Names for different breeds and colors

How to choose a name for a female cat?

How to choose a name for a female cat?
  1. What to focus on when choosing?
  2. Nickname options
  3. Names by cat color
  4. What can you call a thoroughbred kitten?

The choice of a name for a pet is the very first question that worries new owners. Indeed, the name is a very important detail that can endow a cat with certain character traits.

What to focus on when choosing?

Now there is a huge variety of names for female cats. To get started, just listen to the sound and choose those that you personally like, and then you can pronounce the names out loud and pay attention to the pet's reaction. But if you could not choose any of this, then you will have to go a slightly different path.

It is worth paying attention to the kitty itself - her behavior, habits, attitude towards people, and so on. You can choose a name for some specific, pronounced trait, so the cat's name will reflect the whole essence of your animal's character. For example, to choose a name for a very nimble kitten, you can focus on speed. It will be a banal Shustrik for a boy-cat, and for a girl you can choose such names as Arrow or Lightning.

It is common for cats to be called by female names. If the name suits your cat, you like it, it sounds short and understandable for the animal - then why not? Names such as Alisa, Anfisa, Sonya, Victoria, Eva, all their derivatives and other extravagant female names sound quite harmonious.

Another option to give a name to your cat is to focus on her external data.

Most often, people pay attention to the color of the animal, so why not focus on it? However, you should not dwell on the most common options like Haze, Snow or Coal.

Size is another external indicator of a cat, which can serve as a clue when choosing a nickname. But this option should only be used when you are completely sure of the "final" size of the animal. After all, it also happens that a kitten, which was the smallest, suddenly grows to the size of a full-fledged domestic tiger, and the name Button ceases to correspond to reality.

If you are not worried about the ironic discrepancy between the nickname and reality, then focusing on the size of the pet is not the worst option. The degree of fluffiness of the cat can also serve as a guide. Agree, it is not the most logical option - to call the representative of the Sphynx breed Pushinka. But for a small but very fluffy cat, this name is very suitable.

Nickname options

Despite the fact that almost any word can act as a nickname (unless it is offensive and does not carry any other negative load), it is not easy to choose. To simplify the task a little, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several lists of options.

Most Popular

Out of competition, of course, Murka. One gets the impression that this was the name given to the very first domesticated cat. But it is unlikely that such a common name will be able to convey the whole personality of your cat, so for now we will put this name aside. The next nickname, which is very common, is Musya (or dismissive Muska or Puska). A pretty easy-to-remember name that does not carry any semantic meaning and does not say anything about your beloved pet.

The name Nora is also quite popular (and along with it, Nork, and sometimes Nyura). The same list includes Dusya, and Lyusya, and Laska, and Masha, and Dina, and Sofa. Thanks to the work of Rudyard Kipling "Mowgli", black cats were at one time very often called Bagheera. But the name Matilda is associated with an imposing kitty, thanks to the cartoon Carlson, in which the "housewife" Freken Bock had a sedate, but rather pretentious cat.

Very often you can find the name of the Marquis, which reflects not so much the noble origin of the pet as its aristocratic character.

Rare and beautiful

The category of rare names includes the names of precious stones, and geographical names and even the names of famous personalities and pagan goddesses. These include Gioconda - if the cat amazes you with its mysterious expression on its face, Patricia - if the character of your pet has a hint of a kind of nobility. The name Valkyrie sounds very nice, but in everyday life it is often shortened to the usual Vali or even Valki.

If you decide to use the names of the ancient goddesses, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the sphere of influence of the deity after which you are going to name the pet.... For example, Juno is the Roman version of the Greek Hera - the goddess of family and marriage, and the very jealous wife of Zeus. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, Eos (among the Romans, Aurora) is the goddess of the dawn, so it is better to call it a peach-colored cat.

Ishtar is the goddess of love and at the same time war and strife, so do not be surprised if your kitty, named after her, first lies and purrs adoringly next to you, and after a few seconds it clings to your hand with its sharp teeth. One of the most appropriate names for a cat is Bastet, the name of the Egyptian goddess of the moon, female beauty, hearth and fun, having the head of a black cat. The name Pandora has roots in Greek mythology: that was the name of the girl whom the gods chose to guard the casket with misfortunes. This name is suitable for a cat that has an unpredictable character and sometimes gives you such "surprises" that you could not even expect from your pet.

The names of famous personalities, heroines of books or films, or place names rarely carry any semantic load and are chosen most often because of their pleasant sound. These include

  • Virginia,
  • Teffi,
  • Theresa,
  • Ivetti,
  • Phoebe,
  • Piper,
  • Buffy,
  • Isabel,
  • Viola,
  • Ophelia,
  • Ginger,
  • Penelope,
  • Josephine,
  • Britney,
  • Iris,
  • Wanda,
  • Angelica (Lika, Anzhi),
  • Agatha,
  • Felice,
  • Barbara,
  • Selina,
  • Ivy,
  • Tabitha,
  • Felicity,
  • Theia (Thea),
  • Loral,
  • Ekko,
  • Isa,
  • Zara,
  • Molly,
  • Lolita,
  • Adele,
  • Anfisa,
  • Jasmine,
  • Diana,
  • Cleopatra,
  • Faith,
  • Suzanne,
  • Daphne,
  • Brin,
  • Hermione,
  • Kara,
  • Vanessa,
  • Margot,
  • Monica,
  • Ingrit,
  • Sansa,
  • Cersei,
  • Roxanne,
  • Gerda,
  • Vivilana and so on.

The list is endless, as more and more new works appear, new films come out - the human imagination is truly inexhaustible.

Affectionate and cute

Not everyone wants to see a proud socialite in their cat. For some, cats are associated with home, warmth, comfort and tenderness, so such people prefer to give their pets very cute and warm names. These include:

  • Button (Button),
  • Shunya,
  • Cheesecake,
  • Mila (short for Camilla),
  • Willow,
  • Lucky,
  • Martha,
  • Aster,
  • Elya (Eleanor),
  • Suzy,
  • Ellie,
  • Fiona,
  • Debbie,
  • Lily,
  • Julie,
  • Stasya,
  • Dina,
  • Bead (you can shorten it like Busya),
  • Maggie,
  • Nessie,
  • Nancy,
  • Nikki,
  • Neko,
  • Nellie,
  • Ulyana (Ulya),
  • Button,
  • Trisha,
  • Frosya,
  • Fenya,
  • Bun,
  • Peppa,
  • Sonya,
  • Bun,
  • Homa,
  • Cherry,
  • Wendy,
  • Caramel,
  • Lizzie,
  • Miracle,
  • Kitty,
  • Lucy,
  • Winnie,
  • Fanny,
  • Bonya,
  • Nyusha,
  • Percy,
  • Asti,
  • Becky,
  • Dorothy,
  • Lada,
  • Lee,
  • Mia,
  • Nega,
  • Niva,
  • Olive,
  • Charlotte,
  • Agness,
  • Trisha,
  • Fasolinka,
  • Bounty.

You can easily use the names of all kinds of sweets as cute names - Marshmallow, Pastila, Medoc, Toffee, Peach, Blackberry, Oladushka, Corn and so on.

Short and simple

The undoubted plus of short names for cats is that they are very easy to remember for the owners and for the cat's perception. It is also believed that cats are easier to remember names ending with the letter "and", as well as names that contain hissing sounds. At the same time, it is desirable that the name has no more than two or three syllables - this length of sound is considered ideal for perception by a sensitive cat's ear. it

  • Mint,
  • Button,
  • Wendy,
  • Phoebe,
  • Di,
  • Lucky,
  • Iris,
  • Sophie,
  • Diva,
  • Martha,
  • Isa,
  • Aster,
  • Zara,
  • Elya,
  • Albi,
  • Lily,
  • Linda,
  • Molly,
  • Fenya,
  • Ivy,
  • Bertha,
  • Gerda,
  • Bella,
  • Lida,
  • Nora,
  • Lucy,
  • Lana,
  • Evie,
  • Ida,
  • Stasya,
  • Dina,
  • And I,
  • Thea,
  • Ulya,
  • Asti,
  • Nyura,
  • Cleo,
  • Covet,
  • Miracle,
  • Yesya,
  • Fanny,
  • Winnie,
  • Zoe,
  • Christie,
  • Asya,
  • Sima,
  • Bonya,
  • Busya,
  • Nyusha,
  • Eve,
  • Nika,
  • Dusya,
  • Aiko,
  • Hell,
  • Isa,
  • Becky,
  • In and,
  • Gwen,
  • Faith,
  • Kara,
  • Tonya,
  • Tom,
  • Kira,
  • Moon,
  • Lizzie,
  • Lee,
  • Lada,
  • Linda,
  • May,
  • Mia,
  • Marie,
  • Mila,
  • Pleased,
  • Tati,
  • Tara,
  • Ashley,
  • Yuki,

Original and unusual

Very interesting variations of names, as a rule, can be heard anywhere. Most often they are long, which somewhat complicates everyday communication with your pet, but they can be reduced to a familiar treatment. However, when choosing a name, you should not focus only on the coolest names. NSRemember that your cat is a living being and may not like your suggestion.

But if she responds to one of the top-rated names on this list, it'll be just fine.

So, a list of names for a cat that can rightfully be attributed to the most original:

  • Ariel,
  • Belle (translated from Italian, this means beauty or charm),
  • Rapunzel (suitable for a long-haired cat, but you can shorten it like Rapa),
  • Jasmine,
  • Aurora,
  • Barbara,
  • Selina,
  • Felicity,
  • Felice,
  • Chanel,
  • Marilyn,
  • Naomi,
  • Ophelia,
  • Constance,
  • Vendetta (although in Corsica this word meant blood feud, be careful),
  • La Gioconda,
  • Demeter,
  • Persephone,
  • Minerva,
  • Artemis (the kitty will be a great hunter),
  • Roxanne,
  • Ivetti,
  • Morgana,
  • Ostara,
  • Astarta,
  • Cleopatra,
  • Nefertiti,
  • Sekhmet,
  • Bastet,
  • Tabitha,
  • Jeremiah,
  • Grace,
  • Harmony,
  • Vanessa,
  • Esmeralda (Esme),
  • Cyprus,
  • Lilith,
  • Aziza,
  • Zemfira,
  • Ariana,
  • Ariadne,
  • Scarlet,
  • Valeska,
  • Cordelia,
  • Melissa,
  • Nemesis,
  • Erinia,
  • Fury,
  • Electra,
  • Antigone,
  • Roksolana,
  • Tiffany,
  • Vivilana,
  • Marianne,
  • Helena,
  • Cersei (Circe),
  • Cybele,
  • Aguilera,
  • Carmen,
  • Carmelita,
  • Donatella,
  • Rafaella,
  • Leona,
  • Liana,
  • Nymeria,
  • Medea,
  • Oil,
  • Allegro,
  • Brienne,
  • Valencia,
  • Hermione,
  • Hecuba,
  • Colombiana (or Colomba),
  • Drusilla,
  • Caroline,
  • Calypso,
  • Maleficent,
  • Magdalena,
  • Rowena,
  • Siren,
  • Sabrina,
  • Charybdis,
  • Scylla,
  • Eurydice,
  • Miralissa,
  • Egrassa,
  • Hecate,
  • Katniss,
  • Verbena,
  • Themis,
  • Thetis.

Names by cat color

As mentioned above, coloring can serve as an important guideline in choosing a name for your pet. For example, a black beauty can be called Blackie, Naomi, Nyukta (the ancient Roman goddess of night and witchcraft), Bagheera, Atsuko (translated from Japanese, this word means “black”), Kanika (in one of the Egyptian dialects this designation is black), Kari (in Irish it means "dark", so this can be called not only a black cat, but also any other dark color), Knox, Obsidian, Anthracite, Raven, Ebonite (or Eben), Blackberry, Morena, Morgana, Mara, Kali , Hel, Bird cherry, Wax, Noir, Creole, Gothic.

White cats can be named after any white flower, for example, Jasmine, Orchid, Lily, Camellia.


  • Marshmallow,
  • Cloud,
  • Iscrim,
  • Milka,
  • Snowflake,
  • Snezhana,
  • Snow,
  • Alp,
  • Baileys,
  • Aisi,
  • Snow White,
  • Moon,
  • Pearl,
  • Blanca,
  • Alaska,
  • Bianca,
  • Cloudy,
  • Salty,
  • Winter.
  • Amala, (from Sanskrit it can be translated as "pure"),
  • Xu (in Chinese it means "cloud"),
  • Lilas,
  • Macy (translated from Scottish - "pearl"),
  • Anan (in Persian it means "cloud"),
  • Whitey,
  • Snow,
  • Moon,
  • Fishmuni,
  • Aisima (from the Tatar "moon-faced"),
  • Miyuki (translated from Japanese - "the silence of deep snow"),
  • Celeste (in both Spanish and Italian, this word means "heavenly"),
  • Angel,
  • Angelina,
  • Angelica,
  • Lika,
  • Atsuko (translated from Japanese it means "child of the moon").

A ginger cat can be called any warm, sweet or sunny name that will embody all the overflows of a fiery shade:

  • Ryzhik,
  • Ryzhulya,
  • Sun,
  • Ray,
  • Carrot,
  • Paprika,
  • Chile,
  • Caramel,
  • Toffee,
  • Mandarin duck,
  • Nectar,
  • Freckle,
  • Dried apricots,
  • Pumpkin,
  • Sparkle,
  • Zlata,
  • Zolotinka,
  • Amber,
  • Ayna (from the Celtic it translates as "fire"),
  • Hestia,
  • Hephaestus,
  • Surya,
  • Agni,
  • Ocher,
  • Scarlet,
  • Cinnamon,
  • Carmine,
  • Ruby (Ruby),
  • Aki (Japanese for "autumn"
  • and next to Akiko - "child of autumn",
  • but in this case the name is more suitable for a kitten born in September, October or November, a similar version of Akito is "autumn").
  • Kim (translated from Korean - "golden"),
  • Xia (translated from Chinese as "pink clouds", but in this case, the name is more suitable for a peach-colored cat, like Eos or Aurora).
  • Peach,
  • Kebi ("honey" in one of the Egyptian dialects),
  • Mandisa ("sweet" - another of the dialects of the peoples of Egypt),
  • Cher ("lioness" in Persian).
  • Alani (in Hawaii, this is the name of the orange tree at the time of flowering),
  • Amber,
  • Goldie,
  • Ginger,
  • Lapsa ("fox" in Latvian),
  • Mimosa,
  • Autumnn,
  • Pumpkin,
  • Fanta,
  • Foxy,
  • Citrus,
  • Orange,
  • Lian (can be translated from Irish as "torch"),
  • Cessia (brown tree "in Latin),
  • Sinamon,
  • Suria.
  • Ophelia,
  • Lilith,
  • Eve,
  • Isolde,
  • Medea,
  • Candle,
  • Amber,
  • Grain of sand,
  • Citrine,
  • Abricosca.
  • Crouton,
  • Bee,
  • Sunny,
  • Oktyabrina,
  • Helium,
  • Phoebe,
  • Salamander,
  • Whiskey.

These names are good for gray cats. how

  • Haze,
  • Smoke,
  • Smokey,
  • Ash,
  • Cloud,
  • Gadget,
  • Mickey,
  • Grace,
  • Moon,
  • Kasumi (translated from Japanese - "fog"),
  • Mazika (from one of the Egyptian dialects this translates as "born in the rain"),
  • Simin ("silver" in Persian),
  • Una ("lamb" from Irish),
  • Abu-Abu (from Indonesian it can be translated as "gray"),
  • Ash (or Ash, translated from English - "ash"),
  • Misty (again from English it can be translated as "foggy"),
  • Shedi (from English - "shady"),
  • Shadow,
  • Ash,
  • Bunny,
  • Rebecca,
  • Galatea,
  • Undine,
  • Chamois.

Tricolor cats are not so common, because the presence of three shades in the color is the result of a genetic mutation.

However, according to many beliefs and legends, such cats bring good luck and happiness. So, you can call a tricolor cat like this:

  • Cheesecake,
  • Blot,
  • Jay,
  • Pizza,
  • La Gioconda,
  • Martha,
  • Vasilisa,
  • Fortune,
  • Freya,
  • Fairy,
  • Fun,
  • Star,
  • Spark,
  • Bead,
  • Button,
  • Lucky,
  • Mitten,
  • Spring,
  • Kiku (translated from Japanese - "chrysanthemum"),
  • Aimi (Japanese for "beautiful love"),
  • Michiko ("beautiful child" in Japanese),
  • Vasanta (in Sanskrit it means "spring"),
  • Zenzen (translated from Chinese - "precious"),
  • Mira (translated from Sanskrit - "successful"),
  • Happy ("happiness" in English),
  • Felicita ("happiness" in Italian),
  • Gluck (sounds funny, but in German it also means "happiness"),
  • Alaya ("happy" in Baku),
  • Letitia ("joy" from Scottish),
  • Laima ("luck" in Latvian),
  • Priti (in Sanskrit "joy"),
  • Simcha ("happiness" in Hebrew),
  • Amadi (in one of the Egyptian dialects it means "joy"),
  • Nima ("born rich" - Egyptian),
  • Nafisa (precious in Arabic),
  • Nima (in Arabic - "grace"),
  • Peri (or Peri - in Eastern mythologies, paradise maidens, in Persian it means "young sorceress"),
  • Felicity (Latin for "lucky"),
  • Nutella.

What can you call a thoroughbred kitten?

If a kitten picked up on the street can be called what your heart desires, then with pedigree animals everything is a little more complicated. The aristocratic origin of your cat requires a loud long name, which must be combined with titles and other names in the animal's passport. At home, you can shorten the name for convenience, but if your plans include cat shows and contests, then take the trouble to learn the full, official version.

If your chosen pet has a rich pedigree, then check it out and check if there are any patterns. For example, if the names of all animals begin with a certain letter, then you must follow this rule. Very often, a cat is called some word from the language of the place where its breed originated. For example, all breeds of Sphynxes are very fond of calling Cleopatra, and cats of the British breed have truly royal names - Victoria, Elizabeth, Josephine, Clementine and so on.

Eastern breeds are often named according to the oriental flavor: Sakura, Aiza, Aina, Gulzat, Scheherazada, Gulnara.

British breeds are often called beautiful, aristocratic names:

  • Abigel,
  • Adelaide,
  • Bellatrix,
  • Bellatrix,
  • Belladonna,
  • Isabel,
  • Bianca,
  • Cassiopeia,
  • Niobe,
  • Clementine,
  • Matilda,
  • Louise,
  • Eleanor,
  • Laura,
  • Trinity,
  • Tabitha,
  • Barbara,
  • Gertrude,
  • Natalie,
  • Demuria,
  • Proserpine.

Despite the fact that the fashion for beautiful Japanese words are used as names. firmly entered into use, Japanese breeds of cats, for example, the Japanese bobtail, can be called one of these words: Aiko - beloved, Aimi - beautiful love, Asa - morning, Kiku - chrysanthemum, Hoshi - star, Sake, Sakura, Yuki.

It is better to call a Bengal cat with an unusual, ancient name:

  • Gita (from Sanskrit - "song"),
  • Devi (Sanskrit - "goddess"),
  • Devika (Sanskrit - "little goddess"),
  • Ila (Sanskrit - "earth"),
  • Indira (Sanskrit - "beauty"),
  • Xiu (translated from Chinese - "grace"),
  • Xia (from Chinese - "pink cloud"),
  • Lalita (translated from Sanskrit as "playful"),
  • Leela (in Sanskrit "game"),
  • Prima (Sanskrit - "love").

It is logical to call a Scottish Fold kitten with a name that has a certain meaning in the Scottish language:

  • Alice (victory of the elves),
  • Vevina (sweet)
  • Dina (sea woman warrior),
  • Donna (ruling the world),
  • Jonah (island),
  • Casey (vigilant),
  • Kelsey (wild)
  • Mackenzie (beautiful),
  • Netta (champion),
  • Eila (bird).

Because of the breed's name, the first association with sphinxes is something Egyptian. TWhy not choose something with a desert and pyramid flavor:

  • Bastet,
  • Sekhmet,
  • Chickpea,
  • Isis,
  • Nehbet,
  • Maat,
  • Nefertiti,
  • Hatshepsut,
  • Cleopatra (father's glory),
  • Amizi (in Egyptian "flower),
  • Evs (cat),
  • Zalika (noble),
  • Zema (queen),
  • Ife (love)
  • Miu (softness),
  • Nanu (beautiful),
  • Salama (peaceful),
  • Saliha (pleasant).

Persian cats are the embodiment of nobility and self-esteem. From Persian and Arabic we can take the following names:

  • Amani (translated from Arabic it means "desired"),
  • Anisa (in Arabic it means "affectionate", and in Persian - "friend"),
  • Buse (from Persian - "kiss"),
  • Ziba ("beautiful" in Persian),
  • Minu (from Persian - "paradise"),
  • Muna (from Arabic can be translated as "desire"),
  • Nima (from Iranian - "grace"),
  • Suraya (from Arabic - "star").

Choosing a nickname for a cat is a very serious and responsible occupation, since she will have to walk with this name all her life.

Be ready to devote a little of your time to this and choose a name that will appeal to both your pet and you.

For what is most important in a kitten's nickname, see the next video.

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