Variety of breeds

Aegean cat: breed description, character and care

Aegean cat: breed description, character and care
  1. History of appearance
  2. Appearance standards
  3. Where can you buy?
  4. Keeping animals
  5. How to name?

The Cyclades Islands are a Greek archipelago located in the southern part of the Aegean Sea. The Mediterranean climate is favorable for the cultivation of vineyards and olives, for cattle breeding and fishing. Very often on the seaside you can see a large number of seated cats waiting for the return of the fishermen and their share of the catch. Animals are not afraid of water and can, if necessary, catch fish on their own in shallow water. These are the so-called Aegean cats.

History of appearance

The Aegean cat is the oldest domesticated wild cat breed. Now in Greece, they can be found not only in the Cyclades, but also everywhere.

In addition to the ability to fish, mustachioed predators do an excellent job of catching mice and rats.

The Greeks consider these animals to be their national treasure.... Greek breeders began to breed Aegean cats as a separate breed relatively recently - in the 90s of the XX century, and at the moment this breed has not yet been officially recognized.

Appearance standards

The Aegean cat has the following exterior features:

  • medium-sized body, flexible and well-muscled;
  • the chest is wide, the belly is tucked up;
  • the head is not very large, but wide, has a triangular shape, slightly elongated forward;
  • the eyes are beautiful almond-shaped, more often amber-yellow, but they can also have a green color;
  • medium-sized nose, straight;
  • the ears are not very large, tapering from the base to the tips, the auricles are abundantly covered with hairs;
  • the neck is strong and strong;
  • legs are well developed and elongated, paws are oval, claws are long and tenacious;
  • tail straight, long, with a tapering tip;
  • the coat is soft and silky, of medium length, without undercoat, close to the body;
  • an adult animal weighs 4-5 kilograms, cats always look larger and more solid.

You can find different descriptions of the color of these cats. The main condition is the white color of the coat, which should occupy 2/3 of the total area of ​​the coat. Ideally, it is bright and clear, like white snow. It can have spots of the same color, the so-called two-color (or bicolor) and spots of two different colors - a tricolor (tricolor). The shades of the spots themselves are allowed different: black, blue, gray, cream, red.

Where can you buy?

Outside of their native Greece, Aegean cats are not very popular. Many breeders and those wishing to have a kitten believe that these cats have ordinary, not particularly attractive, external data. The cost of a kitten varies from 10 to 35 thousand rubles, depending on gender, appearance and pedigree.

It should be noted that kittens delivered from the Cyclades will naturally be priced much more expensive.

Wherein be sure to read the reviews about the seller and do not forget to take into account the additional costs of transporting your future pet.

Keeping animals

Caring for an Aegean cat is uncomplicated. In order for your pet to be active and healthy, you should carefully read the following recommendations from experienced breeders.

  • Hygiene. Brush your pet's coat weekly with a soft brush. If the cat leads an outdoor lifestyle, it should be bathed as the coat becomes dirty. A feature of this breed is the love of water procedures, so this activity will not give your pet any discomfort. It is also necessary to monitor the health of the cat's eyes and ears, wipe them with a damp cotton pad dipped in a special solution. Veterinarians also recommend brushing your pet's teeth with a special brush to prevent tartar formation.
  • Nutrition... Aegean cats are picky about food and have a great appetite. Experienced breeders recommend that they definitely include boiled fish and lean meat (beef, turkey, rabbit meat) in their diet. They also vitally need vegetables, cereals, dairy products. It is categorically impossible to give these animals fatty, sweet, spicy and salty. You can feed the mustachioed pet with ready-made food, preferably super-premium.
  • Walking. If the Aegean cat does not have free access to outdoor activities, it is worth teaching the cat or cat to walk on a leash. These animals really need fresh air. In addition, they are quick-witted, trust the owner and easily learn everything new.
  • Disease prevention. Do not forget to give your pet routine vaccinations and see your veterinarian. Deworm and treat fleas and ticks regularly. By nature, these cats have excellent health, and there are no genetic diseases due to their natural origin.

When choosing a kitten, carefully examine its eyes, ears, mouth.

It is better to pick up the baby when he is three months old. At this time, he should know the tray and scratching post well, not be afraid of people.

Do not forget to purchase food bowls, scratching posts, a tray, a special play set, and a couch in advance. Make sure that the kitten does not have access to needles, pins, tinsel, foil and other small objects that can cause injury to the animal.

These adorable babies do not require special conditions when growing, but they need a large number of toys, space for active play and fresh air. It is useful for kittens to give frozen raw beef, boiled sea fish, offal, egg yolks, dairy products, vegetables, sprouted wheat grains. Fresh purified water should always be available to the kitten. After three months, you can switch to high-quality ready-made feed... Hygiene for babies is the same as for adult animals.

How to name?

For Aegean kittens, whose ancestors have Greek roots, it is easy to pick up the spectacular names of ancient Greek deities and heroes or the names of geographical objects. Consider the following baby names as possible options.

Options for kitty girls:

  • Agria;
  • Astrea;
  • Athena;
  • Frond;
  • Hera;
  • Gaia;
  • Dassia;
  • Ithaca;
  • Lakka;
  • Lissa;
  • Maritza;
  • Neda;
  • Nika;
  • Rhea;
  • Selena.

Options for cat boys:

  • Adonis;
  • Ardas;
  • Helios;
  • Hermes;
  • Hephaestus;
  • Dionysus;
  • Zeus;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Kasos;
  • Perseus;
  • Rhodes;
  • Theseus;
  • Uranus;
  • Aegeus;
  • Eros.

Aegean cats are adorable, intelligent and friendly creatures. They will never let others get bored and sad. There are hardly any more hardy, unpretentious and loyal animals. This beautiful breed of cats has long earned the recognition of its rightful status.

For the characteristics of the Aegean cat breed, see below.

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