British cat

All about British marble cats

All about British marble cats
  1. A bit of history
  2. Color features and types
  3. Character and habits
  4. Care and maintenance recommendations
  5. Breeding

One of the rarest and at the same time unique colors of British kittens is the harlequin. Marble British cats and cats obviously will not leave any cat lover indifferent, because in addition to a luxurious fur coat, they have a very soft character, and they are also very graceful. It is believed that the British are the real aristocrats of the feline society. But why are marble cats so attractive to many breeders and potential buyers? In this article, we will take a closer look at the description of the "British" marbled color, find out some of the nuances of caring for them, and also consider the character traits.

A bit of history

The British breed of cats is considered natural, but many of the colors of the coat and its color were bred by selection and use of cats from other breeds. Persians and exotics usually participated in the selection, these breeds have quite a lot in common with the "British", and therefore, when developing new colors, the established breed standards did not suffer.

But also according to one of the versions, it is believed that the marble color was inherited by domestic animals from their wild relatives living in Africa, India and other countries. However, initially it was not what it is now, and therefore, to improve it, a selection was carried out, in which, in addition to scientists, felinologists took part.

Color features and types

All cats that have some kind of pattern on the coat are called tabby. This is the so-called color group. Tabby marbled cats look really luxurious and unique. In addition, the patterns are usually contrasting and often resemble the fur coats of wild animals.

  • Marble cats and cats have a contrasting color with two types of hairs. The former are, as it were, colored by zones, while the latter are in the background. The hairs that create the pattern are completely dyed.
  • On the forehead of kittens and adults with a marble pattern, you can most often see the letter "M", which is a kind of exterior of this color.
  • The eyes and nose of marbled specimens usually have a bright black eyeliner. This eyeliner is very similar to that of British chinchillas.
  • The main pattern of British Marbles is always clear and even, it has smooth transitions throughout the coat, but never looks blurry.
  • "Necklaces" on the chest of animals are highly prized in this color. And the more there are, the more appreciated this or that individual. Contrasting spots of various shapes can be observed on the back, abdomen and ears.
  • Eye color very often depends on color. For example, cats and cats with a chocolate marble color are most often green eyes, and individuals with a gray-black "whiskas" color - blue or gray.

    The marble "Britons" always have a pattern on their rounded cheeks.

    Closed contrasting circles can be observed on the animal's tail and legs. The coat of the British marbled individuals is not so short, due to which it seems that they seem to be understated or have short legs. But this is the breed standard. The paw pads are most often dark.

    The marbled color is well expressed even in the smallest kittens. Do not confuse the marbled color with others, such as brindle and spotted. They have their differences.

    • "Britons" of this color can be silver marble, when the main background color is gray-white with the purest snow undercoat, and the spots on the silver are contrasting black. Eye color can be gray, green, or blue. There are also other shades of eyes. Individuals with a green iris and silvery marble on a fur coat are valued above all else.
    • There are also cats and cats with a less relevant, but at the same time demanded color, namely: silver-lilac marble color, silver-red marble color, silver-chocolate marble color and some others.
    • Cats and cats with black marble on gold color, as well as golden chocolate look very exquisite. In such animals, the main color of the coat looks like a bright red or reddish-brown, and all the spots have a deep black color.
    • In animals with a color of black and blue marble, the pattern is less pronounced and noticeable. But at the same time they also look very beautiful and exotic.
    • Males and cats with a bicolor marble color have a coat color that combines several shades at once, and at the same time there is an original pattern on the fur coat.
    • Tortoiseshell marble is quite rare, and mostly it is found only in cats, as, indeed, any tortoiseshell color. This is due to the fact that males practically do not have wool, in which there are 3 or more shades.
    • Lilac and cream marble are considered very delicate colors.

    It should also be noted that kittens are often born with the so-called false marble color, which is called "moire". Very often breeders, unknowingly or with their own special intent, sell such kittens at marble prices. It is not always easy to distinguish these kittens, but also not so difficult. The pattern on their fur, even in childhood, is uneven or not at all clear, over time it begins to disappear completely, leaving only small stripes and patterns that are barely visible.

      In marble kittens, the color from childhood is rich and clear, including the pattern itself, and the older they become, the pattern begins to look brighter and more complete.

      Character and habits

      British kittens and adults are famous for their very calm nature. Moreover, these animals are wayward and very well-mannered. They are quite difficult to get along with other felines, but get along very well with dogs at the same time. In order for cats to become friends, it is best to raise them together from childhood.

      British tabby cats and cats are unobtrusive and delicate. They do not beg for food, do not impose and do not wake up the owners in the morning. Most of their time they prefer to rest and lead a measured lifestyle. They are quite playful, if they are not constantly bored, they get along badly with children, because they do not like constant squeezing. But at the same time they are completely non-aggressive and unforgettable. They are very wary of strangers. They do not get bored or dirty in the house or apartment while they are alone.

      In general, the liking of the British marble representatives of this breed is no different from any purebred British. They are just as smart and intelligent, they quickly learn something new.

      Care and maintenance recommendations

      Taking care of British marbled cats and cats is not so difficult, but for this it will take time.

      • It is recommended to comb the animals with a special comb several times a week. This is done so that the wool does not roll and mats do not form.
      • Bathing Brits is best when their fur gets dirty. Usually 1-2 times a year, sometimes they are bathed just before exhibitions. For bathing, you should use special shampoos, not those used by people.
      • The nails are sheared every 2-4 weeks as they grow. A special nail clipper should be used for this procedure.
      • Animal ears should be cleaned very carefully and only as they become dirty. For this, it is recommended to use a special liquid and a cotton pad, do not clean the ears of cats with cotton swabs.
      • Eye care should also be done very carefully. You can wipe them only with a cotton pad or a piece of gauze dipped in warm water or chamomile infusion. If pus is found in the eyes, it is very important to seek veterinary help in a timely manner, and not to self-medicate.

      To avoid many viral diseases, from which felines often suffer, it is recommended that they do a comprehensive vaccination once a year, as well as vaccination against rabies.

        Before vaccinations, animals are always given a remedy for helminitis. It can be either a suspension or a tablet. The main thing is to give the medicine according to the instructions and the weight of the animal.

        A cat or a cat must have its place in the house. This can be either a cat's house or a small pillow for sleeping. It is advisable to start scratching posts, otherwise animals can involuntarily scratch floor surfaces and furniture.

        As for feeding animals, they can be fed or natural. Both diets have their pros and cons. The main thing is that any diet is balanced. Ready-made feed is already such, but if we are talking about natural food, then in no case should it consist of food that a person consumes. All spicy, fried and salty, as well as fish and chicken bones are contraindicated.

        The British are recommended to boiled vegetables, lean meat (little idea, rabbit, chicken, young sheep), cottage cheese, yolks and some dairy products without additives. Whatever food the animals are on, it is very important that they always have clean and fresh water. Bowls should always be washed thoroughly after meals.


        Many breeders are very serious about selling cats and cats for breeding, and therefore their prices are much higher than those individuals that are sold only as pets. That is, for castration and sterilization. Britons with a marbled color for sterilization cost an average of 20-25 thousand rubles, and several times more expensive for breeding. Depending on the reputation and popularity of the cattery, prices can go up to 100 thousand rubles, but it will be a real, elite and thoroughbred kitten.

        If there is a desire to purchase a marbled kitten for further mating, then it should be understood that it must be with all the documents and pedigree, otherwise it will be incredibly difficult to find a decent pedigree pair.

        And it is also worthwhile to understand that for the breeding of marble Britons, a rather large room is recommended for their keeping. Before deciding to breed British marbled cats and cats, it is recommended to carefully weigh the pros and cons. You should buy a kitten only in a trusted cattery with a good reputation.

        You can call a marble boy or girl a very original name that will appeal to all household members in the house. Even if the animal was not purchased for mating, it will delight the whole family for many years, because the average British live 17 years.

        For British cats, see the following video:

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