Names for different breeds and colors

How to name a gray kitten: a list of names for cats and cats

How to name a gray kitten: a list of names for cats and cats
  1. Features of choice
  2. Popular names for cats
  3. Original nicknames for cats
  4. Versatile options

Kittens of gray color have a unique inimitable appearance and some special, like a royal, charm. It is for this reason that their owners want to give their pets a corresponding beautiful and unusual nickname. To make the choice easier, in this article we will consider the most unusual, vivid, original and simply popular nicknames for these pets, and also tell you how to choose them correctly.

Features of choice

It is important to know that cats with a gray coat are considered to be the protectors of the home and all family members. Moreover, they protect not only from rodents, but also from negative energy. For this reason, you can call a gray kitten some mystical name for a good hero - and it will be perfect for him.

In general, you can give your pet absolutely any nickname. True, you should definitely remember the following rules.

  • Nicknames that are too long are best avoided. The animal will remember its new name for a long time, so sometimes it will take a lot of time to call the pet to itself. If the kitten is purebred and the nickname is already inscribed in the passport, it is better to use its abbreviated version.
  • The nickname of a pet lays a certain imprint on its character and further behavior. Everything here is like people. Therefore, you should choose the most good-natured and supportive nicknames so that you do not regret your choice later.
  • You can name your pet, taking into account not only its noble color, but also feline habits. They are unique for each animal, therefore, with the proper approach to the choice, you can come up with some kind of rare or original nickname.
  • Zoopsychologists insist that the nickname should not only be sonorous and memorable, but also that it should have hissing or at least just sonorous sounds. Cats remember such nicknames better and react to them more favorably.

Recently, there is a growing trend to give your pets some unusual cool, and sometimes not even very cultural nicknames.

This choice should be discarded. The animal itself will experience discomfort, and if necessary, call the pet in the presence of other people, its owner will already blush.

Therefore, you should choose a nickname for a gray kitten based on the recommendations of zoopsychologists, features of his character or color, as well as food preferences. Assessing all these factors together, you can choose a really unique, euphonious and beautiful name for a cat or a gray cat.

Popular names for cats

There are a lot of nicknames for these beautiful pets with a noble coat color. Some of them have been known for a very long time, others have appeared recently, but have already gained immense popularity. Moreover, all nicknames are divided into several groups.

By color

The most popular and easiest option is to choose a name for your pet. Moreover, depending on how strongly the gray tint is expressed and what kind of ebb it has, such nicknames can be both common and not very:

  • Gray;
  • Silver;
  • Grau;
  • Smoke;
  • Gray;
  • Dymych;
  • Ash;
  • Shadow;
  • Smokey;
  • Green gray;
  • Dusk;
  • Chromium;
  • Senka.

These nicknames are simple, sonorous, they are easy to remember, but, most importantly, they will not make the owner of the cat blush for an absurd nickname. Therefore, if the classic is what you like, and the choice should be stopped at one of these nicknames.

Business and aristocratic

Very often, gray cats belong to some elite breed, for example, Scottish Folds. Of course, animals of noble birth should be given the appropriate name:

  • Cardinal;
  • Caesar;
  • Zeus;
  • Scythian;
  • Image;
  • Asher;
  • Dorian;
  • Charm;
  • Velveteen;
  • Gray Dorian;
  • Storn;
  • Ashton;
  • Baron;
  • Charlie;
  • Paul.

It is worth remembering here that when choosing a double nickname for your pet in ordinary home conditions, you need to use any one word. So the animal will get used to it faster and only over time can you add its second part to it.

Depending on appetite

Often, the owners of these gray lumps choose nicknames for them depending on whether their cats like to eat tightly or what they prefer. Therefore, you can often see gray cats with such nicknames as:

  • Glutton;
  • Whiskas;
  • Kiticat;
  • Sausage;
  • Omelette;
  • Loaf;
  • Baguette;
  • Cheese Cracker;
  • Gray T.

Here, the fantasy is, in principle, limitless - it all depends on the cat's favorite dishes and on whether their name is suitable for his gender.

Original nicknames

And of course, there have always been and will be the owners of these animals who want to distinguish their pets with an unusual nickname. There is nothing shameful in such a desire, the main thing is to remember that the cat will have to bear this name all his life.

  • Bucks.
  • Zero.
  • Amadeus.
  • Bonito.
  • Bonsai.
  • Pixel.
  • Pate.
  • Typhoon.
  • Emelya.
  • Pikachu.
  • Chuckie.
  • Ralph.
  • Vitiligo.

And it is also worth remembering that cats of small breeds look very unusual and original, which have formidable and terrifying nicknames - Tiger, Tsunami or Thunderbolt. But to call large animals petting nicknames is absolutely inappropriate idea - such cats usually look ridiculous.

Original nicknames for cats

But not only boys, but also girls, whose names should be beautiful and original, have a gray coat color. Many people believe that if a fluffy pet is female, then his nickname should be more gentle and affectionate. In fact, this is not at all the case. Often, cats have a much more severe disposition than cats, so affectionate nicknames do not suit them.

But to make your favorite gray pets stand out from the crowd, they should be given not only original, but also sonorous nicknames that will emphasize their uniqueness.

Beautiful and unique nicknames

Animals with such nicknames breathe nobility and superiority over ordinary cats. Even an absolutely outsider, hearing the nickname of such an animal, clearly understands that in front of him is a cat of noble origin.

  • Annabelle.
  • Amazon.
  • Antalya.
  • Adelaide.
  • Beatrice.
  • Bianca.
  • Verona.
  • Hydrangea.
  • Jasmine.
  • Ilves.
  • Lily.
  • Musume.
  • Nirvana.
  • Niagara.
  • Odyssey.
  • Rufina.
  • Sylph.
  • Undine.
  • Freesia.

In addition to such aristocratic nicknames, you can choose a short, but original and funny name.

Playful nicknames

Here you can use any nouns, the pronunciation of which makes your face smile or brings pleasant memories. If nothing comes to mind, then you can try choosing something from the list below.

  • Yushka.
  • Scratchy.
  • DotA.
  • Charade.
  • Chock.
  • Clapperboard.
  • Bun.
  • Frosya.
  • Tavria.
  • Reality.
  • Peppercorn.
  • Oklahoma.
  • Ocher.
  • Iguana.
  • Momo.
  • Lick.
  • Yoko.
  • Intrigue.
  • Green Tee.
  • Zhushiro.
  • Egoza.
  • Sweeties.
  • Lapuska.

But such nicknames, although they cause a smile on the face, often do not correspond to either the gray color of the cat, or the burning or quiet temperament.

Depending on the nature

It is this option for choosing a nickname for cats of any breeds of gray color is the simplest and most common.

It is necessary, in order not to be mistaken with the choice, for at least a couple of days to carefully monitor your pet and its habits, and only then choose the appropriate clique.

As an example, you can use:

  • Scops owl;
  • Huntress;
  • Amazon;
  • Typhoon;
  • Igrunya;
  • Sonya;
  • Sinister.

When choosing such a nickname, it is worth remembering that it affects the pet's behavior in the future and its character. Therefore, one should not hope that Splyushka will turn into a Tsunami in the future.

Versatile options

There are also nicknames that are suitable for both cats and cats. Having decided to choose just such a nickname for your pet, it is better to give preference to either foreign nicknames, or just words that have a neutral meaning. When choosing nicknames for a pet in another language, you should know its translation in advance, so as not to get into an awkward situation later.

A good option for such a universal nickname is:

  • Fog - fog;
  • Ash - ash;
  • Smoky - smoky;
  • Haiiro - gray;
  • Hoar - frost;
  • Grau - gray hair;
  • Rhine - rain;
  • Mirror is a mirror;
  • Shadow is a shadow;
  • Usagi is a hare.

The nicknames of some cartoon characters and modern TV series can be attributed to the same group of universal nicknames. With the proper approach to the choice, you can find those that are ideal for these animals of both sexes. For example:

  • Gromozeka;
  • Lumik;
  • Gru;
  • Dow;
  • Bao;
  • Ra;
  • Safiko;
  • Tikki;
  • Troy;
  • Ftusha-Kotush.

It is also noteworthy that such universal nicknames, although popular, always sound original and beautiful, only decorating cats and gray cats even more.

        Regardless of what kind of nickname will be chosen for your pet, in addition to all the recommendations given at the beginning of the article, do not forget about the following factors.

        • Pedigree kittens already have a name. It is, as a rule, always very long, so you can and should use its shortened version.
        • Choosing a nickname for a kitten, you must remember that it is difficult for animals to memorize words in which there are many paired consonants and many vowels. The best choice would be nicknames consisting of two, maximum - three syllables.
        • And you should not call an animal, regardless of its gender, by the name of any member of the household. If pronounced too often, the kitten may start to get confused when his name is, and when the person is. Ultimately, it just might stop responding.

        The nickname of a gray kitten is given to him once in a lifetime. Even with all the desire, then it will be almost impossible to accustom the animal to a new nickname.Before settling on a specific name, you need to think carefully and consult with your household in order to make a decision that you will not have to regret in the future.

        You will learn more about how to choose a name for a kitten in the following video.

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