Bobtail cats: characteristics, colors and care

The Bobtail is a breed of cat that has distinctive characteristics and is unlike any other species. So, one of the characteristic features of the bobtail is the fact that this breed of cats is endowed with hunting abilities. In addition, the described species of animals is quite loyal in relation to its owner. What other features are characteristic of the bobtail cat breed, what are the animals by their nature, in what conditions should cats be kept? Look for answers to these and some other questions in our material.
The history of the emergence of the bobtail cat is covered with a veil of mystery. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty which country is the birthplace of the cat, as well as which breeds became the progenitors of the bobtail. If we talk about the approximate date of appearance, then modern scientists point to the end of the 20th century.
Due to the fact that the bobtail - This is a breed that has pronounced hunting abilities, and also has a peculiar color, which is similar to the color of the lynx, this cat is often called the "domestic lynx" by the people. Animals do not have large size - their body is quite compact, however, the body of bobtails is distinguished by well-developed muscles and strong bones.

The structure of its paws also belongs to the distinctive anatomical characteristics of the animal: cats have wide paws of medium length, which are able to withstand intense loads. The shape of the head of an animal of the bobtail breed resembles a triangle in its outlines. The cat has a rounded forehead, rather massive cheeks, a prominent chin and a straight nose.
The ears of a bobtail are not large in size, according to this indicator, they can be attributed to the average, but they are rather wide apart and have a slight forward tilt. The eyes also differ in shape and cut - they are almond-shaped. Their color can vary in a fairly wide range, but the most common is the yellow-green color.

You can distinguish the Bobtail breed from other varieties of cats thanks to the tail. This part of the cat's body is characterized by its small size (maximum length - 9 centimeters) and the so-called curl. A bobtail tail is often compared to fluffy pom poms.
The cat's coat deserves special attention. It is distinguished by its high density and rather thick undercoat. In addition, a unique feature of the animal's fur is that it is not exposed to moisture and does not get wet.
Species and colors
In nature, there are several varieties of bobtail cats. Let's consider the characteristics of each of them in more detail.
- American. Most often, American bobtails are painted in a unique tabby color. Due to this, in their appearance they resemble a wild lynx. This variety was born in the 1960s in the United States of America thanks to the efforts of breeders. Despite the fact that very little time has passed since that moment, the breed managed to spread throughout the world and win the love of many.
Representatives of this breed are playful. Therefore, they should be given a lot of attention. In the absence of direct human contact, the cat plays with toys.

- Kurilskiy. Already by the name itself, one can guess that the Kuril Islands are the birthplace of this animal. This breed was officially registered in 1991. A distinctive feature of animals is the tail - it is rather small in size, but very fluffy. Most often, animals have short hair and are smooth-haired, the undercoat is also rather weak. From an anatomical point of view, the structure of the head is of interest - it has a trapezoidal shape. The most pronounced character traits of animals are loyalty and loyalty.
They will become good friends for life. In addition, a feature of this species is the fact that the animal can be without a tail. This can be noticed immediately after birth, since the newborn kitten will be tailless.

- Japanese. The Japanese Bobtail cat is an animal with a very short tail. It is believed that in ancient times such a cat lived in the palace of the Japanese emperor and was considered a real decoration there, revered by everyone. By Japanese standards, this animal looks very attractive, so it was brought up in many houses of the country. In addition, they were very useful to their owners - the animals protected the dwelling from rodents. As for the character and behavior of animals, they are distinguished by playfulness, activity and affectionate disposition. Among the representatives of the Japanese breed of the Bobtail breed, you can find both long-haired and short-haired cats.
According to the anatomical description, the animals have well-developed front legs, which are longer than the hind legs, and a muscular, rather thin body.

- Mekong (or Thai). The Mekong type of bobtail is distinguished by a high level of intelligence, sociability and contact with people, as well as a rather long period of its life. The color of the Mekong variety of cats resembles the color of Siamese cats and has a specific name color-point.

- Karelian. This breed is considered primordially Russian. The tail of the animal, like that of other representatives of this breed, has a very short length, which ranges from 4 to 13 centimeters.Karelian Bobtails adapt well to a wide variety of environmental conditions, so they can be started and kept in almost any climatic region of the world.
Among the most popular colors of bobtail cats, the following colors can be distinguished: red, black, white.

The nature of the animals
The nature and habits of animals of the bobtail breed are similar to the behavioral characteristics of dogs. The thing is that this breed is devoted and loyal to its owner. Cats are quite calm and docile, they quickly and forever become attached to their owner.

Bobtail cats are great for contact with other cats and dogs, so if you already have pets in your house, then a representative of the described breed will become an excellent friend and partner for them, but by no means a competitor.
On the other hand, it should be remembered that the bobtail species has hunting instincts, so birds, fish, rodents and other small animals will not get along with such a cat in the same house.
Representatives of the bobtail breed get along well with children, animals will happily and willingly play with your kids, without showing aggression and anger towards them. Generally speaking, by its nature this breed is distinguished by a high level of playfulness, as well as "talkativeness" - cats constantly meow and purr.

Conditions of detention
First of all, it should be said that veterinarians, scientists, as well as owners of animals of this breed note that the bobtail is an easy-to-maintain variety of cats. They do not require any complicated care procedures and are quite unpretentious in nature. In this regard, you should not be afraid to start this breed at home, you will definitely cope with it.

If we talk about the preferences of the animal, then it should be noted that it loves large spaces. Therefore, if you are the owner of a small city apartment, then you should be aware that such conditions can constrain the Bobtail and create uncomfortable conditions for the breed. The best option for keeping an animal will be a private house with a backyard, in such conditions the animal will be able to walk in the fresh air, and it will also be provided with an active pastime.

If we talk about arranging a place for a cat, then it should be borne in mind that it must be equipped with such necessary and integral elements as: a sleeping place, tray, bowls for food and water. Ideally, the sleeping place should be equipped in the form of a play complex, similar cat houses are sold everywhere in zoological shops and markets. Do not forget to also get a scratching post (this item will save your furniture and household appliances), as well as toys to entertain your pet.

Pay special attention to the tray. Choose a cat litter box that has high sides. Any of the products on the market can be used as a filler: wood, silicate, etc. The only prerequisite is regular replacement of your chosen litter and keeping the tray clean.
An essential part of the care of a fluffy pet is regular combing (2-3 times a week). This should be done with specially designed combs and brushes. Besides, the list of hygiene procedures must include bathing, which must be done at least once every 3 months... When bathing, do not use detergents intended for humans. It is necessary to purchase products made specifically for cats.

Hygienic care of the ears is carried out by rubbing them with a damp cotton swab, and the eyes should be wiped with a specially designed lotion for this purpose. (you can buy such a remedy at a veterinary clinic).In order to avoid various diseases of the oral cavity, as well as inflammation of the gums, plaque and calculus, the cat should periodically brush his teeth. For this, you should also use special products for animals.

Breeding characteristics of animals of the bobtail breed may differ depending on the specific species. So, for example, many breeders report that breeding the Kuril subspecies is a rather difficult task that not everyone (even an experienced) person can cope with. On the other side, breeding Japanese bobtails is easy.
One way or another, but the process of breeding animals of this breed requires strict selection. The thing is that special attention should be paid to the purity of the breed, since any (even the smallest) deviations can cause the cat to not meet all the necessary standards.

Feeding and diet planning is an integral part of keeping and caring for your pet. Bobtail cats, like any other pets, can be fed using 2 types of food: dry or natural. If you prefer ready-made mixtures and formulations, then take care that that they are produced by trusted and reputable manufacturers.
Do not skimp on the food of the animal, because this can lead to negative consequences (at least - to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system).

On the other hand, if you decide to feed your cat with natural food, then it is important to monitor that so that the animal's diet is complete and balanced. Food in its composition should contain all vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the cat's body.
Do not feed the animal with leftovers from your table, the food must be specially prepared for the pet, and it must also be fresh.
The diet of a bobtail cat can include the following foods:
- beef without fat;
- chicken;
- turkey;
- sea fish without fat;
- cartilage;
- chicken stomachs;
- porridge;
- vegetables;
- dairy products;
- fresh grass.
Also, do not forget that the animal needs to have unhindered and constant access to clean drinking water.

Popular nicknames
There are no restrictions on choosing a name for your pet. In this sense, you should be guided only by your imagination and creative inclinations. As for the most popular names for bobtails, according to statistics, the following nicknames are most often distinguished:
- Bonnie;
- Billy;
- Kitty;
- Teri;
- Teddy;
- Aida;
- Obi;
- Sweetie;
- Archie;
- Chad;
- Nessie;
- Ollie.
Obviously, this list is not exhaustive, and you can choose any other nickname you like.

In the next video you can get acquainted with the features of the Kurilian Bobtail breed.
The Manx cat can be tailless, with a short tail, with a medium sized tail and with a standard tail, like all cats. I have a short ponytail Manx, his name is Jack, and he really loves water. This is their breed trait. I place it in good hands. He loves Royal Canin.
I have a ginger cat and her name is Zest.
The black cat is called Smoke, the red one is Murzik, the tortoiseshell one is Peggy, the white one is Snowball, the gray one is Lucky.
Kitty - 5 months old Kurilian Bobtail. Already executing the "Aport" command. Red-haired, kind, laskusha- super breed!