Tailless cats: popular breeds and rules for their keeping

The cat is one of the most common pets. There are many different breeds of these adorable pets. Today we will talk about unusual tailless cats with a non-standard appearance.

Origin story
Before delving into all the characteristics of the original tailless cats, it is worth learning about the history of their origin.
The stories associated with the appearance of cats without tails are shrouded in a huge number of different legends, fairy tales and conjectures. For example, there is a belief that once a cat was late for planting animals in Noah's ark, and its tail was pinched by the door. In Thailand, there is another interesting legend that says that there were Thai beauties who used short cat tails to preserve jewelry and jewelry.
There are other unusual and fabulous stories about the appearance of tailless baleen pets.
Modern research suggests that changes in the length of the tail of such individuals are due to the mutation of certain genes. It was consolidated through a series of breeding works, since people liked such unusual animals.

All varieties of tailless cats can be roughly divided into two main subgroups:
- manks;
- bobtails.
All other existing species of these animals arose precisely on the basis of these groups. Most likely, these lines developed parallel to each other, or could have been introduced at a certain time interval from one area to another. It is currently impossible to establish precisely this fact.
Bobtails originate in Japan. For the first time, these individuals got there on merchant ships in 530-540 BC.If you believe the legends, in those days they still had tails. However, the fear of the evil forces that are enclosed in the forked tail of the divine cat Nekomata, which brought diseases and death to people, led to the fact that they soon began to be chopped off.

The animals that did not have tails became known as maneki-neko. It was believed that such pets bring wealth, luck and happiness to their owner. Such actions with regard to tails over the years eventually led to a special gene mutation, and kittens with a very short pompom tail began to appear. The Japanese were extremely happy about this phenomenon. They believed that with a similar method they managed to defeat the evil god with the help of their talisman pets.
It is believed that cats, at the level of instinct, chewed off their kittens' tails to protect them from unpleasant consequences. Another version says that the mutation occurred by itself, without external human influence. The Japanese have only fixed it with breeding methods.

As for the Manx breed, it was born on the Isle of Man, which is located near the UK. It was from there that representatives of this subspecies were distributed throughout the countries of Europe and America. It is believed that the ancestors of these animals are British short-haired cats, in which the “tailless” mutation has been preserved selectively.
The first mention of cats without tails was made in 1750. Due to their compact size and isolation, these animals interbred with each other. Due to such actions, other representatives of the breed with very short tails began to be born in the future. From the very beginning, all these animals had short hair, while long hair was considered a deviation from the norm. However, over time, long-haired Manxes began to be bred in Canada as a separate breed.

Popular breeds
As you can see, the history of unusual tailless cats is very rich in events and fabulous motives. Currently, there are many interesting breeds represented by animals with such an external feature. Let's get to know them better.
This is a beautiful British tailless kitty. The first mention of it dates back to 1750. The homeland of these animals is the British Isle of Man, mentioned above. Cute-looking kimriks have the following external features:
- the average weight of adults varies from 4 to 6 kg;
- they have a very delicate and silky coat of impressive length and characteristic "pants" on the paws;
- the color of these animals is highly variable: there are white, blue, cream, silver, smoky, red and many other individuals;
- the body of the Kimrik is of medium size, and the legs are distinguished by a muscular structure;
- ears rounded at the tips are wide and of medium length;
- Kimrik's eyes are large and rounded (the color echoes the coat color);
- instead of a tail, there is a small prominent cartilage.

Cats belonging to this breed are characterized by a very soft, friendly and docile nature. They get along well both with people and with other animals with whom they live in the same territory. Kimrik is not afraid of water, so she easily tolerates any bath procedures.
The intelligence of this animal is well developed. Cimrick quickly learns new commands and understands the master's intonation well.

Pixie bob
Cats of this breed are not so common. Their average weight is usually 5 to 10 kg. They are distinguished by a powerful physique, a broad chest and rather heavy bones. The head of the pixie bob is large, and there is a large chin in width. The eyes of the animal are set deep and are medium in size. Pixie bob ears grow with rounded tips and tassels on them.

Cats of this breed belong to the long-haired category. However, according to the standards, short-haired individuals are also acceptable.The severed tail in these animals is no more than 5 cm. The tip of this part is blunt and has creases.
These pets are very loyal to their owner. They are curious and do not know what aggression is. In addition, a purebred pixie bob is usually active. These animals do not require complex care, but they are great lovers of food.
A person should always monitor the diet of these pets so that they do not suffer from obesity.

Manx is the same cat from Noah's ark. Most of all, these animals are common in America and Scandinavian countries. On the territory of the CIS and Europe, the Manx can be found extremely rarely. These animals are distinguished by a well-developed hunting instinct, but at the same time their character is friendly and pleasant to humans. Manx is very fond of active games.
However, one must take into account that these cats cannot climb trees.

External data in these animals are as follows:
- a wide chest and a rounded head;
- middle nose with a neat transition from the forehead line;
- large eyes without slanting, may have different colors;
- wide ears with rounded tips;
- rounded body of medium size, with a slightly square silhouette;
- powerful paws with round pads and well-developed muscles;
- there is either no tail at all, or it protrudes slightly from several vertebrae with a slightly curved end;
- the coat is long and plush, of any color.

Kurilian Bobtail
This beautiful breed originated in the Kuril Islands. The cats related to her have the following main external data:
- strong body of medium size;
- large head with a rounded profile and wide chin;
- large eyes, shaped like a nut;
- ears are medium in size, have a triangular shape;
- paws are powerful, pads are round;
- the tail is very small - in the form of a pompom or a fluffy brush;
- the coat is semi-long, it can have different shades;
- the average weight of individuals is from 4 to 7 kg.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their playful and inquisitive nature. They have a remarkable memory and a perfectly developed hunter instinct. The Kurilian Bobtail quickly masters new commands. Such cats easily get along in families with children.
Another important advantage of a cat of this breed is the absence of fear of water. The Kurilian Bobtail can be washed safely. In most cases, these animals calmly respond to such hygiene procedures. Individuals of this breed shed little, do not mark the territory.

American bobtail
This breed is relatively young. The American Bobtail has a very attractive and pretty appearance, as well as a short but flexible tail. Today, there are no specific norms and standards for this breed, because its representatives are still at the stage of improvement. If we consider the description of such cats briefly, then it is worth highlighting the following basic data:
- strong and muscular large torso;
- the head is wedge-shaped with pronounced cheekbones and wide-set straight ears;
- stocky legs of medium length;
- oval or almond-shaped eyes, the color of which most often coincides with the color of the coat;
- rather thick and coarse undercoat, the coat can have different lengths and colors;
- the average weight of an adult is 3 to 5 kg.

The American Bobtail perfectly feels the mood of the owner. Cats of this breed rarely single out only one owner - they are equally strongly attached to all family members. These pets behave calmly and docilely. They like to walk in the fresh air and play a lot.
The American Bobtail boasts highly developed hunting instincts.

Japanese bobtail
This is an ancient breed of cats. These pets have a tail of a unique shape - it has unusual bends and kinks.Outwardly, the tail of a Japanese bobtail looks more like a pompom, but if you straighten it, it will be 7-9 cm.
The standards of the representatives of this breed are as follows:
- slim physique with well-developed muscles;
- powerful and long legs;
- the average weight of adults is from 3 to 5 kg;
- the head has characteristic angular bends, the muzzle is slightly elongated, and the nose is elongated;
- ears are not very large, have rounded tips with a wide base;
- the eyes are expressive and very pretty, oval in shape;
- the coat is short and can have a wide variety of colors.

These adorable pets have a friendly temperament. They should be brought up from an early age. Since such a bobtail has a well-developed intellect, it quickly learns everything new, but at times it can be a little naughty.
In no case should you physically punish your pet; instead, conduct explanatory conversations competently. Often just such methods allow you to wean the animal from bad habits.

Features of the content
If you decide to get an unusual cat or a cat without a tail, then you should consider that such pets must be kept in optimal and comfortable conditions for them. Only if this requirement is met can we talk about the quality of life of the animal.
It is not difficult to create ideal conditions for a tailless pet. Provide him with a good place to sleep. In pet stores you can find a beautiful "bed" for a cat of any age. There are also designs combined with play labyrinths and scratching posts. It is possible to choose the perfect option for every taste, color and budget.

Buy quality bowls and drinkers for your cat. It is advisable to purchase containers that are made from safe and environmentally friendly materials. It is best to put food and water in two separate bowls so that they do not mix, turning into porridge. Keep your bowls clean. Both the drinker and the trough should always be cleaned.
Find the correct tray. You can buy an open or closed version. The latter are expensive, and not all cats agree to use such a unit. For a small kitten, it is better to buy an open tray and low sides. For an adult individual, you need to buy a model with high sides so that the area around is not clogged with filler residues.
It is worth choosing a filler that absorbs odor well and is easy to clean. In addition, filling the litter box should be comfortable for the pet.

What to feed?
Seals that do not have a tail need to have a balanced and proper diet. Experts recommend giving such pets natural food, but not the one that people eat, but prepared separately. Food for animals should not contain sugar, salt, seasonings, spices, marinades, sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup and the like) and other additives.
Meat must be present in the food, but not fatty, but dietary: beef, veal, turkey, chicken... You can give various offal. In addition to meat, cereals such as buckwheat, oatmeal and millet should be added to the diet of such pets. It is worth giving the cats eggs, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, low-fat kefir. Allowed vegetables, croutons, rye bread.

If feeding your pet with natural products seems too problematic and troublesome for you, then you can turn to ready-made industrial feed. It can be either a dry product, or a paste or chunks in a gravy. However, we must not forget that ready-made cat food should only belong to the premium or super-premium class, but not lower. Low-cost products, especially if given to a cat frequently, can provoke a large number of different health problems, so their use should be discarded.
For thoroughbred tailless seals, it is recommended to purchase food containing only natural ingredients of high quality. It is advisable not to take options that contain flavorings, flavor enhancers, preservatives of unknown origin and other questionable components. Before buying food, it is better to familiarize yourself with its composition, which is usually applied to branded packaging.
Small kittens should not be fed dry pelleted food, as their teeth are not yet prepared for this. The only exceptions are products that are designed for mustachioed and tailless pets at an early age.

How to care?
Seals that do not have a tail need to be properly cared for. Let's consider what to do.
- If the pet is long-haired, its coat should be regularly brushed out with a medium-toothed comb.
- It is necessary to clean the eyes and ears of a thoroughbred cat as they become dirty. For this, they usually use cotton swabs dipped in boric acid or other suitable means.
- It is very important to monitor your cat's dental health. You should brush your pet's teeth with a special brush and paste. You can visit your veterinarian from time to time to remove calculus that has formed on your teeth.
- It is equally important to take care of the condition of the animal's claws. Watch their growth. As soon as you notice that the claws have grown, they should be carefully cut using a special nail clipper.
- Remember to visit your veterinarian. He will tell you what vaccinations should be done and identify diseases in the early stages.
- The cat needs to be bathed in a timely manner. The water should be warm. Liquid that is too hot or too cold should not be used. It is necessary to use only special shampoos for animals, which are sold in many pet stores. It is advisable to buy quality branded shampoos.
- If you notice that a tailless pet behaves strangely or does not feel very well, yellowish discharge appears from the eye or nose, then you should visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. You also need to pay attention to the condition of the anus of tailless cats - in such individuals, inflammation of this zone most often occurs. In this case, you should immediately go to the veterinarian.

For Kurilian Bobtail cats, see the next video.