Profession copywriter

In recent years, more and more professions have appeared that are in one way or another related to working on the Internet, which allows you to do something interesting for yourself, having previously mastered new skills, and at the same time receiving remuneration for your work. One of these professions is a copywriter. It is worth considering in more detail what his activities are, and how to master the profession from scratch.

Who is that?
To put it in simple words about this relatively new profession, then a copywriter is a person who is engaged in writing texts. He may work in any organization, but in most cases he works remotely, at home. Texts can be the most diverse, the subject is not limited by anything, therefore there are several varieties of copywriters. Usually this is a person who performs work on order, and his text must meet all the requirements set by the customer. All this is specified in advance, so it becomes extremely clear what the text should be in terms of uniqueness, spam and other parameters.
Often, key phrases must be entered in the text in a certain sequence, the volume of the text and the payment for it are agreed in advance. Each customer may have their own additional requirements.

The copywriter himself is looking for a job - it can be a specific site, a regular customer or stock exchanges. A prerequisite and one of the main conditions for a copywriter is high literacy. Without this, it doesn't even make sense to tackle the text, even the simplest one.
Advantages and disadvantages
Before deciding whether it is worth introducing into this profession and mastering its basics, you need to figure out what its pros and cons are. Let's look at the positives first.
- The demand for this type of activity is at a high level, and it will only grow, since the entire information life today unfolds precisely on the vastness of the Internet.
- There is always an opportunity to learn this profession on your own, having studied the basic principles of work. And even if things are not good enough with the Russian language, there are no obstacles to remembering the rules or learning them. It all depends on the perseverance of the person himself and the desire to work.
- A very important nuance for many is the ability to work from home, which means that you can plan your day at your own discretion and take exactly as many tasks as you have enough time and effort.
- With a certain experience and speed of work, there is a chance to earn a good fee. It all depends only on the person himself, how much time he is ready to devote to work.
- Working with different topics, there is also a chance to broaden your horizons and learn some new and important things for yourself. After all, a copywriter often writes rather complex and diverse texts. It all depends on the level of his training. So there is always room for improvement.
- You can do this work at absolutely any age. If there is a desire to work, and the level of literacy allows, there are no special obstacles to work.

There were also some drawbacks.
- It should be borne in mind that at first you won't be able to earn much, you need practice, skills, a certain rating when it comes to exchanges.
- To get a more or less normal amount, you need to work hard and devote a sufficient amount of time to it.
- This earnings cannot be called stable. Today there may be a lot of work, but tomorrow there will be no work at all.
You need to take this into account if you plan to make this activity your main income.
- It does not always happen that the customer is satisfied with the text. And there’s nothing you can do about it. The dispute will not bring results.
- Of course, there are no paid vacations and other social guarantees here. There are people for whom this is important.
Copywriting today implies a very extensive activity, and therefore there are varieties. And the possibilities are unlimited. Someone can become just a gorgeous author of creative texts, while someone, due to their abilities and experience, will be indispensable when writing technical articles.
This concept implies, in principle, any work a person does at home. He can write texts, edit, blog, work on various sites. The bottom line is that he does it when it is convenient for him or by agreement with the person for whom the work is being done. The person decides for himself how to organize his work process, and plans the time as it is convenient for him.

SEO copywriter
In this work, it is not enough just to write quality text.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is search engine optimization. Thus, an SEO copywriter is a specialist who writes text that promotes website promotion. To do this, the text must contain keywords and phrases, thanks to which, through the search engines, any person with a particular request will get to this site. But at the same time, the text must correspond to other parameters. Naturally, it must be competently written, interesting, easy to read, and its uniqueness must be high. The percentage of uniqueness is set by the customer.
So the task of an SEO specialist is not only to give out the text, but also to attract an audience, to work on popularizing the site.

In this case, a person takes as a basis ready-made material, usually these are several different sources, and on their basis creates a completely new text with high uniqueness (from 90 to 100%, depends on the requirements of the employer and the subject matter). There are, for example, texts of a technical orientation, when it is extremely difficult to achieve one hundred percent uniqueness. In all other cases, this is a completely solvable problem. At the same time, do not forget that all the basic requirements remain: the text should be easy to read and represent information on the case.After reading such a text, the reader should get answers to all the questions that interest him on this topic.

It should be borne in mind that this is not the option when you can take, for example, a sentence, replace several words in it with synonyms and consider the work done on this. The material should be completely written in your own words. In fact, this is a completely new text, but with the preservation of the main idea.
SMM copywriter
It already requires a certain talent, the ability to write light texts, often extremely short, but prompting for action. Most often, this is a specialist who creates short posts that should attract the reader and encourage them to buy a particular product, use a service, or use one or another resource. This already requires a creative approach. You need to come up with an original title and from the very first words to attract attention so that there is a desire to read the text further and then follow the link in order to be sure to see what is behind this post. That is, this is the person who promotes a product, company, service, which means that he will always have to look for new approaches and try different options, while also monitoring the reaction of consumers and readers.
Media copywriter
In this case, the writing of texts for the media is required. Topics can be very diverse, but always those that will interest the reader. The main thing here is information content, no water and meaningless bricks. Again, it's important to have an interesting headline that grabs attention right away. The first lines should immediately interest the reader so that he reads the article to the end. Here, one cannot do without the skills of working as a journalist and understanding the main genres.

Literacy is not even worth talking about - it should be at the highest level. You need to be able to find interesting topics and be constantly aware of what is happening where in order to make interesting material on time.
This is a specialist with a certain amount of experience, ideally with a journalism education. He should not only have competent oral and written speech, this is definitely not enough. Ability to work with text, find interesting topics, the ability to present them in an original way, be able to qualitatively edit someone else's text, explain all errors and requirements - this is just a short list of what he should be able to do. In many cases, if he works in the media, he should generally develop the concept of the publication, give assignments to other project participants and monitor their implementation.
LSI copywriting
LSI copywriting is somewhat similar to SEO copywriting. The principle of operation is the same. But only in this case, the specialist needs to work on creating not key phrases, but additional ones. The person writing the technical assignment should choose such words and phrases that will increase the chances of the material getting to the top of the search results. These are additional words that people use to search for this or that information in a search engine.

The copywriting industry is constantly evolving, and it is not at all excluded that new branches of this activity will appear tomorrow. Today, there are several more types of work that can be distinguished in separate directions.
- Advertising copywriting, where a person works for a certain company or several firms, writes advertising articles - they can be both small and extensive, where, for example, they tell in great detail about the advantage of a particular product or service.
- Posting copywriting is to comment on entries on various sites, forums, blogs. Comments are written subject to certain requirements set by the customer. The ultimate goal is to attract customers to a particular product, service, or discussion of a topic. It is a mistake to think that this is too easy a task.Such an employee is required to be resourceful and able to present the essence in several sentences and encourage a person, for example, to follow a link to learn more about a particular direction.
- Copywriter-translator. Here you need not just write an interesting text, but first translate it.

It is clear that in addition to knowledge of the Russian language, knowledge of other languages will also be required. Such specialists are increasingly in demand on the Internet.
In the previous paragraphs, it was described in sufficient detail what a copywriter does, and what functions are assigned to him, depending on the niche in which he found himself. In general, a job description common to all types of activities may look like this:
- the specialist must perform all tasks strictly in accordance with the requirements that are necessary for the customer or employer;
- if necessary, modify and improve the submitted materials, if required;
- complete all tasks in a strictly scheduled time, if they are agreed in advance;
- in case of force majeure, it is imperative to notify the employer in advance that the work will not be completed on time;
- the quality of work should be at a high level, this concerns literacy, content of the material and other parameters, depending on the direction of the text;
- if the work is remote only partially, and from time to time it means the gathering of the entire team for setting tasks or solving some issues, you must certainly participate in all meetings and events that are organized by the company.

Knowledge and skills
To fulfill the key tasks that the company sets for its employees, a copywriter must be able to:
- navigate the Internet space, find the right sources to create your own material, it often happens that there are no source codes, and you will have to look for all the material yourself;
- to know about the main interests and needs of the audience for which he creates texts, so it will be easier to write good material;
- he must have a sufficiently broad outlook to understand in many directions and understand what he is writing about, and not senselessly rework someone else's article;
- he must be able to correctly build the text, see the main and secondary;
- the level of literacy assumes a high level so that you can safely send your text to any customer, and this does not require the services of a proofreader or editor;
- it will be very useful to strive to learn everything new and find useful articles, lessons in order to improve your professional level.

Personal qualities
For independent work at home, the priority is given to such qualities as responsibility, diligence, the ability to organize your work process competently, the willingness to bring your work to perfection, the desire to constantly develop and be ready for independent learning.
Working in a team, you need to have communication skills, the ability to find a common language with people, and arguably defend your ideas. It requires constant development and the search for extraordinary solutions that will help the company develop and make a profit.
A person who decides to seriously engage in this type of activity must be able to set tasks and solve them, be self-organized.
The desire to expand one's horizons is always welcome, and this applies to a wide variety of areas.

It is quite possible to learn this profession on your own, but excellent knowledge of the Russian language, literature, a considerable number of books read will be a good help. The more you read, the easier it is to imagine what a literate text might look like.
If you have a background in journalism, it will be much easier to work as a copywriter than a beginner. Of course, the specialty has its own nuances.But it is enough to devote one or a couple of evenings to this to figure out what and how, and start working.
It is not immediately possible to learn how to write selling texts, but it is also possible. Currently, there are no special educational institutions or even faculties where copywriters would be trained. But there are many online courses, both paid and free. You can also find articles that outline the basics, and further training will consist precisely in practice. It makes no sense to indicate the specific names of the courses and the names of the authors, since there are constantly new ones who want to share their experience and talk about current trends. The more you write texts, the sooner you will be able to achieve success in this matter.

If there are problems with the Russian language, then you will have to tighten up literacy. There are definitely no problems with this, there are all kinds of textbooks that you can study on your own. Again, training courses can also be found on the Internet. You can check your literacy on special sites using various tests in the Russian language. Nothing is impossible. In especially difficult cases, you can turn to the services of a tutor, refresh your knowledge gained at school, or even get new ones.
How to design a portfolio?
In order to draw up a portfolio, it is not enough just one desire to work and your questionnaire about education and hobbies. Most often, employers require you to write a literacy test, give a test task - a small text on a specific topic that must meet the specified parameters. But there are those who consider applicants only with a portfolio. Therefore, whatever one may say, but first you need to gain some experience and start somewhere, with the simplest tasks, moving on to more complex ones. Then only it will be possible to create a portfolio that will include articles written earlier.
After reviewing them, the future employer will be able to conclude whether he needs such a copywriter, whether it is worth starting cooperation with him.
When there are articles, you can start preparing a portfolio. Select the best articles, preferably diverse, provide links to the sites where they were published. In addition, of course, you should talk about your strengths, good qualities, advantages that will help you get this job. Perhaps there are positive customer reviews, which can also be indicated in the portfolio.

Place of work
Finding a job without experience can be quite difficult. Therefore, sometimes it is worth starting with content exchanges, where often there are both complex tasks and the simplest ones. There are various services where you can check the uniqueness of the article, the availability of water and find out other characteristics. These include Text. Ru, Advego. Sometimes employers themselves indicate on which sites they want to check their finished work.
Part-time and full-time jobs are available on job search sites. It is enough just to type in the search box "Copywriter's work" and a number of job advertisements will be immediately displayed, which can be considered.
Ideally, it is very convenient to collaborate with one site, which will allow you to always have a job, or acquire regular customers. For this, of course, you need to prove yourself well. Often, those who first worked on stock exchanges and tried their hand at simple texts, then get their hands on and complete the most difficult tasks.

How much does he earn?
It will take some time to get a decent reward for your work. If you have no experience, you have to complete the cheapest tasks, sometimes it can be 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters. The cost of a thousand characters can vary greatly: some sites pay only 30 rubles for this number of characters, while others offer from 50 to 80 rubles. It should be borne in mind that the higher the payment, the higher the requirements for the text. The monthly salary can also be completely different.It depends on experience, desire to work and the amount of materials handed over.
On average, a copywriter actively working at home on a website with not very high prices (30 rubles per 1000 characters) can receive from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. It all depends on the time that he devotes to work and on the speed of writing texts.
Review overview
Many people are very willing to share their experience in the field of copywriting. Especially newbies. Most often, you can find such reviews when people purposefully set a goal, devoted time to gaining experience, and then made it their main activity.
Many say that this is a very good part-time job, which allows you to have additional income without much stress, you just need to prove yourself from the best side.
There are also negative reviews. Basically, they relate to the low payment of the text. There are times when the customer does not want to pay, he is not satisfied with the work performed, and he does not indicate specific nuances. You need to be ready for this too.