Cat food brands

All about food for cats and cats Applaws

All about food for cats and cats Applaws
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Assortment of feed
  3. Review overview

Applaws pet foods provide four-legged pets with high-quality, balanced nutrition. This product contains exclusively natural ingredients, it does not contain GMOs, dyes, flavors, synthetic preservatives and all kinds of flavor enhancers. This diet is good for cats and cats of all breeds and ages.


Applaws brand grain-free rations for pets... The unique formulation was created in the UK with the joint participation of veterinarians, nutritionists and zootechnologists. Manufacturer - corporation MPM Products USA Inc., it has been on the market since 2006 and is consistently among the leaders in the world market for products for animals. The production facilities of the concern are located in different countries. For example, the country that produces dry food is France, canned food is made in Thailand, and pates are made in Austria.

According to the manufacturer's declarations, all products of this brand contain exclusively environmentally friendly, natural ingredients... The Applaws brand offers cat and dog foods. It is no coincidence that the name of the product - translated into Russian “Applaws” means “applause”. Thus, the manufacturer positions their rations as elite products.

A significant advantage of the products is the absence of cereals in the composition. This food is suitable for animals prone to allergies and gastrointestinal pathologies. The composition completely excludes components that can have a negative effect on the work of organs and tissues - artificial flavors, monosodium glutamate, preservatives and chemical dyes.

The food is 100% natural ingredients. These include the following products.

  1. Fish and meat - are the main supplier of animal proteins. In canned food, they occupy 75-90%, in dry products - more than 50%. The protein component is presented in the form of fillets and minced sea fish or poultry.
  2. Potato - differs in the presence of slow carbohydrates. Unlike fast ones, they charge the animal's body with energy for a long time.
  3. Beet pulp - contains fibers that supply fiber to the animal's body. This component helps to cleanse the intestines and remove all toxins and toxins.
  4. Animal fats - provide the pet with essential amino acids. Their introduction into the diet has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and improves the quality of wool.
  5. Seaweed, herbs and fruits - herbal ingredients supply vitamins to the pet's body. Their inclusion in the daily diet contributes to the formation of strong immunity in the animal and significantly reduces the risk of pathologies of the urinary system.
  6. Brewer's yeast - are a natural supplement, they are a source of B vitamins. They help to improve the functioning of the pet's nervous system.

Such a composition determines the undoubted advantages of the feed:

  • the main source of important proteins for cats is raw materials of animal origin;
  • cereals used in economy rations as a supplier of carbohydrates are replaced by potatoes;
  • the diet contains many minerals and vitamins useful for the growth and full development of animal;
  • the composition does not contain GMOs, preservatives, soy;
  • wide gustatory palette;
  • variety of packaging options;
  • the presence in the assortment portfolio of diets for small kittens and older animals.

The disadvantages of Applaws feed are the following:

  • increased concentration of potassium - its excess can provoke kidney and urinary tract pathologies;
  • according to cat breeders, the cost of the product is too high;
  • you can buy this food not in every veterinary store, most often you have to order it online.

Also, Applaws products lack separate veterinary line for sick, neutered and neutered pets... Therefore, cat owners are forced to choose among the proposed grain-free products as a dietary hypoallergenic diet. However, the manufacturer offers a wide range of products with a reduced concentration of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

If the doctor prescribes a special food for the cat, then it can be combined with Applaws. Although, when combining feeds from different manufacturers, it is advisable to obtain prior advice from a veterinarian (especially when it comes to a sick animal).

The Applaws assortment list includes treats for cats and cats. Are very popular tuna fillet lozenges - food is sold in hermetically sealed packages weighing 30 g. The cost of one pack is about 140-160 rubles, so you have to order such a treat via the Internet in large quantities. Otherwise, the shipping cost will largely exceed the price of the product itself.

The treat is 100% tuna fillet. This product contains 23% protein and 75% moisture. It is believed that a whole piece of sea fish will be too oily for a cat. However, this is not the case - during processing, no more than 0.5% fat remains in the lozenge.

Assortment of feed

The manufacturer produces two types of rations - wet food and dry complete pet food... Dry ones are made in the form of pressed croquettes, and wet ones - in the form of juicy pieces filled with aromatic broth or sauce.


Dry food is useful in situations where owners have to leave their pets alone at home all day.... This product does not fade or deteriorate over time, it remains fresh for many hours and retains a pleasant aroma. However, it should be remembered that using this type of food, it is necessary to provide the cat with unhindered access to clean water... Otherwise, a lack of fluid will cause dehydration of the body of a mustachioed furry, leading to serious kidney pathologies.

Dry food is offered to consumers in small packs of 350 g, 400 g, 2 kg and large packs of 7.5 kg.

Croquettes Applaws are available for kittens (with the Kitten label), adult animals (Cat), and mature pets (Cat Senior). Each category contains a palette of several flavors. It should be noted that in the feed of this brand, taste is not just the name on the package, but also the type of product that corresponds to the characteristics of the composition.

To date, the trademark catalog offers the following diet options:

  • chicken with lamb and vegetables;
  • chicken with duck and vegetables;
  • chicken with vegetables;
  • chicken with salmon and vegetables;
  • ocean fish.

The most popular rations are Kitten Tuna or Kitten Chicken.... They consist, respectively, of natural tuna fillets and chicken meat. The product has a balanced composition and provides proper nutrition for kittens from 1 month to 1 year.

The advantage of this food is in a large amount of vitamins, micronutrients and macronutrients that provide the basic needs of a growing animal body. The dosed content of calcium and phosphorus supports the correct growth and formation of the kitten's musculoskeletal tissue. In addition, the composition includes vitamins A, E and D, as well as methionine, on which the quality of the pet's fur and claws largely depends.

Adult cat owners usually choose Adult Cat Chicken with Extra Duck... This diet contains the optimal proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrates necessary to maintain strong immunity in adult pets. The basis of the feed is dried and fresh bird meat. The composition includes potatoes, fiber, fish oil, as well as proteins and a mineral and vitamin complex. All components are perfectly balanced, so regular consumption of feed increases the activity of the animal and strengthens its immunity.

Owners of cats over 7 years old prefer the product Applaws Senior-Chicken... This food is intended for older animals, as well as for cats suffering from diseases of the digestive system. The basis of the diet is chicken fillet, which is easily assimilated by the animal's body. The delivery of fiber is provided by the powder of young potatoes, and fish oil is responsible for maintaining vitality and curbing age-related changes.

The food contains coconut oil, dried algae, as well as a complex of minerals (iodine, selenium and zinc), which ensures high immunity of the animal. This is very important in his old age.


Wet food is sold in 70 g spiders, as well as in 70 g and 156 g cans. Some types of food are sold in 60 and 70 g pots. The range is represented by products with 16 different flavors. They are juicy natural pieces of meat or fish, drenched in sauce or jelly. The product list also includes pates and stews.

All products are distinguished by their balanced composition and exceptional taste characteristics. However, such food is given to cats in small doses, since after being removed from the package, it quickly deteriorates, weathered and loses its usefulness.

The composition of wet feed depends largely on the packaging. For example, in spiders, classic meat pieces are sold, pates are sold in cans, and pots involve layering the ingredients.

Wet diets are free from grains, starch and animal fats. The main protein suppliers are:

  • bird breasts - turkey and chicken;
  • seafood - crabs, mussels, shrimps;
  • a fish - sardine, mackerel, mackerel, dorado.

In some canned foods, rice may be present in low concentrations. Each jar, in addition to the main ingredient, includes vegetable jelly or broth.

Review overview

Customer reviews of Applaws feed are extremely positive. Pet owners note the high concentration of meat and the complete absence of grains that provide gluten intake. In cheap food, the grain component prevails, and this often leads to the loss of the cat's hair, the appearance of dandruff, edema, and ulceration of the internal organs.

The composition of the Applaws rations is balanced, so it completely covers the animal's need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, valuable minerals and vitamins. Regular consumption of such food improves the immunity of the animal and increases its activity. Pet owners note that cats become energetic, and their coat looks smooth, shiny and silky.

However, these feeds, like all other products of the elite category, have their drawbacks, and a very noticeable one is the increased price. Not every our compatriot can afford to buy such food within his means. And if several cats live in the house, then the expense will be quite significant.

In addition, the products of this brand cannot be purchased when needed. It is not sold in any pet store, so a lot of time passes between ordering food and receiving it, often a week or even more. Therefore, sometimes pet owners are forced to replace their usual products with more affordable diets.

As an analogue of Applaws, veterinarians recommend taking products of the categories:

  • premium: Royal Canin, Eminent, Animonda;
  • super premium: Profine, Savarra, Dukes Farm;
  • holistic: Gina Elite, Nutram, Now.

But veterinarians do not advise replacing high-quality food with cheap rations, even for a while. For a cat accustomed to a different diet, a new unbalanced diet will put an increased strain on the digestive tract. This can lead to serious pathologies.

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