Food for pregnant and lactating cats: options and choices

Many people have pets. At the same time, some owners do not know how to properly formulate a diet if the animal is in position. Today we are going to talk about what food should be chosen for pregnant cats.
Effects of diet on pregnancy
Food for cats that are in position should be chosen especially carefully, since the development of kittens depends on it. It is recommended to add all the necessary vitamin supplements and mineral components to the diet.
The food must be exceptionally balanced. Otherwise, it can lead to serious defects in the health of kittens. In a suitable pet food during such a period, there must be a high content of natural meat and an optimal ratio of carbohydrates to fats.
It is highly discouraged to give food containing chemical additives to lactating and pregnant animals, otherwise kittens may be born with deviations in health.

Dry food overview
Currently, there is a wide variety of dry pet food for pregnant domestic cats from different brands:
- Arden Grange Kitten;
- Pro Plan;
- Cimiao;
- Royal Canin Queen 34;
- Now Natural Holistic;
- Bosch Sanabelle Kitten;
- Acana Wild Prairie;
- 1st Choice Healthy start for kittens.
Arden grange kitten
This food belongs to the super-premium group. The composition includes rice grains and chicken meat... There are no cereal allergenic components in the diet. No chemical flavors are used in the production of this feed.

Pro Plan
This company manufactures a special series of feeds intended for lactating and pregnant animals, it is called Junior. The main product for the manufacture of such feed is natural chicken meat.
Also, the composition of feed includes rice grains, egg powder, fish, corn flour, etc. The feed is produced with the addition of various mineral and vitamin components.

As in the previous variety, in this feed the main component is chicken fillet. The product also contains other ingredients that are needed for the full growth and development of kittens: rice groats, fish oil, vegetable oil, gluten and beets.

Royal Canin Queen 34
This food is a premium food. It contains a large amount of fatty acids and taurine, which increases the pet's immune level. The feed is based on dried poultry fillets.
Fish oil, rice and soybean oil are also used in the manufacture of the product.

Now natural holistic
The composition of the feed contains turkey fillet, duck, chopped vegetables... The product contains absolutely no grain components, dyes, flavorings. The food contains a large amount of fat and protein in an optimal ratio, due to which the cat receives the necessary amount of milk with a high energy value.
Pumpkin and blueberries are used as sources of vitamins.

Bosch Sanabelle Kitten
This food does not contain ingredients that can cause allergies in cats during pregnancy. It contains no substandard dyes and preservatives at all. At the same time, the composition contains plant seeds and berries useful for the animal: millet, sorghum, flax seeds, yucca, blueberries and cranberries. It is these foods that can strengthen the cat's immune system.
They are also used as prophylactic agents for certain diseases.
This feed is based on natural poultry fillet, liver, meat flour... Also included are animal fats and special hydrolyzed proteins.

Acana wild prairie
This feed is based on meat, heart, cartilage of turkey and chicken. Also included are chicken eggs and fish... This feed is versatile. It will suit almost all cats, regardless of breed and age. The composition of this feed is completely free of cereal products, which can cause a strong allergic reaction of the animal during pregnancy.
In addition, this food can significantly improve the condition of the cat's coat and mucous membranes.

1st Choice Healthy Start for Kittens
This food may be suitable both small kittens and pregnant cats... It contains a small amount of natural protein substances (meat flour, chicken). Also, this feed contains rice grains, parsley leaves, mint, peas, salmon fat. It includes and special vitamin supplementsnecessary to maintain the immunity of the pet.

Can I feed canned food?
Many owners do not know if it is possible to feed wet food and canned food to pregnant cats. According to experts, the animal should be given similar food during this period, but at the same time it is worth choosing only high-quality products. It is best to opt for a wet, hypoallergenic food with a high content of meat protein and rice.
At the same time, artificial preservatives and harmful chemical additives should be completely absent. In addition, canned food and other wet food should contain mineral and vitamin supplements that are required for lactating animals in an optimal ratio.
This balanced diet will help increase the amount of milk your cat has.

Features of choice
When shopping for food for a pregnant or lactating cat, choose the high quality premium group options. You also need to pay special attention to the following points.
- Ideally, meals should not include grain elements. After all, they can cause an allergic reaction in the animal, which can harm the health of the cat and future kittens.
- Make sure that the feed contains a sufficient amount of natural proteins, mineral (zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium) and vitamin supplements. After all, it is these components that are important for the good growth and development of kittens and for maintaining the health of the cat itself. They affect almost all important physiological processes in the body.
- Oatmeal may also be included in the diet for lactating and pregnant animals., cheese products, chicken or quail eggs, chicken stomachs and liver.
- Sea fish products are great. You should not choose food with river fish, as it can be too difficult for the cat to digest. In addition, such fish are often infected with various parasites.
When choosing, it should be borne in mind that If during pregnancy your cat starts having problems with the digestive system, then it is worth switching to wet food or canned food.
In this case, it is better to choose canned fish or vegetable purees.

Feeding a pregnant cat with regular food will not be enough, so it is recommended that you consult with your veterinarian in advance about the use of additional multivitamin products.
If you feed your pet with specialized food, then such substances should not be injected, otherwise the cat may have hypervitaminosis, which will harm both her health and the health of kittens.
The following video will tell you about food for pregnant and lactating cats.