Burmese cat

Burmese cats: breed description, variety of colors and maintenance rules

Burmese cats: breed description, variety of colors and maintenance rules
  1. Origin story
  2. Description
  3. Character traits
  4. Life span
  5. Color options
  6. How to choose a kitten?
  7. Conditions of detention and rules of care
  8. What to feed?
  9. Popular nicknames
  10. Helpful hints and tips
  11. Owner reviews

Burmese cats attract a lot of attention because they look insanely attractive. Their appearance is exotic and their behavior is deliberate. These adorable cats cannot imagine life without their owner and are trying with all their might to attract his attention. Today we will take a closer look at these adorable and unusual pets.

Origin story

To appreciate all the merits of the mustachioed representatives of this world famous breed, you first need to make out the history of its origin. These beautiful creatures with delicate silk fur have been popular for millennia. The first mentions of them can be traced back in those manuscripts that were written in the distant XII century in Thailand and Burma.

Mentions of Burmese cats with a more detailed and detailed description can be found in the Bangkok History Museum. In addition, chocolate-colored "silk" ladies can be seen in the images found in ancient literature found in the Siamese capital.

Even in many temples, images of these beautiful animals are used.

Burmese cats received the name of their breed in memory of their Motherland - Burma - a beautiful and mysterious country of the East. In Ancient Burma, cats of this breed were praised and revered. They were perceived in the same way as the gods. Burmese cats were considered sacred and treated accordingly.

Each of the priests had such a beautiful and intelligent animal.The relationship between the owner and his pet spoke of how close the latter is to the gods. As in ancient Egypt, cats were considered real guides to the world of the dead. They were also useful to the living, because they brought good luck and promised wealth.

    Fluffy "gods" and "goddesses" were insanely expensive. Only people from the nobility and wealthy aristocrats could afford such "magic" pets. Several Burmese cats lived at the court of ancient rulers and were considered their faithful talismans, protecting their wealth and well-being. Such "holy" favorites were treated very attentively and valued no less than the treasury or their own happiness.

    Representatives of the Burmese breed were first introduced to Europe only in the 19th century. For a long time they were called "Black Siamese". Everything changed only by 1930. At that time, Dr. Joseph Thomson brought with him to America a cute kitty with an interesting and memorable nickname - Wong Mau.

    Thompson did not belong to professional breeders, but he really wanted to cross his pet with representatives of the Siamese breed. For a long 8 years, Joseph chose from the offspring of kittens that have a darker color. Thus, he tried to achieve the perfect chocolate shade. By 1938, very beautiful and spectacular cats of color, close to dark chocolate, made a splash at a special felinological exhibition. The photo with the mustachioed "beauties" got into the newspapers, after which their popularity and fame skyrocketed.

      It was after this that the Burmese breed was officially registered.

      In 1948, representatives of the Burmese breed in Europe gave a slightly modified offspring, the color of which acquired a new reddish tint. In addition, professional breeders have worked to ensure that cats have a more graceful and neat figure, like real goddesses. True, such changes were not received with the desired delight and joy. After long twists and turns, breeders from the USA and Europe have not found a common language in matters of the ideal appearance of Burmese cats.

      For this reason, not one, but two standards of the described breed stand out today.

      • American. Cats belonging to this type have a more dense and squat build. The shape of their body is rounded.
      • European... Representatives of this standard have a more accurate and graceful figure. Their muzzle is slightly pointed, which makes the pets look a little snide and sly. It is this expression that attracts many people.


      Burmese cats are very popular today. First of all, all people fall in love at first sight with their bright appearance, which cannot be ignored. It was already mentioned above that there are two standards for these representatives of the breed, but, despite this, both of them have common external characteristics, which we will analyze below.

      • Representatives of the Burmese breed are medium-sized individuals. They have a fairly dense muscle mass, but at the same time their torso is very well coordinated and harmonious. The back of these cats is straight. It smoothly turns into a long and flexible neck, as well as a wide chest. As for the paws, on the contrary, they usually grow thin and long. Their size corresponds to the dimensional parameters of the body, due to which cats and Burmese cats look graceful. Their every movement is filled with grace and aristocracy.
      • Head in Burmese animals it is not too large. Usually it is wide in the cheekbones, but tapers very neatly closer to the nose. Their muzzle is flattened, which makes the Burmese similar to its relative, the Siamese cat.
      • Ears in the representatives of the described Asian breed, they grow large.They are set wide apart at the crown and have slightly rounded tips, giving the animals a more pretty appearance.
      • Eyes in Burmese cats, they are widely spaced. They are distinguished by their large size and unusual structure. The lower line of the eyes is neatly rounded, and the upper one is seen almost perfectly straight, slightly leaning towards the nose. This feature makes the cat look more mysterious, cunning and gloomy.
      • Iris color these cats are completely different. In most cases, it changes from amber (more often this eye color belongs to animals with dark fur) to green-yellow (a similar color of the iris is typical for representatives of light color). The color of the iris can change over the years. That is why professional breeders pay more attention to the very shape of the eyes and the gap between them. Color is rarely a good indicator.
      • The Burmese cat can be confidently called a unique animal. Having compact dimensions, it may not have the smallest weight - it can range from 5 to 6 kg in females and up to 9 kg in males.
      • As soon as you take a charming Burmese cat in your arms, you immediately recall its distant eastern past and "divine" status: in severity, it is somewhat similar to a stone statue, but at the same time very soft and affectionate... The feeling of her body weight at this moment does not disappear anywhere. Because of this distinctive feature of the representatives of this breed, many breeders call it "a brick wrapped in silk."
      • Silk wool - this is one of the most striking distinctive features of Burmese cats. These animals have no undercoat. Wool adjoins the body as close as possible, but at the same time it remains so delicate and soft that it can really be confused with natural silk to the touch. The short-haired beauty has one interesting property - its hairs change their color under conditions of temperature changes. When it's warm outside, the Burmese cat becomes lighter, and when it's cold - darker and more saturated.
      • At the very roots, each hair has a natural dark color. At the tips, it turns out to be lighter. If you look closely at such spectacular color transitions, it immediately becomes clear why Burmese cats are considered the most beautiful in the world.

      Many fans of the beautiful representatives of the Burmese breed believe that such cats are an illustration of the ideals of grace and grace. Looking at the gorgeous Asian beauties, one can understand the inhabitants of Burma, who considered them deities.

      Character traits

      In most cases, at first glance, Burmese cats seem to many people too serious and even a little inhospitable, but this impression quickly changes as soon as the animal begins to move and show its true character. More active, funny and mischievous pets are hard to find. Burmese cats and cats remain playful until old age.

      These beautiful pets are great lovers of active and outdoor games. Since they are distinguished by their agility and long powerful legs, the whole house can literally become their object for play and chase. Cats love to "jump" on cabinets, they can rush without problems on the carpet hanging on the wall, and even climb up the curtains to the very ceiling.

      If the playful Burmese cat suddenly stopped her energetic movements, then the owner is better off being vigilant and paying attention to her - perhaps the mustachioed friend made a short pause to look around and find another interesting object in the room for games.

      Burmese cats and cats are also distinguished by their bold character. They rarely get intimidated by public transport. Animals from the street and strangers are also unable to unbalance or scare them.

      But this does not mean that these pets are fearless to the point of insanity - they are smart enough and are careful not to get into trouble once again.

      Such cats cannot live without proper attention from humans. They are very attached to their master and do not like to be alone for a long time - they always need company. Left alone in the house, Burmese cats most often curl up into a ball and just go to bed. When the owner is nearby, these energetic handsome men will do everything that depends on them in order to only attract as much attention to themselves as possible. As a rule, they succeed.

      It is not enough for Asian short-haired handsome men to lie next to their beloved owner without action - they love to be stroked, showing that they have not been forgotten. You can even talk to these pets - they also really like it. If the owner suddenly turned his attention to a conversation with someone else, then the animal may suddenly remind of itself with a loud purr or bury its cold nose in the palm of a person.

      Such behavior of Burmese cats often conquers people, because usually animals of this species calmly do without active attention from their owners and live as if by themselves.

      Some people believe that the main disadvantages of the Burmese character are that they used to always get their way... These pets have their own opinion on everything. The Burmese cat itself will decide where to sleep, with what things to play and what commands to obey. When these pets are trying to attract the attention of their owners, they behave especially persistently - you need to be prepared for this if you are going to have such Asian beauties.

      These cats usually do not show excessive aggression. They behave kindly. Sometimes the overly gentle behavior of Burmese cats becomes a real weakness. Burmese will not release claws even at such moments when she is hurt or offended. On the one hand, this quality is great if the animal lives in a family with young children: mothers and fathers can not be afraid that the pet will scratch the child. But on the other hand, in such conditions, the cat itself can suffer if the parents do not teach their children the correct and affectionate behavior towards pets.

      These pets are trainable. They learn easily, especially if they are interested in it.

      In addition, Burmese can easily live on the same territory with other pets. She will definitely not provoke conflict situations and fights.

      Life span

      Many people planning to have a gentle and beautiful Burmese cat are interested in how long they usually live. The normal lifespan of these handsome Asian men is 15 to 18 years. But it must be borne in mind that a lot also depends on the health of the animal and proper care for it. In some cases, the pet can live longer.

      Color options

      The coat color of Burmese cats may vary. Thanks to delicate color tints, the appearance of these pets attracts even more attention. Let us examine in detail what color options for such cats exist.

      • The most famous Burmese color is sable. Animals related to this suit have a uniform monochrome color. It can range from dark brown to “sweet” milk chocolate.
      • Chocolate color is considered the second most popular and widespread.... The main distinguishing feature of this color of cats' fur is that it contrasts with the dark "mask" that is present on the pet's face.
      • There is also the original blue color of the Burmese cat. The shade of the coat with this color is more like gray and is very light. Individuals with a similar color usually cost a little less than representatives of the breed of other colors.

      This is due to the fact that blue coloration is widespread in cats and cats of many other known breeds.

      • The lilac color of cats is especially appreciated among fans of the breed. There is no other breed that has the same gentle and uniform color. Only luxurious Burmese beauties can boast of this color.

      According to European standards, Burmese can have other interesting coat colors.

      • A truly unique coat of a Burmese cat is made by an unobtrusive red or ginger shade.
      • Creamy "notes" arising from the clarified red tones conquer many connoisseurs of the described glorious breed.
      • There are also several varieties of spectacular and unusual tortoiseshell color. It combines a combination of black and red in different proportions.

      How to choose a kitten?

      A kitten of this Asian breed must be chosen very carefully and carefully. Take it responsibly. The following basic recommendations should be adhered to.

      • Don't buy kittens that are too small. It is advisable to wait a little until the babies grow up and they are 3-4 months old. By this time, the kittens will become more independent and easier to get used to the new living conditions.
      • When choosing a Burmese kitten, one should take into account the fact that they grow a little slower than "young" ones belonging to other breeds. For this reason, Burmese kittens will look smaller.
      • The kid should not be too lethargic and painful in appearance.
      • It is possible that a transparent discharge will come out of the kitten's eyes. Do not be afraid of them - this liquid is designed to act as a cleansing component of the baby's eyes. If the discharge has become hard, it will need to be removed very carefully. You should act as carefully as possible and without sudden movements, so as not to harm the kitten. If you notice a yellowish or whitish discharge in a small pet, then it is better to consult a veterinarian.
      • If you are looking for a Burmese of a particular color you like, then it is better to purchase an adult, and not a small kitten. This is due to the fact that the shade of these animals reaches its "full-fledged state" only at the moment when the animal is about a year old.
      • It is advisable to contact prestigious nurseries with a good reputation for the purchase of such a thoroughbred beauty. In addition, the cost of the kittens must be taken into account. In Russia, the average price for representatives of this breed usually ranges from $ 400 to $ 500.

      Considering all of the above criteria when choosing a Burmese kitten, then you can't go wrong with the purchase. The main thing is to take into account all the features of the behavior of these animals and apply for their purchase to experienced breeders or luxury nurseries.

      Conditions of detention and rules of care

      Burmese cats need proper and complete care. Despite the fact that the health of these pets is considered strong enough (genetic diseases are unfamiliar to these animals), this does not mean that their maintenance can be left to chance.

      Burmese can safely live their whole life and they will need to apply to the services of veterinarians only for vaccinations. But these pets often suffer from certain diseases that need to be treated in a timely manner, without wasting time. For example, Burmese kittens in some cases suffer from shortness of breath: this problem occurs due to a short nose.

      With regard to diseases associated with the oral cavity (especially gingivitis), they occur frequently. To resolve this issue, veterinarians recommend feeding your pet a high-quality, luxury, dry food pellet.

      It will remove plaque and tartar from your cat's teeth. It is advisable to show your pet to the dentist every 6 months.

      We must not forget that Burmese cats are afraid of drafts. Care must be taken to ensure that they are not negatively affected.These animals, like all representatives of Asian breeds, do not tolerate low temperatures in the best way. They are much more comfortable in the warmth.

      In other matters, Burmese cats are unpretentious. Their content will not require unnecessary efforts from the owners. Constant attention should be paid only to the fur of these beauties. At least a couple of times a week, it is necessary to comb out the fur of these animals in order to remove excess hairs and remove fat from the hairline. This can be done not only with the help of a classic comb - for this, high-quality suede is more suitable, which will need to gently wipe the cat's hair. Some owners prefer to use a handy tool such as a rubber brush.

      If the beautiful Burmese does not go out for a walk, then there is no need for regular bathing. But if from time to time you take your pet for a walk, then it will be necessary to accustom him to regular water procedures. During such events, it is very important to ensure that no water or shampoo gets into the cat's ears. Bathe these animals permissible only with the use of special means.

      To dry the animal, you should use a dry towel. It is advisable not to use a hairdryer.

      Trim the claws of your pedigree pet periodically. Even if you have several scratching posts at once at home, you still need to constantly monitor the condition of Burmese nails. Once a month, trim the claws by 1-2 mm, no more.

      It is advisable to brush the teeth of a Burmese kitten once a week. For these procedures, you need to stock up on a special toothpaste and brush. If you do not neglect these hygienic measures, then the baby will be protected from the formation of tartar and other similar problems. Examine the animals' ears and eyes carefully every day. If you notice that sulfur or a crust has appeared, then you should use special drops and bury them in the eyes and ears of your pet.

      It can be difficult to tame an adult cat so that it does not resist such procedures, but such therapeutic actions cannot be neglected. If inflammation or redness is noticeable, then you need to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

      What to feed?

      If you are planning to have a luxurious Burmese cat, then you should know what to feed it and what is undesirable.

      • Proper nutrition is the key to the health and activity of your pet... A small kitten will need to be fed at least 4 times a day. As for an adult cat or cat, they can be transferred to a two-time diet. During the period of gestation of kittens, the cat needs to provide enhanced feeding. In this difficult time, the animal can be returned to 4 meals a day.
      • Burmese food must be chosen exclusively from premium or super-premium categories. Always be very careful about the dosage, which is usually indicated on the package. In the case of feeding with natural food, preference should be given to protein products - high-quality and fresh fish, meat and dairy products. It is imperative to diversify the Burmese menu with egg yolks, boiled liver, cereals and vegetables. It should be borne in mind that natural nutrition should always be accompanied by vitamin and mineral supplements.

      It is extremely important to know which foods should not be given to these animals in any case. Never give Burmese spices, salty or greasy treats. Do not feed these pets fried and sugary foods - they can seriously harm the health of the animals.

      Providing proper nutrition to this luxurious pedigree animal is not difficult, but experts recommend that you first consult with the breeder in order to know exactly what is the best way to feed a kitten or an adult cat. You will need to decide what kind of food you choose for your pet: natural or industrial.

      Popular nicknames

      Burmese cats look very impressive and expensive. Names like the usual Murka, Barsik or Murzik rarely suit them. Choosing a nickname for such pets, you should take a closer look at their behavior and character. Often times, the right options come to mind.

      A female Burmese cat can be called like this:

      • Alice;
      • Bagheera;
      • Darcy;
      • Gressy;
      • Diana;
      • Camila;
      • Cecile;
      • Josephine;
      • Fifi.

        If you brought not a female, but a Burmese male, then you can choose a suitable nickname for him from the following options:

        • Gray;
        • Marquis;
        • Sirius;
        • Onyx;
        • Juan;
        • Williams;
        • Scotty;
        • Marquis;
        • Caesar.

        Helpful hints and tips

        If you are determined to have a lovely Burmese cat or cat, then you should listen to some helpful advice and guidance from experienced breeders and veterinarians.

        • Apartment - this is a real training ground for such pets. You will have to learn to walk as carefully as possible and always look where you are. Be attentive.
        • Do not slam windows and doors. A hooligan cat may well, at the last moment, unexpectedly stick its curious nose into the crack.
        • These adorable animals can be safely started, even if you have never dealt with them before. Burmese does not require special and too complicated care - any person can handle it.
        • It must be remembered that the Burmese is an animal that fully trusts a person. If you are visited by guests, be sure to monitor the safety of your pet. Do not forget that Burmese cats will not show aggression to the last. Even if she is bored for a long time, she will still endure and not resist.
        • If you have a Burmese in your house, then you can forget about your personal space. It doesn't matter what your mood is, whether you are tired or you still have energy - if you come home after a long absence, the Burmese cat will need to devote time, to caress and talk to her.
        • If there are children in the house, they definitely need to explain that a cat is not a toy at all, but a living being. Demonstrate to them how to properly hold the pet in your arms so as not to cause pain. It will also be useful to show how to stroke the cat, so as not to press too hard.
        • Burmese treats loneliness very badly and tolerates it hard. If you are forced to leave home often enough, then you can get another cat so that your pet has a company to play when you are not.
        • If you have a small pedigree kitten, then you must not forget about his timely vaccination. If you bought a baby in a special prestigious nursery, then all vaccinations, as a rule, will have already been done earlier. Be sure to read the pet's veterinary card. Repeated vaccinations are permissible no more than once a year.
        • If you have such a cat or a kitty not for breeding, then it is better to immediately take care of the pet sterilization. Be sure to check with your veterinarian beforehand. The specialist will tell you at what age it is best to do this.
        • Burmese is a very nimble, fast and hooligan cat who loves to play. That is why you will need to hide all dear and fragile things in advance so that the kitten does not accidentally knock over and break them.
        • Cats of this famous breed are distinguished by their unwavering devotion to their owners. You will not be able to give such a pet into good hands if it suddenly seems to you that you cannot take care of it properly or it will burden you.

        It is better to think in advance about whether you will be able to pay enough attention to this animal, whether you will have time to play with it. If not, then it is better not to “torture” the Burmese and choose a cat of some other breed.

        Owner reviews

                Despite the high cost, Burmese cats remain very popular and in demand. They have won the hearts of many lovers of these pets.There are many positive reviews about Burmese. Here's what pleases the owners of these Asian beauties the most:

                • many people call them "plush toys" for their very soft and delicate coat;
                • the wonderful "natural upbringing" of Burmese also pleases people;
                • the intelligent behavior of these cats conquers and surprises many breeders;
                • according to the owners, Burmese cats learn easily and grasp new information “on the fly”;
                • rarely get sick;
                • are very clean;
                • calm on the street and in the car;
                • very affectionate;
                • love the owner and always wait for him when he is absent at home;
                • according to many owners, these cats easily get along with other animals on the same territory, do not provoke fights and conflicts, behave peacefully;
                • these cats shed little, so their hair does not fly throughout the apartment;
                • Burmese cats are funny and love to play - it is a pleasure to watch them.

                These are not all the advantages that the owners found in Burmese cats and cats. Much depends on the specific nature and behavior of individual individuals. The main advantages that captivate breeders are the pretty appearance of these pets and their love of affection.

                As for the shortcomings, their owners are very rare in Burmese. The main disadvantage that confuses many people is the high cost of Asian handsome men.... This is especially true for individuals of exclusive and top colors. It seems to some owners that a lot of wool remains from the Burmese, but this problem occurs extremely rarely, since such animals do not have an undercoat, and their wool itself is very short by nature - unnecessary trouble with it usually does not arise, especially if you regularly comb it out.

                You will learn more about the Burmese cat in the following video.

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