Burmese cat

Description and maintenance of chocolate Burmese cats

Description and maintenance of chocolate Burmese cats
  1. Origin
  2. What does it look like?
  3. Traits

The Burmese is one of the finest breeds in the world. In the USA and Europe, such animals are quite popular, but in our country this species is little known. Burmese are unusually graceful, have a delicate, velvety coat.


The Burmese breed of cats is mentioned in ancient manuscripts of Thailand and Burma, dated back to the 12th century. Descriptions of animals are found in an old poem exhibited at the Bangkok Museum, in illustrations of an ancient book found in Siam, ancient temples also have their images on the walls. The breed received its name from the state of Burma, where it appeared. There cats were revered as a sacred animal and compared to the gods. Each priest had a kitty in the house and, depending on his attitude towards her, they judged the priest's closeness to the deities.

The inhabitants of ancient Burma believed that purrs attract good luck and wealth, accompany souls after death. Only noble people could have velvety creatures - cats were valued too dearly. Several individuals always lived in the palace of the rulers of the state, and took care of them in the same way as of the heirs of the dynasty. In the 19th century, Joseph Thomson brought the kitten from Burma to America and crossed her with a representative of the Siamese breed.

For many years, he selected kittens with the darkest shade of wool, and only eight years later the Burmese cat of an unusual chocolate shade was officially registered, acquired its name and popularity.

Already in the middle of the 20th century, breeders from Europe made their contribution to the improvement of the breed: the coat acquired a reddish tint, and the body became more slender. But in this matter, the Americans and Europeans have not come to a single standard, so today there are two varieties of the breed:

  • American type, which is represented by animals with a dense, slightly squat build of a rounded shape;
  • European type differs in a slightly elongated, slender body constitution, such cats have a slightly pointed muzzle.

What does it look like?

The chocolate Burmese cat looks unusually graceful and resembles a graceful panther.

  • The size of the animal is average, the muscles are well developed, the cats are in good physical shape, do not suffer from obesity. At the same time, they weigh much more than it might seem outwardly. The weight of a cat is approximately 3-5 kg, and that of a cat is up to 9 kg.
  • The shape of the head is slightly rounded, with well-developed cheekbones, the forehead is sloping.
  • Ears of medium size, bent forward, set high.
  • Burmese eyes are expressive, of a beautiful amber color.
  • The nose is small, neat, in line with the strong chin.
  • The neck is short, mobile, the body is rounded, the back is straight.
  • The legs are in harmony with the size of the body, they are relatively thin.
  • The tail is straight, not very long.
  • The coat is soft, satin texture. The villi are short, dense, close to the body. The coat is chocolate-colored, resembles silk to the touch and has the ability to change color depending on the temperature. When it is warm, it becomes lighter, and in cold weather it acquires a rich tone.

The chocolate color of Burmese differs from that of other breeds - it is lighter in Burmese cats. Not all parts of the body are the same tone: legs, tail, back and muzzle are slightly darker than the abdomen. The transition is smooth, there are no stripes, spots, streaks on the fur. A darker mask and ears stand out on the muzzle, which is typical for representatives of this breed. The chocolate color of the coat has a light caramel shade.


The serious and austere appearance of the Burmese does not at all correspond to her disposition. These cats are probably the most active and playful representatives of felines, and they remain so in adulthood. The brown beauty does not sit still, she is madly in love with outdoor games and jumping. If the cat stopped and became quiet, it means that she is looking for something else to come up with.

They are very inquisitive and fearless, they are not afraid of strangers or animals, but at the same time they are careful and avoid dangers.

Burmese feel a vital need for communication and attention, they are very attached to the owner and suffer from loneliness. Asian beauties love to be stroked and talked to. Drawing attention to themselves, they purr loudly, poke their muzzles in the palm of their hand or fiddle.

When purchasing a Burmese, you need to be ready to give almost all your attention to her, because she always achieves what she wants, thanks to her perseverance and stubbornness. Cats make many decisions themselves, and here the owner's opinion is not taken into account. Despite these character traits, animals are very friendly and not at all aggressive.

The cat will never release its claws, even in retaliation for the pain inflicted, so Burmese are ideal for families with children. You do not have to be afraid that the cat will scratch or bite the child, but here it is already worth worrying about the safety of the animal. Therefore, it is imperative to teach children to be friendly and not offend the cat, and then in her face they will get a faithful friend, always ready for noisy and funny fun. Brown cats are distinguished by their special devotion to the owner, they are ready to accompany him everywhere, like dogs.

Among the family members, the cat will choose a pet with whom it will communicate the most.

Due to their inherent good nature, these animals get along well with other pets. When purchasing a Burmese, you need to take into account that you will have to give it all your attention and care. For this, the graceful "goddess" will thank you with love and loyalty.

In the next video, see the description and content of chocolate Burmese cats.

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