Burmese cat

Description of the breed and character of Burmese cats

Description of the breed and character of Burmese cats
  1. History
  2. Description
  3. Character
  4. Pros and cons of the breed

Burmese cats are very beautiful pets. They are distinguished by a friendly character, a kind disposition and a quiet, gentle voice. Such an animal does not cause any problems to its owners.


The roots of modern Burmese cats go back to the ancient legends of Burma, where these fluffy animals lived at temples - in those years monks considered them sacred, which is why, over time, the breed began to be called "sacred Burma". According to legend, many centuries ago, these cats were completely white, but once a disaster struck - robbers attacked the temple, the abbot died, bravely defending the statue of his goddess.

At that moment, a miracle happened - the eldest cat, nicknamed Sinh, jumped on the head of its deceased owner, and immediately his fur lit up with a bright glow, as if it had flashed. Frightened criminals scattered, and the monks, along with other cats, managed to expel them from the temple. The faithful cat did not leave the lifeless body of its owner for several days, and so he died at the foot of the statue of their goddess.

All other animals that lived in the temple received sky-blue eyes and a delicate golden color as a reward from the higher powers - just like the statue made of sapphires and gold. At the beginning of the last century, Burmese cats were brought to Europe.

In 1919, the world-famous millionaire Vanderbilt brought these animals to France - in his homeland he bought two kittens for a lot of money, but only one female pet could get to the new home. This cat later gave birth to the first two Burmese, after which scientists began active work on the reproduction of these unusual animals. However, world wars almost destroyed their work - in those years the sacred Burmese were practically destroyed. In order to prevent the disappearance of the species from the face of the earth, cats began to be crossed with Persians and Siamese.

In the middle of the XX century, the breed was recognized by the official science, and in the 80s their first exhibition was held in Italy - it was then that these pussies received world recognition.

Today Burmese aristocrats enjoy great popularity and great love of breeders in various countries.


Burmese cats cannot be called large, nevertheless, they have a rather strong muscular body, males are much larger than females. The body is slightly elongated, the paws are small, rounded, the tail is usually medium in size, rather fluffy. The head is round, the ears are small, stand straight, slightly rounded at the top. The eyes are bright blue. When little Burmese are born, their eyes are much lighter, but as they grow up they acquire a rich aquamarine shade.

A characteristic feature of the Burmese is their luxurious coat - soft, pleasant to the touch, not prone to mats and almost no undercoat. There is a rather shaggy collar on the breast of the animal, and the fur on the abdomen is slightly curled. The most common colors of Burmese cats are:

  • blue point is a deep gray with unobtrusive blue notes;
  • seal point - brown;
  • dark chocolate;
  • beige.

On the belly, the coat is usually a little lighter, and the main detail is the symmetrically located "socks" on all legs, at the back they form something like "spurs". It should also be borne in mind that Burmese are born completely white, and only after many months they acquire their characteristic color.

Possible breed defects include:

  • eye color that does not meet accepted standards;
  • the presence of a silvery tint in one or both eyes;
  • strabismus;
  • white spots and stripes on the abdomen;
  • non-standard tail structure and head shape.

Animals that do not have "spurs" and "socks" on their legs are also not allowed to participate in the exhibitions, multi-colored spots on the legs and the excess of the level of the hock joint by the "spurs" are considered marriage.


Sacred Burma is a very ancient breed, and today such cats remain one of the most popular pets all over the world. The animal never ceases to amaze its breeders, who every day discover new and new character traits for themselves. Having stopped your choice on Burmese cats once, you will never doubt its correctness.

Burma is characterized by tenderness and aristocracy, it has good manners, a calm and balanced character. Exceptional communication and sociability in her go hand in hand with a sharp mind. If guests are expected in the house, then the animal will willingly make contact, absolutely not being afraid of strangers.

Such pets will especially delight those who like to take pets in their arms or keep them on their knees - they will not expect any resistance.

Cats and cats of the sacred breed get along well with people and other pets, whether they are dogs or cats of other species, they have a peaceful and somewhat respectful relationship. However, this does not apply to small rodents and birds, The Burmese cat is an excellent hunter, so it is better to keep cages with hamsters, parrots and canaries well closed.

At the same time, Burma may be jealous of its owner towards other inhabitants of the house. If you have several pets, do not forget to pay special attention to your Burmese - pick him up, stroke him often, speak in an affectionate voice and play.

A Burmese cat can be safely brought up in families with small children - the animal quickly finds contact with babies, communicates with them with great pleasure and allows itself to be “squeezed”.

At the same time, it is a surprisingly curious animal that literally "sticks its nose where it can and where it is not."However, the cat is persistent literally to the point of obsession, therefore, she always achieves from her masters what she needs.

The animal absolutely does not tolerate familiarity in relation to itself. The sacred Burma is a completely self-sufficient creature with powerful energy, but she suffers loneliness and disdainful treatment quite painfully, begins to hurt, wither, and may even die.

In fact, there is only one "fly in the ointment" in this "barrel of honey" - uncastrated and unsterilized Burmese can have quite serious problems with character - males begin to mark the entire territory at any opportunity, and females scream at night on estrus days.

Pros and cons of the breed

Like any other living creature, sacred Burmese have their own advantages and disadvantages. If we talk about the advantages of cats and kittens of the Burmese breed, then it should be mentioned:

  • exceptional friendliness - these animals get along well with both children and adults;
  • delicacy - cats always understand if the owner is busy, and do not annoy him with their attention;
  • pets are distinguished by good immunity and good health, therefore they do not require constant monitoring by a veterinarian.

The disadvantages include the following features:

  • long hair that has to be combed out every day and collected from carpet, upholstered furniture and own clothes, if the cat was lying on it;
  • when buying a small kitten, it is impossible to predict in advance what color the coat will have in the future - the color usually begins to change after six months, and is finally formed only by 12 months;
  • very often "socks and gloves" fail, therefore experts can recognize any elite cat as defective and will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions and competitions;
  • animals are extremely thermophilic, they are not adapted to life on the street, and they can only be kept in an apartment without walking on their own.

For Burmese cats, see the video below.

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