Automatic cat feeders: types, selection rules and manufacturing

The health and mood of a cat largely depends on how it eats. It is necessary to provide your pet with a correct and balanced diet. It is also very important to ensure that the cat is fed regularly. Special automatic feeders are excellent helpers in caring for pets. It is worth taking a closer look at these useful devices.

Advantages and disadvantages
Taking care of pets is completely on the shoulders of their owners. Despite the fact that cats are considered one of the most unpretentious pets, they still need to be properly cared for. It is very important to feed the mustachioed family friend properly so that he is healthy and active. It is for this that modern automatic feeders are used. If you want to purchase this useful and necessary device, then you first need to find out what its advantages and disadvantages are. Let's start with the good - let's look at the advantages of such items.
- The main advantage is that it automatically delivers food to the animal. The person does not need to take any action - no need to pour food into the bowl, the feeder will do it for you.
- Thanks to such a device, it is possible to keep under control and comply with all the nutritional norms necessary for cats. In this case, it means not only daily feeding, but also the instructions of veterinarians.
- With this device, you can safely leave your cat alone at home for about 5-7 days, without fear that she will get hungry and there will be no one to feed her.Of course, the indicated rate of 5-7 days directly depends on which model of the feeder you have chosen. They differ in their volumes.
- On sale you can find special models of feeders that are designed to supply feed for as long as 90 days. Of course, these copies are more expensive, but they turn out to be very effective and useful when compared with the standard options.
- If the owners are forgetful, and the cat himself is not used to loudly demanding goodies, then an automatic feeder can be an excellent way out of the situation. The animal will always be full, even if you forget to feed it.
- Such devices are absolutely safe, since, as a rule, they operate on batteries.
- Thanks to the high-quality automatic feeder, the feed always remains protected from moisture or drying out. Your cat food will stay fresh and tasty.
- In some models, there are several compartments at once, which can contain not only ordinary dry, but also wet food. In addition, clean fresh water can also be poured into such devices.
- These feeders never open at unscheduled times. Food from them will not be lost anywhere, the animal will not reach it ahead of time.
- Thanks to the timer in the auto-feeder, the cat develops a special acquired instinct, which is why it will definitely not miss the meal time.
- There are modern models of automatic feeders with a voice recording function.
- Interesting special feeders equipped with a labyrinth in the upper part. Such devices are designed specifically for smart and quick-witted cats who prefer to "fight for their piece of bread."
- With such a device, it becomes possible to effectively distribute the food load on the pet's body. The gastrointestinal tract works better under such conditions, which has a positive effect on the overall health of the cat. This effect is especially true when it comes to a gluttonous cat that eats too much in one meal.
- The range of auto feeders for cats pleases with its diversity. There are a lot of different models of such devices for the choice of consumers. They differ in functionality and volume, as well as in price. On sale you can find not only expensive, but also budget specimens of feeders.

Modern automatic feeders have a lot of positive qualities. However, this does not mean that they are ideal and devoid of weaknesses. So, if you are used to feeding your pet not dry, but wet food, then you will have to spend money on a special model with an ice pack. But even such a device will not make it possible to leave the mentioned type of feed in case of your long absence - even when cooled, wet feed cannot be stored for more than one day.
There are also such types of auto feeders for cats, in which there is timing of opening the feed compartment. These units typically have large, roomy food containers - ideal for situations where you plan to be away for a long time. However, such devices have a serious disadvantage - When storing feed in this way, bacteria enter the product with the ingress of air. In addition, food can begin to stale, acquiring an unpleasant musty aroma and not the best taste.

How does it work?
The automatic feeder works in a very simple and straightforward manner. In operation, such a device also demonstrates itself to be unpretentious and rather light. This device works as follows:
- the device has a special loading container, you should pour the right amount of food into it, which you usually feed your kitty with;
- the container with the food poured into it must be carefully closed with a lid and well fixed, so you will protect the feeder from the animal's attempts to open it;
- after that, you can start the timer available in such a device - you should set the necessary time intervals, as a rule, these are 8, 12 and 24 hours;
- you can safely put the feeder in the usual place for the cat, where she is used to eating.
There are also more functional models with an audio recording option. If your device has a similar addition, then with its help you can set a conditioned calling signal for a hungry pet.

Automatic feeders for cats are different. Today, you can find several types of these devices on sale.
- Mechanical feeders. The simplest, of course, are inexpensive mechanical options for cat feeders. Such devices are distinguished by a simple, but very reliable design that is not prone to damage. In such a product, the container must be filled immediately after the pet has eaten. For this reason, we can conclude that there is no need to talk about the correct diet with a mechanical feeder.

- Puzzle feeders. More interesting and expensive are special pieces combined with a puzzle for a cat. Such devices will especially appeal to cats, which by nature are quite curious and inquisitive. These models have a kind of labyrinths that must be overcome. The food in these devices remains fresh, and the pet itself significantly increases its vital activity, the level of intelligence increases.

- Multi-compartment models. Devices with several separate compartments are very popular today. Typically, these options run on batteries. At a specific set time, a compartment with food is revealed in such bowls. It is allowed to use not only for simple dry, but also for wet feed (you can also fill in natural food if desired). Ice is built into one of the departments of such models, which prevents wet food from spoiling.

- With a timer. Another popular and popular car model is equipped with a timer. Such a device is very convenient and useful, as consumers say, who bought it for their pets. These options are also divided into several departments, which are revealed in turn at the appointed time. There are different variants of such autos on sale. You can choose an option only for dry food, or it is possible to find a model designed for all types of food for the animal.
So, one of the most effective and practical is the feeder, which provides for feeding the cat for as much as 90 days.

- With a dispenser. An equally comfortable example is automatic feeders with a dispenser. In these metered models, the flap is retracted at the required time. After that, the food is poured into a bowl.

- Electronic models. Functional electronic models for cats are popular today. This smart bowl is as easy to use as possible. Such a device will be especially useful if not one, but several pets live in the house, eating in different modes. They are intended for long absences of owners and are equipped with the following useful digital features:
- a display that shows all the data necessary to adjust the supply of a new portion of food to the cat's bowl;
- sensors responsible for the direct functioning of the device;
- the ability to record the voice of the owner who calls the animal.

- Remote Controlled Devices... Many consumers today choose the most convenient remote control devices in operation. These models are capable of connecting to the Internet to communicate with the cat through a smartphone, computer or tablet. Thanks to the smart service, the owners can be aware of and control the supply of food to the cat at any time. The volume of feed is controlled, and the time of its feeding, and even the percentage of unnecessary impurities in the food.
Such an interesting and thought out to the smallest detail device is able to calculate the required dose of food, taking into account the age, weight and direct behavior of the cat.

Review of the best models
If you decide to purchase an automatic feeder for your pet, then you should choose suitable models from branded and high-quality specimens. Such options serve for a long time and, as a rule, do not undergo breakdowns. Let's take a closer look at some of the popular and well-proven examples that are in enviable demand.
Petsafe Healthy Pet Simply 12 is a wonderful auto feeder for cats. With this device, the owners have the opportunity to independently dose certain portions of food, as well as adjust them correctly. If you want to restrict your pet's food, then such a device will work best for you. The main advantages of this device are as follows:
- durable materials from which the feeder is made;
- this model is very easy to set up;
- portions can be customized;
- you can configure the device so that the animal can eat 12 times a day;
- prevents the rapid consumption of feed with the function of its gradual feeding;
- the device is equipped with a stainless steel bowl (it is very convenient to wash it in the dishwasher);
- with the pause function, the feed cycle can be interrupted.
True, this device lacks a timer and an AC adapter.

SuperFeed CSF-3 - this is another functional automatic feeder that can be a real salvation for the avid traveler who is away from home quite often. This device automates the very process of feeding pets. Its main advantages are as follows:
- relative flexibility;
- the ability to customize the meal delivery schedule;
- meal breaks do not need pre-programming;
- this device works especially well with small granules;
- the lid is durable and cannot be opened;
- works for two cats with eight feeding programs.
But such a model is not easy to assemble, and it also does not have a backup power supply.

Lusmo is an excellent automatic feed dispenser with which you can easily control your pet's weight. This trough has an attractive design and is easy to carry from place to place. Its main advantages are as follows:
- the ability to regulate the portions of food served;
- meal times can be changed at different times;
- a full stock in this device can be stored for 10 days;
- the lid is easily and firmly locked;
- The LCD monitor is easy to read and displays the time and battery status.
But this model cannot be washed in a dishwasher, and it also does not work with all types of food.

The PetSafe 5 Pet Feeder is another popular automatic cat feeder model. Such a device can feed the pet at least 5 times a day, but only 4 dishes can be set. The main advantages of this model are the following:
- reliable polypropylene from which the device is made;
- the presence of several compartments and one dry free container;
- the presence of a protective system against vandalism by a furry bully;
- this model can be easily programmed;
- the presence of a digital timer can be considered another important plus;
- the presence of a removable pallet, which simplifies the cleaning of the structure;
- for the device to work, you only need to have 4 batteries;
- 1 year manufacturer's warranty.
This model is quite noisy. Batteries are usually not included in the kit, they must be purchased separately.

Selection rules
Choose an automatic pet feeder very carefully. It is recommended that you pay attention to several particularly important criteria.
- Color and material of manufacture... It is necessary to choose models made of high quality plastic or metal. You cannot buy devices with chips, scratches or other similar damage. If you feel an unpleasant chemical smell from the product, then it is also not recommended to take it. Take a closer look at the colors of the model. It should not irritate your pet's eyesight.
- Operating mode and programming... It is recommended to choose such models that are designed for programming for several days.
- The volume of the container and the method of serving food. The sizes of containers may vary. In some models, they are about 3 kg, while in others - no more than 1.5 kg. The most convenient options are those that serve large portions of feed in separate compartments.
- Device security level. The model must be absolutely stable so that the cat cannot drop it and overturn it. In addition, it is important to pre-allocate space for this device. Take care of the comfort of your pet so that it doesn't starve.
- Performance and application features... Even in the store, you need to make sure that the selected model is working properly. The feeder should be used exclusively in accordance with the instructions that come with the kit.
- Guarantee. Buy only branded models that are covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Such devices can be repaired under warranty. This is especially important if you have a complex electric feeder.
- Trade point. It is not recommended to buy such things in obscure street shops. Go shopping for a quality branded feeder in a specialty store. Thus, you will save yourself from buying a low-quality model that will quickly break down.

Can you do it yourself?
A convenient and easy-to-use automatic feeder can be made by hand, and not bought in a store. It won't take a lot of free time. A simple mechanical model is made from a pair of plastic containers, each of which is 5 liters. One of them serves as a pallet, for which a semicircular cut of one edge is made on it, so that the feed can be poured. A round hole is made from the other edge to fix the vertical container.
Further, from the second container, you need to cut out the bottom and neck. The narrow part is placed in the round hole of the first bottle and secured with reliable glue or sewn with a string. The result is a simple and convenient automatic cat feeder.

Homemade pet feeders can also be built with the following items:
- extraction of food by a cat, where a regular ball is used as a regulatory element;
- based on a battery-operated clockwork;
- a regulating element that is designed to control the movement of the lower component of the supply structure.
Making an automatic feeder with your own hands is quick and easy. If you do not want to waste time making such a structure, then it is easier to go to the store and pick up a suitable ready-made model for your mustachioed friend.

Next, watch the video review of the PF 07 automatic cat feeder.