Variety of breeds

Bambino: description of cats and cats, care and feeding

Bambino: description of cats and cats, care and feeding
  1. History of the breed
  2. Description
  3. Character
  4. Care rules
  5. What to feed?
  6. Breeding
  7. Buying a cat

Bambino cats have bypassed all famous purrs in their exoticism. This is a unique breed that combines two rare genes - it is devoid of hair and at the same time has short legs. It is interesting that it was bred quite recently - in 2005 - so many do not even suspect about its existence. Meanwhile, bambino already has many fans who want to acquire such unusual and at the same time very kind creatures. Let's tell you more about these exotic mustache and understand the rules for keeping them at home.

History of the breed

This breed appeared in 2005. An American family from Arkansas bought a naked kitten with short legs of unknown origin. For his small stature, they decided to call him Bambino - then his owners did not even suspect that this name would become the name for a separate breed. When, over time, the animal remained short-footed, it became obvious that its genetic type has unusual features. It turned out that he is the carrier of genes for sphinxes and munchkins.

In 2006, the first kittens of mixed genotype were born, and then the International Cat Association decided to give the new breed experimental status. Until now, the breed has not received official recognition, and in Germany it is not allowed to breed such cats at all. This is due to the fact that interbreeding is considered unsafe for animals and is condemned by many social activists. Nevertheless, the breed was liked by many cat lovers. Enthusiasts decided to start breeding such cats under the control of geneticists.

Note that a bambino can be called a kitten obtained not earlier than the third generation after mating the Canadian Sphynx and Munchkin.By the way, in America, also due to public outrage, the official breeding of such cats has ceased. Minskin is an American analogue of bambino.


The appearance of the bambino is called not just exotic, but alien - these cats have such an unusual appearance. Because of their long, strong body, they resemble dachshunds to someone. Their backs are rounded, and their belly protrudes slightly, like a balloon. The weight of babies is small - usually adult cats have a body weight of 2 to 5 kg. Few noticed that only the lower parts of the paws were shortened in the bambino, while the upper ones look normal. Other features of this unique breed include:

  • an oblong and thin tail;
  • a small wedge-like head with angular cheekbones and a rather massive chin;
  • straight, straight nose;
  • short forehead with folds like a sphinx;
  • ears wide at the base;
  • Bambino's slanting eyes can have different colors that correspond to one color or another.

Up to a year, bambino has numerous folds all over the body, which are then smoothed out. In rare animals, the skin is covered with wool, more reminiscent of colorless fluff. Any color of the skin of these purrs is allowed, which can be in cats: monochromatic, striped, spotted. By the age of six months, the kitten becomes fully socialized, however, its moral maturation is still ongoing, and it is possible to talk about the formation of the animal's personality only after reaching the three-year milestone.


Unusual can be called not only the appearance of bambinos, but also their character. For all their playfulness, they are completely devoid of craving for hunting, they are kind animals, capable of getting along with other pets and affectionate with their owners. If parrots, canaries or even rodents live in the house, then the cat of this breed will not offend his little companions, but, on the contrary, will be able to make friends with them.

They are smart enough and able to pee in the litter box, not only need - they run up to it, even when they are sick. Do not forget that the litter box for these cats should not have too high sides so that it is convenient to climb there on short legs. In addition, their small stature does not allow climbing too high, which means that the risk of falls from a height is reduced.

No matter how warm the relationship of these animals with all household members, they strive to choose the main “individual” among the people inhabiting the apartment, and follow their leader on the heels. True, their human orientation is still not as high as that of the sphinxes. Bambinos do not like loneliness and feel lost when everyone leaves on business, these cats are eternal children who love attention, affection and toys. With their short stature, they are still very active.

If there is not enough space in the apartment for running and playing, then purchase an entertainment complex for your pet with shelves, posts, houses and toys.

Sometimes these alien cats study objects or toys for a long time that other cats are absolutely not interested in. They also have agility and are able to hide in unexpected places where their brethren usually do not climb. Hide sawdust, pen caps, and other small items to prevent your little one from inadvertently eating them.

Even if you live outside the city and have a plot near your home, you should not let the cat walk alone. He is so friendly that he can suffer from other animals, because he simply does not expect to meet aggression - it is better to get a leash for him.

Bambino is smart enough to quickly get used to walking in a civilized manner with the owner.

Care rules

Like sphinxes, bambinos need regular bathing. Like any bald cat, their skin glands secrete a secret that needs to be washed off the body. To do this, get a shampoo for hairless cats or baby shampoo. Sometimes you can replace bathing with wipes. As they become dirty, the ears of the cats are also cleaned, and it is advisable to wipe the eyes every day using ordinary tea leaves or lotion for cats.

Many bambinos love to swim, especially if they have been trained to do so since childhood. They willingly take a bath when the water temperature is comfortable - neither hot nor cold. To prevent the animal from slipping, you can put a rubber mat in the bathtub, and then your purr will feel more comfortable. Ideally, the water temperature should be +25 degrees.

You need to brush your teeth once or twice a month with a brush and toothpaste. However, specially selected food can cope with this function. If the cat sharpens its claws in the right places, then it is not necessary to trim them, but if it spoils the furniture, then trim them once a month.

Remember that the bambino does not have basic survival tools on the street, and if he loses his home, he can quickly perish.

Among the unfavorable factors for bambino and cold, and other animals, to the aggression of which he can hardly respond.

What to feed?

These animals do not have the strongest digestive system, so they need a balanced diet. The advantage of bambinos is that they have an accelerated metabolism, so they do not freeze even without wool, but the disadvantage is a weak spine, with which it will be difficult for a cat to carry excess weight. This is why it is important not to overdo it with calories when feeding these purrs.

Having taken a kitten, you must first feed him in the same way as in his previous house, so that he adapts faster. After a few weeks, the cat's menu can be changed, and by the age of three months it needs to be switched to super-premium food or holistic. If you do not trust industrial feeds, you can compose a diet for him from natural products, of which you are sure of the quality.

Remember to count calories and nutrients so that your cat gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs without getting fat.

Usually the main course of the natural diet of bambino is meat - beef or poultry. It is served raw or scalded. It's good if the cat gets used to eating meat with vegetables, for this, rub carrots or zucchini on a grater. Porridges can be given bambino, but they should be no more than 20% of the diet. Dairy products will also be useful - not too fatty cottage cheese or kefir, it is also good to give eggs, quail or chicken once a week.

Do not forget to additionally feed the cat with fish oil or vitamins.

Bambino should not be fed with the following foods:

  • river fish;
  • smoked meats, pickles and fried foods;
  • pork, sweets;
  • milk;
  • legumes.

An interesting fact is that these dwarf cats do not perceive sweet taste. Because of this, they can gobble up cakes or other confectionery with a seeming appetite. But this food is very bad for them, and you shouldn't give it to bambino. From overeating sweets, the animal can be severely poisoned or even die. Also, experts do not advise combining natural food and dry food - because of this, the animal may have problems with stool, because digestion cannot tune in to such different types of food at the same time.

Both dry and wet food must be purchased marked "for sphinxes".

These can be products from Pro Plan, Royal Canin, Hills Science, Acana, Natural & Delicious and others. These feeds do not cause allergies, contain fatty acids and proteins, do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract of these exotics. They lack substances for the growth of wool, which hairless cats do not need at all. Take the feeding rates that are indicated on the package.


Many countries ban hybrid breeding, so the breed has not yet become as widespread as others. However, such bans do not apply in Russia.

During breeding work to improve the breed, Devon Rex and Burmese cats were added to the Canadian Sphynx and Munchkin. Since the Bambino breed is young, scientists still find it difficult to identify any genetic defects that would be characteristic of these babies. Very often, hybrid animals receive some kind of mutation, but so far the statistics say that representatives of this young breed can easily overcome the 10-year threshold; there are also those who have reached a greater age.

Moreover, over time, they remain highly active in reproduction, which indicates their good health.

Buying a cat

You can buy such an exotic cat in the cattery - according to the ad you will hardly be able to find a real bambino. There are several nurseries in Russia that offer such babies. These are Royal Cat, Lunabella, Baby Moon, Grand Oray and some others.

In the cattery, you are guaranteed that the cat received all the necessary vaccinations, grew up in comfortable conditions under the supervision of caring breeders, and, of course, is used to people and is not aggressive with them. After all, even the most friendly breed, raised in an inappropriate environment, can become embittered. When buying an animal, you must get its pedigree, see the parents of the baby. The owner of the kennel will always instruct the buyer about the peculiarities of the breed: how to feed the bambino correctly, how to care for it, and also what are the features of the character of a particular baby.

When choosing a kitten for yourself, make sure that his ears and eyes are clean, he is vigorous and mobile, willingly makes contact with humans

Usually the cost of bambino kittens is not small and reaches 70 thousand rubles, but in some catteries you can find a higher price tag - up to 350 thousand rubles. This breed was bred not so long ago, so the price can change rapidly. As a rule, there is a downward trend, as less rare cats are cheaper.

When your new family member arrives at the home, a comfortable environment should be created. Keep the air temperature within the range from +22 to +27 degrees. If it is cooler in your apartment now, then give the cat a blouse - these are rare animals that have nothing against clothes. Stock up on clothes from the pet store or knit things for your little one yourself.

Anyone who is interested in purchasing a bambino cat should be prepared for substantial spending. By themselves, such mustaches are not cheap, and how much money will it take for proper nutrition for these exotic animals! In addition, it is not cheap to transport kittens from large cities to more remote regions of the country. It is not easy to find breeders who will offer you real bambinos, some prefer to buy kittens exclusively abroad.

And yet, if you want to acquire just such a cat, which, in addition to its unusual appearance, is distinguished by an affectionate and childishly cute character, be sure to make your dream come true. You will certainly get a faithful friend in the person of the bambino cat, who will be friendly to all family members and animals that have settled with you earlier.

Do not forget to pay attention not only to the health of the kitten, but also to his mood - he really needs the care of the owner.

See the video about Bambino cats below.

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