Cat food brands

Berkley cat food

Berkley cat food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Description of the assortment
  3. Review overview

Pet food is a very important element of care, on which the health, appearance, and activity of the animal depend. Feeding cats from a regular table is not the best option, since in this case it is almost impossible to find a balanced diet. It is easier, more convenient and more practical to buy ready-made feeds with a good composition. Moreover, the modern assortment of types of feed is very large.

Berkley products for kittens and cats are produced by the German brand Landguth Heimtiernahrung GmbH, which also manufactures products for other animals. But the Berkley line only includes wet-type cat foods. The recipe, the composition of the products are unique, developed exclusively for this company. Despite the fact that the brand is German, production has been established not only in Germany, but also in France. In any case, the control over the recipe and production is very strict at all stages.


Berkley cat food is evaluated by experts as a product super-premium class. The brand declares that only quality components are used in the manufacture. The composition lacks ingredients that are often used in low-quality feed: dyes and flavors of various types, preservatives, soy.

Thus, this cat food can be classified as very nutritious, with a sustained balance. The products have been approved by veterinarians and nutritionists.

Like any pet food, Berkley has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the positive properties are the following:

  • the main component refers to meat products - the minimum amount of this ingredient is 40%;
  • the composition differs in products of different forms of release, pouches include at least 40% of meat, canned product - from 70%, it is easy to choose the desired option;
  • the feed contains a variety of meats;
  • there is no soy and generally vegetable protein, cereal components;
  • products are enriched with minerals, essential vitamins;
  • the quality standards inherent in European products are maintained;
  • a large selection of flavors, you can even choose an option for a gourmet pet.

Do not forget about the disadvantages:

  • there is no clear decoding of the composition formulas, therefore, the meat component may contain by-products;
  • dry type feed, additional production of delicacies is not produced;
  • not too budgetary price, although this criterion is quite controversial, since the quality is quite consistent with the price segment.

Description of the assortment

Berkley branded products contains only wet food for cats and kittens, that is, it is canned food of different types and volumes. There are two main lines, All meat terrine and Fricassee. As for packing and volume, there are only two options - 100 and 200 grams, tin packaging and pouches.

All meat terrine line

Products weighing 100 g are meat pate with jelly, with a pleasant aroma and useful additives, for example, salmon oil, pieces of vegetables. Jelly is actually meat broth. This line is represented by the following types of food for small pets:

  • with chicken, rice;
  • with turkey, chicken liver;
  • with a rabbit, vegetables.

For cats and cats that have reached maturity, the assortment is more diverse:

  • turkey, rice;
  • turkey, chicken liver;
  • duck, turkey;
  • turkey, cheese;
  • chickens, vegetables;
  • rabbit without additives;
  • salmon, rice;
  • tuna, vegetables;
  • beef, venison;
  • beef, rabbit, zucchini.

As for canned products in a package of 200 g, then in fact, it is the same meat pâté with jelly and salmon oil. But there is an additional additive in the form of berries. The series includes food for all ages of the animal with a rabbit, chicken, duck, turkey, veal. All of them are supplemented with berries.

The nutritional value of the feed varies according to the composition. Protein in canned food is more than 10%, fat - from 6%, minimum fiber, taurine.

Fricassee line

A series of feeds of this type are produced in pouches-type bags, the volume is different - 85 and 100 g. These products are pieces of different types of meat products with sauce, herbs, berries. The latter is the healthy cranberry. There are 6 feed options in the 85 g spider series:

  • mix of beef, rabbit, chicken, herbs for small pets;
  • mix turkey, chicken, herbs for mature animals;
  • mix of duck, chicken and herbs for mature cats;
  • mix of lamb, veal, poultry and herbs for mature cats;
  • mix poultry, beef, rabbit;
  • poultry and herbs.

A series of 100-gram bags contains products in the form of pieces of meat, sauce in the form of jelly. Grape oil and wild berries are useful additions. There are three types of products in this series:

  • chicken, beef and berries for babies;
  • poultry, chicken hearts, berries for mature individuals;
  • lamb, turkey, berries for mature animals.

The nutritional value of the Fricassee range varies according to the type of feed. The main components are meat, in a percentage ratio about half are meat products, the same amount is sauce, minerals, berries. As for the nutritional value, the amount of protein varies from 9 to 11%, fats - from 4 to 5.5%, a minimum of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

The light product of the brand, which belongs to medicinal types of feed, stands out separately.... Release form - pate with broth in a tin can, the volume is one hundred grams, the name is veal and rabbit. This type of food is intended for cats with health problems and overweight. There is less fat in the broth than in conventional products, due to which the composition becomes easier to digest. This is a complete dietary type food that veterinarians recommend for unhealthy cats. Lightweight feed contains 70% meat components, about 30% broth, minerals. Protein in the composition of at least 8 percent, fat - no more than 4.

You need to give your pet canned food in the recommended dose so that there are no health problems. Usually a jar is enough for two days, taking into account food twice a day.

As a substitute for feed from this manufacturer, it is recommended to choose products with a class of at least premium, super-premium, holistic. Wet food of this brand has been produced for a long time and is in demand, so it is not difficult to find reviews.

Review overview

First of all, veterinarians respond positively to the products, but there are few such reviews, mainly animal owners describe their experience. As a disadvantage, they generally call the considerable cost of feed. However, most often with the proviso that feeds from other manufacturers of the same quality cost no less.

The composition in which there are no unpleasant aromas or unnatural inclusions is highly praised. The feed is favored by the absence of preservatives, flavors and coloring agents. Pates and food bits smell and look good and are popular with pets.

The food has been compared to various leading brands, most often in favor of Berkley, but negative comparisons have also been made. Users call a disadvantage not a very rich line of food in bags, only one type of medicated food is also a small disadvantage. A huge plus - pets eat wet food with pleasure, they feel good, there are no digestive disorders.

The packaging is neat - this is noted by almost all buyers of the product, the packages have all the information about the composition, manufacturer, contacts. But in jars, the opening ring often breaks - this is a minus.

Some buyers note that the smell and consistency of wet food resembles that of a stew that is produced for people. The contents of cans and bags divide well, breaks, you can grind without problems for babies who still have difficulty eating food. The declared berries are visible in canned food, so there is no doubt about their presence.

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