Bengal cat

Features of Snow Bengal cats

Features of Snow Bengal cats
  1. Description
  2. Color options
  3. Content
  4. What to feed?
  5. Breeding

When choosing a pet for yourself, you should pay attention to such adorable creatures as snow Bengal cats, which in their appearance resemble leopards. They are quite friendly and playful creatures that will not let their owner get bored. In addition, Bengal cats are considered excellent hunters and strategists. And if there is a fight between cats, then each of them waits for the opponent's mistakes and only after that attacks.


The white Bengal cat was artificially bred. Therefore, with natural breeding of such animals, problems can arise. Even pedigree kittens are guaranteed not to be blonde. However, in the future, the corresponding gene will still appear. Snow Bengal has a snow-white coat with clear marks and spots. The eyes are the same blue as those of Siamese cats. The body is rather muscular, with a broad back and a very long neck. The head is wedge-shaped and the short ears are set high. They are rounded.

The fur of these beauties is short and very thin, it fits snugly to the body. It feels a bit like satin to the touch. In kittens, it is much longer, in addition, some of them are born albinos, but spots appear on the body over time. These beauties weigh from 6 to 11 kilograms. But the weight of females is slightly less, from 4 to 8 kilograms.

However, this does not affect their mobility and grace. They are great at dealing with various obstacles and can balance anywhere.

Color options

All snow-white Bengals are very similar and beautiful in their own way, however, they differ in genotype.


These beauties were born as a result of crossing Bengal breeds with Siamese cat breeds. Their body is completely white with small beige markings called points. The difference between the background and the pictures is almost imperceptible, however? the spots are quite pronounced.

This cat breed has blue eyes, which, when flashed, take on a ruby ​​hue. Lynx point babies are born almost white and remain the same for a long time. Only after 75 days can you see weak manifestations of spots, however, only after a year the pattern will already be quite noticeable. In links, not only are the tip of the tail and nose tinged brown, but also the pads and rims of the eyes.


This type of cat appeared as a result of crossing Bengals and Burmans. Sepia are considered the darkest among the snowy Bengals. Their body is not entirely white, rather creamy. The coat is "decorated" with bright cinnamon-colored specks. In those sepias that are solid, the difference between the body and the spots is completely indistinguishable. Just like links, the tip of the tail and other parts of the body are brown in color.


This type of cats has a Tonkin color, which is also called "mink". Many people call this kind of animals marble. It appeared as a result of crossing Siamese and Burmese breeds. At birth, kittens already have drawings on their bodies. The body is cream colored with brown and dark orange markings. In all other respects, they are similar to other subspecies of Bengal cats. Their eyes can be blue, green, or with a golden tint.


Having chosen a snow-white blue-eyed beautiful pet for himself, he needs to provide appropriate care. And although they are completely unpretentious, you will still need to look after them, especially if it is a small kitten. Having brought the baby into the house, you do not need to hold him constantly in your arms or play with him. He just needs to be left alone and allowed to get used to the new environment. If there are several rooms in a house or apartment, then you need to limit yourself to only one, so that the kitten begins to gradually get used to it.

In this room, it is imperative to put a tray with filler, an iron or plastic bowl, and also prepare a sleeping place for it. You need to start teaching it to the toilet from the very first days, otherwise the kitten will mark all the places. You don’t need to shout at him, you need to speak calmly so that he understands and is not afraid. In addition, the tray should be located away from the resting place. If the cat does not go to the litter box, but to another place, then his toilet must be moved there.

These cats are cleanliness. They won't go to a stale litter box. Therefore, you need to change it often. It is best to buy a filler that will hide all unpleasant odors. The "marked" place can be treated with vinegar or some special agent.

The sleeping place is placed in the corner, but most often the kitten chooses it himself. Many Bengals sleep with their owners or on batteries. Do not scold them for this behavior. They must be treated with affection and tenderness, only in this case they will reciprocate. Otherwise, the kitten will grow up to be very aggressive and pugnacious. You need to talk to them so that they feel cared for. Besides, it is necessary to remove all objects that can harm the kitten.

Snow Bengals should definitely receive proper care.... Despite the fact that their fur is very short, they need to be combed at least once a week... To do this, you need to use a comb with blunt teeth, so as not to harm. A couple of times a month it is necessary to trim the claws of the snow bengals. If the owner cannot do it himself, then a specialist should do it.

In addition, once a week you need to clean your pets' ears. This can be done with special cotton swabs.

In addition, you should definitely buy special toys for your pets. This can be done at pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. Keep in mind that pets need frequent bathing.

By the way, Bengals love to splash in the water. Since they are very mobile and energetic, their energy must be directed in the right direction. It is very good if the owners live in a private house. Indeed, in this case, you can make a special place for games in some corner, where pets can play tirelessly. In the city, cats are bought leashes so that they can take walks with them.

What to feed?

The feeding process is very important in caring for a kitten. For Snow Bengal cats, special dry foods are more suitable. They contain all the necessary useful vitamins and minerals that pets need. In addition, they will not harm cats' teeth or gums in any way. You can buy food in specialized stores. These cats eat with great pleasure, but you still need to make sure that they do not overeat. After all, this can even lead to obesity.

Therefore, they should be fed no more than 4 times a day, in addition to this, the portions should not be too large.

Also be sure to give to pets a large amount of water so that urolithiasis does not appear... If the cat will drink very little, then you can purchase special drinkers that have miniature fountains. This will immediately grab the animals' attention. However, cats of this breed are very fond of swimming, so they can even playfully turn a bowl of water over.

For those who decide to feed their pets only natural products, you need to familiarize yourself with their diet. It must include meat. It can be boiled beef, rabbit or chicken. Fish should be given a couple of times a week, but it should be marine, not river, since the latter contains a lot of bones.

Also, a variety of vegetables should be included in the diet of cats. For example, many cats love cucumbers or bell peppers and enjoy eating them. In addition, the menu should include dishes from various cereals.

It is imperative to vaccinate, as well as regular check-ups with veterinarians, so as not to miss a possible illness of your beloved pet.


The snow breed of Bengal cats was born artificially, so all breeders are very responsible for breeding. The pair is chosen more carefully, in addition, there must be a permit for mating. It is done 2 times a year and not more often. For the breed to be purebred, it is necessary to use cats of the first, second or third generation.

Puberty begins late in cats of this breed, one year after birth. Only then can knitting be started. A cat's pregnancy lasts 2 months and 5 days. After giving birth, kittens stay with their mother for up to 3 months. And only after that they can be transferred to a new habitat.

Summing up, we can say that such snow Bengal cats will not only become friends for their owners, but also give the opportunity to participate in various exhibitions. After all, such beauty should be seen by everyone, without exception. However, for this it is necessary to provide the animals with decent care.

For the features of Bengal cats, see the video below.

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