the blades there are 4 teeth, thanks to which a person can stand on tiptoe and demonstrate certain elements of figure skating.
The metal component in the models under consideration comes into contact with ice over a large area. This ensures very good stability and maintains the necessary balance on the ice. However, this advantage turns out to be useful only if a person is on a perfectly flat ice surface.

If there are even small irregularities or protrusions, the teeth of the skates quickly catch on them.... Because of this, the person, of course, loses all balance and may fall, having received serious injuries. That is why the choice of quality skates for figure skating is advisable if a person has planned to skate on a carefully prepared (and not lake) ice base. Skating boots for figure skating are most often made from natural leather. The material is laid in 2-3 layers. Instead of natural leather, special high quality leatherette can be used.
It should be borne in mind that the models under consideration are not equipped with insulating material in the interior. They are characterized by high lacing, due to which the most reliable fixation of the pair on the legs is ensured. By adjusting the laces, you can easily find the correct ankle position.
If you need to choose suitable figure skates for use on open-type sites, then it is recommended to try them on with warm socks.

For hockey
Modern ice skates made specifically for sports and hockey must do two things:
- provide high speed, coupled with the maneuverability of a hockey player when moving on ice;
- protect the user's feet from blows from opponents, clubs and puck.
In order for skates to provide good protection against blows from clubs and hit by a puck flying at great speed, they are made from high quality and high-strength materials. Most often these are practical and wear-resistant polymers, complemented by shock-resistant inserts.Hockey skates are equipped with reinforced toes and heels, and they have protective tongues. The foot in the models under consideration is fixed perfectly, immediately in the correct position. The degree of freedom of the ankle can be adjusted by distributing the lacing forces.
The blades in the skates in question usually have an arched structure. Thanks to it, a high speed of movement on ice can be achieved, as well as sufficient maneuverability. Due to the relatively small rounding radius, the contact area of the steel with the ice base turns out to be quite small. Therefore, the player experiences the least ice resistance during sliding, nothing interferes with his maneuverability.

However, these features also have their drawbacks. If you don't have enough experience, it is very difficult to maintain balance and stability on hockey skates.
The considered models for winter sports may differ in their immediate purpose. Today there are pairs designed for field players, as well as separate models for goalkeepers. Goalkeeper skates are characterized by the highest degree of protection, however, they do not demonstrate good maneuverability.

When choosing the ideal ice hockey skates, it is important to know exactly in what conditions they will be used. So, professional specimens are adapted for indoor ice arenas, the boots in their device are not supplemented with insulation, and the materials are not designed for use at temperatures below -5 degrees Celsius. Against the background of severe frosts, these varieties simply crack.
If you are planning to play in open air, then it is advisable to choose from insulated amateur options that can easily withstand frosts down to -20 degrees.

Sprint skate models appeared about 20 years ago. Modern copies differ from their outdated prototypes by the presence of high-quality movable blades. They are connected to the forefoot by means of hinge elements, and the heel constantly changes its location during running. The latter is then separated from the sole, then back attached to it with the help of springs.
Blades in speed skating models are characterized by the longest possible length... In addition, they are characterized by a large radius of curvature. The boots in these skates are relatively low, leaving the ankle free. Such parts are made of high-quality multi-layer carbon fiber, additionally upholstered in leather. Today you can pick up any model of sprint type skates. On sale there are models for both short track and long distances.

Materials (edit)
Different types of materials are used in the production of modern high-quality skates. So, boots are most often made from the following fabrics.
- Natural leather... The good thing about leather boots is that they are breathable. They are breathable and very comfortable options that are designed to last. The disadvantages include the fact that the skin can get wet. In addition, leather models weigh much more synthetics and are many times more expensive.

- Eco leather... Modern material that is presented in different colors. Perfectly protects the feet of users from moisture and dampness. Skates with eco-leather boots have an affordable price. Unfortunately, the options under consideration are subject to rapid wear with regular use.

- Synthetics... Skate boots can also be made of synthetic materials. These options are cheaper than others, but may not fit your legs too tightly. Synthetic products are not flexible enough.

A lining in a skate boot can be presented in the form:
- steel plates;
- a special piece of dense leather;
- plastic component.

The blades of the sports and recreational equipment in question are also made from different materials.
- Stainless steel... The stainless steel used for the skate blades is chrome. Thanks to this chemical element, the parts are wear-resistant and corrosion-free.
- Carbon steel... In the specified type of alloy, carbon is present. Depending on the percentage of its content, the degree of blade hardness is established.
- Alloy steel. Consists of a combination of a number of components such as manganese, nickel and chromium.
The degree of hardness of the metal affects the reliability of the blades. Stiffer options last longer.

Top manufacturers
Today, many well-known brands produce very good inventory. Among them there are Canadian, Swedish, and domestic. Consider the very best brands that produce high quality skate models.
- Graf (Switzerland). Produces high-strength and reliable skates made of durable materials. Each pair is the result of manual labor. The brand's skates are one of the most expensive and need to be thermoformed.

- Bauer (Canada). A well-known company that produces lightweight and very durable skates with an anatomical structure. The products of this manufacturer are also expensive, the amateur line has insufficient protection against possible impacts.

- Larsen (Russia). The manufacturer produces very comfortable skates with excellent blade sharpening. The products look attractive and stylish. Many models of skates of this company are undersized, which is important to consider when choosing a suitable pair.

Today, a sufficient number of functional components are produced for different models of high-quality skates. Such things are sold in sporting goods stores, as well as on various online shopping sites. The following components for skates are necessary and useful:
- elastic clamps;
- replaceable insoles;
- fittings and fasteners;
- different blade models;
- glasses and frames without blades;
- special covers for inventory;
- laces;
- roller covers.

How to choose skates?
Find out how to choose the right skates.
- It is important to decide on a specific type of product... If a person only planned to learn to ride, then simple walking options will be enough for him. Hockey and sprint options are only suitable for athletes. Figure skating products should be bought by people who are fond of this kind of sport.
- The age of the person for whom the skates are selected should be taken into account. Children's and adult models have a lot of differences. The latter concern the size, design, and fullness of the boots. For young users, you can choose a pair that must be worn directly on the boots. Many people begin to learn to ride with just such specimens.
- Find the perfect skate size... The boot must be tightly wrapped around the leg. When trying on adult female or male, as well as children's options, the heel should not move from its place. In this case, the fingers should rest on the toe. Products must fit strictly in size. Some experts argue that you should buy skates that are half a size smaller.
- The design of the selected products should be pleasing to the user. The current manufacturers offer a wide variety of beautiful skates. It can be black, and white, and gray, and silver, and even pale blue options. There are also such copies that are decorated with colored patterns or prints.
- It is necessary to pay attention to the materials from which the skates are made. It is advisable to buy eco-friendly, reliable and practical models. The selection of the ideal materials will depend on the conditions in which the products will be used.
- You need to inspect your skates before buying... They should not have any defects or even minor damage.The blades should be fastened exactly along the midsole strip, have a matte sheen, and should not bend under the weight of the user's weight.
It is recommended to purchase only branded skates of the highest quality.

Nuances of care
Let's figure out the basic nuances of skate care.
- Steel structural elements must be wiped dry after each rolling.
- If rust appears, then it can be removed at home. This can be done with the help of ordinary grease, used strictly according to the instructions.
- After completing workouts at home, the pair should be placed in a warm place, and after 30 minutes, the skates will need to be wiped with a clean cloth.
- The inventory should not be stored in a closed case or bag that is not ventilated.
- Twice a week, the clamps of the ridge screws are lubricated with petroleum jelly or grease. You need to take care of these components regularly.
- To prevent scratches on steel components, they can be individually stored in their covers.
- Before stowing sports equipment in the closet, newspaper sheets should be placed in the interior cavities. The leather of the boots, together with the runners, should be smeared with a special shoe polish, as well as grease.