Where can I leave my cat on vacation?

Vacation is a great time, however, it can be fraught with some difficulties for those who keep animals at home. In the presence of a cat, the main task of the owner is to provide her with comfortable living conditions at the time of departure. It is necessary to take into account the nature and preferences of the pet. In our article, we will analyze the main options, their advantages and disadvantages.
Help from family and friends
The easiest way is to take the cat to relatives or friends at the time of departure. This is very convenient, since the animal will be constantly under supervision, relatives will be able to take care of it. In addition, there is no need to pay for the service.
However, in practice, sometimes everything looks completely different. Dear people may simply be afraid to refuse, so as not to upset the owner, but at the same time they are unable to calculate their strength, time and desire. Later this can lead to a variety of problems. For example, not the best option is to try to accommodate the cat in a family that already has pets. Pets may not get along with each other, a struggle will begin for territory, which can threaten pets with injuries and stress. Naturally, the owners of the house will not like this situation too much.

The absence of pets is not a guarantee of success. After all, not all people are able to keep pets at home, while it is quite possible that they get along well with cats and dogs of friends on their territory.
Taking care of your pets is always a hassle, which may not be very pleasant.

A cat is a willful animal.She may not go to a dirty litter box, and she will also not tolerate want, as dogs do.... In addition, in place of the scratching post, she is able to present the hostess's favorite sofa, which after the procedure may acquire a not entirely presentable look. She also climbs into cabinets, on shelves at different heights, into beds and armchairs, and can even jump onto the kitchen table, which is considered simply unacceptable for many.
All this can significantly spoil the relationship between the owner of the apartment and the pet left in his care.
It is also possible that some of the nuances of proper maintenance and care will simply not be followed, which threatens the cat with additional stress and negative health effects.

Features of apartment overexposure
The apartment overexposure is something like a shelter located right in the apartment, where the hostess puts the animals for a fee. The price for staying here is an order of magnitude lower than in zoo hotels, and for many this is a decisive factor.

In addition, the cat finds itself in a more familiar apartment environment than in a shelter. This method has its drawbacks. First of all, since this type of activity does not have registration, a service agreement will not be signed either. Accordingly, in case of any troubles, it will not be possible to make a claim.
Apartment overexposure suggests that several cats will be in direct contact in the same room. At the same time, it is not a fact that they all have veterinary passports and the necessary vaccinations. Therefore, there is a danger of infection with any diseases, since some of the pets can simply be picked up on the street and expect permanent owners.
Since there can be quite a lot of cats, conflicts are not excluded between them.

Zoological hotels: rules and duties
This type of overexposure differs in that the zoo hotels have registration and the necessary documents. However, a license for this type of activity is not required, which means that anyone can open such an organization. Since the money for the accommodation of pets there is taken a lot, before you give your cat or kitty there, you should visit the zoo hotel yourself, check the conditions of detention, and it will also be useful to read reviews on the Internet.

An ideal zoological hotel is a premise located far from residential buildings, and always fenced. There must be a guard there.
Visitors and those who want to familiarize themselves with the conditions of detention can get inside at a strictly agreed time, the so-called reception hours.
Cats and dogs are kept separate from each other. Aviaries must be free. A separate walking area is required, carefully fenced... It is worth paying attention to the smell; it should be clean and tidy everywhere.
The diet of a particular animal, the necessary medical procedures and other services, such as combing, cleaning the ears, and others, are also discussed.

The reception of a cat takes place in the presence of a veterinary passport, which contains all the necessary marks. You can bring your pet with you toys and your own bedding to reduce the stress of separation from home. The hotel must have a veterinarian who will examine the animal and draw up a special document called the "animal acceptance certificate".
After that, the owner of the cat enters into an agreement with the organization for the provision of services. This is a full-fledged document, which indicates the rights and obligations of the parties, sanctions in case of violation of these conditions. There is also a phone number on which the owner can call at any time and find out about the condition of his pet.

Benefits of familiar conditions
The best option for a pet's peace of mind will be if he stays at home in a familiar environment.This will relieve him of the stress that the animal will receive when moving to another room. You can ask friends, relatives, or a neighbor to look after him. In big cities there is even such a service as a "cat nanny". The invited person will visit the apartment twice a day, feed, clean the tray and spend some time with the pussy.
The main thing in this situation is that the person on whose shoulders caring for the cat will be reliable and responsible. Its absence can lead to serious consequences, so it is important to choose the right option. If there are friends or relatives who will be able to move to an apartment where the cat remains at the time of the owner's departure, this is the best option.
The animal will not get bored, it will also be provided with supervision, attention and necessary care.

Can I be left alone?
Sometimes the owner, leaving for a not too long period, leaves his pet at home alone. This is not always a good idea, as it is best to change your pet's food and water every day. Moreover, if the cat eats natural products or canned food, the option is swept away immediately, since only dry food can be left from the food, it does not deteriorate in the air. In addition, there will be no one to clean the litter box for several days, and this is additional stress for the pet.
The decisive factor is a sudden illness or injury of the cat, because in this case there will be no one to help her.

If there is no way out, and you have to leave the pussy alone, first of all, you should take care of its food. It is best to use an auto-feeder, in which granules are placed with a small margin. For drinking, you need to install an automatic drinker or fountain. Also, unforeseen situations cannot be ruled out, therefore, it is necessary to arrange containers with water throughout the apartment, it is good if these are mugs and pots, in them water evaporates more slowly than in bowls.
Some people prefer to use the following option, which, however, experts consider risky. The sink is freed of all objects on it, a small bowl is placed on its bottom, and the water is let out in a very thin stream.

You should also think about a litter box where the animal will pee. In addition to the main one, it is best to install a couple more. The door to the toilet should be left open and supported with something so that the cat does not close it during active games.
You also need to tightly close the windows and vents. It is allowed to leave only one ajar so that fresh air can enter the room, and the sash will need to be securely fixed.
So that the cat is not accidentally injured, all potentially dangerous objects (knives, household chemicals, medicines, threads) must be removed from the access area, and all cabinet doors in the house must be tightly closed.
You will learn about who to leave your pet with during vacation in the following video.