Cat food brands

Features of Carnilove cat and cat food

Features of Carnilove cat and cat food
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Variety of products
  3. Review overview

Carnilove is considered a super premium cat food. In its production, cereals and potatoes are not used, and the main component is meat. The food completely covers all the needs of the cat in organic and inorganic substances, which ensure the stable functioning of the body, good condition of the skin and coat.

An extensive line of products is focused on satisfying the different gustatory habits of the animal and makes it possible to diversify the diet. Carnilove feed is produced by the Czech company Vafo Praha. Forage appeared in the Russian Federation not so long ago, and is not yet very common.

Advantages and disadvantages

The manufacturer classifies Carnilove cat food as holistic, however, there are some doubts about the correctness of the classification. There are actually a lot of components, only some of them are superfluous. There is not much fresh meat, more flour (and it is unclear which parts of the carcass were used). Healing diets are not on the list. Therefore, it would be a stretch to call these foods holistic.

However, the product has a number of advantages.

  • There are many components in the recipe: meat, fish, herbs, berries, fruits, vegetables, various chemical elements.
  • Fish and meat components are at the top of the list, and there are at least 2/3 of the composition.
  • Cereals that provoke allergic reactions in cats and have severe side effects are not used.... There are no soybeans, GMOs, antibiotics, artificial food flavors, coloring agents.
  • Harmless preservatives are used: tocopherol, tricarboxylic hydroxy acid, hydroxy succinic acid. These ingredients not only save food, but also are a prophylactic agent of the genitourinary system and urolithiasis.
  • The assortment includes dry food, canned products, as well as delicacies.
  • Lots of trace elements and vitamins.

There are also disadvantages.

  • "Lamb flour" - a rather clever description, which, as a rule, manufacturers use for a reason. Often the raw material is non-food waste obtained during the processing of carcasses intended for slaughter and poultry.
  • The main source of protein - also flour, not meat.
  • The price for such food is higher than the average, there are a lot of prototypes, almost similar in structure, but cheaper.
  • Percentage of individual components - for example, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries and the like - so little that you should not expect any serious usefulness from them.

Variety of products

The manufacturer produces food for the following feline species:

  • kittens, lactating and pregnant cats;
  • adults;
  • mature animals of large breeds;
  • castrates.


To maintain good physical condition, animals of different ages require food with the right amount of protein and a balanced amount of amino carboxylic acids. Carnilove diets are formulated based on the ingredients found in a feline's natural diet. The food is easily digested, saturated with all important useful elements, normalizes metabolism, improves the activity of the immune system.

The presence of fiber normalizes food digestion and promotes better elimination of wool lumps through the intestinal tract. The main components are meat, vegetables and fruits. They support the natural state of the cat's body on a daily basis.

Several ingredients are included in the diet.

  • Protein... The percentage of crude protein in the feed is more than 38. Based on the type of food, duck, lamb, boar, turkey, pheasant, salmon flour and their combinations are used. Protein flour reaches up to 60% of all other components. In addition, chicken liver is included in the feed (approximately 3%).
  • Fats... To meet the required volume of fat for the cat's body, salmon fat (about 2%) and chicken fat (6%), preserved with natural antioxidants (tocopherols), are practiced. Fat from the tissues of marine fish is also a "supplier" of very useful polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) Omega-3 and 6.
  • Carbohydrates... Potatoes and cereals are not used in feed, as they do not meet the natural nutritional needs of the animal. Cats are predators, and in nature such foods make up a small part of their menu, or do not occur at all. Manufacturers often include foods with a high amount of carbohydrates to create a deceptive satiety. For a cat, there are enough organic compounds contained in vegetables and fruits. For example, peas provide the optimal amount of carbohydrates.
  • Vegetables and fruits... In addition to providing the body with carbohydrates, it is a source of aminocarboxylic acids, fiber and vitamins. Carnilove includes apples, cassava flour, carrots, chickpeas, dried peas, blueberries, raspberries. In general, their volume is approximately 27% of the feed.
  • Vegetation... Useful components are: flax seeds, brewing yeast, rosemary, chicory root, Yucca Schidigera, algae, thyme, oregano.
  • Chemical elements and vitamins. The food is saturated with chemical elements - Na, Mn, P, Ca, Zn, L-carnitine, vitamins A, E, C, D, and other useful components.
  • "Suppliers" of chondroitin and chitosamine - extract from cartilage and processed crustacean shells.


Dry food Carnilove, packaged in 400 g, 2 and 6 kg.

  • Duck & Turkey. Diet for pets of large breeds (ragdoll, hausie / shawzie, usher, siberian, and the like). Meat components - duck and turkey - are easily digestible, do not allow the cat to gain weight, and at the same time provide an easily digestible protein. Glucosamine and chondroitin add plasticity to the joints of bones and strength to muscle tissues. Fat - 18%, crude protein - 37%, crude dietary fiber - 3%.
  • Lamb & Wild Boar. Food for neutered cats and neutered cats. The structure is given in the desired ratio, the percentage of aminocarboxylic acids is optimal. Lamb + meat of wild birds and animals - easily digestible protein, mineral elements have a positive effect on the functionality of the kidneys and urogenital apparatus.
  • Reindeer... For energetic pets.The food is generous in the content of natural antioxidants, triglycerides and (PUFA), Omega-3 - 0.34%, Omega-6 - 2.35%.
  • Salmon & Turkey. Complete feed for kittens, enriched with fats, proteins and monosaccharides. The recipe contains a turkey with salmon, rich in organic compounds.
  • Salmon... For long-haired breeds with sensitive digestion. The optimal amount (PUFA) of Omega-3 and aminocarboxylic acids, salmon meat is hypoallergenic.
  • Duck & Pheasant. An excellent combination of duck meat with pheasant will interest your pet right away, as soon as he tastes the food. The volume of dietary fiber is increased here (to remove trichobezoars), the mass of berries and herbs.

Varieties of Carnilove liquid canned food.

  • Turkey & Salmon for kittens - you can safely feed kittens with such canned food. The meat and internal organs of the turkey are well absorbed, inorganic elements and vitamins have a positive effect on the growing body of the kitten.
  • Turkey & Salmon for adult cats - canned food for mature cats without any diseases. A mixture of heart, liver, turkey and salmon, lots of Mn, Iodum and Zn.
  • Turkey & Reindeer for adult cats - includes turkey and caribou meat, chelated iron and aminocarboxylic acids, taurine, vitamin B7.
  • Chicken & Lamb for adult cats you can also feed mature seals, and who are more than 7 years old. Flax seed oil protects the cardiovascular system, has a positive effect on the immune system and gastrointestinal tract, and improves the cat's appearance.
  • Chicken, Duck & Pheasant for adult cats - a mixture of chicken, its liver and heart. In addition, there is some pheasant meat with duck, cranberries.

Canned food is packaged in tin cans of 100 g.

Types of Carnilove treats.

  • Crunchy salmon with mint - a delicacy with field mint (for the prevention of mucous membranes and teeth) and salmon.
  • Crunchy duck with raspberries - an excellent treat with duck (15% fresh meat and 40% jerky) and "wild" raspberries.

More about Fresh Meat line. It is a balanced and high-calorie feed in two flavors: Fresh Carp & Trout and Fresh Chicken & Rabbit. Created based on the natural predilections and interests of animals. It is a combination of fresh fish, meat and vegetables.

Review overview

Carnilove cat food appeared on store shelves relatively recently. And yet, on the Internet, pet owners have already made few reviews of him, and in most cases they are very positive.

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