Abyssinian cat

Description of the nature and habits of Abyssinian cats

Description of the nature and habits of Abyssinian cats
  1. Description of the breed
  2. Main character traits
  3. Habits
  4. Owner reviews

Many cat lovers are not averse to adopting Abyssinian representatives. After all, they are not only attractive in appearance, but also have a wonderful character. Although even their innocent appearance and small size cannot hide the habits with which cats resemble wild animals.

Description of the breed

The Abyssinian cat is a very ancient animal. The first representatives of this breed appeared in Ethiopia. It was then called Abyssinia. In this country, these cats were considered sacred, they lived only in the chambers of the pharaohs. When they died, the cats were buried with them. Animals deserve this treatment due to their regal appearance, as well as gracefulness in both their posture and behavior.

This breed of cats is distinguished by a beautiful and muscular body, as well as long and slender legs, which have soft elongated pads. The tail is very long and mobile. Their neck is quite graceful, of medium length. The head of such cats from above seems to be wedge-shaped. It has beautiful large ears, which in some animals may have small "tassels" at their tips.

However, their eyes are considered a distinctive feature of the representatives of the Abyssinian breed. They are almond-shaped. Their eyes are very expressive thanks to the black stroke around the entire eye contour. The iris is amber in color.

Their fur is very thick and silky, moreover, it is quite tight to the body. On average, such cats weigh up to 4 kilograms. Their life expectancy is up to 18 years.

Their color is special, with alternating stripes of different shades (ticking). If we consider the standard color options, then there are only 4 of them.

  • Wild colorwhere all ocher colors predominate, and double or triple ticking.
  • Sorrel it is distinguished by a red, almost red color, with brown stripes.
  • Blue color... A distinctive feature of these cats is a gray shade with a pale blue ticking.
  • Faun. The color of these cats is a bit like cocoa, with a beige ticking.

Main character traits

Although many call this breed of cats regal, they are completely different in nature. Like any other animal, the Abyssinian cat has its own characteristics.


Abyssinian cats are afraid of loneliness and therefore require increased attention and even some respect from their masters. Therefore, those who decided to start them must take this into account. Besides, they are exposed to many diseases, which will require special attention to their state of health.


This breed of cats is distinguished by its mobility and sociability. They get along well with small children. Playing with babies, they will never release their claws. The same goes for other pets. The voice of the Abyssinians is very thin and quiet, respectively, they will not irritate their masters too much.

In addition, the pet is very sensitive to the person's mood. If the cat sees that the owner is tired and wants to rest, then she will simply lie down and purr gently, as if calming him. If the cat sees that the person is sad, he will run around, inviting him to play with him.

By their nature, these handsome men are quite curious and categorical. They love to explore everything, explore new places. But if they don't like something, for example, the food bowl is not in the right place, they will immediately transfer it to where they see fit.

By their nature, they are quite mobile, so they can jump high, moving around the cabinets.


The behavior of Abyssinian cats is a bit like that of a dog. They are also loyal, affectionate and playful. Small kittens immediately become attached to their owners and practically do not leave them while they are in the house.

Even without training, they understand what is required of them, and do everything without delay. If guests come to the hosts, they will not hide, but, on the contrary, will try to play with them. Abyssinian beauties are very fond of water procedures, which makes them different from other cat breeds.

If we talk about cats, then despite the slightly large size, they are distinguished by a more gentle character, therefore, their habits are softer than that of cats.

Owner reviews

Almost all people who have already taken these beautiful animals to their home speak positively about them. The following points are noted.

  • Their affectionate and gentle nature.
  • Too much activity.
  • Their sensitivity. They demand too much attention.
  • Quick toilet training, in some cases they do their thing right down the toilet.
  • Unpretentious in food. They can eat both special food for cats and foods that humans eat.

However, it is necessary to note some discrepancies in their characteristics. For example, some of them do not get along well with other pets in the house. Besides, they are very touchy and categorical. If you shout at them or do something wrong, they will be offended for a very long time, showing it with their whole appearance. That is, not to respond and completely ignore the owners.

Some of the breeders also note that they can not eat all products, as stated in the descriptions. However, these are just separate judgments. And only by buying yourself such a handsome man, you can determine all of its characteristic features.

Summing up, we can only say that having brought such a pet to your house, you should expect that he will poke his nose everywhere, whether the owners like it or not... In addition, one must be prepared for his great activity and complete absence of fear.

For the Abyssinian cat breed, see below.

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