
Contests and corporate games

Contests and corporate games
  1. Best funny contests
  2. Mobile team contests
  3. Creative contests
  4. Culinary competition options
  5. Mind games
  6. Quests
  7. Prize options

At a corporate party, you need a program that will not get bored and at the same time will not tire the participants too quickly. Corporate events are originally intended to rally a team, therefore the goal of all tasks in the scenario - to unite, to show the power of the team, to help colleagues see each other not only in a professional light.

Best funny contests

Along with intellectual and creative contests, the program must include funny, funny contests. They help to relax, discharge, relieve tension.

10 cool contests fortall employees.

  • "Silent movie". Guests are divided into 2 teams. Each has 5-6 people (options are possible). The task of each team in 3 minutes of preparation is to come up with and show a short film (no more than 1 minute) on the topic "Our usual working day".

You can't say anything, you can only show.

  • "We row with a shovel." This comic competition requires play money - a paper imitation of real money. And you also need a bucket and baby shovels from the sandbox set. The team is divided into teams and lined up as before the relay. At the presenter's whistle, the first participant runs to the designated point, takes a spatula and rakes out a part from the box with fake money in order to redirect it to the bucket. And so, after him, as the relay is passed, each player of the team. Whoever raked in more "money" won.
  • "Master of Impromptu". And again the team is divided into teams, only now you need to choose one representative from each. The most artistic. The task is as follows: music is turned on - cutting fragments of well-known songs.The participant must present that this is a phonogram and transform into a performer. One song is suddenly replaced by another. But the participant is not lost and quickly becomes another artist.
  • “Shooting a clip”. And this is a fun competition with balloons. 3-5 people participate. Everyone is given a ball in their hands. When the music is playing, the participants should perform such actions with the ball so that it is in tune with the theme of the song or its mood. That is, you can fool around with a cheerful melody with a ball, with a lyric melody - arrange a drama, with a sensual melody - seductively move. Whoever coped better with different options and successfully “starred in the video” won.
  • "Some kind of kindergarten"... For this competition, the organizers must first find children's photos of the corporate party participants. They will be assembled into one slideshow. The task of all guests is to guess who is on the screen at the moment.

It could be a warm-up competition, because there will be no losers here. It helps to discharge and cheers up.

  • "Gymnasts of All Time"... Two men are invited to the stage for the competition. Each is given a gymnastic ribbon. When the music starts, they should start moving with it, portraying gymnasts. The one who moves funnier and is more convincing, moreover, won.
  • "Hot bun"... All guests sitting at the table pass a yellow balloon along a chain to each other. To the music, of course. On whom the music stops, he says the toast. If someone has a balloon burst in their hands, they have to prepare a creative act.
  • "Kinoafisha"... Two teams, each with 4 people. One person is a director, three others are actors. In 2 minutes, the team must make such a live composition so that it can be called a movie poster and guess which movie they are portraying.

The competition may contain props.

  • "We dance with our shoulders." The competition can be held right at the table. Music sounds, the presenter announces that you can dance only with your shoulders. The three best table dancers will be invited to the final, to the stage, and the winner in the shoulder dance will be determined there.
  • "Persuade your superiors." The chief and 3-5 of his subordinates participate in the competition. His role is not to want to go to work, they say, "I'm tired of everything." The task of the other participants is to come up with arguments for him to go. The funnier the better. Either the boss gives up or not - the one who has achieved his goal wins.

It is better to write in the script the so-called spare contests, in case some “did not come in” or there is time left and the guests demand to continue.

Mobile team contests

Corporate events can take place in the office, in a restaurant, or outdoors. But almost always they involve more than one mobile competition in the script.


Sports elements of the tasks are an obligatory part of the corporate party, which takes place in the fresh air. In summer, this component can be especially large, but in winter it will not hurt to move around.

3 competitions on the street.

  1. "Tug-of-war". There are teams, the weather is favorable, everyone is ready, but there is no rope. And the presenter supposedly wakes up, recalls it at the last moment. But the good does not disappear. So he suggests pulling an imaginary rope, and which team did it more artistically, that one won.
  2. "Dear Rope". Participants are divided into teams of 3 people. The task is to move from point A to point B, jumping rope. You can jump in any way, in any technique. Then go back, give the rope to your partner. And when all three have already gone their way, they must tie themselves (conditionally) with this rope, be inside it. Whoever made it faster won.
  3. "Classics in a new way"... If there is asphalt and you can draw on it with chalk, the competition will take place. Only you need to draw not ordinary classics, but longer ones. And in each box there is a forecast for the future. For example, "you will get a promotion", "you will be rewarded from above", "you will steer" and so on.Participants who are invited to pass the classics receive instructions: you need to jump without making mistakes. At some point, the music will stop. What will be written in the box at this moment will happen to the participant in the near future.

Many comic contests from the paragraph above can also be held on the street, they are quite mobile.

In room

In a cafe, in an office, in a restaurant, in a rest house, you can also organize something dynamic that requires physical activity.

3 indoor competitions.

  • "Dance behind the light screen". For the competition, you will need a screen, behind which only the silhouette is visible. Competitors must dance to music behind a screen. Ideally, the viewer shouldn't know who is dancing. The winner is the one who moved the best.
  • "Catch me"... Classic blind man's buffs - one participant with closed eyes tries to find another: in this case, they represent different teams. The problem is that every time the territory where you need to run is narrowed by the approaching ring of spectators.
  • "We repeat after the authorities." On the stage - a company of colleagues, at least 8 people. The leader is called to them. Music sounds, and under it the leader must show his subordinates the movement. Lead the dance, so to speak. And the participants should repeat it correctly and clearly.

Active contests are not staged one after another, but diluted with less dynamic ones. Otherwise, the guests will quickly get tired.

Creative contests

Corporate is not corporate without a creative component. So, by the way, there are often talents in the team.

5 simple creative contests.

  • "Advertising quatrain". It should become the slogan of the company, that is, its own place of work. The competition is announced at the beginning of the evening, and the results will be at the end. There is time to think.
  • "Film collage". The teams are given Whatman paper and pre-printed images of famous movie characters. Participants need to choose several of the many and make a collage out of whatman paper. And at the same time, sign each hero, finding him a person from the team who is consonant by some criteria. The analogies will be funny.
  • "Poetic Battle". It is assumed that the competition is prepared in advance. Each department (division, office) receives a task a week before the corporate party - to come up with a poetic work about the team. Someone gets a poem-ode, someone gets a fable, someone rap (beat at their own discretion). At the corporate party, each of the teams will be assessed.
  • "Ideal working regime". The team has time and a list of musical compositions that can be used. The task is to create an ideal daily routine at work, modeled on the unforgettable Baron Munchausen. And each of its stages (and there are 5-6 of them) is accompanied by a suitable, non-random musical composition. The team defends the "regime" on stage, the organizers help to turn on the right music at the right time. For example, 100. There is half an hour left before the planning meeting, and we are meditating (it sounds "We don't care").
  • "Plastic Theater". Teams receive text to be staged without words. It should be a small text of 10 sentences that is not related to work. Themes should imply bright acting. Examples of themes: "An Evening in the Jungle", "Circus Performers", "Indian Cinema".

Culinary competition options

You can also diversify the program of the evening with culinary contests. If a corporate party takes place in a company where they themselves cook (for example, at someone's dacha, at a camp site), then even in the process of preparing the table, you can start a festive program. From culinary contests, of course.

5 examples of cooking competitions.

  1. Best Pizza. The more creative the pizza design, the more points the team that prepared it has.
  2. "Professional menu"... While some are cooking, others who are out of work, let them come up with names for dishes and make up a special menu. Each salad, each cuts should be named so that it echoes the scope of the company's professional activities.
  3. "Tasters". Standard competition, but can be interesting. In front of the participant there are 5 glasses of juice. He tries to sip a little from each to guess what taste he got. The "raisin" is that there should be no juice in one of the glasses. Possibly a mild alcoholic beverage, possibly fruit tea.
  4. "Homemade preparations"... In advance, the team should be divided into teams in a convenient way. They are preparing a dish at home, which will be called "an ode to their favorite work." It is important not only to cook, but also to argue the composition and choice of ingredients. What, for example, in a culinary composition means pepper, and what is spinach. Of course, usually a couple of people or even one cooks, but you can distribute responsibilities within the team so that everyone is in business. Someone buys food, someone directly cooks, someone comes up with arguments, and so on.
  5. "Branded mulled wine"... If it happens in winter, but at someone's country house, how to do without the warming drink already familiar to many. On this occasion, you can organize a competition: each team (and the team must be divided into teams in advance) chooses its own recipe for mulled wine, prepares a drink for it, and then defends the creative culinary work.

At the end of the evening, using the method of applause, you can choose the best dish, and the one who prepared it can be awarded a commemorative prize.

Mind games

Interesting tasks, puzzles, questions from the “What? Where? When?" must be included in the scenario of a corporate event.

Questions and answers

Quizzes go well at the table. They do not require props, they can be thematic (for doctors, for teachers, for the military, for electricians). May be dedicated to a holiday (for example, on the theme of the navy or March 8).

Examples of short questions for a corporate event on the subject of March 8:

  • "What item certifies and confirms the beauty of a lady?" (mirror);
  • “Usually this thing keeps you warm in bad weather, but sometimes it is thrown at your feet. What is hidden? " (glove);
  • "What kind of male occupation do some ladies like to do?" (to nag);
  • "Whose heart is inclined to betrayal?" (beauties);
  • "What is the name of a charming lady who moves in a strange way - in the wind called the" wind of change "?" (Mary Poppins).

Naturally, simple questions with humor at a corporate party are more appropriate, unless it is a thematic intellectual show.

With projector

It is expected that the questions for the interactive competition will be displayed on the screen.

How it can be organized (by the example of a corporate party dedicated to March 8).

  • First tour. There are photos of famous women on the screen. Teams need to get to know them.
  • Second round. Included are stills from films, especially those loved by women. Teams need to remember the names of the films.
  • Third round. The screen displays an image of an object that is associated with a woman's appearance (for example, cosmetics, hairstyles). Men who are present at the celebration should say that this is.
  • Fourth round... A slide with a question is displayed (according to the principle of sector 13 in the ChGK), in a minute the participants in the game must give an answer. Then the correct answer will appear on the screen.
  • Fifth round, final... You can turn on a song by showing its words on the screen, which is unifying for the team. Or you can do this: there are questions describing a specific woman. You need to answer the question, and then her photo will appear. For example, the question: "Who is the greatest optimist in our team?" Answers sound, as soon as the correct one is heard, a new slide appears with a photo of the envisioned lady.

Of course, the presence of a screen helps a lot to make the program brighter and more interesting.


It seems that everyone loves them, and therefore they are appropriate at corporate events. Using the example of the following scenario, you can compose a quest for your team.

  • Start... The team participating in the quest gets acquainted with its conditions. The presenter voices the legend.They, the participants, can save the great book ... (and here - depending on the professional activities of the collective, for example, the "Knowledge Book" if it is a teacher, or the "Book of Wealth" if it is a financial institution). And only her fate depends on them, but in order to save this Book, you need to go through 7 competitions. The first is to solve a difficult puzzle. In the place (which needs to be designated - for example, "playground for sunbeams", that is, on the windowsill) there is an envelope with a rebus. A professional or festive word must be classified there. For example, "declaration" (for tax workers) or "snowdrops" (if this is a quest for March 8).
  • Second competition. Participants receive a hat containing 7 different items. And only one subject is related in some way to their work. For example, if bank employees are playing the quest, this item is a cube from the game "Monopoly", if cultural workers are a mask, and so on.
  • Third competition... Blitz questions need to be answered quickly. The correct answer is a step forward, the wrong answer is a step back. The bottom line is that at the end of the blitz, the participants find themselves next to the place where the envelope with the next task lies. Ideally, they should be at arm's length from the envelope. But if there were incorrect answers, the distance increases, and you will have to try even more to get the envelope.
  • Fourth competition... Cards are attached to the board or similar. They wear items related either to the profession of the participants, or to the occasion of the celebration. All participants are given 2 minutes to memorize the sequence of flashcards. Then the presenter turns them over and asks to remember where and what was depicted. The more cards are guessed, the closer the leader pushes an envelope with a new task to the team. If at the end of the competition it is far away, it is allowed to crawl, jump, stretch as you like, but not just take a step forward.
  • Fifth competition... Unravel the encryption. This will be a congratulatory text that is encrypted in any convenient way (for example, by typing Russian words on an English keyboard).
  • Sixth competition. To receive an envelope with the final task, participants must weave a belt from three thick threads in 2 minutes, which can be wrapped around the waist of any team member. How many people weave a belt at a time - it does not matter. The players themselves decide which participant will be the model. If the team has coped, they receive an envelope, if not, they will receive it only after a creative task (sing a song, dance a dance, whatever).
  • The final... The envelope contains a logic puzzle. The answer to the problem is a code word that gives the participants the right to receive the key to the suitcase (chest) where the Great Book lies.

This book is a box that really looks like a book. There may be some kind of brochure with wishes to the team, with gratitude and, most importantly, prizes.

Prize options

If it is not clear what to give to corporate party participants, you can look for options in this list.

What prizes can participants expect:

  • holiday certificates (to any store, salon, health center);
  • sweet sets (sweets, tea, sugar with spices, gift jars of honey, cranberries in sugar);
  • lottery tickets;
  • on New Year's Eve it can be craft bags with tangerine sweets, tangerine shower gel and a bath bomb;
  • coffee sets (coffee, dark chocolate);
  • warm socks or mittens for everyone (for the New Year);
  • aroma candles;
  • interior air fresheners;
  • T-shirts or flash drives with corporate prints;
  • thermo mugs.
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