White cats with blue eyes: are they deaf and what are they like?

White cats with blue eyes are touching creatures that delight everyone around. What breeds of cats with blue eyes exist, are blue-eyed cats really deaf - our article will tell you about all this.

Seeing a white cat with blue eyes, we are moved. Gray, blue, black and red cats are familiar to us, and meeting blue-eyed blonde cats is a rarity.

White is associated with hope, purity and virtue. Meeting a white cat has long been considered a good sign of fate. Many peoples believed that the appearance of a white cat on the road was a long-awaited pleasant meeting or good news. Girls believed that this was for marriage, young women - for a long-awaited pregnancy.

Scientists have solved the riddle of where white cats come from for a long time. The peculiarity of white animals is that they are devoid of pigmentation. The determination of the future color of the kitten takes place in the womb. Whatever shade the parents of the future baby are, if the white color of the animal is expressed by the dominant gene W, it will not allow the kitten to get a pigment of a different color. The baby will be born white, and his offspring may have a different color.
There are cats that only seem white to us. In fact, these animals have large white spots that simply merge into a single whole. If you look closely, there may be a different color of wool between them.

These cats are dominated by the S gene, which makes the animals piebald.
White cats with blue eyes and albino cats should not be confused. They lack the pigment that stains the fur of the animal, skin and iris of the eyes. The main sign of an albino is red eyes. Due to the absence of melanin (a coloring pigment), small blood vessels are visible through the colorless membrane, from which it seems to us that the eyes of the animal are red.

The development of felinology (the science of meowing pets) and genetics allowed breeders to breed white cats with blue eyes. This color is now considered the standard for many beautiful cat breeds.
Deaf or not?
There is a statement that blue-eyed cats are deaf. Snow-white pets, indeed, are found completely or partially deaf, since the W gene, which dominates the rest of the animal's genes, has pleiotropic abilities - it immediately affects the color of the coat, the iris and the formation of hearing organs. This does not mean that absolutely all white and blue-eyed cats will not hear you. Green-eyed, yellow-eyed and heterochromic (with different eye colors) kittens can also suffer from a similar pathology.

If you come across a white deaf cat, don't despair. Animals are kind and gentle in nature. Active and sociable, these cats are eager to play, hunt mice and run around the apartment like ordinary cats. It is very simple to determine that an animal is deaf:
- turn on a vacuum cleaner next to the kitten: a deaf animal does not respond to loud sounds;
- the cat is very "loud": it sneaks up loudly after the bird, digs in the tray, meows.

The behavior of an animal largely depends on its character and on how correctly you will bring it up. Such a cat does not require special conditions of detention, but when communicating with a deaf animal, it is important to remember the following nuances:
- carefully open and close all doors, otherwise you can injure the cat - she does not hear your actions;
- keep the windows closed: a deaf cat does not have a sense of fear, it can jump down;
- do not let the cat outside alone, it is dangerous;
- move around the house carefully, watch your step so as not to step on the animal;
- communicate with your pet using conventional gestures.
Deaf cats become very attached to their owners. They are completely dependent on people and need constant help.

The owners of these cats are advised to have a friend for them - a second cat that hears. Animals will quickly make friends and will communicate with each other by touching their paws. A hearing cat always helps another.
A beauty with a soft velvety coat. The body of the cat is strong, muscular, with powerful paws. On the face there is a characteristic "smile" of the Cheshire cat. The ears of cats are erect, rounded, so do not confuse it with the Scottish Fold cat.
These cats do not require special attention. An exception is daily brushing. This is more pleasant to do than to sweep the puffs of wool out of the apartment every day. Despite the thick undercoat, it is necessary to protect the pet from drafts.
The character of the animal is special. It loves the owner dearly, but can endure separation for a long time, without giving the appearance that it yearns. He does not favor children and other animals in the house, but does not conflict with them either. He treats strangers coldly, but he never rushes to scratch or bite.
If the cat does not want to communicate, it is useless to call it and catch it by forcibly holding it. A Briton can allow himself to be fondled only when he wants to. It is possible to scold and punish a cat only at the moment of committing a "black deed", otherwise she will not understand why they are so unmerciful to her. It is absolutely impossible to beat thoroughbred British women: the animal is vindictive and will definitely come up with revenge for you.

Patience, affection and respect for your cat will make it your friend. She will be happy to play with you, be always nearby and give you her tenderness.
Maine Coon
Maine Coons are special cats. They are the largest and longest in the world, have fluffy long hair and a very thick undercoat that saves from severe frosts.Maine Coons are especially good at fluffy pants on their hind legs and a collar. The pets' tail is simply gorgeous - like a white fan. The body of cats is muscular, strong, with long powerful legs.
By nature, Maine Coons are good nature itself. They adore children, other animals living in the house, are distinguished by dog loyalty and devotion to their owners. Cats are mobile, they run around the apartment with toys, climb on all the tall cabinets.
The breeders of this breed say that the Maine Coon needs a "hole" and "mountain". This means that the cat must have its own house, where it will rest, and a sports complex in the form of a scratching post with turrets of various heights, on which it will jump.
There will be enough pet hair in the house, it will be noticeable on dark clothes, so the cat needs daily combing.

Turkish angora
Blondes of this breed look very graceful. They have a slender body with well-developed muscles, a graceful long neck and a wedge-shaped head proportional to the body. Lush tail of extraordinary beauty resembles a feather of a snow-white fairy bird.
The animal's coat is long, but there is no undercoat at all. The "Snow Queen", born in Turkey, does not need it. Angora sheds very little and extremely rarely.
Animals are smart and docile, love solitude and peace, are not particularly playful and not too "talkative". Suitable for those people who lead a measured lifestyle, without fuss and rush. Angorkas do not require complex care. They carefully direct the marafet, not allowing the wool to roll into mats.

Foreign White
This is the only shorthaired cat breed that has only one color - white. Slender, long-legged, well-built cats are small in size. The maximum weight of the animal is about 5 kg. The coat can be boiling white, and the muzzle has a color like that of a Siamese cat - the progenitor of this breed.
Foreign whites are funny, kind and funny animals. Full of tireless energy, they are ready to play all day and, like a devoted dog, run after you around the house. The best place to rest them is your knees, neck and shoulders. They love to "talk heart to heart", especially if there is something to complain about.

Cats are long-lived. In conscientious owners, a cat can live up to 20 years.
Representatives of this breed are the fluffiest. The head, body, tail and paws are all covered with soft hair, the length of which can be almost 12 cm. The body of Persian cats is squat, small, legs are short. The weight of an average cat reaches 7 kg, and because of the fluffy fur coat, he looks at all 15 kg outwardly.
Snow-white Persian beauties are trusting, inquisitive and calm. Vanity and endless noise are not about them. Persians prefer to spend time on your lap and are ready to relax on them for hours. Cats are indifferent to guests and children, they do not fight with other animals living in the house.

Without daily care, the white Persian cat will turn into an incomprehensible creature. If you are lazy, then this pet is not for you.
Devon rex
These are amazing cats with a long, oblong body, graceful high paws and cute soft curly-haired girls on their bodies. I want to grab the charming Devon in my arms and cherish him endlessly, stroking his snow-white curls. Devons are cheerful, good-natured, sociable and talkative. Their angelic look is fully consistent with their beautiful character.
Animals are endowed with high intelligence: they carry out simple commands of the owner, they are even able to bring slippers. They are loyal and good friends for everyone who is next to them, cannot stand loneliness, suffer in separation from their family.

Subtleties of care
Like the white clothes of a person, the fur of a white cat gets dirty quickly. If an animal looks unkempt and unkempt, it does not delight others, but, on the contrary, disgust and pity. In order for your pets' coat to please with radiant whiteness, cats must be properly and regularly looked after.
By observing the basic rules of caring for the coat of white cats, you will achieve the desired result.
- Cleanliness in the house. Where the white cat lives should be perfectly clean. Moving under a table, a sofa, climbing into secluded corners of the house, the animal collects dust on itself. Wet mop every day.

- The cat's house, toilet, dishes must also always be clean. The bowls must be washed after each meal, and the filler must be changed in time in the tray. Remnants of food, dirty lumps of filler stick to the animal's paws and spoil its white fur.

- Bathing... Washing cats is an obligatory and important procedure. It is necessary to bathe furry pets entirely at least 3 times a month, and washing their paws and muzzles should preferably be turned into a daily ritual.
So that bathing is not stressful for the animal, teach it to wash from infancy. For cat breeds that love water (Devon Rex and Maine Coon), this is not difficult... For fluffy pets who are not happy with this procedure, wipe thoroughly with special napkins.

For grooming a white cat, you need a whole arsenal of special tools that maintain the shine and white color of the coat:
- degreasing pastes, creams - they are applied to the legs, chest, pants and tail of the animal, and then washed off;
- cleansing shampoo - used after degreasing;
- whitening shampoo - diluted 1: 5 with water and applied to the coat for 10-15 minutes;
- softening balm - applied for 5 minutes and rinsed off thoroughly.

- Washing... It is necessary to wash cats' eyes daily. Don't let ugly brown smudges ruin your adorable white faces.

- Combing... Brush your cats daily to reduce hair loss and to avoid tangles. It is especially important to comb the Persians' hair. Representatives of this breed cannot properly lick themselves.

- Feeding... A cat's diet has a direct impact on the color of his coat. Brightly colored vegetables can cause yellowing of the white coat. Liver gives the same effect: heart, kidneys, liver. If these products are not on the animal's menu, and the coat continues to turn yellow and dull, show your pet to the veterinarian. It is possible that the cat has kidney and liver problems.

Take care of your pets with love, and their snow-white coat will always remain beautiful.
White cats are described in the video below.