Cat food brands

Features of food for cats and cats ProTail

Features of food for cats and cats ProTail
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Range
  3. Review overview

Feed under the ProKhvost brand is a custom program of Velcorm LLC. The products are intended for feeding dogs and cats. Cat food differs from dog food in the ratio of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals - due to the natural differences between canine and cat metabolism.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dry and wet food for cats ProKhvost is a Russian product made according to European technologies. The brand positions itself as a manufacturer of economy class goods.

Advantages of dry food.

  1. It can be kept open for a month and at room temperature. Preservatives and low water content (up to 10%) prevent quick spoilage.
  2. Compared to cheaper ones - Chammy, Darling - the protein content is increased: up to 30% by total weight.
  3. The content of natural meat and offal is increased. Reduced content of plant waste, preservatives, powder additives - compared to the cheapest counterparts.
  4. Complete elimination of the hassle of animal feeding. You can open the bag and place it in a zone of constant access in front of the cat or cat.
  5. By chewing on hard pieces of food, the cat keeps the muscles of the jaws in good shape, while cleaning off plaque and tartar from the teeth.

Disadvantages of dry food.

  1. The pet drinks a lot of water - there is very little of it in dry food.
  2. You can not feed the animal only dry food. It is necessary to alternate dry with semi-dry and wet.
  3. Overfeeding with dry food threatens the pet with frequent trips to the toilet.

Pros of wet food.

  1. The animal drinks less water - 80% of it consists of wet food.
  2. Possibility to temporarily reduce the cost of feed - if it is not possible to immediately buy a bag of dry.
  3. Wet food mechanically spares your pet's stomach and intestines - even if it swallows it without chewing it thoroughly.

Disadvantages of wet food.

  1. It is unprofitable to buy food in small bags - compared to a dry bag, the costs will increase several times.
  2. It does not last longer than a day. The contents of an open can or package lose some of the useful properties.
  3. The food should warm up to at least +20.

Dry food often does not need to be reheated as it is kept at room temperature.


All feeds are presented by age categories:

  • for kittens up to a year;
  • for cats and cats after 1 year.

The nutrition of young and old cats and cats is not much different: A cat, like a dog, remains active almost until the end of its life and needs a balanced diet. In general, the ProTail should cope with the tasks of daily and complete nutrition, but it is not so simple here.

ProTail food belongs to the middle class - and the same price range. Unlike more expensive - medicinal, premium - it consists of cereals and products of plant and animal origin. As a rule, in the absence of information about products of plant origin, it becomes clear to the consumer that this is, in fact, waste, and not selected raw materials. For example, this is beet cake. Husks from cereal crops can also be caught - albeit in trace quantities. In expensive feed, the amount of cereals is minimized or they are completely excluded.

The same is reported about products of animal origin: these are cartilage and ligaments ground into minced meat, offal, not completely cleared of bile. Bone meal is used as an animal supplement. However, dry and wet feed contains real beef, fish, chicken, turkey fat, as well as vegetable oil. All of these fats are sources of Omega acids, which boost immunity in cats. Yeast has been added to ProKhvost products.

Unlike premium products, ProKhvost feeds are distinguished by the content of flavor and odor enhancers, aromas. The manufacturer directly indicates that they are natural. Also in the feed "Prokhvost" contains a vitamin and mineral complex, the amino acid taurine, the preservative mycocarb (propionic, fumaric and sorbic acids). But antioxidants E-320/321 are questionable: the second of them is not harmless.

Due to the above questionable features, ProTails are not very popular.

Having bought such food, the owner of a cat or dog is convinced that for greater safety it is better to “breed” it with ordinary meat and fish offal, properly cut and thoroughly cooked.

In the dry product of this manufacturer, crude protein (extract of beef, chicken, fish) reaches 36%, crude fat - 12%, crude fiber - 3.5%, crude ash - 9%. Calcium salts by total weight - 1.8%, phosphorus-containing compounds - 1.1%. Due to its high protein content, it is an alternative - in the absence of a number of proven products from American and European brands. A kilogram of such a product contains 3 mg of vitamin A, 80 mg of vitamin E and 30 μg of vitamin D. B vitamins and compounds of iodine, selenium, manganese are also present.

In wet feed ProTail, the protein content in the product is reduced - it is only 5-7%: water takes up 4/5 of the total mass of the product. The content of fats, vitamins and minerals is also proportionally reduced - taking into account the mass fraction of water in the feed. Thus, crude protein does not exceed 7%, crude fat is contained in an amount of up to 4.5%. Crude ash - up to 2.5%, crude fiber - up to 0.5%, calcium (salts) - up to 0.1%, phosphorus-containing compounds - up to 0.09%. All vitamins - their amount is 5 times less than in dry food.

Feed packaging:

  • dry - packages from 1 to 10 kg;
  • wet - metal and plastic cans no more than 100 g.

Review overview

The vast majority of buyers speak negatively about ProKhvost brand products. The manufacturer, although adding the minimum required vitamins, spoiled this product with some artificial ingredients that are poorly tolerated by cats. Some owners, after their pets consumed such a product, had to spend additional funds on treatment.

After such cases, the cats were transferred to a higher quality and more expensive food, adding natural offal, properly cut and carefully cooked.

Those owners who were lucky enough to avoid such incidents are also in doubt whether it is worth giving ProTail to cats on a regular basis. Actually, for this reason, the ProKhvost brand did not deserve proper recognition: competitors, starting with Whiskas and Kitekat and ending with Hunty, easily bypassed it in terms of sales.

But if with adult cats and cats, in general, such cases ended more or less favorably, then the ProTail product, according to users' feedback, poses a direct threat to the life of kittens. They shouldn't buy these products at all - look for higher quality alternatives. The quality of feeding does not depend on the breed of a cat or a cat - a truly high-quality food, on the production of which the manufacturer does not save money, will suit even mongrel, even Siamese or Angora varieties.

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