Cat food and supplements

Choosing the highest quality cat food

Choosing the highest quality cat food
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Varieties and their main characteristics
  3. What is the best food?
  4. Conclusion

In recent years, ready-made cat food has become a particularly relevant food for pets. They are not only balanced and very nutritious, but also quite economical, because the owners do not waste time preparing them for their pets. In this article, we will take a closer look at the highest quality cat food, their classification, expensive and budget options, and also get acquainted with the reviews of veterinarians and owners.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sooner or later, every pet owner begins to think about what is the best way to feed his cats and cats. And the choice is usually between prepared food (dry and wet) and self-prepared food. Ready-made options have a number of undeniable advantages.

  • Balance. Such food contains everything that animals need at a given age, namely meat and vegetables in the right dosage, vitamins and minerals.
  • Ready feed no need to cook, which significantly saves time.
  • Quality dry and wet food can be very helpful for cats. In addition to a variety of flavors, they can help normalize digestion and prevent various diseases in animals. Diet feeds are considered especially relevant, as they are prevention in the fight against excess weight and in the fight against urolithiasis. It recurs especially frequently in spayed and neutered animals.
  • Dry food is believed to be more beneficial. However, this is quite contradictory, because if you buy premium feed, then the price of dry products is no cheaper than natural meat, which is prepared by animals on their own.
  • Dry balanced foods gently clean the teeth of animals, and therefore serve as an excellent prevention of caries.

The disadvantages include the fact that there is very little moisture in budget feeds, and this negatively affects the health of animals. It is also believed that not all food gently cleanses the teeth, rather, on the contrary, as a result of their use, tartar and caries are formed.

Cats and cats get used to poor quality foods very quickly.

Varieties and their main characteristics

All ready-made feeds are divided into several classes:

  • economy;
  • premium;
  • super premium;
  • holistics;
  • natural food (ultra-premium).

The most popular are budget options for feed and premium. This is connected, of course, with an affordable price. Super-premium options are considered more expensive, while holistic options are considered the most sophisticated for felines. Usually, Holisticians receive the best reviews from veterinarians and felinologistsas they are considered to be as natural and balanced as possible, and also non-addictive in animals.

These foods are rarely advertised because they are already bought by the breeders.


The greatest demand in our country for economy class feed. This is due to their very affordable price and active advertising, but at the same time their composition leaves much to be desired, because almost all of them are made not from meat, but from meat waste. Cats "love" them for their excellent aroma and taste, but these are just additives and flavorings.

The top inexpensive feed includes the following brands:

  • Whiskas;
  • Darling;
  • "Our Mark";
  • Felix;
  • Purina One;
  • Perfect Fit;
  • Kitikat;
  • Sheba and some others.

Consider a comparative table of economy class feeds.

Brand name


Protein presence

Artificial and unwanted components



Purina one


About 35%

Flavors + various additives (flavor enhancers)

From kittens to elderly cats and cats, as well as for animals with health disabilities.

About 100 rubles for 200 grams. 1 kg about 300 rubles.


Dry / wet

7 to 30%

Not specified by the manufacturer

For adult cats and cats

0.8 kg of dry food costs about 110 rubles.


Dry / wet

4 to 26%


For kittens and adults

From 17 rubles for a wet one. From 60 per dry.


Dry / wet

15 to 30%

Preservatives, thickeners, colorants, antioxidants.

For adults

From 29 to 110 rubles

Not all of the foods listed are low-grade - many are fine for feeding animals.

The main thing is to clarify the composition of the selected product and avoid options with allergens such as corn and wheat.


There is also a great demand for premium feed. Usually, they have 20-25% more meat than the economy class options, so they are better suited for feeding animals. Premium brands include the following:

  • Purina's Pro Plan
  • Hill's;
  • Happy Cat;
  • Sheba;
  • Royal Canin.

Brand name


Protein presence

Unwanted components



Royal canin

Dry / wet

10 to 42%

Dyes and preservatives

For pedigree kittens and adults

About 300 rubles for 400 gr


Dry / wet

10.5 to 3%

Antioxidants, salt, yeast

For kittens, adult cats and cats

Dry From 270 rubles and more. Wet from 60 rubles

Pro Plan by Purina

Dry / wet

30 to 36%

Flavors, yeast, antioxidants, preservatives

For kittens and adults

About 200 rubles for 400 gr



No more than 36%


For adults over one year old

From 90 rubles

All of the above brands have an increased content of cereals and vegetable proteins, as well as the number of allergens. But at the same time, the range presented is very diverse: you can buy canned food in cans, and packaged varieties, and dry food. Moreover, the options for possible tastes are also countless: this is chicken, and fish, and turkey, and beef, and much, much more.

Super premium

Super premium options even better in quality than economy and premium products. They contain more natural meat and very few offal.

  • Leonardo. It is considered one of the best super-premium options, which not only has a natural and balanced composition, but is also available for purchase at very competitive prices.
  • Applaws. British brand. With a high meat content and a huge variety of flavors, this species will appeal to many gourmet cats. Its disadvantages include only the high price and not quite balanced composition, according to some veterinarians.
  • Bozita. Quite good European meat feed, which does not contain dyes and offal, but contains useful vitamins and minerals. Moreover, it is quite expensive and contains possible allergens.

And also Bosch, Organix, Pronature Original, Gina, Arden Grange, 1st Choice and others.

Brand name Varieties Protein presence Price
Pronature original Dry About 30% 200 rubles (about 400 gr)
Gina Dry / wet Up to 30% About 70 rubles for a spider
Arden grange Dry About 30-31% About 400 rubles for 400 gr
1st Choice Dry / wet Up to 30% About 270 rubles for 300 gr
Bosch Dry / wet Up to 25% About 400 rubles for 400 gr

Some of the high-meat options can be detrimental to the health of animals with gastrointestinal problems. It is recommended to discuss this point with your veterinarian when choosing the appropriate feed. All these brands have a natural composition compared to the previous versions, while they are enriched with vitamins and minerals in the right ratio.


Holistic are considered premium feed of the new generation. Manufacturers do not save on their composition, while using only high-quality products.

  • Almo Nature. The best and most useful rulers should be sought from this particular brand.
  • Innova Evo. It contains only the best sorts of meat, there are no allergens, and the protein is only of natural origin. This option is not recommended for neutered and neutered animals due to its high protein content.
  • Grandorf. European food with natural meat, vitamins and minerals.

And also Acana, Farmina N&D, Pronature Holistic, Gina Elite and others.

Brand name Variety Protein presence Price
Innova Dry and wet About 50% From 150 rubles for 350 gr
Acana Dry only About 75% About 400 rubles for 350 gr
Almo nature Dry and wet Up to 30% About 100 rubles per 100 g
Farmina N&D Dry Up to 45% More than 400 rubles for 300 gr
Pronature holistic Dry and wet About 30% and above From 350 rubles
Gina elite Dry and wet From 30% and above About 1 thousand rubles per 1 kg
Grandorf Dry and wet 35–37% About 400 rubles for 400 gr

The disadvantages of all holistic products include only their high cost and shortage in domestic stores. Holisticians are usually purchased for animals kept in nurseries and which are very often at exhibitions.

What is the best food?

The question of which of the options is the best is easy to answer. Choosing food for your pets follows from super-premium and holistic foods. Only they can have a positive effect on the health of the animal. Budget options can only temporarily quench the thirst for hunger, while most of them can harm the health of cats and cats.

When choosing a feed, it is very important to take into account not only its price component, but also its composition. As a permanent diet for adults, and even more so for baby kittens, it is highly discouraged to choose budget food.


Summing up, it should be noted that, despite the brand belonging to one or another class, this does not mean at all that it is suitable for the animal, because some components from the composition of even the most expensive food can cause intolerance or allergies in a cat or cat. Therefore, sometimes food must be selected through trial and error.

Moreover, very often food has to be selected based on certain characteristics of the animal. For example, for neutered or neutered pets, exclusively specialized dietary foods with a moderate protein content are recommended. There are also options for animals that have gastrointestinal disorders.

Check out the best cat food in the next video.

the guest 11.03.2021 12:36

Thank you for the interesting video, very useful information.

Svetlana 04.08.2021 14:49

Useful information!

I bought to try Organiks with lamb. All 5 cats vomited. I gave the food, the money was returned. I bought my usual one (I will not name it) - everything is fine.


the beauty
