Black and white cats: behavior and common breeds

Domesticated felines are often endowed with very interesting colors. Many cats and cats of various breeds are characterized by a combination of black and white wool in various ratios. Many breeders believe that black and white pets are characterized by a special kind of behavior, and also due to this color, many kittens acquire a very original appearance. Before you start a black-and-white four-legged friend, it will be useful to find out if such animals really have a special disposition, what types of two-color coloration exist, what are the features of caring for such cats. All these issues will be discussed in detail in this article.

Color features
The black and white cat is a pet, the color of which can be completely different. The combination of these two colors in the coat of a domestic cat creates an often amusing ensemble, sometimes forming symmetry, and sometimes asymmetry in color. The following features of such a contrasting pet coat can be distinguished:
- this color is purely individual, it is extremely rare to find two black and white kittens with the same arrangement of spots or streaks;
- based on the first feature, the breeding of perfectly symmetrically colored black and white cats is especially difficult, because of this, the price of breeds with symmetrical black and white patterns on wool is quite high;
- usually one color of the two dominates the color, while the spots or individual areas of the cat's body are painted in a different color, contrasting with the first;
- black and white breeds are interesting in that different pigments can be present not only in the coat, but also on the paw pads, some of which can be colored pink, and some can be black;
- most often kittens with a black and white color have eyes with a green iris, like most black cats; but white breeds are characterized by blue eyes, therefore, among the two-color representatives, there may be such a phenomenon as heterochromia - on that half of the muzzle, which is painted dark, the eye has a green tone, and on the white part of the muzzle, the eye is blue.

It is possible to distinguish certain types of black and white color, characteristic of domestic representatives of the feline family.
- Wang - the type of color, which is characterized by the dominance of white. It covers most of the animal's body. Black hair can completely cover the tail, while on the muzzle in the area above the eyes or near the ears there may be some black spots. A small dark spot may also be present on the side or paw of the animal, in the shoulder region. Similarly colored cats are very popular exhibitors.

- For animals with a two-color color bicolor dominance of black hair on the body is characteristic. Light spots can be located on the chest, lower legs, chin. Basically, this is one or several spots of not very large sizes. Some kittens' breasts are colored to look like a tuxedo with a tie. There are a number of breeds, among the standard colors of which the bicolor does not stand out - Siamese, Thai, Abyssinian and Savannah.

- A type of black and white color called harlequin is considered especially unusual. The main color of the fur of cats with a similar coloring is white, against which black spots of various shapes can be randomly located. Round and oval patterns look original, but they can also have a more vague shape or even stripes. There is no white color inside the black spots. In harlequin cats, the spots sometimes resemble specific shapes, for example, a heart, some symbols, or even fruit. As a variant of the harlequin type, black spots can be seen located on the cat's head, including the areas of the eyes and ears, and several spots on the back. They can be arranged in a row, from head to tail, creating a very peculiar pattern on a white background. Instead of several spots, such a cat may have only one spot that has a horizontal shape.

The aforementioned black and white varieties are the main ones. But, in addition to them, they also distinguish such an option as a raincoat type. In a cat with this color of wool, black is located in the upper part of the body and head, resembling a cloak with a hood in outline. The type "Cap and Saddle" is considered to be a funny color.
Unlike the cloak one, the upper part of the head is painted black in it, then the neck area remains white, and then you can notice a large black spot on the back, resembling a saddle in outline.

Color ratio
There is a more detailed classification, in which the following are distinguished varieties of colors of black and white cats:
- the first type is almost completely black - there are no clearly visible spots or light areas on it, but at the same time, you can notice an uneven dissemination of light hairs on its coat;

- the second type - animals with patterns like "medallions", such cats are characterized by small white areas on a black background - in the chest, neck or lower legs;

- the third type of contrasting color is a mark on the neck; the white area is located on the front of the animal's neck, like a medallion, has clear contours and is rather large in size;

- the fourth type is the presence of a spot that passes from the chin to the neck;

- the fifth type of contrasting color implies a uniform light area in the area, starting from the chin, covering the entire lower part of the cat's body; a white tone has a chest, belly, all four legs;

- in the sixth type, the entire lower, as well as in some places the lateral part of the body, is painted white; black is present in the form of spots in the nape, back and tail, but the spots are rather large;

- the next type differs in that the ratio of white and black strongly outweighs in favor of the first tone; the entire lower and side parts of the body are painted light, there are only small spots on the back, and the tail can also be painted black;

- the eighth type of color is called residual black - on a white background, there are only a few small spots in the area of the tail and head;

- dominant white - the last type, which can be a carrier of black pigment only at the genetic level.

The character of representatives of the feline family is very often directly associated with the peculiarity of the color of their fur. According to the British, black and white cats have an ideal temperament, since they combine the staunch, strong-willed character of black individuals and the gentle traits of white behavior. Even in a small kitten, you can already notice a number of manifestations of temperament characteristic of two-colored cats, namely:
- in stressful situations, these animals demonstrate special character stability;
- such cats are distinguished by the ability to calmly do without communication with a person;
- the assertiveness of these animals is a trait characteristic of black-haired cats;
- two-tone pets are especially quick-witted;
- the ability to feel the mood of the owner allows a person to feel a real friend in the face of such a pet;
- black and white cats are not inclined to take revenge on their owners for anything and do not hold a grudge against a person for a long time;
- these animals in general can be called obedient, they are characterized by ease of communication;
- you can notice on their part a special love for games;
- if such a cat is faced with a choice between achieving satisfaction of needs at any cost and maintaining dignity, she, being quite proud by nature, chooses in favor of maintaining dignity;
- the calm nature of such pets will not cause unnecessary trouble for the owners and will create a favorable atmosphere in the house.

The main thing is not to bring up the kitten too strictly, as this can lead to its isolation and some alienation later.
Until 1969, black-and-white felines were often classified as a cull; this color was not recognized as a separate species. But when for the first time these cats were presented at exhibitions, many people liked them and gained wide popularity among breeders. A similar color of wool can often be found in mongrel cats, but, in addition, there are purebred individuals for which this color is characteristic.
British bicolor cats have a special nobility and stature. Black and white representatives of the breed can have the colors of the aforementioned types - bicolor, van and harlequin. And also among these smiling handsome men you can find cats with mitted color. Its special feature is the presence of a white stripe. It runs from the chin through the chest and abdomen to the groin. On the paws of a cat with a similar color, you can sometimes see "knee-highs" or "socks" of white color.
The behavior of British favorites is very self-sufficient and proud. They do not tolerate unnecessary tactile contacts and active human intervention in personal space. A certain aloofness contrasts in them with the tides of affection and tenderness, during which pets usually express their feelings for the owner.
Black and white beauties combine not only this contrast of character, but also another contrast in color that complements the individuality of each cat.

Among oriental cats, black and white is quite common.The ratio of colors, in addition to the three common ones, may be different. There are black representatives with a very small amount of white areas on the body, and the ratio of the two colors can be equal. The bicolor oriental breed combines a unique personality with a non-standard appearance.
In general, black and white, like any other representatives of this lop-eared breed, are very sociable animals. They love not only to play, but also to communicate with the owner, making a variety of sounds. Oriental cats appreciate attention and love to be in the center of the action.
The black and white color of the coat often even focuses on the unusual shape of the ears and body of these representatives of the feline family.

The Angora cat, painted in such a combination of colors, is characterized by especially expressive eyes. Initially, the color of this breed is white, but later a contrasting variety was also brought out. In Angora color, a white patch can be seen in the area from the forehead and below the inverted V-shape. And also the representatives of the breed are characterized by a white belly and breast.

Fluffy Persians in black and white are usually good-natured and look pretty cute. They acquire this appearance due to the harlequin-type color. This breed is characterized by a small number of black spots of a cold saturated shade, bordering on a black one. Interspersed with light hairs on black spots is not considered a good sign, as is the presence of black vibrissae.
The eyes of black and white Persians are usually dark blue, copper, dark orange, or even heterochromic.

The Siberian fluffy cat differs in that usually a pattern of a large number of spots can be seen on its body, but the color of the animal can be presented in any of three variations. The outlines of the spots are very clear, and their shape does not correspond to each other. In black and white Siberian cats, the iris of the eyes is usually colored in shades of yellow or green.

The Japanese Bobtail is a breed that is very often colored in black and white. About half of all cats of this breed have one of three types of combination of these two colors in their fur. In Kurilian Bobtails with a longer coat, this contrast in the coat is less common, but still occurs. Those animals whose color belongs to the van species do not have black spots on the back, but their short tail should be dark. In the harlequin color, the dark color in this breed should occupy no more than one-sixth of the body, while the spots should be present in the area of the forelegs, head or back. In the Kurilian bicolor color on the chin and lower part of the muzzle, the white area should form a symmetrical shape of the letter V upside down, and these cats are also characterized by the presence of a white “collar”.

Maine Coon
Among the large Maine Coons so popular at present, there are also representatives with a black and white color, mainly belonging to the bicolor type, most of the body of which is covered with a dark color, including the ears and muzzle.
If it is possible to breed kittens with harlequin or van colors, then their cost is very high, since these colors are considered rare for this breed.

Neva Masquerade
The fluffy representatives of the feline family belonging to the Neva Masquerade breed show a certain asymmetry in their black and white color. It was she who became the "highlight" of these cats.

Canadian sphinxes
In Canadian Sphynxes, a contrasting pigment is characteristic not only of the hairs, but also of the skin, therefore black and white cats of this breed have a unique skin color. In bicolors of this breed, the entire tail is often painted black and at least one ear is completely, on the top of the head you can also see a symmetrical dark spot. Sphynxes also have a black spot on the crown of the van, usually extending beyond the ear.
In this case, it is important that at least three more dark spots are present on the body of the animal, and the tail is also painted black.

Turkish van
There is such a breed of cats as the Turkish van. From the name you can understand what type of black and white color is typical for them. The wool of animals is semi-long and, in combination with a contrasting ensemble, which is quite rare for them, looks very aesthetically pleasing. Most of the body is light-colored, while small areas of the head as well as the tail can be colored black.

Cornish Rex
Cornish Rexes, with their long limbs, curly hair and generally rather unusual appearance, can also be presented in a two-tone incarnation. In addition to the three standard combinations, these cats can also have a color called tuxedo. The chest, all legs, and also the belly of these pets are colored in a light tone, while the back, shoulders, sides and upper part of the head are distinguished by a dark coat.
By eye color, contrasting representatives of this breed have copper, olive, yellow and blue varieties.

The Munchkin is a special breed of feline that differs from its relatives in short legs and a long body. In black and white, these cats look very cute, because often among their color there are such white areas as "collar", "tie", "socks" on their paws or funny spots on the face. The nature of such pets is very balanced, they are calm, independent, not devoid of independence.

How to care?
Among the rules of care, there are no specific exceptions specifically for animals with black and white color. Most of them need regular health checks, vitamins, natural nutrition and grooming, especially when it comes to breeds with medium to long coats. However, for representatives with a two-tone color, there is a special love for water procedures and combing out "hair".

The need for active pets should be met with the help of games.
For a story about cats, see the next video.
Bought for a Thai. The color of the cap and saddle, and even the tip of the tail was white. And we named him Edward. Usually adult black-and-white cats have green eyes, but this one has blue eyes and is not even going to change.
He was a street kitten, and we took him.
He can steal food, but unnoticed, he grabs a dumpling and runs away. He also loves the taste of turkey, although he also does not refuse chicken. Loves to sing. And he was fed with Whiskas (but not me) and now he is addicted to Whiskas. It's black and white like the Felix ad, and even the tip of the tail is white. Blue eyes. He is also a rather large kitten from the litter. Felix doesn't really like food, but he ate his Finnish brother with great pleasure! Loves Friskis, Native feed and Proplan.