Variety of breeds

Description and maintenance of cats of the Karaket breed

Description and maintenance of cats of the Karaket breed
  1. Origin story
  2. Description
  3. Character traits
  4. Conditions of detention
  5. Feeding
  6. Health

Currently, a thoroughbred pet is considered common. But not everyone can boast of a unique, extravagant breed of pet. The caracat cat is an animal that outwardly looks like a wild one, but has a homely and kind character.

This breed of cats is considered the rarest and most expensive in the whole world.

Origin story

The caracat breed is a hybrid, it was obtained by crossing a domestic cat and a wild African caracal, that is, a steppe lynx. The first crossing was carried out in Russia in 1998 at random. After 9 years in America, scientists conducted a planned mating of the steppe lynx with the Abyssinian cat breed in order to bring out an exotic creature. The experience ended with the birth of one kitten, however, the offspring were not characterized by health and stability, so the experiments were discontinued.

In 2014, Irina Nazarova began to carry out the work, she crossed a caracal and a domestic lynx. The selection of the Russian felinologist ended in success and in obtaining healthy kittens. Nowadays, several types of generated carakets are known.

  • F1 - is characterized by a genotype, in which 50% is an admixture of lynx. This offspring is the result of crossing a domestic cat with a caracal.
  • F2 - has 25% African wildcat impurity. This litter is the result of crossing F1 and regular cats. The price of such pets is lower than the previous version, due to which there are fewer exotic features in it.
  • F3 - the result of mating a female F2 and a domestic cat. In such an animal, there is only 16% of the wild representative.
  • F4 - considered the lowest regeneration, it was obtained by crossing F3 and a male of a different breed.From a wild breed, this kitten has only 6% of the genotype.

It is known that today on the territory of the Russian Federation there are 70 individuals of caraquets with the F1 generation and 15 representatives of the F2 generation.


A caracet is a breed that includes characteristics of caracal and domesticated cat... This hybrid has in its genotype the best characteristics of both parents, namely: the exoticism of a wild creature and the complaisance of a pet.

The appearance of a cat of this breed is bright and memorable, much in it is taken over from the lynx, for example, the presence of black tassels on the ears.

The size of the caracat is much smaller than that of the steppe caracal, but if the animal is provided with proper care and nutrition, then its weight can reach 15 kg. Compared with other domestic cats, the caracat is much larger than them. In length, an adult representative reaches 0.9 meters, the height of the withers is 0.45 meters. The body of an exotic pet is characterized by muscularity and tall graceful limbs. There is a fat fold on the cat's belly, the main purpose of which is to protect the internal organs during battles.

The head of the animal is small when compared to the body. It has an elongated wedge-shaped shape. The eyes of the caracat are almond-shaped, they are inherent in a smart look and expressiveness. The iris is yellow-green in color. The dark edging makes the visual organs appear even larger. This breed inherited its fur color from the steppe lynx. The shade of the coat can be either light sandy or dark brown. The lower part of the body, namely the belly, has a lighter color.

Sometimes on the limbs and muzzle there are dark stripes with a contrasting color. The young often have light spots that fade with age. Kittens from the first generation are strong and tall representatives of the animal world, they cannot make any sounds, except for hisses and rumblings.

Newly bred generations acquire a more homely look and character, while maintaining the color of the fur in its original form and the presence of tassels on the ears.

Karaket kittens are born with a weight of 115 grams. They have no vision, and their ears are horizontal. On the 25th day of life, the cubs stand perfectly on their legs and begin to walk on their own. By the month, their ears almost double and have half-centimeter brushes. A kitten's almond-shaped eyes are usually honey-colored or blue-green.

The maturing caracat changes in color, the existing spots on the body become lighter, and the fur coat becomes more uniform.

Character traits

One of the features of this exclusive breed is that they do not know how to meow, but, instead, hiss, snort and whine. Babies can actively "talk" and squeak if they feel comfortable, and also hiss in case of danger. Kittens can be frightened by a new toy, the presence of a stranger or a pet. The period of adaptation to something new is fast for them. Animals have excellent hearing, so they can detect even the smallest noise at a distance.

The karakets have well-developed hunting skills, as well as a love of active games, but, despite this, their character is friendly and non-aggressive. Like any other domestic cat, the animal of this breed is affectionate, loves attention to itself. They tend to want to sleep on their master, these pets love to crush a person, rub against him and purr. Each individual is individual, but, in general, this breed is considered friendly.

In a stressful moment, the animal defends its friend, while exposing its claws and hissing.

This is an obedient, intelligent cat breed that is great for raising in a family. This representative of the animal world is quiet, it is characterized by silence in movement, even during entertainment.

Conditions of detention

Despite the fact that the caraquets have wild roots, they feel great in city apartments, if they are not small. This animal loves space, it actively moves around the room, running and jumping.

It is advisable to build a playground for the cat, in which there will be a scratching post and several multi-level platforms.

Already from the age of 3 months, the pet should be taught to walk, while it should be kept on a leash so that the cat does not play too much and does not run away. An independent walk is excluded.

The cat should make its own house. The pet's personal place should be at a certain height and closed so that it has a good view and a sense of security. The pot must contain filler, which should be changed regularly. This cat does not tolerate loneliness, if most of the day people are not at home, he should get a companion in the form of a second cat or dog of medium or large size.

In the first days of a cat living in a new house, it is worthwhile to slightly limit its space, it is allocated its own bowl, tray, water, a playground with accessories and a soft lounger.

The coat of the caraquette is thick and short, it needs constant care. In the spring, the pet's molting should be combed out daily. At normal times, twice for 7 days. Bathing an animal should be done no more than once a quarter. This procedure does not bring any hassle and problems, as the caraquets love water procedures. If the cat is often on the street, then he should carry out treatment for fleas and ticks with the help of collars, sprays, drops.

To care for the claws, the pet must be provided with a high-quality scratching post, for example, sisal... Such an item is safe, strong and durable. But also do not forget about shortening the claws of the animal, this should be done once every 14 days. During the procedure, it is worth using a nail clipper - a pruner, which has a protective stop.

Among the owners of exotic cats, anti-scratches are considered a popular accessory.

Thanks to this newfangled device, you can protect furniture and other household items from the claws of a caraquet. Anti-scratch consists of a material and medical glue, with which it is attached to the claw. This accessory is safe for the cat, but it can create some discomfort for the cat, since the animal will not be able to climb any height.

There are situations when the claws become deformed or inflamed when using anti-scratches.

The hearing organs of the karaket should be examined once every 45 days. During the procedure, it is worth turning out the cat's ear, fixing it, and then cleaning it with a cotton pad. After that, a cotton swab should be moistened in boiled water and cleaned again. It is strictly forbidden to use cotton swabs to clean the ear canal.

If discharge, raids are noticed, then it is worth taking the pet to the veterinarian.

And it is also worth wiping the eyelids of an exotic cat with a cotton pad dipped in tea leaves or chamomile broth. The eye should be wiped in the direction from the outer corner to the inner corner, while the eye should be closed. Purulent discharge from the visual organ of the caracat is the reason for visiting a doctor. A pet that eats raw meat does not require brushing its teeth. The animal does not form tartar due to self-cleaning and massage on the gums.

When playing with a caracat, you should not use your hands and fingers, since an adult can harm a person without wanting to. As toys, balls and flies are suitable for him. The feather accessory can only be used for kittens 3-4 months old. When choosing toys, it is better to give preference to items of high strength. If the attribute of entertainment is constantly available to the animal, then it will lose interest in it.

An excellent entertainment option for a cat of this breed is a sports complex, which is well documented.Physical activity and vigorous entertainment are important for the caracat, so the owner should take care of the equipment of the playground in advance.

Since this animal is quite smart, it quickly gets used to the toilet. Any filler can be used, such as woody or gel. The pot should be placed in the corner of the room where the pet is constantly. There are no problems with addiction, a person does not even have to teach this animal, he does everything on his own.

It is worth knowing that if the pot is not cleaned on time, the cat will not walk into it.

Since the caracat is considered a rare breed, breeding them remains a problem. On the territory of the Russian Federation, this breed is bred by one nursery, which has several subsidiaries. Each mating can be called a genetic experience, which cannot give an excellent result. In order for the caracal to fertilize a small animal, scientists create special conditions for keeping and feeding.


Proper nutrition is considered to be the basis for the normal growth and development of a pet. You should pay particular attention to kittens in this matter. During intensive growth, they need a lot of vitamins, nutrients and vital elements. According to experts, quail and chicken head are the best products for small kittens.

From the age of one month, the cub should be given minced meat, after which - meat with a bone. By the age of 6 months, 3 quails per day will become the norm for an animal. After six months of age, the intensity of growth decreases, by this time beef, fish and chicken should be present in the diet.

Feeding should be carried out with raw meat products, without giving them heat treatment. If the meat is frozen, then it needs to be slightly warmed up.

Caracat food should be exclusively natural, the diet should also contain the following products:

  • rabbit meat;
  • lean fish;
  • fermented milk products;
  • mineral and vitamin complex with calcium and phosphorus;
  • Filtered or bottled water in large quantities.

It is forbidden to feed a cat of this breed with pork, products that have undergone heat treatment, smoked, sweet food or from your table.

Despite the fact that the digestive tract of the karaket has the ability to digest the skins and bones, with improper nutrition, the pet's health can be seriously affected. After the end of the meal, you should definitely remove the leftovers. The animal needs feed per day, which is from 5 to 10% of its weight.

An adult can be transferred to an industrial grain-free super premium or holistic class:

  • Canadian "Acana", "Go Natural";
  • Czech "Carnilove";
  • French "Grandorf";
  • Italian "Farmina N&D".


Since the ancestor of the karaket is the steppe lynx, the animal is characterized by good health and strong immunity. They also have a good digestive tract, so the cat is able to digest meat and bones.

The animal is quite resistant to extreme conditions of existence, they are able to live without water and food for a long period.

Due to the strength of its immunity, an exotic cat rarely suffers from common feline ailments. However, the owner should not forget about regular vaccinations against viral infections and rabies. This is especially important if your pet regularly walks outside. There is no exact information on the duration of the health of caracets, however, it is known that such a pet lives several years less than an ordinary domestic cat.

If the owner does not plan to receive offspring from the karaket, then it is worthwhile to castrate or sterilize the pet. Otherwise, the animal will be nervous, intensely mark the territory, and subsequently may get sick. Such operations go well, after 7 days the cat no longer remembers what happened. The optimal age for castration is considered to be 8-11 months.A month before the procedure, it is worth vaccinating a caraquette, and 14 days before the procedure, treat it against fleas.

For half a day before the operation, it is worth providing the cat with a hungry diet and plenty of drink. After castration, the animal needs rest and regular treatment of the wound with Chlorhexidine. In the first days after the procedure, it is worth feeding the pet with minced meat.

As a rule, if a kitten is bought in a cattery, then it is already neutered.

The Karaket is a difficult breed to breed and therefore quite expensive.... This calm and intelligent animal will quickly remember its name and will adhere to all the necessary rules in the apartment. Such cats never climb on the table for food and do not make noise while their owner is resting.

Video about cats of the Karaket breed, see below.

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