Burmese cat

Burmese cat personality

Burmese cat personality
  1. Origin story
  2. Description
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Character traits
  5. Conditions of detention
  6. Feeding
  7. Upbringing
  8. Health

Burmese is among the five most famous cat breeds. She is loved for the unusual characteristics of the coat, as well as for her friendly, outgoing character and high intelligence. This animal conquered the hearts of people not only with its attractive appearance, but also with its devotion and gentleness of character.

Origin story

The Burmese cat was first identified in Burma, which is located in the east of Asia. The breed was revered in ancient times, it was kept in temples and equated with divine beings. In the last century, the animal was brought to Europe, it was called "Siamese dark". Under the leadership of D. Thompson in 1930, the breed was brought to America and crossed, selecting representatives with a dark coat.

After long efforts of scientists, a breed with chocolate fur was obtained. And only 8 years later the Burmese cat was registered as an independent breed. The distribution of this animal was recorded in 1948, after which felinologists were able to introduce a "reddish gene" into its color. As a result, representatives with a reddish, tortoiseshell and cream shade appeared.

    Currently, the following representatives of this breed can be distinguished.

    • American Burmese... The cat is characterized by the roundness of the muzzle, small ears with rounded tips, the distance between which is less than that of the European individual.
    • European Burmese has a muzzle of a narrowed triangular type. The ears are long and close-set. The legs are long and thin.


    Burmese is a short-haired cat breed, characterized by medium size and length.The body of the animal is muscular, strong, straight back, powerful chest. The pet's tail is narrow and tapers towards the end. The paws are slender and graceful. The European breed from the American one can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

    • wedge-shaped narrow muzzle;
    • elongated ears, set close to each other;
    • slender and long limbs;
    • the presence of a depression on the nose;
    • sly gaze.

    Cats weigh between 5 and 6 kilograms, and cats between 3 and 3.5 kilograms. The color of the coat is brown with lilac, blue, red, cream tones, as well as chocolate, tortoiseshell with the above tones. The coloration is uneven, usually much darker on the face and legs and tail. The breast and neck of the animal are light in color. The color of the coat is formed with the age of the kitten. The wool of these animals is characterized by its thinness, satin texture, it is short and tight to the body.

    There is practically no undercoat. Interesting to know that the texture and color of the fur changes with the weather.... For example, when it is cold outside, the coat is much darker than during the warm period. The eyes of cats are bright, their color is yellow with various shades. They look pretty smart, and their eye color can change depending on the lighting and the mood of the animal.

    The Burmese breed is characterized by extraordinary plasticity. This cat moves with freedom, ease and grace. She has a rather developed muscular system, so the representative can not only jump high, but also arrange real performances.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The Burmese cat is considered a luxurious and mysterious representative of the animal world. Despite the fact that she seems harmless, she has the strength and dexterity to stand up for herself if necessary. This animal practically has no drawbacks, the only drawback can be called the fact that this breed does not tolerate loneliness.

    But the breed has several advantages at once:

    • friendliness;
    • attachment to people;
    • sociability;
    • playfulness;
    • safety for children;
    • no need for special care.

    Character traits

    Burmese cats are owners of a unique character, the formation of which took place during the formation of the breed. The behavior and habits of these animals are transmitted at the genetic level. This representative of the animal world is distinguished by its sociability, so it will not be difficult for him to find a common language with the owner and other family members and pets. The animal has leadership habits, which is why it goes first to contact.

    The main orientation of the breed is considered to be a man. This cat can become a faithful friend for many years, its affection resembles a dog. When going about his business, a person can notice how an animal, without getting tired, follows on his heels, often climbing into his arms and demanding affection. The complaisance of these animals contributes to their good relationship with children. Burmese love to be naughty with babies and will never let go of their claws or scratch a child.

    Experts recommend getting such a pet for people who have small children, since this cat will not only become his friend, but also contribute to the development of love for the representatives of the fauna. This breed is characterized by special activity. Burmese can spend several hours in games. In this case, the animal will be playful and active until old age.

    Burmese cats are real artists, they love attention very much. For such a pet, loneliness is simply unbearable and therefore difficult to experience. Particularly interesting habits of the breed can be called their talkativeness, as well as the ability to take a gopher pose, squatting on its hind legs. No manifestations of aggression were observed in this animal.

    The Burmese have a well-developed intuition, as well as sensitivity, they are able to understand the feelings of the owner and help him to relax.Such a pet is a real healer, since he, feeling a person's discomfort, immediately rushes to his aid. An unusual cat is not conflicted, but it will not give offense either. She is easily able to stand up for herself, rebuffing a larger creature.

    The voice of the Burmese cat can be called low and pleasant. She not only meows, but can sniff and grunt. A feature of the animal can be called the ability to "speak" without opening his mouth.

    Such a pet is quite intelligent and easy to train. They have a developmental instinct, such an animal is capable of behaving decently when traveling in transport.

    Conditions of detention

    Like any other purebred animal, Burmese needs care and attention. Before the pet is brought into the house, it is worth removing the available crumbling, breakable objects and chemicals. It is recommended to hang the windows with a mosquito net so that the active kitten does not fall out of the window, jumping onto the windowsill.

    The Burmese cat needs the following containment items.

    • A place to rest. The lounger should be located at a distance from the doorway, where there are no drafts and no objects that make noise.
    • Individual dishes. For feeding, it is worth purchasing plastic dishes, the drink should be poured into a ceramic container. These items must be replaced every 12 months.
    • Toilet... For this purpose, any container with a special filler can be used.
    • Hygiene products... These include a nail clipper, ear and eye drops, a rubber brush for combing fur, shampoo, a brush and toothpaste.
    • Scratching post. The active Burmese breed is best suited for a vertical pole, which is made from natural materials.
    • Carrying. This accessory is simply irreplaceable when transporting an animal to a dacha, to a veterinary clinic or any other place.

      The pet's place of residence should be kept in constant cleanliness, and also do not forget to monitor the personal hygiene of the animal itself and visit a doctor on an ongoing basis.

      The necessary measures for caring for a Burmese cat include the following procedures.

      • Combing the fur... These actions should be carried out using a special brush. In the phase when the animal is molting, it is worth scratching the animal more often. The use of a piece of fur or suede gives shine when combing.
      • Clipping the claws. It is worth cutting off the claws of the animal once a month, shortening them with a claw cutter by 1-2 mm.
      • Bathing. If the cat is constantly indoors, it is not necessary to bathe it. If the animal goes out into the street, then it is worth teaching it to swim from an early age. The procedure is carried out no more often than once a quarter. Before bathing, the pet's ears need to be protected with cotton swabs. You can only use shampoo, which is intended for short-haired breeds of cats. Drying the fur should be done with a towel, without using a hair dryer.
      • Cleaning eyes, ears, teeth. Burmese teeth should be brushed every week using specially designed brushes and pastes. The eyes and ears of the pet must be examined every day, the sulfur is removed with a cotton swab. For care, it is recommended to apply cat drops for the ears and eyes.

      If symptoms of conjunctivitis or otitis media are found, the animal should be shown to the veterinarian.


      Burmese cat does not have a tendency to allergies, as well as problems with the digestive tract. You can feed the animal with homemade food and commercial food. Homemade food has a positive effect on a cat's growth and development, but cooking is time consuming. 80% of the diet of a thoroughbred pet should be meat, which is about 120 grams of raw or defrosted product per day. Lean meats should be used for feeding, namely lamb, rabbit, beef and poultry.

      For ease of eating, the product should be cut into 1 by 1 cm pieces.Together with meat, it is advisable to give vegetables and herbs. However, the Burmese often looks for grass and greenery on the street itself, while refusing the one offered by the owner. A significant percentage of the pet's diet should be on the following foods:

      • cottage cheese;
      • curdled milk;
      • fermented baked milk.

      Twice a week, the cat should receive fish pulp, a boiled egg. You can find dry food or canned food at many stores. When choosing a feed, you should pay attention that the bulk of the product should be protein. It should also contain vitamins, fiber and useful elements.

      It is worth noting that you cannot feed your pet with purchased food and homemade food at the same time, as this can cause digestive problems.

      It is strictly forbidden to feed the Burmese cat with sweet, salty, fatty, as well as seasoned dishes, fried foods. Proper nutrition is the key to a cat's gracefulness and beautiful appearance.


      The process of raising a Burmese cat is not difficult, since it has an accommodating character and a special affection for people. She allows small children to play with her, while enduring all kinds of squeezing and fluttering, not responding with aggression. For many owners, raising cats is limited to toilet training, but this is wrong. It is worth teaching Burmese from the first days of being in the house, since she is able to memorize all the science that is taught to her.

      Since the cat is a freedom-loving and independent animal, it cannot be punished. Burmese should be taught through positive reinforcements. Choose tricks and commands, taking into account the capabilities and preferences of the pet. The main rule of training this breed is patience, attention and perseverance. It is difficult for an animal to perceive human speech, therefore, the commands should be repeated strictly in the same word form. The command "sit", "eat", "bring" the Burmese will carry out, it can be said once, clearly, without transformation.


        This breed of cats has strong immunity, therefore it is distinguished by good health. She does not have severe hereditary ailments. Common diseases include gingivitis. This disease manifests itself in gum inflammation and the formation of plaque on the teeth. As a preventive measure, it is worth regularly brushing your pet's teeth.

        Sometimes the Burmese has difficulty breathing and watery eyes. To prevent this ailment, the cat's nose must be checked and cleaned. Special eye drops will help to reduce lacrimation of the pet. The animal's gestation period passes without complications. However, the very process of giving birth to kittens can be difficult, so a veterinarian must be present during childbirth.

        The Burmese cat is considered a real miracle of the animal world. She is pretty pretty, graceful, benevolent. Such a cat is able to become a playful and active member of the family, as well as a friend for children.

        The only thing that the owner should not forget is to pay attention and time to his pet.

        You will learn more about the Burmese cat in the following video.

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