Burmese cat

American Burmese cats: description and care features

American Burmese cats: description and care features
  1. A bit of history
  2. Color
  3. Character
  4. Appearance and comparison of American and European Burmese
  5. Care and maintenance

The American Burmese cat breed appeared in the United States in the last century, breeders crossed the Thai copper cat with Siamese relatives. Through selection, amazing short-haired animals have turned out. It should be noted that the Burmese breed has several subspecies, the most famous of which are American and European.

A bit of history

The progenitors of the Burmese breed lived in Burma and Thailand. Copper cats were kept in temples and were considered the reincarnated souls of deceased monks. Animals came to Europe only at the beginning of the 20th century. The servants of the Lao Tsung monastery donated several individuals to two Europeans, so the animals ended up in France. It is believed that all Burmese cats are descendants of copper beauties donated by monks.

But there is another version according to which amazing animals came to Europe from the USA.

An independent Burmese breed was formed in America through the efforts of the doctor Joseph Thompson.

The cat presented to him in 1930, brought from the East, impressed the doctor so much that he connected scientists-breeders who were able to present the first animals of the new breed by 1934, and in 1936 the breed received an official status. Cats became popular almost overnight.

In 1949, several animals of the American Burmese were exported to England, they gave rise to the development of the European line. Today, American and European Burmese differ in their appearance, but each cat of this breed has an unusual plush coat.


Burmans have a short, unusually soft silky coat.It has virtually no undercoat and fits snugly to the body. The color of animals of this breed is different, but it is always original and unusually attractive.

Traditional sable

Sable is the basic shade of wool that has become the hallmark of Burmese and made it famous all over the world. It is a beautiful deep brown color with tints of different shades, from light to dark. For the rest of the cat breed, this color is completely uncharacteristic, which makes the Burmese especially attractive. She even has a brown tone on the tip of her nose and paw pads.


The color of this group of animals is similar to the sable, but it is characterized by a more expressive chocolate shade, which has a predominantly dark tint. Animals of this type have a muzzle the color of dark chocolate, and the nose and paw pads can be found in a tonal range from shades of cinnamon to dark brown.


Nice gentle variety of Burmese cats has a plush coat with a blue tint. They are distinguished from other breeds with a similar shade by softening the color scheme at the ends of the coat, which makes the tone of the color lighter, more airy.


The lightest and most unique color of the Burmese breed, which cannot be found in other representatives of the feline world. Burmese with a delicate peach or lilac shade looks like a touching blonde.

Continuing the theme of color, one can note the expressive large eyes of the Burmese, surprising with all shades of yellow, from the tone of the pale moon to rich amber. Moreover, the color can change depending on the lighting and the mood of the cat. A beautiful cut of the eyes creates a deceptive impression of a slight angry animal, in fact, the breed is very friendly.


The Burmese cat is incredibly attached to its owner and the family in which it lives. Because of this quality, it is believed that she has a "doggy" character. She is benevolent, peaceful, you can leave small children with her, the Burmese will be happy to take care of them.

The cat gets along well with other pets.

Despite her docile nature, she is very active, if necessary, she gives a swift rebuff to other people's cats and dogs, which are much larger than her.

When starting a Burmese breed, one should take into account the cat's affection for its owners. Their constant presence is very important to her. Losing contact with the family, the cat is yearning, worried, and if this state is prolonged, the cat falls into depression, from which it is difficult to get it out.

For those who often have to leave home, it is better to consider a different breed of animal.

The way out can be the acquisition of two animals, joint games will save them from loneliness.

Burmese are intelligent cats, they understand humans well and are easy to train. In communication, you feel that the animal really knows what it is about. Moreover, the cat itself is not averse to "talking", she has a deep voice, answering, she makes rumbling sounds with her mouth closed.

Burmese can be taught to play ball, bring things, accompany the owners on a walk and many other tricks. A keen mind and extraordinary playfulness keep her interested in learning. By the way, because of the playfulness, kittens and even an adult cat can turn the house upside down, you should not scold them about this, somewhere you need to put the energy release that accumulates in these animals.

Appearance and comparison of American and European Burmese

The Australians also bred their own subspecies of Burmese cats, but when it comes to Burmese, they most often mean the American and European line. Let us first consider what unites all these subspecies, that is, we note what is characteristic of the appearance of the representatives of this breed.

Cats are quite compact, have an average body size and weigh from 3.5 to 6 kg.

Body weight seems unexpectedly large for an outwardly graceful creature.The illusion of grace is created by a short coat without an undercoat, tightly fitting to the body.

If you take a long-haired cat of the same size and wet it with water, you can immediately notice how the difference in size changes. In addition, a strong skeleton and powerful muscle mass give the animal weight. The cat is considered "a lump of iron muscles." As for the distinguishing criteria, they are as follows.

  • European representatives are more varied in color, American usually stick to traditional brown shades. Europeans are blessed with greater grace and wild charm, while Americans are like teddy bears.
  • American the animals have round muzzles, with neat smoothed ears, far apart from each other. In Europeans, the profile is elongated, slightly sharpened, creating a wedge-shaped shape. The ears, located close to each other, are also pointed. The paws seem to be longer and slender than their overseas relatives.

The differences concern only the appearance of animals, the character of all Burmese cats is good-natured and energetic.

Care and maintenance

Burmese is easy to care for, it is shorthaired.

It is enough to comb the animal with a brush once a week.

You should not wash it either, the animal is very clean. Everything that is needed for hygiene, she will do herself. Sometimes you can brush your teeth. It is better to devote all your care to playing with an active animal and feeding.

Burmese nutrition should be balanced, this will help keep muscle mass in shape, and the coat should have a unique shine. In addition to canned cat food and dry food with vitamins, there should be some fish, meat and poultry in the diet. Burmese belong to a strong, healthy breed, but they also have problems with teeth, so solid ingredients should be partially present in their diet.

Difficulty breathing is sometimes found in the American subspecies, it is associated with a shortened flat nose. Even a healthy animal should be periodically shown to a veterinarian, prevention will help keep the pet in good physical shape and live up to 15-20 years. Burmese are surprisingly beautiful, kind and intelligent animals. They are suitable even for people who are sensitive to cat hair. If you treat cats with love, you can get true affection and friendship in return.

You can learn more about American Burmese cats in the next video.

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