Making piggy banks with your own hands

Every house has such little things that are constantly collected on shelves, in pockets and other places, and organizing their order can be difficult. One of these little things is coins, which take up space and are not often used.
To put things in order or to be able to save up a small amount, you can put coins in a piggy bank. Purchased options cost a lot, and it is not always possible to buy them, so you should try to create your own piggy bank from scrap materials.

How to make from a glass jar?
Piggy banks have been around for a long time and are still in use today. It is not known exactly where the piggy banks first appeared; Germany and China are considered the main contenders. The main task of the piggy bank is to collect money in one place. In the modern world, these products are relevant, they serve adults and children, allowing them to keep the house in greater order, as well as accumulate a certain amount. Piggy banks can be of different sizes, shapes and materials, so everyone can choose a product to their liking.
If there is no opportunity or desire to buy a piggy bank, then you can do it yourself. Each house has a certain amount of handy tools that can be used for work.
A do-it-yourself piggy bank will allow you to organize the collection of coins or bills for a specific purpose at no additional cost. You can make such a product from different materials, one of the simplest is a glass jar.

At home, you can take a container of different sizes, depending on how much money is supposed to be saved.The most popular are cans from 0.5 l to 1 l, if the goal is big and the collection time will be long, then you can use a three-liter bottle.
To make a piggy bank for paper money or coins using glass containers for this, you must have the following tools and materials:
- glass jar;
- plastic or metal cover;
- paints;
- PVA glue;
- decorative elements.
Depending on the idea, auxiliary inventory and materials for decoration may be different.

The process of making a piggy bank may look like this:
- wash the jar, wipe dry or dry;
- choose a suitable lid and wash it too;
- decorate the main container using any materials for this - paints, colored or corrugated paper, decorative lace, coin decor;
- when the main part is ready, put on the lid or roll it up, if it is metal, and make a narrow hole in the center, the dimensions of which will allow any coin or bill to pass;
- sand the edges of the hole with sandpaper so that they are not uneven or sharp;
- decorate the product with decor - it can be coins, buttons, rhinestones, sequins, sequins, beads and much more;
- put the first money in the piggy bank.
The appearance of the product can be any, the design of such a piggy bank is thought out individually, taking into account the wishes of the one who will save money in it.

Creation from cardboard
An alternative option for creating a piggy bank from scrap materials can be a cardboard product. A homemade piggy bank of such a plan is lighter, and most importantly, safe for the child.... Cardboard products are convenient for storing banknotes, but coins can also easily fit into it. The easiest way to create such a piggy bank is to build it out of the box. At home there are always boxes of different sizes that children can use for their own purposes.
Due to the peculiarities of the material, a child can make a piggy bank made of cardboard on their own. Manufacturing requires the following tools and materials:
- sheets of cardboard or a box;
- scissors or clerical knife;
- PVA glue, pencil or hot fixing, scotch tape;
- paints, colored paper or fabric;
- decorative elements.

The creation process might look like this:
- consider the drawings of homemade cardboard options, choose the most suitable one by redrawing it for yourself;
- transfer the workpiece to cardboard, and cut out all the elements;
- collect all parts of the piggy bank together by gluing them with glue or tape;
- make a slot for coins and bills;
- paint the product, or paste over it with colored paper;
- add decorative elements.
It is quite easy to create a piggy bank out of cardboard, and thanks to the peculiarities of the material, even a child can cope with the work. A piggy bank can be large or small, have the shape of a box, or represent some kind of object: a car, train, chest or something else.

Using a plastic bottle
One of the most popular materials that now surround each of us is plastic. Banks and containers of different sizes and shapes are constantly found in everyday life, which means that it will not be difficult to make a piggy bank out of them. Such a product will be convenient for children, since it will not break, will not break and can have a very different design.... Children's piggy bank should be bright and interesting, but at the same time safe. Having correctly designed the product, you can achieve the desired effect.
To make a piggy bank from a plastic bottle, you must have with you:
- suitable capacity;
- scissors or clerical knife;
- paints or self-adhesive paper;
- decorative elements.

The creation process might look like this:
- prepare a suitable container;
- make a hole for coins and bills;
- paint or paste over the product;
- decorate the finished piggy bank.
Plastic cans can be of different sizes and displacement, so the piggy bank can be both small and overall.

In the form of a pig
In order to interest children in the process of collecting money, it is necessary to create conditions under which they themselves want to put money in a piggy bank. The easiest way to stimulate is to create an original design for the finished product. The most common appearance of a piggy bank is a pig, so it is worth learning how to make a piggy bank in the form of a pig.
To work, you will need the following tools and materials:
- plastic jar;
- scissors or knife;
- paints, colored paper, fabric, lids from other cans;
- decor.

The creation process looks like this.
- Prepare the container, determine the place for the cutout.
- Paint the lid on the neck with pink paint. You can use colored paper or fabric in that color.
- The main product is also painted pink. In the absence of paints, you can use colored paper or self-adhesive, or apply pink matter, sheathing the entire container with it.
- Legs can be made from lids by gluing them with hot-fix glue. The presence of legs allows the piggy bank to stand steadily on a flat surface. The caps can also be painted in the desired color or decorated with other materials at hand.
- On the top of the can, you need to fix the ears made from another can, from cardboard or fabric.
- Decorate the product with decorative elements: bows, hearts, flowers, beads, rhinestones and so on.
The piggy bank looks interesting and creative, encouraging the baby to put as much money in it as possible.

Turtle shaped
If the piggy bank is created for the first time, and the child will only learn to collect pennies in it, then there is no point in making a large product - the main thing is that it be interesting and unusual. For such a case, the shape of a turtle would be ideal. To create you need to prepare:
- embossed bottom of a plastic bottle with a volume of 2-3 liters;
- thick cardboard;
- colored paper, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens;
- glue;
- decor.

The creation process looks like this.
- On the prepared plastic bottle, you need to mark a line with a felt-tip pen along which this area will be cut off.
- Turn the cut off part with a cut down and put on a sheet of paper, outline the contour. Draw an even circle with a compass.
- Draw the head of the future turtle, four legs and a tail to the base on the sheet.
- Cut the blank and stick it on cardboard, which is also cut along the contour.
- The cardboard part can be colored in any convenient way. A paper blank can be made immediately on colored paper so that there is no need to color it additionally.
- Make a slot for coins on the plastic part.
- Apply glue along the contour of the plastic part, glue it to the paper base, let dry.
- Decorate the finished product with any decor at hand.
Such a piggy bank will be small, but convenient for the baby, he will learn to value money and put it in one place.

To make a rocket, you need to prepare:
- plastic jar 0.5-0.75 l;
- colored or corrugated paper, foil, paints;
- scissors and glue;
- decor (if necessary).

The creation process looks like this.
- Choose a suitable spot for the coin hole and cut it out with a utility knife or scissors. Wrap the body of a plastic can with colored paper or paint it with paints.
- Make a cone from colored paper or cardboard, which is glued on top of the can, above the lid.
- Cut triangles out of the same paper and glue them around the rocket, imitating stabilizers.
- Add portholes, making them from colored paper, and stick on the rocket.
- Add decorative details if necessary.
The appearance of the rocket can be different, it depends on the materials at hand, the imagination and skill of the parent and child.

Paper craft
Piggy banks can also be made of paper, for which it is necessary to come up with a design, develop a drawing, and bring it to life. Such products will not be very wear-resistant, but you can simply remove the contents from them by cutting the piggy bank as it accumulates... In addition, you can make money boxes from paper tubes that remain from toilet paper, from scotch tape and similar products. Having correctly designed these tubes, you can get an original and very strong piggy bank, which can be decorated and presented to a dear person.
On paper, you can draw with paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, you can decorate the finished product with colored paper, clippings from newspapers and magazines, use glitter, glue rhinestones and many other decorative elements. Due to the peculiarities of the material, the shape of the piggy bank can be any. The template of the future product glued to the cardboard gets original and convenient to use.

More ideas
If you have some experience in creating all kinds of crafts, piggy banks can be made from a wide variety of materials. The best products are obtained:
- from plaster;
- from wine corks;
- from clay;
- from other materials at hand.
If you have experience in sculpting from plaster, then you can make a beautiful craft by coming up with an original design for it. The finished product is painted and decorated with additional elements, after which it is completely ready for use. These piggy banks would be a great gift idea for a friend or family member. Piggy banks are created from clay according to the same principle. A future product is being thought over, a clay base is created, burned out and painted with special paints.

The most successful forms for plaster and clay piggy banks will be:
- pig;
- barrel;
- soccer (or other) ball;
- Kitty;
- dog.
You can make a house or something similar from wine corks by cutting them lengthways and across and gluing them together. This is a lot of work that requires skill and patience, but the result is a beautiful and original piggy bank. In addition, there are other materials from which you can make a piggy bank yourself.

Made of wood
For work, a solid piece of wood can be used, which will be turned and brought to a certain appearance. Such work requires a certain inventory, as well as experience with it.... Thanks to the skill, it is possible to make a wide variety of piggy banks that will serve for many years without losing their relevance. A wooden piggy bank is a great gift, especially if it is handmade. Due to the complexity of working with natural wood, many people prefer to make money boxes from plywood.
Thanks to the well-thought-out design, prepared templates, you can quickly make the desired product by cutting out the parts with a jigsaw and gluing them with glue... An interesting piggy bank will turn out if its sides are not deaf. You can make beautiful curly drawings on plywood if you have the right tools and the ability to work with them. An unusual piggy bank can be obtained from wooden ice cream sticks.
With their correct combination and thoughtful design, a neat and cute product is obtained that can be painted with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, or leave this part of the work to the child for whom such a gift is intended.

If a grandmother wants to please her grandchildren with a creative gift, but she doesn’t know how to sculpt from plaster and clay, and she also doesn’t know how to cut from wood, then the best option for her would be to use knitting threads. Thanks to its clever design, you can build a cute, convenient and durable piggy bank. The product can have a rigid base or be frameless. If there is a need for the piggy bank to have a rigid shape, then the inner part of the object is created from cardboard, and the piggy bank itself is knitted from the outside. When everything is ready, a frame is placed inside, fixed and closed with threads.
A frameless piggy bank can be in the form of a toy, a purse or any other product.It should have an external part, made in the form of something interesting and beautiful, and an internal one, made in the form of a bag, where the money will go.
You can come up with a huge number of options for knitted piggy banks, the main thing is to turn on your imagination, and not stop until the work is complete.

From a tin can
Another option for creating a piggy bank is to use a tin can.... Metal piggy banks are very common and convenient, as they do not break, do not break and can serve for a very long time. In addition, metal can be painted with paints, it can be pasted over with paper, cloth, creating any desired decor.
In the process of creating such a piggy bank, it is very important to take care of to keep it safe and not to cut yourself on the sharp edges of the lid or coin holes... Files are used to grind these areas, but it is best to cover these areas with several layers of varnish or paint, which make the dangerous areas soft, and most importantly, beautiful.

To learn how to make a kawaii piggy bank out of paper with your own hands, see the next video.