All about cats and cats of the Kobe breed

Kobe is one of the modern Instagram stars, which is not surprising, because it is quite difficult to walk past the beautiful blue-eyed cat. Despite the fact that such an original specimen appeared only in 2015, many have already managed to fall in love with it and find out everything about the breed of this animal. Interestingly, the owner of Kobe claims that the cat does have spectacular sapphire eyes, while quite a few people are sure that this is nothing more than photoshop.

Characteristics of the breed
It is worth noting that kobi is not the name of the breed. Such a breed does not exist in principle, it is only the name of the pet, and it does not belong to a separate cat family. If you enter a query on the Internet, then the search engine will return the British chinchilla breed, but this is not the case, because such a breed does not exist either. The breed is called "British Shorthair" and "chinchilla" is the color of the pet.
You can find representatives of this color not only among the British Shorthair breed, but also among the Scottish Shorthair, Fold, among the Persian cats and many others.
Please note that the “chinchilla” color can be either gold or black, blue, chocolate.

British Shorthair with a black and silver chinchilla point color - this is the breed of our cat. They are characterized by black or gray color and brown eyes, but exceptions occur, such as Kobe. For some reason, the white color became dominant, and the color turned out to be snow-white. But if you pay attention, it will become clear that the color is white only on some parts of the body, closer to the tips of the villi, you can see that a gray tone appears.
There are often discussions about whether this is the natural color of a cat, because the owner of this favorite of millions is an illustrator and designer.Nevertheless, there were those who wanted to buy such a cat, and they verified that the cat was indeed of the same color as in the photos on Instagram. Obviously, in the family of the animal, someone was inclined to albinism, which directly affected him.

With the advent of such a cat on the Internet, there were those who wanted to make money on it. They say that this is a new breed of cat that was bred in the USA, which is a misconception. This is not a new breed of cats, but only a kind "joke" of nature over the British. Unfortunately, there is no reliable information about Kobe's relationship, so it remains only to guess who his parents were, and what kind of breed he is.

Features of the British breed:
- Brown eyes;
- gray or ash color of the coat;
- black outline around the eyes and nose;
- black paw pads;
- the tips of the guard hairs of the same color;
- wide chest;
- small growth;
- short legs and tail.
Kobe exists in the real world, but has this color as a result of gene mutations. This is a characteristic feature of this public favorite, which has collected more than 150 thousand subscribers on its Instagram page. But if Rebecca Schefkind decided to take the pet to the exhibition, then, unfortunately, he would lose to purebred British or Scots.
The British shorthaired chinchilla was bred specifically for life with humans, so it differs from other cats in behavior and interaction with humans and other animals.

Character traits
Kobe has an uncharacteristic blue eye color for its breed. It was formed as a result of gene mutation and was passed, most likely, by inheritance. After the appearance of the kitten on the network, scientists began to artificially breed cats with blue eyes.
The main question that interests the owners of a small kitten is how the color of the eyes will affect the character of the pet. Since the cat belongs to the British Shorthair breed, it has a lot of features that are similar to them.
- Representatives of this breed are very gullible.... These are the most gullible creatures in nature, since they were bred artificially, were always under the supervision of people and did not encounter the wild world.
- Animals are not aggressive. During the period of their "evolution" they did not have to defend themselves, therefore aggression is not typical for them.
- Cats are very affectionate and gentle, love to hug.
- Adore their masters and often sleep in places where the owner's scent is best felt, often a pillow of one of the owners or an armchair with things.
- Playful breed, they will love playing with bait. You need to take a thread or rope, tie something fluffy or bright to the other end, and then pull it back and take it away from the pet.
- Easily converge with other animals, even dogs (small), pugs and dachshunds will be best friends.
- Cowardly, if one day the same dog scares them very much or is aggressive towards them, cats will never be friends with this animal again.
- They love to swim. Unlike other breeds, blue eyed cats are more likely to swim than other cats. They will happily sleep in sinks and play with rubber toys while bathing.
- Very curious, so it is better to close all the boxes and doors that the kitten can get to while you are not at home, and, of course, clear everything from the tables.
- Cats of this breed are very trusting... Such cats are often kidnapped from their owners, because they are friendly to all people and are not at all afraid of strangers.
- They are unpretentious in food. They will like tuna, bananas, apples, carrots.
- Easy to train to tray. If you notice that the cat does not walk in it, then you should pay attention to its health, because the behavior of this breed depends entirely on its physical condition. If you notice that something is wrong with the cat, you need to urgently take him to the veterinarian.
- Pets have a very high chance of developing urolithiasis, in which case they are simply afraid of the litter box.... But in representatives of this breed, the likelihood of developing this disease is practically excluded.
- It is advisable to walk the cat at least once every 2-3 days. The fact is that animals that do not go outside are more likely to get sick, therefore, to maintain the health of the pet, you need to purchase a harness and sometimes take the animal out into nature. Cats are encouraged to eat grass, this improves their digestive system.
- Representatives of this breed are very proud. When breeders were engaged in the withdrawal of this breed, then beauty came first. But since the British are distinguished by highly intellectual development among cats, when they were mixed with Persian cats, there was no decrease in intelligence in the bred species. Therefore, such cats combine British proud dignity and their own perfection of beauty, which is inherent in chinchillas.
If you decide to get such a cat, then it is worth remembering that they are such animals are social and loyal to their owner, so you need to responsibly approach the purchase of this animal.
If after some time you want to donate it to someone, then you shouldn't take your pet into the house at all.

It is worth recalling that such a breed as Kobe does not exist, and there are no kittens from him. But if you have a little pet with blue eyes in your house and you are wondering how to care for him, then the information below will be useful to you.
- Taking a kitten into the house, you should remember that he is also a child, albeit not a human one. The kitten may be sad in a new place, he will look for his mother, he will not immediately figure out where his toilet is and the new place. At this time, he will be very vulnerable and melancholy. Try to pay a lot of attention to him and do not leave him alone.
- Think of the cat's nickname in advance, and from the first days call it by one name. Get used to food and pan gradually, and through gentleness and interaction.
- At first, do not allow small children to the kitten, so as not to frighten and damage the animal. You need to carry it less on your hands, this is due to the fact that by their nature cats love freedom, and on hands it will be an infringement of it. In this regard, relations with a cat should be built on mutual respect, because such animals are very proud and independent, do not tolerate rudeness and orders, and have a positive attitude towards kindness and respect towards them.
- Remember that cats do not understand human language, and no matter how much you swear for the cat's tricks: "I went to the wrong toilet", "why did I chew", the pet will still not understand you. Due to the increased tone, the cat can harbor evil and feel distrust of you.
- The cat's tray should always be cleaned and new sand should be poured into it. If the cat does not walk in the place, then you need to pay attention to this, perhaps he is offended or something hurts him.
- Go to the veterinarian: you will need to take a vaccination card and be sure to get a flea and tetanus vaccine. The fact is that the cat needs to be taken outside at least sometimes, which means that it is important to try to secure this process as much as possible.
- To prevent lice and ticks, give your pet an anthelmintic every 2 months.

Pay attention to the nutrition of the cat. While the kitten's body is growing, it will need vitamins. Consider what a pet can do.
- Meat: minced meat, hearts, necks. Meat products can be mixed into porridge.
- Porridge: wheat groats, millet. It is strictly forbidden to give your pet peas, beans, oatmeal.
- Vegetables: boiled and grated.
- You can milk, kefir.
- Water should only be boiled.
It is advisable not to feed the animal with dry food, and from time to time give him a course of vitamins.

For general information on British Shorthaired, see below.