Manicure for short nails

Simple manicure for short nails

Simple manicure for short nails
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Matching colors
  3. Choice of design
  4. How to do it at home?
  5. How to paint your nails?

Every little detail is important to look truly attractive. Including marigolds. Their unkempt appearance can ruin any impression, so it is important to ensure that the manicure is neat. In this case, it is not at all necessary that the nails be long. Short nails in a modern design can look just as bright and no less advantageous.


Every girl seeks to grow marigolds. But this is not always possible. First, a lot depends on the state of health, the supply of vitamins and minerals. Secondly, improperly selected materials and varnishes, as well as aggressive environmental conditions, can further aggravate existing problems.

If your nails are peeling and breaking, it is better to leave the race for length and focus on improving their condition.

In addition to being able to recover quickly enough, short nails have other benefits.

  • They are suitable for any situation. The life of a modern girl is dynamic. A short length of nails will be appropriate at home and in the office, in the gym and at a party.
  • Such a manicure is economically beneficial, it is easier to cope with it on your own.
  • In addition to practicality, it is also fashionable: all modern manicure options are demonstrated mainly on short and medium length nails.
  • On small nails, even the most catchy ideas look more restrained. Therefore, this length is suitable for lovers of bright colors.
  • Long nails are easy to break. If you have to do a lot of manual labor, stop at a more modest length of the nails: they will be less damaged.

This option is worth considering even for lovers of extension: you will try something new and you can always return to a more familiar length. If someone does not like the very look of short nails - you can use techniques with which you can visually increase the length of the nail plate:

  • timely and carefully remove the cuticle;
  • choose the right shape correctly;
  • choose a suitable color or pattern (for example, longitudinal or diagonal lines).

Matching colors

Today, it is not necessary to select a varnish, focusing on the color of lipstick, clothing or accessories. The choice of color is influenced by the appearance of fingers and marigolds, the style that a woman adheres to in life or her mood. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to several nuances.

  • The most win-win are nude shades. Merging with the skin, they make the fingers more graceful. This also includes delicate shades of pink, as well as white and beige.
  • They will successfully hide all the shortcomings of black and those close to it: anthracite, marengo, earthy. The depth of color will visually narrow the marigolds, emphasize the fragility of the hands. So that such a manicure is not boring, similar shades can be applied through one.
  • There are endless discussions about bright colors. Someone thinks that they are perfect, there are also ardent opponents. One thing can be said: on long ones, all shades of red look too defiant. If you take our length, choose a matte finish.
  • On short nails, the coating of any rich, rich colors looks perfect, be it dark shades of purple and green or burgundy. Since modern fashion is built on small accents, take a closer look at one of these options: they look very elegant.
  • Any pastel colors look unobtrusive. It is easy to combine them with each other, to create new combinations. This is ideal for summer, when there are a lot of bright colors around and you want tenderness.

Of course, there is nothing better than natural. Therefore, the nails can be simply tidied up and covered with a colorless strengthening compound, or use the most natural shades.

French manicure can be a classic example: it looks appropriate on short nails. Choose colors with mother-of-pearl effect or large sequins with care. Of course, it is impossible to prohibit their use, especially if this option is familiar to you. But many experts in the field consider them outdated and recommend that you pay attention to more recent ideas.

Choice of design

Before choosing a design, it is necessary to determine which nail shape is most suitable in this particular case. Someone will say that such trifles are invisible on short nails - and they will be wrong. If you are looking at your hand with perfect coverage, but something confuses you - know that the problem is in the form. On short nails, it can be square (with clear or soft corners), round or oval. The oval variety can be more pointed upward (almond-shaped), but it is more difficult to make it.

For chubby fingers, an elongated shape of the nail is preferable, for thin fingers, any will do.

Nail designs are constantly changing. It's never too late to try something new.

  • Especially for lovers of the classics. French has changed a bit. In the new modification, the tip of the nail turns into a colored one, or even completely decorated with rhinestones or a narrow laconic pattern.
  • The ombre effect has passed on to the nails and does not lose its relevance. You can endlessly admire the smooth flow of one color into another. It is important to choose two or three colors well so that they match with each other. The transition can be both longitudinal and transverse - in the second case, the eye is attracted by an interesting play of glare.
  • A manicure for every day can be simple only in appearance. In fact, completely different techniques are used to create it. Lunar, stamping, stickers, ornament - all this will be fashionable for more than one season.
  • Even short nails with sparkles or rhinestones can look luxurious. It is important here not to use several types of decor at once, but to focus on one thing: for example, glitter.
  • Well, and where without drawings. They can fit perfectly even on short nails. These can be both full-fledged images: funny, with plant or floral motifs, as well as ordinary lines and points located in an abstract or geometric order. Try to avoid horizontal lines or images. Always focus on the center of the nail when positioning the elements. The color combination can be contrasting or classic.

How to do it at home?

Manicure on short nails can be successfully done at home. But you should not take this lightly - incorrectly performed manipulations will not only affect the appearance of the nails, but also their condition. To get started, prepare your tools - they can be purchased separately or in a set. If you are only doing a manicure for yourself, they should be wiped with an antibacterial solution. If you are helping friends, ask them to bring your own.

Without special multi-stage processing, it is impossible to use tools after another person.

For a classic manicure you will need:

  • coating strippers;
  • nail scissors;
  • files of different types;
  • cuticle removers (softening oil, wood or metal stick);
  • cream.

Manicure is performed step by step.

  • Wash your hands. Clean your nails thoroughly with a suitable product applied to a cotton pad or tissue.
  • Remove the length of your nails with scissors. File the edge gently into the planned shape. The file should move from the center to the edges so that delamination does not occur.
  • You can treat the cuticle with softeners or a warm bath. To move it, you will need a stick or spoon. To cut it, you need scissors, or better special tweezers. Use rubbing alcohol or an antiseptic.
  • Do not forget to polish the entire nail - it will determine how smooth the coating will lie. As a last resort, if you do not have a special nail file, use a regular paper napkin.
  • The next step is usually massage with creams or oils. This procedure is not only pleasant, but also useful: it improves blood circulation, which means it contributes to the healing of marigolds. After the massage, wipe the marigolds with the same product that you used to remove the old varnish.

How to paint your nails?

It's never too late to learn how to paint your nails correctly. Always apply foundation first. Instead, you can apply any of the multifunctional varnishes: they not only protect, but also strengthen, accelerate growth and solve many other problems at the same time. If you plan on making your nail a solid color, use one of two schemes.

  • You need to start from the bottom of the central part, then draw a line down the center to the end and alternately fill in the remaining parts from the side from bottom to top.
  • Moving from below, paint over the side, then repeat the same with the other side of the nail. In the end, it remains to fill the center.

There should not be many strokes, otherwise the work will be done inaccurately. Remember that some defects can be corrected. The main thing is experience that will help you do everything quickly and accurately the first time. To obtain a saturated color, there should be several layers. To make the finish shade brighter, the first coat can be white.

Do not forget that each coat of varnish, including the base, must be completely dry before applying the next one.

Using the schemes below, you can quickly master several options for a simple manicure.

  • With stripes. To complete it, you need glue-based strips, you can buy them or make them yourself from scotch tape.The essence of this technique is simple - apply a background layer, dry it, then glue the strips (in accordance with your idea) and paint with varnish of a different color. After drying, remove the adhesive strips. It remains to apply the fixer. There are also decorative stickers in the form of stripes - they are glued to an already painted nail. To make them last longer, a finishing varnish is required.
  • With a gradient. First, apply a gel to protect the skin around the perimeter of the nail so as not to brush it by hand later. For a short marigold, you need two matching colors. We completely apply one of them to the nail (preferably lighter). Then we take a cosmetic sponge or a regular sponge (with it, the work will look less neat due to the presence of large pores). Apply varnishes to the sponge so that they overlap a little. Then we transfer the varnish to the nail. This action can be repeated several times to achieve the desired effect. We remove the protection and fix it.
  • Space design follows a similar scenario. Only in this case the varnish is shaded with a sponge directly on the nail. Despite the size of the nail, much more colors are required.
  • With sequins. This nail polish option gives you a lot of creativity. It is done very simply. Sparkles are applied to a monochromatic layer of varnish with a brush, and a fixative is applied on top. The main secret lies precisely in the application of sparkles: over the entire surface, only along the upper edge, mixing several colors.

Feel free to experiment: the result can be a completely new coating technique.

And maybe it is she who will become a new trend in the field of manicure.

How to make a manicure for short nails and visually lengthen them, see the video.

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