
Contests and games for women for corporate events

Contests and games for women for corporate events
  1. Table games
  2. Dance competitions
  3. Funny options

A women's corporate party can be fun, original and memorable if you seriously work on its program. And although many believe that there is no variety in the table competitions, this misconception is easily corrected.

Table games

The program is announced by the host: he names the reason for the corporate party, reveals the secret of what will happen today. There must be someone who will record the events in photos and videos. Competitions for women should be set consistently so that they are evenly distributed during the celebration. The more dynamic ones should alternate with the less mobile ones.

Most of these contests can be held at the table.


For this competition, you will have to make a paper flower in advance. The name of the competition is written in the yellow core, along the edges there are many white petals. The petals should be turned white side up. Each participant takes one petal, reads the task indicated on the back. She must fulfill it.

Examples of assignments for a female company:

  • tell a funny incident from life;
  • answer one tricky question from a colleague (thought out in advance);
  • names his number of years, translated into tangerines, at the rate of 1 tangerine - 1 month of life;
  • tells a nursery rhyme;
  • comes up with a name for the team, as if it were a women's football team;
  • shows her childhood hobby with gestures;
  • should remember what (color) manicure her colleagues have;
  • must open a book at random on a page and read out a prediction for the team (the book has been prepared in advance - a collection of toasts, for example, or fairy tales, or a fashion magazine).

The participants get symbolic prizes, and the one who coped with the task the best - the main prize.


Contestants are given a blank sheet of paper and a pen. The task of the competition is to write phrases for a future fairy tale. 2-7 words are enough for successful plot advancement... One participant leaves only one phrase. And the piece of paper is passed all over the table, from contestant to contestant. You need to write the text on the top line, which is then folded up, the new participant receives an "accordion" with a clean top line. That is, the main thing is not to know what the previous person wrote.

When everything is written, the presenter reads the resulting text. Usually, all the participants in the corporate party are delighted, as it turns out a fundamentally new fairy tale, incoherent, and therefore funny.


All participants in the feast should be divided into 2 teams. Usually these are 2 parts of the table. Each side of the table should guess as many words as possible in just 1 minute. After "Start" the first team member must turn the card over, read the first word (to himself) and say no more than 3 words-associations. For example: apple - green, liquid, Steve Jobs. It is forbidden to pronounce words of the same root.

The team that guesses more words per minute wins.

The competition can be extended if there are a lot of words on the cards and everyone wants to be guessing. But all the same, the presenter or the jury must stand with a stopwatch so that the participants of both teams are in equal conditions. Including temporary ones.


The host greets everyone on board the cruise ship (music can be played).

Presenter's words:

- We set off on a voyage, visit different countries, absolutely all of you will find yourself abroad today. But where exactly, in which country, you need to guess. So, you see envelopes in front of you ...

Each participant takes one envelope, opens it, reads a riddle. Each riddle contains this or that country.

Examples of riddle descriptions:

  • this country is named for its continent (Australia);
  • in this country, in one of the cities, everyone without exception walks in white trousers (Brazil);
  • it is also called the country of the maple leaf (Canada);
  • here is one of the most touching monuments - the monument to the Little Mermaid (Denmark);
  • people come here to see Everest (Nepal);
  • there is a woman in this country who did everything wrong when “you loved her” (Latvia).

The number of countries must match the number of participants. Hints are allowed. When a participant guesses a country, a song or music associated with this country can be turned on for 10 seconds. For example, Australia - Kylie Minogue, Brazil - Samba de Janeira, etc.

Dance competitions

At a certain moment, the feast turns into dancing. And if the room, its footage, allows you to organize a dance program, you need to take advantage of this.

What dance competitions can be held.

  • Do the opposite. The essence is simple - the participants are invited to the "stage", they are told that now pieces of music will sound. Their task is to dance fast to slow songs, slow to fast ones. The participant who did not go astray and did everything as artistically as possible becomes the winner.
  • Linked by the same chain... The members become pairs. The presenter ties the participants' wrists with a beautiful handkerchief so that one woman's hand remains free. At the signal (song starts), the couples dance. The couple that does a better job of dancing in these slightly tight conditions wins.
  • Choose an item... Participants on the stage. Each one pulls out a piece of paper with a number from the box. The number is the number under which one of the items is hidden. By drawing lots, each girl receives her dance partner item: a hat, umbrella, fan, chair, scarf, etc.

For a minute of the musical composition, everyone should dance together so that the subject is actively involved throughout the dance. The most artistic wins.

  • You are going to Eurovision! The host says that the country has not won Eurovision for a long time, and this needs to be corrected. Perhaps the fact is that the artists lacked a good dancer. Participants are invited to the "stage", compete in pairs. Girls who will act as artists are invited separately. A song (of Russian participants in Eurovision) is turned on, depicting the artists opening their mouths, singing into an impromptu microphone. But the main focus should be on the girls in the dancer. Then, after all the couples have performed, the presenter asks the jury to whom their 12 points go - this is how the winner is selected.
  • Irish dance. As you know, Irish dances are leg movements, hands do not participate in the dance. Several ladies-participants are invited to the “stage”, whose hands (just in case) are tied with a handkerchief behind their backs. At the signal, an Irish song is played, the girls must dance. The funniest and most artistic wins the competition.
  • Times are changing very quickly! For this competition 3-4 participants are invited to the stage. They only have 1.5-2 minutes for a dance sprint. The challenge is that they have to quickly readjust to new music. The sprint begins with a folk dance, continues with some Shalyapin melody, then Dunaevsky's pre-war songs follow, and as a result the sprint should end with something ultra-modern. The nature of the compositions and the tempo are different.

The participant who quickly managed to rebuild and looked convincing in all fragments of the sprint wins.

  • Dance, mother-in-law! Everything is simple here: if there is an opportunity to bring multimedia to the feast (or there is a large TV set in the room), the famous episode from Mikhalkov's film "Relatives" is turned on for everyone. There, we recall, the hero of Bogatyrev dances in a restaurant with the heroine Mordyukova. 2 people are invited to the stage: one girl will parody "Tasik" as accurately as possible, the other - mother-in-law. This is a competition for a viewer, here both win a priori. At the end, each participant can be awarded a cardboard or plastic "Oscar".

The dance program should not be tiresome, it should be interspersed with quieter competitions.

Funny options

Do you want cool, funny contests organized for the sake of laughter? You should not fill the entire corporate evening with them, but at least a couple of them should be included in the program.

Examples of contests for girls with gags.

  • Taster... In front of the participants - 3 small glasses with dark red liquid. The presenter says that there is juice in two glasses, and wine in one. Each participant drinks 3 glasses in turn. Her task is to make sure that the rivals do not know what the wine was in. They did not recognize it by the expression on the face of the participant. The trick is that either wine will not be in any of the glasses, or it will be in every glass.
  • So who am I? A hoop with an insert for a word card is put on the participant's head. That is, there should be any holder on the hoop where you can temporarily insert a card with a written word. It turns out that the participant herself does not know what is written literally on her head. She has the right to ask the viewers only 3 indirect questions, according to which she will guess who she is.
  • Pass it on to another... There are 6-7 participants on the "stage". One has her hands tied with a handkerchief, the other has fists clenched, the third hand is strictly in her pockets, the fourth has her hands locked above her head, the fifth has her hands on her hips, the sixth has her hands folded into a lock, the seventh has a frozen pose of “easy ". And in this position, they must transfer to each other an object, for example, a tennis ball.
  • Difficult story. 5 girls are participating. Four are standing outside the door, they should not hear what is happening at the corporate party. The task is this: the first begins to tell a funny incident in a team - only 3 sentences. At the signal, the second girl is invited to continue, then the third, etc. Someone must record the competition on video, then the participants themselves can listen to the difficult story.

It is imperative to think over the prize fund.Various little things are suitable for consolation prizes: chupa-chups, small chocolates, etc. Comic diplomas, diplomas, certificates are required.

More ideas for contests can be seen in the next video.

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