
Bachelorette contests and games

Bachelorette contests and games
  1. Quests for the bride
  2. Review of games for girlfriends
  3. Organization guidelines

Pre-wedding gatherings of the bride with her bridesmaids is a tradition that is only getting stronger. But the contests, games, entertainment, the program for this evening are becoming less traditional. Someone simply indulges in memories of a cheerful premarital youth, and someone decides to organize a real show at a bachelorette party, which will be remembered by every guest.

Quests for the bride

Bachelorette contests, as a rule, are invented by the bride herself and the future witness. Or the bride takes care of everything, deciding to surprise her friends. Those, in turn, can prepare tasks for the main character of the evening. They can be carried out at the very beginning or left "for dessert".

Let's take a closer look at how tasks for a bride might look like.

  • Edit a video in the simplest video editor, consisting of photographs of a girl (different years, different events). The background music can be her favorite song. After watching, conduct a quiz on this video (which you do not need to warn about in advance). For example, ask questions such as: "How many different hairstyles did we see in the photo?" etc.
  • With the help of a special program, change (accelerate, deform) the sound of the most romantic songs and invite the bride to catch her favorite melodies in these funny sounds.
  • Fortune telling from the book. Naturally, the book must be selected in advance and preferably with the most optimistic content.
  • Place small envelopes with the memoirs of friends around the room in "secret places". For example, at the request of guests, a girl finds envelopes.The first one opens, and there is a recollection of one of the girlfriends in the style: “When you first met (name of the groom), you told me the following ...” or “When I first saw you together, I thought…”.
  • Redo the lyrics of the bride's favorite song, sing a verse each.

Regarding really new ideas, you can ask a few good friends of the bride in advance so that at the designated time they begin to write her wishes in the comments or in messages on the social network.

The main thing is that it should be massive (at least 20) and at the same time.

Review of games for girlfriends

The bride should be guided by what competitions, in principle, were previously accepted in the company and where exactly they will be held. Competitions should organically fit into the bachelorette party program. If he is strictly at home, it will be one story, if in a cafe at a table, the situation is corrected, if in a limousine or in a club, then there will be even more restrictions. But entertainment options for girlfriends before the wedding are still plentiful.

"The most thrifty"

You can start your evening with this cool competition - it is fast, relieves the atmosphere and helps to relax. The essence of the competition is that girls must declassify the contents of their handbags. The one who has more things / objects than others will be awarded the honorary title of the most thrifty.

On this occasion, you can prepare laminated certificates or medals in advance.

"Relay of emotions"

From the very beginning of the evening, this competition may not come in, still will not be sufficiently relaxed. It should be placed in the middle of a bachelorette party. The essence of the competition is that the participants in a circle must pronounce the same phrase. The first girl speaks her as calmly and restrained as possible. The second turns the emotional toggle switch upward. And so on - each new participant must be more emotional than the previous one. Of course, it makes sense to restrain the onslaught of emotions if the participants have dispersed, and there are neighbors behind the wall. But usually it does not come to such excesses.

For emotional utterance, you can suggest phrases such as:

  • “Well, now there is one less unmarried girlfriend”;
  • “What a wonderful evening tonight, I love you people”;
  • “There is a delicious salad and incredible wine on the table”;
  • "Look what the weather is outside the window."

But for the full effect of surprise, the phrase can be chosen at random, using the same book.

"Catching a taxi driver"

As the celebration progresses, the table contests become more piquant. AND the next is for each of the participants to start calling all the men from their phone book to take her home. The man is supposed to have a car. You cannot tell the taxi driver where the girl is.

Usually, girls prefer to call those guys and men who they like. And it happens that someone's romantic relationship can begin with such a fun competition.

The competition is also useful: you won't have to worry about calling a taxi after a bachelorette party.

"Sensitive tongue"

On the one hand, the competition is hackneyed, but it always goes off with a bang, and whenever it passes, success is guaranteed. It's simple: the bride selects products in advance, arranging them in small containers. This can be flour, sugar, salt, lemon, honey, spices, cocoa, and so on.

The participant is blindfolded, she must, by touching the tongue to the product (you cannot put it in your mouth, touch it with your hands, too), find out what she is tasting. Of course, ingredients that taste good are a priority, but if the bride is sure that her friends will appreciate any joke, then it can be hot spices, mustard, and so on.

Such a competition will fit into the program of a bachelorette party organized in nature.

"Sensitive handles"

The competition actually repeats the previous one, but there are significant differences: in this case, the hands act as a sensory instrument. You can't try anything on the tongue. The bride either pours something into separate containers, or pours something.Blindfolded participants try to determine what they are touching with their hands. Research objects can be:

  • shampoo;
  • sugar;
  • sour cream;
  • cereals;
  • soda;
  • cream;
  • butter;
  • salt and so on.

The main thing is that there should be few objects for research in the containers.

"Sell a set"

A bachelorette party does not always take place at home or in another place where there are no strangers. It can take place in a cafe or in a club. AND then such a competition will be appropriate: things that are standard attributes of a modern man are collected in a basket or a beautiful package. For example: a men's magazine, a can of good beer, stylish socks, a flash drive. And the contestants must sell this set to someone (a man, of course).

These can be random people or acquaintances, the main thing is to make a deal.

At first, the competition may embarrass the girls, but there is always that girlfriend who assesses the comic background of the assignment and gets down to business with interest. You can call familiar guys, send them a photo of the set in messengers, advertise and describe it as you like. You can put it up as a lot in a post on a social network, and even with an increase in rates. Any interesting modern ideas are appreciated. The one who can sell the kit can be awarded the Business Lady of the Year medal.


As a rare New Year can do without Olivier, so a rare party (and a bachelorette party is no exception) will do without the game "Crocodile". The essence is simple and does not change: the participant without words shows the word, term, phrase or even a sentence that fell to him. You can even make proverbs, the names of songs and films. Taking into account the theme of the party, you can think of things related to the wedding, family life.

For ease of calculating the results, you can break down into teams. The winners of the competition can be presented with gummy crocodiles, for example.

"How to drink correctly?"

There are table contests, and there are tabletop contests. True, this is not dancing on the tables, although the matter, of course, can reach them. The task is as follows: put drinks on the table in plastic cups with a straw. The amount poured for all participants must be equal. Girls must empty the cup without hands.

The beauty of the competition is that everyone's drinks can be different (although they should look similar to each other). For example, some participants will have champagne in a glass, others will have Duchess lemonade.

Since the competition is fraught with pouring over and accidentally dropping the glass from the table, girls need to be provided with some kind of protection in the form of robes or aprons, plastic raincoats, and so on. But if all the heroes of the party are not against the extreme course of the contests, you can do without protection.


All the girls stand in a circle. The bride takes out a handkerchief, she throws it to one of the participants. While the handkerchief is flying, everyone should make noise, have fun, jump happily, dance, do anything, just not be silent and not stand still. But as soon as the handkerchief falls into the hands of the one to whom it flew (or falls on the floor), everyone should freeze in place. The one who did not have time to freeze and continued to laugh and have fun loses. This means that this participant must fulfill any desire of her girlfriends, and it can be funny.

Organization guidelines

It is very important to correctly draw up a competition program so that each task, if it does not flow smoothly into another, would advance the course of the evening to its climax.

You should pay attention to the following tips from professional animators for organizing a bachelorette party:

  • it is great if its theme is initially thought out, for example, a bachelorette party in the style of the movie "Girls" (such a retro theme is very popular now) or, more predictably, a bachelorette party in the style of the cult TV series "Sex and the City";
  • it's great if each guest leaves the bachelorette party with some kind of memento; You can do this: put a beautiful basket in a certain corner of the room where the party is taking place; there, in bags or boxes, lay out memorable pleasant little things (shower gels, chocolates, tea, lip gloss, and so on), and each guest of the evening must pull out (without looking) her bag from the basket;
  • decorating the room where the bachelorette party takes place can be the most important component of the overall impression and general enthusiasm, while great spending is not necessary - to print the best and most sincere photos with girlfriends in the form of Polaroid pictures, hang them on a string with clothespins, decorate this photo exhibition with a garland - and it's easy, and inexpensive, but very touching; you can also note the tastes of friends, for example, knowing that Tanya loves a certain salad, attach a beautiful tag "Especially for Tanya" directly to the salad bowl and do this with different dishes - this is very attractive and touches the guests;
  • it happens that the guests of the party are not familiar with each other, they need to be introduced somehow quickly and delicately, then the bride can prepare a small introduction presentation: a photo of the participant appears on the TV or computer screen, and the bride tells 10 interesting facts about her; it should be a bright sample, the most accurate portrait of a girlfriend;
  • to express love for her friends, the bride can prepare such a surprise - ask her future husband (and / or his friends) to weigh a few compliments to each of the girls at the bachelorette party and record them on video, the guests will be pleased;
  • as for the culinary part of the party, it is not worth putting all the main dishes on the table right away - for a start, a small table with drinks and light snacks is enough; that is, champagne should be ready right away, but with it you can comfortably sit on the sofa, in an armchair, a feast from the first minutes of the evening is optional;
  • sometimes a wedding photographer is also ordered for a bachelorette party (usually for its first part); all photos will be successful, and no one will be distracted by capturing the moments of the holiday;
  • all participants in the party at the beginning of the meeting can be handed out a veil (the most primitive); someone will take her home for good luck, and someone decides to float down the river instead of a wreath on a wonderful evening.

You can watch 17 more interesting ideas for a bachelorette party in the next video.

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