Food for cats and cats: types, rating of producers and selection rules

Cat lovers are constantly faced with the question of feeding their pets. Some adhere to a natural diet, while others are supporters of a diet that includes exclusively industrial products for animals. At the same time, feed purchased in stores has a number of features that should be taken into account when purchasing one or another composition.

Features, pros and cons
A cat's natural diet should consist of quality foods prepared specifically for the animal. When preparing food, one should take into account the age category of the animal, the characteristics and state of health, as well as the tastes in food. Formulating the right diet is often difficult and time-consuming. That is why the owners of tailed pets are increasingly turning to store formulations.
The main advantage of industrial feed is their nutritional value and saturation of the body with all useful substances and vitamins. When feeding a cat with balanced products, you should not worry about adding additional minerals and vitamins to its diet. All substances and useful elements are already in the feed. Depending on the class and type, products for cats are intended for consumption by a variety of animals.
Manufacturers produce universal lines of food for kittens, pregnant and sick animals, for castrated and neutered pets.

There are also products aimed at the treatment of diseases and their prevention. Meals with dietary meat (lamb, chicken and turkey) are designed for animals that lead a sedentary lifestyle and are prone to obesity.Fiber products contribute to a good metabolism and the normalization of the functioning of various organs.
Of the minuses, it is worth noting the low quality of the compositions of some manufacturers. Economy-class feed contains nothing more than flavor enhancers, artificial additives, flavors and preservatives. The use of such products leads to many diseases and disorders in the body systems.
Also, when feeding, the health of the animal should be taken into account. Dry food contains almost no moisture. Therefore, for cats suffering from kidney and urinary system diseases, it is worth buying only specialized dry food that has therapeutic and medicinal properties.

Cat products are divided into the following types:
- dry granules;
- wet type of food: pate, jelly, canned food.
Dry food preferred by the owners of those cats who have no time to bother with feeding their pet. The food is left for the whole day, and you can not be afraid that it will deteriorate. The downside is that drying contains only about 10% liquid. Therefore, there must be constant access to water during feeding. With an insufficient amount of water in the body, the urine of the animal becomes more concentrated, this contributes to the development of various diseases of the urinary system.
Also, do not buy products that contain a high content of vegetable protein. With the frequent use of vegetable protein, the cat develops not only urolithiasis, but also weakens the immune system. This is due to the fact that vegetable protein is unable to supply the body with essential amino acids. A lack of taurine begins, which leads to blindness, atrophy and a disorder of the nervous system.

Wet industrial feed are available in soft bags, in small portions. Each serving consists of mouth-watering chunks with sauce. There is also canned food - a universal option for those animals that consume a small amount of water. Canned food can be stored for a long time, provided that the packaging is intact.
The average liquid content in canned food and wet food reaches 75%.
Such food reminds cats of natural food, since the consistency of the mass is close to natural, and has a rich taste palette. Similar compositions can be fed to pets who are on a therapeutic diet. The disadvantage is the appearance of calculus on the teeth of the animal. In addition, when using such feed, the processes in the formation of the muscles of the jaw are disrupted, which contributes to the appearance of pain in the gums.

Another type of product for cats is raw food. This type of cat food appeared relatively recently, but step by step is gaining adherents around the world. It is called "holistic". The composition of raw food is completely natural, and is close to the natural diet of cats in the wild. The composition of the Russian manufacturer contains raw meat, quail eggs, vegetables, bran and offal.
Russian company Superpet produces natural, raw feed, which already contains all the useful macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins. But it is important to remember about the absence of vegetable protein in such feeds. Good food of the holistic class is produced in Finland, Poland, France and other European countries.

Balanced products for cats are divided not only into types, but also classified into 4 categories:
- economy;
- premium;
- super premium;
- holistic.
Products from the category of economy class are distinguished by their low price. This is their only advantage. The cheap cost is due to the poor quality composition, the presence of flavor enhancers, preservatives and additives. In such feeds, natural meat and plant components are completely absent.Economy class feeds cause disruptions in important processes of the cat's body, cause disruptions in digestion, gastritis, diarrhea, contribute to the development of urolithiasis and other serious diseases.
Premium products are considered much better than the previous category, but are not suitable for daily pet feeding. The composition of such feeds contains natural ingredients, but their percentage is very small, and they cannot be called useful. In addition to the small percentage of natural meat in the composition, it also contains flavor enhancers and preservatives.

The composition of super-premium feed contains high-quality ingredients, nutrients and natural meat. There are no flavors or preservatives at all. This type of feed has a high price.
And in expensive holistic there are all useful elements, vitamins, fatty acids and proteins, minerals and natural ingredients, extracts of herbs and fruits.
There are also feed of the professional treatment series, which is aimed at treating the animal and further prevention. The medical series feed is produced for animals that are most susceptible to various diseases or are being treated by a veterinarian. The use of medicated feed can be called a preventive method of feeding animals that have undergone a certain ailment or are going through the postoperative period.

Medicated feed must be prescribed by a veterinarian... Before this, the cat must be examined. Only after passing all the tests and establishing a diagnosis, a diet for the animal is assigned. The animal should be fed with the feed of the medical line for six months. Then there is a break. However, a pathology such as urolithiasis determines a strict diet and therapy for the rest of the animal's life. That's why any change in diet and change of food can lead to serious consequences or even death of the cat. All tips and advice on feeding are carried out by the attending physician.
Today, the variety of medicinal cat food is quite large. There are feeds for hair removal, sensitive digestion, maintaining the normal condition of the kidneys and the reproductive system, and preventing cardiovascular diseases. Firms also produce products for overweight animals. Such feeds are produced with the mark light. The preventive products of this line contain the least amount of fat, which helps to control the weight of the cat or cat.

Another class of feed includes products of the age category. The age range is also divided into subspecies:
- up to 1 year;
- 1-6 years old;
- animals over 7 years old.
Absolutely all companies are engaged in the production of rations for adult cats. Some manufacturers produce a special line for groups of cats by age: +8, +11, +13. The range of such products includes the content of vitamins, various useful substances, for example, glucosamine and chondroitin, which contribute to the maintenance of the skeletal and muscular systems. For cats that are picky about food, they produce a special food marked with vitality. It is also provided for those animals that have reduced energy costs and have a sedentary lifestyle.
Food with this label is low in calories and easy to digest.

One of the categories of feed classification can be called products that are produced for individual breeds. Feed for small and medium sized breeds differ in composition, purpose and properties. The properties of products for a particular breed are completely different. When manufacturing, all characteristics, breed characteristics and predisposition to various diseases are taken into account.
The composition of such feeds is aimed at preventing the appearance of ailments, improving metabolism and normalizing vital processes in the animal's body. For large breeds and overweight cats, it is important to have foods that prevent obesity.

Popular manufacturers
Now on the market there are many companies that are engaged in the production of cat food. Below is a list of the most famous manufacturers.
Pro Plan
The overview of TOP-12 popular brands is opened by Pro Plan. The premium food category contains useful micro and macro elements that make the cat's diet full and rich in nutrients. Balanced products are suitable for different animals. So, the company produces wet, dry food, food for kittens, pregnant cats, adults, and there is also a therapeutic, prophylactic series for animals with any diseases.
Medicated feed should be purchased only after the recommendation of the veterinarian. Products contain 40% proteins and 20% fatty acids, which makes the food quite nutritious and healthy. Of the minuses, it is worth noting that Pro Plan products can only be found in pet stores.

Brit premium
The company from the Czech Republic has been specializing in the sale of cat food for over 20 years, but it has appeared on the Russian market relatively recently. Brit Premium food is generally of high quality. Due to the content of only natural ingredients, proteins, fats, vitamins and various nutrients, the feed is easily absorbed by the intestines. In addition, the composition contains useful safe substances that contribute to the normalization of the vital processes of all organs of the animal.
After several days of feeding, all important body systems return to normal, the condition of the coat improves, and digestion is normalized. There are no preservatives, dyes and harmful components at all. A minor disadvantage is the presence of some cereals in the composition.
With the content of corn or wheat in the composition of the feed, the nutritional value of the feed drops sharply.

Royal canin
The assortment of the company's line is represented by a huge variety of products for any animal. Royal Canin produces food for kittens, healthy, adult cats, spayed individuals, for pets with sensitive digestion, for the prevention of urolithiasis, for cats and cats in the postoperative period. The composition is rich in fiber, animal and vegetable proteins, grains.
The composition also contains a certain amount of yeast to normalize digestion. A specialized diet for kittens contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins, which are necessary for the proper formation of the skeletal and muscular systems, heart and other organs of the baby. Disadvantage: from the wide variety of the line, it is difficult to choose the right diet for a particular individual.

This manufacturer is very popular with cat lovers. High quality products are presented in the form of dry, wet food and canned food. Products are divided into types depending on the type of meat that is used in production: chicken, rabbit and beef. These ingredients nourish your cat's body with nutrients, minerals and essential carbohydrates.
The Hill's line of food is produced for kittens, older animals, pets with problems of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. In addition, this food can be used to feed healthy cats. To maintain the health and prevention of various diseases of adult animals, the manufacturer produces a therapeutic line. The disadvantage is the high content of carbohydrates and fats in some types of feed.

Arden grange
The products are manufactured in England. The composition has excellent taste, contains a moderate ratio of proteins, fatty acids and carbohydrates. In the manufacture of products, real meat, eggs, potatoes are used, valuable useful elements and vitamins are added to the feed. It is worth noting the absence of cereals and grains in the composition, which makes this feed a natural product..
The food has hypoallergenic properties and is suitable for any age and breed of animal.Thanks to the complex of vitamins and nutrients, the cat becomes active and energetic, the condition of the teeth and hair improves, the metabolism is normalized, and digestion improves.
Minus: the content of glucose in the product can create a laxative effect; the range is also represented only by dry food.

First Choice (1st Choice)
This feed is produced in France. Before release, products are tested and tested for quality standards. The percentage of proteins is 30%, which is the norm... In addition to the protein included in the composition, fish oil, eggs, rice grits, flaxseed and yucca extract are added during the manufacture. The last component neutralizes bad breath. The choice of the line of food is varied, and is designed for any animal with its own characteristics of the organism and state of health.
The disadvantage is the salt content in the composition. This results in minor thirst for the pet.

Bosch Sanabelle
The line of the German manufacturer was developed by veterinarians and zoologists. The series of products has about 20 types of food, taking into account the age of the pet and its state of health. The composition contains extracts of herbs, vegetables, fruits, beet flour, pear flour, dry egg, Omega-3, minerals, additional nutrients and vitamins. A special series of products is represented by feed for pregnant animals.
Thanks to the use of such products, the body of a cat and kittens will be supplied with useful minerals and substances, and the risk of premature individuals or the death of offspring is excluded... Flaw: the composition contains a small amount of allergenic substances.

Now Natural
This is a Canadian company that produces a line of food for cats and cats. The products not only saturate the animal's body with nutrients, but also protect against negative effects on immunity, maintain health and emotional background. Also, when eating food, many feline ailments are prevented. Now Natural food can be safely classified as a luxury food. The composition contains the optimal amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Chicken and duck supplements make the feed more dietary.
Do not be afraid that frequent feeding will cause obesity. Thanks to the optimal ratio of nutrients, Now Natural products help to normalize metabolism, and also give the cat vigor and energy. Additional additives in the form of salmon meal make this product hypoallergenic. The only drawback is the high cost.
In addition, the series of feeds does not have therapeutic characteristics, the products are intended for feeding healthy individuals.

Almo natural holistic
This feed is made in Italy. The composition contains a large amount of natural turkey meat. The products of this company are divided into several subspecies. Almo produces dry food, canned food, wet food and treats. The composition of this feed is completely balanced, which contributes to good digestion, improving the processes of the reproductive system, healthy kidney function.
The products belong to the holistic category, therefore the cat does not need additional useful vitamins and supplements. But the composition also has its drawbacks. Since the feed is produced in Europe, there are some problems with the translation of ingredients in the composition on the Russian market. In addition, the quality of dry food is inferior to the quality of canned food.

Daily cat
Another Italian manufacturer. It contains about 30% duck meat, which is an excellent source of protein. Also, the composition of the feed contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements, vegetable protein. The source of vegetable protein is the presence of potatoes in the composition. The content of fats, natural antioxidants (grapes, turmeric, citrus fruits) and fiber helps to nourish the body with useful substances and maintain immunity.
In production they use only natural products. There are additives in the feed, but, as the manufacturers assure, this absolutely natural and useful substances. Flaw: not always available in pet stores.

This is a Canadian firm. This product is made from free-range poultry meat. This type of chicken meat is considered the most valuable and has a high cost. The composition also contains additives from red meat, eggs and fish. The vegetables and fruits used are carefully checked before cooking. The quality of the components contained in the composition can be called ideal.
The products are suitable for both kittens and older individuals. Due to the balanced composition, the animal will receive all the nutrients and vitamins necessary to maintain immunity. When feeding Acana, you shouldn't consider adding extra vitamins and minerals to your cat's diet.
Everything that is needed for the normal functioning of an energetic and healthy individual is contained in the feed. Disadvantage: lack of a treatment series.

Orijen is in the first place in the TOP-12 popular feed manufacturers. This line of feed is quite expensive, but deservedly takes the first place in the list. The products have excellent taste, contain all the necessary nutrients for the immunity of the animal. They produce products in the form of wet food, granules and canned food.
The composition is dominated by a high content of natural meat (turkey, chicken), additives in the form of liver (chicken and beef), eggs, meat of various types of fish. It also contains high quality grains that help feed the cat's body with natural carbohydrates. The only drawback of this line is the high price.
All feeds are produced in various packaging. In pet stores, you can find packages weighing from 1 to 10 kg. The weight of the package is determined by the manufacturer.

How to choose food?
All products for cats and cats are divided into categories and classes. Before choosing food for your pet, the owner should carefully study the composition on the package. If the composition contains such components as bone meal and by-products, preservatives and flavors, this food should not be taken.
It is also worth paying attention to the first ingredient in the composition. As a rule, the first place is taken by the percentage of those products that predominate in the feed. For example, fish, meat or poultry. The shorter the list on the package, the better. Super-premium products and holistic products contain only selected meat. It can be beef, rabbit or chicken meat, sea and river fish.
A cat's diet should not consist of foods from different manufacturers, because cats and cats become finicky with age. In addition, a variety of industrial feeds in the diet can disrupt the intestinal microflora, which leads to digestive disorders, gastritis and other diseases.

When choosing food, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the cat. If the animal has a tendency to allergies, you should not purchase products containing cereals, the best solution would be to buy feed with legumes. For the prevention of digestive disorders, rice-based foods are a good choice.
Cats and overweight cats should have a specialized dietary food in their diet.
Such products are low in calories and contain antioxidants and vitamins. There are diet foods that are made without chicken or rabbit. Turkey meat is being replaced, which is an easily digestible dietary product. Such feeding does not overload the body, while saturation and nutrition of the animal with vitamins and nutrients comes.

Consider what must be included in the composition.
- Fish, meat protein... Protein is an indispensable aid in the healthy functioning of all organs of a pet.A cat diet with lamb, chicken, rabbit promotes good growth and strengthens the immune system.
- Taurine ensures the maintenance of good condition of the cardiovascular system and vision. The presence of amino acids in the composition of products improves metabolism.
- Fats essential for brain function, maintaining healthy animal energy, and visual and auditory systems.
- Vitamins, macro- and microelements Are substances that support the cat's body, they strengthen the immune system and remove harmful toxins from the body. With the help of macro- and microelements, vital processes are normalized, and the condition of bones, muscles and ligaments improves.
With a high content of carbohydrates in the body, diabetes, obesity develops, hormonal disruptions and disturbances in reproductive processes occur. Therefore, the animal's diet should contain a small amount of carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, as well as fiber. Fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, cereals. When buying products for your pet, you should pay attention to this indicator.
The percentage of the presence of cereals and vegetables in the composition is 25-30%. The allowable rate is up to 50%. Also, pay special attention to the presence of protein. You should not take food with the inscription "animal products" on the label.

How to feed?
Each manufacturer writes on the packaging of their products how much food can be given to a pet during the day, depending on weight, condition and age. You cannot overfeed the animal. Dry food should be fed 2-3 times a day. At the same time, there should always be fresh water in the open near the feed.
If the diet contains wet food or canned food, then such food should not remain in the cat's bowl for more than 2 hours.
When choosing premium or holistic food, it is not recommended to feed your cat anything else. The diet should be monotonous... Do not worry that the cat will get tired of it or harm its health. On the contrary, in order to avoid various diseases and complications from the digestive tract and kidneys, veterinarians advise feeding animals with only one type of food, and in no case introduce natural food into the diet.

Some cat owners prefer to feed their pet with both dry and wet food. A balanced diet includes dry food as the main food and can be supplemented with wet foods. Both types contain nutrients and elements, despite the differences in the pros and cons of such products. Zoologists and veterinarians have different opinions about this kind of feeding.
There is no definite answer to the question of a balanced diet. In any case, if the animal suffers from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then such food can only harm.
Veterinarian reviews
The advice and recommendations of veterinarians are based on one thing: cat food should be selected based on the preferences of the animal itself, its state of health and age.
Today we know the optimal amount of proteins that a healthy, energetic individual needs. The amount of protein in the feed should be 30-40%. Super premium feeds and holistic foods contain proteins that are essential for the diet of exceptionally healthy and metabolically healthy animals.

Compositions containing a high percentage of proteins are contraindicated in sterilized and neutered individuals, aged animals, cats with kidney, liver and pancreas diseases. To feed pets suffering from liver and pancreatic ailments, it is necessary to give food, which contains no more than 13% fat. This level of fat should also be present in products for mature and neutered cats.
When choosing cat food, you should pay attention to the percentage of ash and minerals. The normal indicator of these substances in the composition of the feed is 7%... A percentage above 7 can have a detrimental effect on the state of the immune system and the health of the urinary system.
The presence of various flavors, additives of artificial origin, as well as preservatives leads to chronic diseases of various organs of the animal.

Veterinarians insist that in order to select quality products, it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the feed. It is not worth saving on the cat's health. But if there is no financial opportunity to purchase holistic food, then you should pay attention to the category of super-premium and premium.
In the feed of these categories, artificial additives, preservatives and flavorings are almost completely absent.... The only difference may be the presence of a lower percentage of meat in the composition. But at the same time, the products are a completely balanced diet containing useful substances and vitamins to maintain the health of the animal.
In the next video, see the expertise of 39 dry food.