Variety of breeds

Ceylon cats: description of the breed and features of the content

Ceylon cats: description of the breed and features of the content
  1. A bit of history
  2. Description
  3. Colors
  4. Character
  5. Care
  6. How to feed?

The Ceylon cat is a small breed of wild cats, on which, according to legend, the Buddha himself left his imprint. The homeland of this breed, as the name implies, is the island of Ceylon.

A bit of history

In the 80s of the last century, these cats were not so popular, they became famous after visiting the island by the doctor Paolo Pelegatta. It was he who noticed miniature cats, which had a pattern on their foreheads in the form of an open hood of a cobra. The doctor asked the locals in more detail about these animals and learned that they are sacred. Indeed, according to legend, the Buddha himself on this breed left a mark on his forehead.

The doctor did not return home alone, but took several animals with him, in Italy he made an exhibition for this breed and many immediately became interested in breeding issues. Exhibitions with the participation of the Ceylon breed are held both abroad and in Russia, but not everywhere this cat breed is very popular due to its high cost.

Gradually, the wild origin of the breed was reduced to nothing, but they still retained the natural dignity of these cats with large, well-set ears.

Animals can easily adapt to any environment, they love to travel.

Famous felinologists have fully described the breed, officially registered it, she received her recognition from the international associations of felinologists.


The Ceylon cats originate from the reed variety, which is famous for its incredible grace and predatory beauty. But even despite the small size of the animal, in all its qualities it does not differ in any way from ordinary domestic cats.

  • The animals have a beautiful muscular and strong body, the back is slightly arched and a wide chest.
  • An adult can weigh up to 4 kilograms.
  • The paws of the cat are small in size, there are soft pads.
  • The tail is not very long, rather flexible and the tip is sharp.
  • The head has pronounced cheekbones and a large round chin.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, and the color of the eyes is green or yellow. The cat always looks like she is sleeping or daydreaming about something.
  • The coat is soft, smooth and silky, and can vary in shades from golden to silver.


The color of these cats is very similar to the Abyssinian breed, for the most part they are found in a single color, sometimes there is a slight ticking. There are several types of ticking, the continental one is considered the most valuable, since the body has unevenly scattered colored hairs. Ceylon cats have several common types of colors: black, red, tortie, cream, blue-cream.

There are also rare colors of cats from blue to brown. They usually have stripes on their backs, tail and legs. Each such cat has a certain pattern on the forehead either in the form of a snake's head or the letter "M".

On the belly of the animal there is a spotted pattern, which is presented in several rows, and on the tail there is a ticking pattern.


Wild blood flows in the veins of this breed, but this does not affect the character. Cats are quite docile and friendly, they easily become attached to their owners. Ceylon cats are patient and obedient, they can be left even next to small children, they will never offend small owners. But cats love to play, play a little, not less than ordinary pets, but they do it carefully so that the owner does not get upset.

Kittens immediately begin to explore the whole world nearby, they should not be started where they cannot find friends... The breed of these animals requires a lot of attention, but the Ceylon cat, if the owner is busy, will not impose itself so as not to distract him from important matters.

Also a distinctive character trait is friendliness with other pets.

The cat's most favorite resting place will be next to the owner., can sleep with him on the bed, if allowed, and can also sit on the shoulder of the owner. This won't be too bad as cats are light in weight. If a huge dog lives in the house, then the cat will treat it like a friend. But if the cat feels even a slight threat, it can show its claws.

This breed is easy to train and can be trained in several commands that it will understand. But all the learning processes are best done in the form of a game, it will be better for the animal, cats love active games. And if they go with the owner, then the cat will be doubly pleased. Also, this breed is disciplined, it can be easily taught to a scratching post.

It's good if the cat has enough toys to play with on its own, to keep itself occupied when the owner is busy. It is best to start this breed in pairs, as they will complement each other and at the same time entertain.

Do not forget that this is a wild breed, therefore cats are hunters by nature, and they need to constantly maintain this quality.


There are no big difficulties in the care and maintenance of Ceylon cats.

  • Like regular short-haired pets, Ceylon cats need to be brushed.
  • Animals of this breed do not like water. You don't need to bathe them if you don't need them.
  • The ears and eyes should be monitored and periodically wiped with napkins.
  • A Ceylon cat does not need a street, they feel great in an apartment.

Also, do not forget about oral hygiene, teeth must be carefully monitored, if at a young age they may not need it, then at a more mature age a stone forms on the teeth. Do not forget about the health of these animals, they are very afraid of drafts, so do not do them, the cat may catch a cold. Their noses are too short and positioned so that cats can easily catch colds.

If you properly monitor the health of pets, then they can live long enough, there are even animals who lived up to 17 years. If the owner wants to mate the animal, then it is best to do it with the same breed.

With a mixture of blood, the gene pool can be disrupted, and the result will no longer be a real Ceylon cat.

How to feed?

Expensive, high-quality feed is used for feeding. But here it is worth knowing when to stop, since animals cannot be overfed, they are prone to obesity. It is best if the feeding was balanced and had all the necessary vitamin supplements and trace elements... But you can easily transfer cats to a different diet. For small kittens of this breed up to a year of life, dairy products should be present in the diet. At a more mature age, the animal can be fed chicken or turkey.

Fresh water must also be present, because because of the playful disposition, the cat consumes a lot of liquid.

Ceylon cats are a rare breed of animals, so finding a kitten of this breed can be problematic. After all, these cats cannot be found just like that in any cattery, they are bred and sold only in Italy. In order to find out the exact price for kittens of this breed, you need to contact the breeders. Of course, there are many scammers on the Internet who can offer such a breed, but here it is worth asking for documents for kittens, while the cost will not be small.

The breed is unique and rare, bred only abroad, but in Russia they can also be seen at special exhibitions. By their nature, cats quickly become attached to the owner, and if he is constantly on the road, then it is better not to start an animal. It can simply die of longing and boredom that no one will be around. Although such cats are gullible, they can show their character at the right time if they feel the approach of danger. Also, this breed cannot have genetic diseases, so the animals can boast of excellent health.

For the Ceylon cat breed, see the video below.

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