Cat food brands

Advance Cat & Cat Food Review

Advance Cat & Cat Food Review
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Food for kittens
  3. Review of food for adult cats
  4. Variety of products for neutered cats
  5. Animal feed for special needs
  6. Review overview

Advance cat food for neutered cats and kittens, adults and seniors has consistently received positive reviews from both the owner and the veterinary community.

The brand is attentive to the selection of products for pets with different needs, attaches instructions for use with each product with norms and recommendations for nutrition.

A complete overview of the range of Advance foods with salmon, turkey and other flavors will help you become more familiar with Advance foods.


The modern approach to the formation of the diet of pets involves a strict division of nutrition by age and the presence of individual restrictions or intolerances. The Advance cat food, which is currently produced by the Spanish manufacturer Affinity Petcare S. A., is fully in line with this trend.

In the laboratories of the brand, constant work is underway to improve the diet of animals, formulations and product compositions are being updated.

Features of Advance Cat Food include:

  • The presence of specialized rulers. This includes food options for long-haired cat breeds, prophylactic against KSD and gastrointestinal diseases, to improve the condition of teeth and gums.
  • Convenient volumes... Foods of any line are available in 400 g, 1.5 or 3 kg versions, as well as in 10 kg bags.
  • Super premium class. It determines the absence of potentially allergenic cereals, wheat, and other components in the composition. The basis of the diet is exclusively animal protein required by cats.
  • Bioflavonoids in the composition... The carefully selected combination of herbal extracts has antioxidant properties. It stimulates the immune system and helps maintain healthy teeth and gums.
  • Refusal to use chemical ingredients, prohibited by EU standards.
  • Using Velcro for Bags... They are more convenient than classic stripes, retain their properties longer. The zip-lock is wide, excludes accidental spilling of the contents even from a loosely closed bag.
  • Foil interlayer inside the package. The food retains its properties longer, does not deteriorate under the influence of sunlight or moisture.

Most Advance Cat foods contain at least 20% meat. The company uses supplements in the form of taurine, fish oil, vitamin and mineral complexes according to age, providing cats with a nutritious diet every day.

Food for kittens

The company produces balanced complete products for kittens from 2 to 12 months. Kitten Active Defense with Baby Protect Kitten has a balanced composition based on healthy chicken meat (28%). It can also be given to lactating cats and pregnant women in the last weeks of gestation. Among the obvious advantages of this product are:

  • updated formula with nucleotides;
  • optimal granule size;
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in the composition;
  • taurine for the development of the brain and vision;
  • immunoglobulins for healthy digestion;
  • non-irritating bowel base with rice;
  • minerals to maintain a healthy urine pH;
  • natural preservatives based on a mixture of tocopherol.

All these ingredients successfully cope with the tasks of ensuring the correct growth and development of the pet in the first year of its life.

Review of food for adult cats

The daily diet of an adult animal should contain everything necessary to fully maintain physical activity. At this age, animals require strict adherence to the instructions for the use of dry food, without exceeding the recommended calorie content. The calculation is made individually, for cats and cats, it involves taking into account the body weight of the animal. Advance offers adult animals a ration of the Adult series with poultry meat: with chicken, turkey and rice in bags of 1.5, 10 kg. Larger packages - up to 15 kg - are not provided.

The composition of cat food is as balanced as possible. Animals with sensitive digestion are fed Sensitive food with salmon, which facilitates protein absorption, inulin and immunoglobulin. Additionally, the product is enriched with Omega-3 and 6 acids, biotin and zinc.

Variety of products for neutered cats

Special attention is paid to the Advance brand of sterilized cats, which have certain dietary restrictions. In such animals, changes in metabolism occur, contributing to the development of problems with urination and kidney function, and the risks of gaining excess body weight increase. Special nutrition in this case helps to reduce the likelihood of health problems in cats.

Among the products in this category, Advance has options for young animals and those sterilized as adults.

  • Advance Sterilized Junior. Food for cats up to 2 years old, taking into account the characteristics of spayed animals. The product is packed in bags of 1.5 and 10 kg. The food has a reduced calorie content, helps maintain a normal urine pH level, and helps to maintain optimal activity and normal body weight. High-protein chicken and rice formula fortified with fiber, L-carnitine, minerals.
  • Adult sterilized... Spayed adult cats need nutrition that helps them stay healthy and active. The special formula helps to reduce the risks of plaque formation, prevent the development of urolithiasis. The low-calorie composition, rich in fiber, stimulates intestinal motility, provides long-term satiety without gaining excess body weight.Adult category food is suitable for cats over 1 year old.
  • Senior Sterilized. A special diet for sterilized elderly cats over 10 years old. The basis of the product is chicken and dehydrated pork protein, barley, wheat and corn. The composition is additionally enriched with pyrophosphates against tartar formation, chondroitin and glucosamine, as well as L-carnitine and fiber. All this in combination helps to ensure that the animal in adulthood maintains a normal metabolism.
  • Sensitive Sterilized. Food for cats with sensitive digestive tract and skin prone to allergies. The diet is based on easily digestible animal proteins from salmon meat, and is supplemented with barley and L-carnitine, which helps to control appetite. Also in this nutrition formula, components are used to improve the condition of the skin and coat: biotin, zinc, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, minerals against the formation of stones in the urinary tract.
  • Urinary Sterilized Low Calorie... Specialized dietetic food for neutered cats is part of the Veterinary Diets line. The formula includes an increase in fiber for weight control and a supplement to acidify the urine composition against the reappearance of struvite stones. The food helps to maintain normal body weight of the animal, contains glucosamine and chondroitin.

The product is based on chicken and poultry protein, corn and its processed products, fish oil.

Animal feed for special needs

The Veterinary Diet line of foods is specially designed for cats that need to be provided with special nutrition. The reason for its appointment may be an increased sensitivity of the digestive tract, the development of urolithiasis or excessive weight gain.

For urological problems

  • Special Series Urinary - an important part of the diet of cats that have been diagnosed with urolithiasis. To prevent its recurrence, the Veterinary Diets food line is used. It has reduced magnesium content, added crystallization inhibitors and moderately acidifying urine components. The balance of sodium and potassium in the product encourages the cat to drink more by ensuring the correct pH. A chicken diet with glucosamine and chondroitin is optimal for the daily nutrition of adult cats.
  • Urinary stress - food specially designed for the prevention and treatment of idiopathic cystitis. Its formula is enriched with tryptophan and peptides, lemon mint and anti-stress supplements. Optimal sodium and potassium levels help reduce the risk of urinary tract stones.
  • Advance Renal - another specialized feed with a limited content of high-quality protein and a reduced level of phosphorus. This diet is indicated for cats with a high risk of developing renal failure or diagnosed problems in this area. Special soluble fiber helps to reduce nitrogen loads on the urinary system. The food supports the normal condition of the animal's muscular system, reduces the risk of oxalate stones formation.

For animals with sensitive digestion

A product called Gastroenteric Sensitive refers to to the category of dietary feeds prescribed to animals with pancreatic insufficiency and gastrointestinal disorders. The diet is based on highly digestible proteins, hypoallergenic gluten-free carbohydrates. To normalize digestion, rice and sepiolet are used, as well as a complex of Omega-3 acids and prebiotics. Protein components are presented in the form of turkey meat and peas.

With obesity

Weight Balance is a special diet for adult cats, available in 1.5, 3 or 8 kg packs. The special formula of the product contributes to the regulation of lipid metabolism, helps to reduce excess body weight. Reduced calorie content and minimal fat content are the basis of such a diet. Advance includes up to 40% protein components and fiber, as well as L-carnitine in the feed of this line.

To remove wool

The problem of hairball formation in the cat's stomach is of particular concern to owners of long-haired animals. In special feeds, this factor is taken into account, helping to remove a hairball, dissolve it. Advance has 2 such products at once in the Veterinary Diets line. The first is Hairball for adult cats with oat fiber and green peas, malt extract. The increased fiber content in food helps prevent the formation of hairballs in the stomach.

  • Feed base Hairball makes up turkey meat supplemented with rice to maintain intestinal health. The minerals pyrophosphates help maintain oral health, reduce unpleasant odor, and reduce the risk of calculus development. Additionally, the composition contains ingredients that help maintain normal urine acidity.
  • Hairball sterilized also formulated to combat stomach hairballs in neutered cats. In addition to the high fiber content, it also contains ingredients to control the appetite and weight of the animal, and more attention is paid to the prevention of urological problems.

Review overview

Products under the Advance brand are well known to many Russian owners of sterilized and purebred animals. Cat owners value these foods for the ability to select a diet that excludes potentially allergenic components. The size of the granules and their shape are also liked by most buyers; there are mentions that the shade of the dry substrate is light, closer to beige, and not dark from the dye. The owners of the animals evaluate the taste bait as attractive, the smell is not pungent, attractive to cats, there is no oily sheen, as in cheap food.

Separate praise is given to the fastener on the packages, which allows you to easily use the bags for a long time, without fear that they will no longer close normally. The mention of its convenience is very common in reviews. The bags themselves are also praised for their strength, unpretentiousness in storage. The food in them does not lose its qualities for a long time. The disadvantages of Advance food, cat owners refer to the low information content of the packaging. Information about the products in the composition of the feed is indicated sparsely, without details.

It also mentions the presence of pork protein in some feeds, which can provoke digestive upset in cats with sensitive intestines.

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