Homeless kittens: is it possible to take them to the apartment and how to domesticate them?

Not all cats were lucky enough to be born in a warm and cozy home. Some mustachioed ones were less fortunate, and for one reason or another they ended up on the street. This happens all the time with animals of different ages. There are a great many reasons for this - from human inhumanity to unpleasant accidents.
Today we will talk about whether it is possible to take homeless kittens home, as well as find out how you can help them.

Yard cats are very common on the streets. Initially, such individuals were not subjected to breeding work. If people interfered in the process of animal reproduction, they chose, as a rule, useful animals, because cats have long been used as hunters for mice. A little later, noble people began to appreciate the aesthetic qualities of cats.
The main feature of yard cats is that they have a non-standard genotype. Very often they can be an example of a combination of many different breeds. That is why mongrel individuals can have many different colors. Also, cats vary in size, length, coat quality and other basic characteristics. The nature of outbred individuals also varies - some seals demonstrate a meek disposition and absolute conflict-freeness, while others often show fighting qualities and are very aggressive.
It is difficult to say exactly why purebred cats are better than outbreds, since yard animals grow up less demanding and may well have a spectacular appearance.

An ordinary street cat is not necessarily a tough fighter who does not like to sit on handles. In fact, many yard cats are big lovers of cuddling and love their owners very much. The main thing is to properly raise and "educate" the bully and win his trust. Often, outbred individuals picked up from the street make wonderful companion pets.
It should be borne in mind that outbred yard cats and cats will always have a woolen cover. They are not hairless, as, for example, representatives of the Sphynx breed. Outbred individuals most often find themselves on the street. If in the warm season they can easily adapt to such conditions, then not all animals survive in winter. Cats end up on the street for a variety of reasons. Very often, such problems occur when a person is bored with a pet or irritates him for some reason (for example, spoils furniture).
Often, unsterilized females find themselves on the street, which subsequently give birth to the same homeless offspring.
It is very difficult for a kitten to survive on the street without human intervention - there will not be those normal conditions around in which it can grow up healthy and active. Even if he is a mongrel and absolutely unpretentious to care for, the street will still pose a serious danger to him.

One can talk indefinitely about the character and disposition of homeless and outbred moustache. These animals are very different.
There are both very friendly and sociable pets, as well as arrogant pets that do not need human companionship.
In most cases, mongrel mustaches behave in a simple and unassuming manner. They rarely behave aggressively, especially for no reason.

Pros and cons of animals
Kittens that do not belong to any known breed are very common. Often, real luxurious beauties grow out of them. A good outcome for these animals can be expected if a kind person appears in their life. It is worth considering in detail what are the main pros and cons of mongrel cats that do not have a roof over their heads. First, let's analyze the positive qualities of outbred yard kittens.
- The main advantage of these cats is their strong immune system. These animals live longer than purebred ones, because, being in natural conditions, they have become practically immune to most common infectious diseases. These kittens and adult cats have very strong immunity. In addition, breeding activity certainly suppresses the protective functions of the organism; such problems do not arise with outbred individuals.
- A yard cat can easily find a gorgeous thoroughbred "groom" (or rather, the owner will be able to choose any cat he likes for his pet). In this case, the offspring will also be a surprise for the owner - it is impossible to guess what the kittens will be.
- The undoubted advantage of outbred yard cats and cats is their character. As a rule, such animals behave calmly, are friendly and quick-witted. They do not mind. A stupid animal will not survive on the street, so mustachioed courtyards are distinguished by good intelligence. In addition, many outbred kittens are grateful to the person who sheltered them, become attached to him, and try to demonstrate their love more often.
- Outbred cats have a well-developed hunter instinct. Thanks to this, they can easily catch mice and even rats. Many owners of summer cottages and private houses are looking for such qualities in cats.
- Outbred cats are distinguished by their omnivorousness and independence. They easily go for walks on their own when they need it, and with the same success they return home, having walked a lot. In nutrition, the courtyard mustache is absolutely undemanding.
- Despite the fact that such pussies do not belong to any breed, special exhibitions are still arranged for them., where the data of the exterior of the animals and their level of grooming are assessed. This is a great opportunity for the owner to demonstrate his pet in all its glory.
- Agility and quick wits of yard cats - these are their serious advantages over pedigree individuals.
- Another important advantage of mongrel cats is their cost. To make such a loyal and intelligent friend, you don't have to spend large sums. It is enough to pick up a kitten from the street - this is a noble business.

As you can see, outbred animals picked up from the street have a lot of positive qualities. However, they also have their weaknesses. Let's get acquainted with them.
- Such animals are highly sensitive. They can react very painfully to even the slightest changes that occur in the house. Overly noisy neighbors or renovations can be a cause for concern.
- It will not be possible to build a business with such pets. Many people have cats just for further earnings. If an animal does not belong to a certain breed, its offspring will not be worth anything.
Loneliness is hard for yard cats. They feel bad without an owner, so they should not be left at home alone for a long time. A sad and melancholy cat may lose its fur and lose its appetite. Most often, apartment animals that do not go out into the street face similar problems.

How to help kittens?
Homeless kittens are not uncommon. The life of these small animals is in serious danger, especially if the winter is harsh. If a kitten can live in a city, perhaps, it will be doomed in dachas. If you have met a domesticated, but clearly lost kitten, then the best thing you can do for him is to find the owners. Perhaps they, too, have been looking for their pet for a long time and will be very happy if you return the cat. There are a lot of ways to do this - from advertising or word of mouth to leaflets pasted on poles.
If you have picked up an animal that is purebred from the street, you can contact special animal lovers clubs in your city. Perhaps there is some information about the lost cats, and they will help you find the owner. If you failed to find it, then you will need to decide what to do next.
Think if you have the opportunity to leave the animal at home? If not, then you should ask all your friends and family for help. You can ask for help at the veterinary clinic. Advertise on all possible forums and sites.

It is advisable to visit a veterinary clinic with a selected pet, especially if the animal has obvious health problems. It's not a bad decision to contact volunteers in your city or go to an animal shelter.
If possible, pay for volunteer services for overexposing the cat. This is a more deliberate and kind step on your part than giving the animal to just anyone as soon as possible in order to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Should I take it home?
Transfer the selected kitten into good hands or keep it for yourself - it's up to you. If there is an opportunity to take the baby to yourself, then first you need to visit the veterinarian with him. Prepare money for admission and medications. In addition, you need to be careful in the following cases:
- there are bald spots, ulcers, wounds and running insects on the coat;
- if there is discharge from the nose and eyes;
- if you notice dirty marks under the tail.
Such problems will indicate the presence of a specific medical condition.

If you have other animals at home, then they will definitely need to be isolated from a new household that has not yet been treated so that everyone does not get sick. You also need to stock up on such medicines:
- anthelmintic drugs;
- special shampoo and flea remedy.
Buy everything you need for your baby - a tray and a bowl, a brush for combing fur. It is necessary to immediately decide whether you are ready to take on all the listed operations. If you do not have any opportunities to keep the kitten with you or certain circumstances prevent this, then it is better to attach the baby to another family, but in no case should you throw it. If you are ready to deal with a new friend, then you should keep him for yourself. The animal will certainly be immensely grateful to you.

How to train a cat to an apartment?
Many people who have picked up abandoned kittens from the street are interested in one very important question: how to properly accustom a new friend to living conditions? In fact, there is nothing complicated here. The main thing is to take into account some important points.
- First of all, in a new home, you should not scare the baby and instill in him a sense of fear. At first, try not to make too much noise or shout. Don't beat the kitten for wrongdoing. Even the punishments should be mild, otherwise the animal will be under severe stress.
- If the baby is hiding somewhere and does not want to go out, there is no need to pull him out of the shelter. Give him time to adapt. Soon he will stop hiding.
- Don't pay too much attention to your pets. Let the kitten take the initiative.
- Do not grab the baby, do not pick it up, until he is fully ready for this. Give the kitten time to adapt.
- At first, try not to gather too large and noisy companies at home. In such an environment, a selected kitten will experience severe stress, it will be difficult to domesticate it.
- Choose a free and accessible place to put a drinker and a feeder for your kitten. Feed your baby in portions and hourly. This will make the animal more comfortable.
- Don't forget to put in the litter tray. It should not have too high sides, otherwise it will be inconvenient for the kitten to use it. Teach your baby to it. Place him in the tray immediately after eating, follow the reaction.
- If your baby urinates in the wrong place, do not rush to scold him. Take a napkin, dip it in a puddle, and place it in the tray. Then put the kitten there. Due to the smells, he will understand where to go to the toilet. The operation may have to be repeated.
- Place a scratching post at home so that your baby can sharpen his claws on it. Show the animal this thing.
- Try not to leave the kitten alone for a long time. It is very difficult for selected animals to be alone with themselves.
- If the foundling comes up to you, gently stroke him. At first, you do not need to squeeze the baby a lot. Let it be slightly "underrun" at first.
- Some time after adaptation, you need to start playing with the kitten. But games shouldn't scare him. You should not chase the kitten or give him noisy toys. Such things will cause unnecessary stress in the animal.
If you follow all these conditions, the animal will quickly get used to the apartment and will trust you. The main thing is not to be too intrusive and tough owner for a small outbred kitten. Be tolerant.

More information on how to act if you find a homeless kitten is described in the video below.