Scottish cat

Choosing food for Scottish cats

Choosing food for Scottish cats
  1. Power features
  2. Dry food overview
  3. Wet food selection
  4. How to feed a kitten?

Cat food must be selected correctly. The health and mood of the pet will depend on their quality. Today on sale you can find a large number of different products - both dry and wet with different tastes. ika. Let's take a closer look at how to choose the right product for a Scottish cat.

Power features

With a wide range of different foods, it can be difficult to find the perfect product for your pet. It is very important to take into account all the nutritional features of a mustachioed pet.

The Scottish cat menu should be balanced. It doesn't matter whether it is dry or wet food - it must necessarily contain all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Their presence in food will have a beneficial effect on the activity and general condition of the animal.

Do not forget that Scottish kittens run a lot, play and demonstrate high activity in other ways.

It is especially important for little hooligans to choose the right food - without it, they simply will not have enough energy for all their favorite activities.

The feeding regimen also largely depends on the age of the cat. As it grows up, the pet's diet should be gradually changed. The number of meals will need to be reduced. Thus, it will be possible to avoid unnecessary accumulation of fat mass - the cat will not get fat.

Scottish seals can be fed with both store food and homemade food. Of course, both those and other options must be selected very carefully. If you decide to give your pet the ready-made treats that are sold in many stores, then it definitely doesn't have to be low-end products like Whiskas or Kitekat.Such food will not benefit the animals, but it can cause serious harm to health. Natural food must be selected no less responsibly, because some foods are not recommended for cats.

In choosing the right treat for your pet, it is very important to pay due attention to its composition. It is usually applied to branded packaging.

Dry food overview

Dry food is recognized as one of the most popular and demanded food for cats. Granules of such food remain fresh for a long time, they do not need to be pre-cooked before serving to the cat. Dry meals are very convenient for the hosts. True, they are not suitable for animals of all ages.

For example, for kittens under six months old, such food will only bring inconvenience, because they still have milk teeth.

Some cats prefer not to chew on dry food, but to eat the pellets whole. As a result, this behavior can lead to not very good consequences:

  • overeating - until the granules have time to gain volume and moisture, the cat will not feel satiated with food, even if the portion for it is selected correctly;
  • swelling of the cat's abdomen;
  • constipation, which often occurs due to dehydration.

When choosing dry cat food, you must take into account a number of features.

Dry food for cats and cats should be chosen based on the class. It is not recommended to buy budget options of the economy category. They can be given to pussies, but very rarely, as an exception. Often animals should not eat them - this can negatively affect their health. Premium and super premium feeds are more suitable.

So, one of the highest quality dry food is Canadian-made products from the 1st Choice brand. This kind of food is ideal for the Scots. It is balanced, with an optimal ratio of fats and proteins. The main advantages of this feed are the following:

  • economical consumption;
  • cats feel full even from small portions;
  • can be used for a constant diet;
  • contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • is not too expensive.

True, these dry food contains a cheap filler - cellulose.

NOW Natural Holistic Is another high quality dry food with a good composition. This food should be given to Scottish kittens as it is designed specifically for them. For the production of feed, natural meat of poultry and other animals raised on Canadian farms is used. The main advantages of good feed from this manufacturer are:

  • ideal ratio of fats and proteins;
  • lack of soy, gluten, growth hormones or meat meal in the composition;
  • can even be eaten by pregnant or lactating cats.

There are no serious drawbacks to such feeds, but one must be prepared for the fact that they are not very cheap.

High-quality dry food from Acana... They do not contain vegetable protein, but there is a large percentage of natural ingredients. If you give a Scottish cat such food, then it will not have to be additionally fed with various vitamin supplements. As in the other cases mentioned above, the ratio of fat to protein in this diet is optimal.

The main advantages of these feeds are:

  • the presence of a large amount of natural ingredients, for example, fish or poultry meat;
  • use of fresh and whole fillets in production;
  • can be used as a main diet.

Acana food is of excellent quality but is expensive.

Almo nature offers high quality Italian food for cats and cats to choose from. They include a large percentage of meat and fish. Due to this, the Scottish cat will receive all the necessary components for itself. At the same time, excess weight will not be a problem for the pet if it eats such dry food.That is why very often such products are bought for castrated cats.

Here are the advantages of this product:

  • composition rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • lack of dyes, preservatives, flavors and various kinds of additives;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • has a balanced composition;
  • has a democratic cost.

There were no serious deficiencies in these feeds.

There are also simpler dry foods that are much cheaper. For example, products Whiskas well known to everyone thanks to advertising. This feed belongs to the economy category. It is not recommended to give it to cats all the time - such food is completely unsuitable for a daily diet. Of course, these feeds are cheap, sold in many stores, but their composition leaves much to be desired. There are dyes of unknown origin, as well as preservatives and antioxidants, information about which cannot be found either.

Dry food of another well-known brand has similar features - Kitekat... Their composition also cannot be called good, suitable for representatives of the Scottish breed. You should not save on the health of your pets by offering them such cheap food.

Wet food selection

Wet foods differ from dry varieties in that they have a higher water content. For Scottish cats and cats, such a diet is more acceptable, since after it the animals are not so thirsty. These foods have only one drawback - they help to loosen the gums of cats.

There are two main types of wet food for cats:

  • pates;
  • pieces with gravy.

The composition of these products is the same, especially when it comes to products belonging to the same brand.

Pate is most commonly fed to kittens, older cats, and pets suffering from certain chronic diseases associated with the oral cavity. As for the lumpy foods, they are ideal for kittens and adults.

Wet and semi-wet foods are also classified into different classes. The cheapest are economy class products. In such embodiments, a soy or carbohydrate base is present.

Representatives of the Scottish breed, like any other cats, should not be fed with such food, especially on an ongoing basis.

The most popular economy class wet feeds are the products of the companies:

  • Sheba;
  • Gourmet Gold;
  • Wellkiss;
  • Friskies;
  • Darling;
  • Felix;
  • Vital;
  • Gemon and others.

Wet food for Scottish cats and cats should also be selected based on their class and price. It is advisable to buy premium or super premium products. They will cost more than budget products, but will not harm the health of your pets.

So, one of the most popular complete wet food is Petreet natura... It contains no artificial additives and impurities. There are not only meat and fish products, but also cereals and vegetables. The composition of the feed is balanced. You can use such products as the main food. Here are the main benefits of this kind of food for Scots:

  • the presence of only fresh and natural ingredients;
  • varied tastes;
  • suitable for daily meals;
  • suitable for all animals.

True, these feeds are expensive.

Wet food from a well-known brand is also distinguished by high quality. Royal canin... Such products can be a wonderful substitute for natural nutrition. You can even find special medicated feeds from this manufacturer on sale. However, it should be borne in mind that these feeds contain dyes, chemical components and soy. All of these ingredients are unlikely to be useful for a Scottish cat.

Here are the main benefits of these foods:

  • affordable price;
  • wide range of;
  • are found in any pet stores.

Of the minuses, the following is noted:

  • the presence of not the most useful components and chemicals;
  • the presence of meat by-products and soybean mass;
  • some feeds are made in Russia, and they are of inferior quality;
  • there are allergens in the composition.

Often there are food in stores Pro Plan... These are decent premium products. You can find on sale and a therapeutic line of such feeds. These options are perfectly balanced, so the cat will not need to give various supplements and vitamins. The composition contains 40% protein - this is a good indicator. Pro Plan foods usually contain chicken, duck, salmon. However, there are also flavors.

Here are the main benefits of wet food:

  • affordable price;
  • the content of enzymes and antibiotics;
  • good balance;
  • lack of preservatives in the content, as well as any harmful components;
  • there is a therapeutic series.

But the disadvantages:

  • the content of meat by-products, soybeans and corn;
  • few vegetables in the composition;
  • allergenic substances are present.

Wet food produced in Sweden, produced under the brand name, is in great demand. Bozita... They contain natural meat and fish products. There are no by-products here - this is confirmed by state control. Dyes and flavoring enhancers are also not observed. But there are components that stimulate the immune system of cats.

Let's take a look at the merits of these wet foods:

  • not the highest price for premium food;
  • the presence of stimulants of the immune system;
  • good balance;
  • exclusion of preservatives and harmful chemicals from the composition;
  • the presence of animal proteins;
  • lack of offal, soy and corn;
  • you can choose products for cats of different age groups.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • there is no treatment series;
  • the presence of corn in the composition;
  • the presence of substances that cause allergic reactions in cats.

Good quality feeds produced in the USA under a well-known brand Iams... This manufacturer produces both wet and dry products. The composition of the feed contains fresh high-quality meat, but there is also a significant percentage of offal, therefore, such dishes for cats cannot be called completely natural. Iams contains vegetables, vitamins and animal fats. And there is also cornmeal, which can saturate the Scotsman well, but can also provoke an allergic reaction.

Here are the main benefits of American cat food:

  • availability and affordable price;
  • a large assortment;
  • the presence of natural ingredients;
  • lack of preservatives in the composition.

But the disadvantages of this product:

  • the presence in the content of meat offal and corn, which is poorly digested by the body of Scottish cats;
  • poor balance, which is why these feeds are not suitable as a permanent diet;
  • the presence of allergens.

How to feed a kitten?

Scottish kittens must be fed with high-quality and healthy food. Economy class products are not suitable here at all, as they can cause serious damage to the health of young pets.

The constant diet for kittens of this popular breed should be based on only high quality premium or super premium food.

Experts advise giving kittens premium products produced under such well-known brands:

  • Brit Premium;
  • Nutra Mix;
  • Advance;
  • Almo Nature;
  • Happy Cat;
  • Organix;
  • Sirius.

Be gentle when feeding kittens dry food. Indeed, up to 6 months, such food can only spoil the milk teeth of babies. In addition, kittens often ingest dry food pellets whole, which leads to the bad effects listed earlier.

If you are planning to choose good super-premium food for your Scottish breed kitten, then you should pay attention to such well-known brands:

  • Brit Care;
  • Superpet;
  • Blitz;
  • Fitmin;
  • Landor;
  • Leonardo;
  • Natyka;
  • Royal Farm.

If you want to feed the kitten with natural products, then after they turn 2 months old and they spend less time with the cat, they can be given:

  • cooked minced meat;
  • low fat broths;
  • dairy products.

If the complementary food is industrial, then the best solutions will be:

  • substitutes for cat milk;
  • wet food pate;
  • dry food, but only soaked (you should buy products designed specifically for kittens).

When Scottish kittens are 2-3 months old, they are usually put up for sale. When babies find themselves in a new home, at first, their diet should not be drastically changed. The feeding schedule should not be changed either. Any changes can be introduced during the week.

Kittens at 4-6 months old can be given liquid treats, but they can additionally be mixed with granules of dry products. In order to properly prepare the latter, you will need to pour boiling water or broth over them and leave to stand for 10-15 minutes. As soon as the granules swell and become larger, they will need to be crushed with a fork.

The combination of wet and dry food will need to be brought to a uniform consistency and slightly warmed up to stimulate the appetite of a thoroughbred baby.

      At six months, a Scottish kitten can be gradually introduced into the diet of simple dry options. Their mass fraction should be increased up to 50%. It is recommended to give dry and wet food in turn - in the morning and in the evening. It is necessary to do this so that the kitten begins to perceive the pellets as food.

      At the first stages of training, not the most catchy smell that comes from dry food can provoke the refusal of babies to take them in food.

      Choice of food for Scottish cats, see below.

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