Furminators for cats: description, types, selection and application

With the advent of a fluffy kitten in the house, it becomes necessary to buy care products for its wool. One of them is the furminator, which differs from the slicker and conventional brushes. The material in this article will acquaint the reader with its advantages and disadvantages, tell you what it is and help you choose the best accessory.

What it is?
It's no secret that cats need timely combing of their fur: this procedure is a must for any pet. Its coat is regularly renewed, which may be due to seasonal shedding, permanent hair replacement, and physiological traits (for example, during estrus, mating, pregnancy and feeding kittens). Loose hairs lying around the house create big trouble: they are dotted with clothes, shoes, they are on the table and almost all objects. Furminator solves this problem.

As an accessory for combing wool, it has a special design tailored to the structure of cat hair... Essentially, it is a professional grooming tool for your cat's hair. It not only brushes out excess hair, but also contributes to the normal growth of new. Hair follicles in cats are unique: from each follicle grows an axis (primary hair), a pair of fine hairs surrounding the guide hair, hairs of the undercoat and downy hairs.

Why is it needed?
It is very difficult to comb thick fur with unequal density in different parts of the body with a regular brush. Furminator can do it: This is a dead wool comber that looks like a safety razor, with a distant resemblance to an electric trimmer. Its design is quite simple: the comb consists of a comb blade and a rubberized handle. In this case, the type of blade of the product may be different, depending on the length and structure of the wool. The blade of the trimmer comb is positioned at a special angle, due to which the safety of combing out is achieved.

The spacing of the teeth of the comb trimmer with ergonomic handle, the size and number of teeth can be varied. It depends not only on the size of the breed of the animal, but also on the length of the coat. The principle of operation of the device is quite simple: it is used to comb the cat's hair, getting rid of tangles and lifting the hair while simultaneously removing bad hairs at a given height without any pulling out. It allows you to do without scissors when removing dumped hair.

Advantages and disadvantages
Despite the fact that the device does not make any revolutionary changes in the care of cat hair, it has its advantages over a slicker or a conventional brush for combing wool. Due to the ergonomic shape, the furminator is more convenient to use. It is easier to use than a regular comb. It allows you to get rid of all dead wool, whatever its quantity.

Rarely has a breeder thought about the fact that cats wear dead hair for months. It accumulates in the deep layers of the coat, and therefore does not allow new wool to grow fully. Furminator does an excellent job of removing dead undercoat, which not only falls out, but also clogs the body, gathering into tangles. Its blade is made of strong and durable steel, it does not pull the guard hairs, its use does not cause pain to the animal.

By promptly removing dead hair, the device improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Due to the ergonomics of the handle, when using it, the load on the owner's hand is reduced. Due to the built-in spotlight, cleaning the device does not require much effort, which is important for the owner. To some, the device may seem like a useless waste of money, but practice proves that the furminator has its advantages in comparison with a slicker or a regular brush.
- His trimmer blades don't dull long enough. The device does not need sharpening.
- It pays off with interest, while for the same time of use you have to change several combs and slickers.
- Dead hair is brushed off in one stroke, which is not the case with combs and classic brushes for combing out.
- Using the device allows you to shorten the period of seasonal shedding and get rid of most of the dead hair at once.
- In the process of combing wool with the furminator, a uniform distribution of natural grease occurs, which protects the guard hairs and undercoat from dirt, dust, water and parasites.
- Cats like these devices more than other combs and slickers; over time, pets get used to them and enjoy the procedure.
- Accessories do an excellent job of combing out the hair, thereby reducing the volume of swallowed hairs that enter the cat's stomach when licking.

It is not difficult to clean the furminator; during operation, it does not injure the skin. This product can be used for pets of different breeds, it is often purchased for dogs and guinea pigs. It has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, as a result of which it can be used as a massager. Manufacturers claim that regular use can reduce hair loss.

However, the accessory cannot be called a device for all problems with cat hair. You need to use it, like a comb, constantly. It is a measure to prevent mats and reduce dead hair. The furminator does not replace ordinary brushes, and therefore they are also necessary in the care of the pet's coat.

In addition, furminators are not suitable for all cats.For example, there are breeds for which these products are useless. These are Sphynxes, Turkish Angoras, Oriental and Burmese cats, as well as Laperm and Devon Rex. Someone thinks that such combs are useless for cats that do not have an undercoat.

Today on the market there is a wide range of accessories for combing cat hair. Furminators differ in a set of devices, work surface arrangement and functions performed. In addition, they differ in the width of the attachments used. Products can be classified according to the type of animal for which they are designed.

For long-haired
This type of wool has its own characteristics. It is quite difficult to care for, its undercoat is quite thin and soft, and therefore the falling out long hairs roll too quickly into mats. During the moulting of such cats in the house, there is wool not only on the floor. It is transferred to rooms, settles in the respiratory tract and provokes allergies.
Devices for such cats allow you to remove tangles from the fur without spoiling the appearance of the animal. These trimming combs have long teeth so they can easily penetrate problem areas. At the same time, healthy hairs and skin are not injured.

The fur is not damaged due to the large distance between the teeth. Models in this line can be designed for cats of different sizes and ages. These are modifications with long teeth, designed for pets with hair up to 10 cm and cats, whose hair is more than 12.5 cm. In fact, these are brushes for big and fluffy cats.

For shorthaired
Cats of these breeds have a different problem during molting. Their fur is short and tough, it gets hammered into clothes, upholstered furniture, and it is very problematic to remove it from everywhere. Furminators of this type are characterized by a shorter tooth length and a higher frequency. They are great for a short cannon.
Some modifications are specially designed for cats without an undercoat. In general, the line includes products for representatives of the feline family with wool lengths from 3.3 to 4.5-5 centimeters. This allows you to use these combs for very small cats and even kittens. The weight of the models can be designed for pets weighing up to 10 kg.

Features of the species
In general, modifications can be divided into two types: classic and deluxe. Despite the decent quality of some and other models, they have differences. For example, the second line differs from standard products not only in design ergonomics, but also in the presence of a button for removing cat hair from the comb-trimmer comb. For analogs of the classic type, the sheared wool is cleaned manually.

Based on the length of the coat, furminators can be divided into several categories:
- X-small - products for small breeds of cats, as well as kittens under the age of six months with a wool length of no more than 3.3 cm;
- Small - analogs for individuals weighing no more than 5 kg and a coat length of no more than 4.5 cm;
- Medium - products for individuals weighing no more than 10 kg and fur length up to 6.7 cm;
- Large - furminators for large and even coarse breeds, the weight of which exceeds 10 kg, avoloski are 10 cm;
- X-Large - models for dogs and horses, which are bought for combing and grooming large-breed cats with a pile length of about 12.5 cm.

As for the choice of one model or another, buyers are guided by the Short hair (short hair) and Long hair (long) marks.
Rating of the best manufacturers
The choice of a manufacturer often baffles even an experienced buyer. To simplify the task of purchasing a furminator, you can turn to time-tested and positively rated manufacturers.
- FURminator Inc deShedding offers to the attention of buyers products for fluffy pets of different stripes and breeds. The handles of these furminators are shock-resistant and can withstand many years of regular use.The manufacturer's models have self-sharpening teeth of the working combs.
- Brand Foolee pleases its fans with models of 5 sizes, made in various colors. Depending on the modification of the product, the breeder can purchase an option with two nozzles, which allow not only intensive, but also soft combing. In addition, the products have a switch that sets the length of the processed hair, as well as an automatic reset button for wool.
- Trademark I. P. T. S attracts the attention of potential buyers with an acceptable cost of the manufactured products. At the same time, there are many products in its assortment that cope with the undercoat no worse than the more expensive counterparts of this segment. The advantage of the products is the possibility of replacing the working heads; the buyers consider a two-year service life to be disadvantages.
- Trixie brand offers products for processing cat hair of different lengths. In the line, you can find modifications with a width of 5.5, 7 and 9.5 cm. The fastening is the same everywhere, and therefore all attachments can fit the same handle.

When it comes to choosing the best manufacturer, each customer usually has their own priorities. Someone thinks that no brand can compare with the original FURminator, despite its high cost in comparison with other products. The first generation models have a self-sharpening blade and an impact-resistant handle. Others prefer budget options. However, no matter how different opinions may differ, a lot depends on the correct choice of the model.

If it initially does not fit the length of the pet's coat and its characteristics, it is useless to blame the poor-quality product. Here the responsibility lies with the one who chose. It is necessary to pay attention not so much to the color or design as to the practicality and nuances of care.
How to choose?
When looking closely at the purchase of this or that product for combing and simultaneously cutting excess cat hair, you need to pay attention to several factors. For example, the key purchase criterion is the length of the teeth, which should correspond to the length of the hairs of a particular animal. If the cat has a long coat, a model with short and frequent teeth will not cope with the undercoat, since it simply cannot get to it. The same can be said for the short-haired models. Furminators with long and sparse teeth are not suitable for them.
It is important to choose the correct width of the selected ridge. If it is too small, it will take a lot of time to comb the wool, and not only the animal, but also the owner will get tired. For a large cat you need a large comb, for a small kitten - a small one. At the same time, picking up the model you like, it is important to have at least a rough idea of how you will comb out wool with it in hard-to-reach places.

The indicator of the quality of the teeth is no less important. They must be even and smooth without any chipping or other imperfections. Such a comb is completely unsuitable for use, since it will cling to the wool and wound the skin like a slicker. To assess the quality of the sharpening degree, you can run the comb through your hair. As long as the brush doesn't tug or tear them, it's good. You can buy such a thing, but when even the slightest discomfort is noticed, you should not take the product.

There are times when the purchased brushes slip out of the hand during operation. To easily remove excess hair with a furminator for cats, you need to look closely at the device with a comfortable grip. You can determine the degree of convenience by taking the product in your hand. The end of the handle should be convex. It is good that it itself is made of rubberized material. If the accessory is uncomfortable, your hand will quickly get tired while removing dead hair.

If there are enough funds for the purchase, it is better to purchase a product with an injection button.It simplifies cleaning the device itself, which is very convenient for cat owners. However, if the budget is strictly limited, you will have to purchase the option with manual cleaning of the device. The only consolation of the buyer in this case is the fact that monolithic fixtures last longer.

In order not to doubt the quality of the product, it is necessary to inquire in advance about the rating of the store from the buyers. This can be done online by scrolling through the information about a specific supplier of a particular brand. It is necessary to choose a product from a trusted seller with a good reputation. If desired, the buyer is always provided with documentation for any product in the form of an instruction manual and a quality certificate.
The blades of the product can be straight or curved. The handle may have a stop where the thumb is placed. The body curved at a certain angle will also be a plus. Such a product will be more convenient to use.

How to apply?
The instructions for using the furminator are simple and very clear. The procedure for combing hair in cats begins with preliminary preparation. Before using the trimmer comb, examine the pet's skin. If it is inflamed, scratches or wounds are visible on it, you cannot comb the coat. The skin needs to be treated; before that, it is undesirable to scratch it with a comb. If everything is in order, the cat is bathed using a pet shampoo.

Since it is impossible to comb wet wool, the coat is dried with a hairdryer. If the animal has a lot of tangles, they get rid of them before they pick up the furminator. After the pet relaxes and lies down, you can start combing. Wherein the movements of the comb should be directed along the hair growth: if you move in the opposite direction, it will cause discomfort to the animal.

The action of the comb should not be too long, since it will not be possible to pay attention to the entire pet's fur in one session. It is good if the cat is relaxed at this time, but if she is not in the mood for rest, combing is useless. You need to comb out the wool correctly, gently brushing over the wool. Particular attention should be paid to the abdomen, cheeks and tail.

The tail is the most vulnerable area of processing; use the device for removing excess hair here should be extremely careful. The frequency of processing can be individual, which will depend on the type of coat, breed of cat and season. For example, this should be done more often during molting. However, it must be remembered that the furminator does not replace the classic wool brush.
It also needs to be used, and much more often during the molting period. For example, depending on the breed of the pet, the frequency of procedures can be twice a week. Shorthaired cats are combed less often. In addition, cats need to be combed out in summer so that they can more easily endure the heat.

Furminators are considered useful devices for treating cat hair. This is evidenced by the reviews of veterinarians and ordinary buyers left on the Internet. Commentators, leaving reviews, note that furminators really work, they are quite effective and help to get rid of excess dead hair without harming pets.

It is not difficult to use them, - write the cat breeders, - these devices are not only attractive in appearance, but also very convenient to use. For a small amount of time, they allow you to free pets from a decent amount of hair, which accumulates at the base of the cover and interferes with the growth of new hair. At the same time, they differ in work: if they are chosen correctly, the processing of wool does not take much time. Someone writes that these devices can be called an excellent replacement for a slicker.

The animals are really calm and even relaxed while combing and do not interfere with the owner. Sometimes breeders are surprised at how much fur a furminator can remove in one procedure. It becomes a salvation in the heat for long-haired cats, which is indicated in the reviews. However, as for the quality and duration of work, opinions are contradictory. While some comments indicate the operating time of the furminators, others indicate that over time, their working head loosens, which makes the device unusable.

For information on how to comb a cat, see the video below.