Cat food brands

Features of food for sterilized cats GRANDORF

Features of food for sterilized cats GRANDORF
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Range
  3. Review overview

The GRANDORF brand, which supplies hypoallergenic products to the pet products market, has in its assortment and offers for neutered individuals. By purchasing a diet for pets whose quality is confirmed by international standards, you can be absolutely sure of the health of your four-legged pet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Food for sterilized cats GRANDORF, produced in Europe, has a very high-quality composition, which can be called the main advantage of this product. The source of protein is always meat, not offal or plants: turkey meat, rich in amino acids, B vitamins and minerals, duck meat, which, among other things, contains vitamins A, E and K. Rabbit meat contains more than 19 amino acids, including all essential ones, and lamb is useful for potassium, magnesium and lecithin. Variations intended for castrated cats either contain no grain at all, or only a small amount of them. A large amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other elements provides all-round support for the pet's health.

For example, the green apple is a natural antioxidant, and the cranberry improves the functioning of the genitourinary system. The presence of carrots stabilizes intestinal activity, while blueberries improve vision. Broccoli stimulates the liver and is responsible for the restoration of tissues and cells, while spinach improves metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system. Another significant advantage of the feed is the use of only natural preservatives and antioxidants.

As for the disadvantages of GRANDORF products, we can call its rather high cost, which, however, is justified by the quality of this diet for pets.In principle, not so widespread can be attributed to them, even taking into account Internet markets.


The GRANDORF brand has only a few proposals designed specifically for neutered cats. For example, Probiotic-enriched dry pellets can be purchased under the name "4 types of meat". Available in 400 gram and 2 kg packs, this variety can also be offered to older cats. In the composition, there is a minimum amount of fat and, on the contrary, an increased content of proteins (11% of the first and 37% of the second), which allows the animal to build muscle mass, but not overgrow with fat. This feline treat also contains live probiotics that normalize the state of the intestinal microflora and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Meat in feed accounts for about 70% of all ingredients. It is represented by 4 dietary species: turkey, duck, rabbit and lamb. Whole brown rice and sweet potatoes are the main sources of carbohydrates. The dry mix is ​​low-grain and therefore contains no corn or wheat. And also the product, being hypoallergenic, is "cleared" of eggs, chicken, soy and other components that can provoke an allergic reaction. An animal weighing from 1.5 to 3 kilograms can consume from 20 to 45 grams of dry food per day, and those who weigh 4-5 kilograms are allowed 55-65 grams.

For representatives of felines, whose weight is kept in the range of 6-8 kilograms, a daily intake of 75-95 grams of pellets is recommended.

Several food options for sterilized animals are also available in the low-grain range. So, version "Rabbit with rice" Sterilized intended for adults... Packages weighing 2 kilograms or 400 grams contain 70% of meat, mainly rabbit and turkey. Hypoallergenic granules prevent allergic reactions and prevent food intolerances.

For castrated individuals suffering from sensitive digestion, its own variation has been created - "Turkey with Rice" Sterilized... The short list of ingredients is dominated by one source of animal protein, turkey, and one source of carbohydrates, whole brown rice. Components such as flaxseed and dried chicory, apple, spinach, cranberries, blueberries, broccoli and others provide the pet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

It is worth mentioning that in the current range of the brand there are no oversized packages weighing 5 or 10 kilograms.

Review overview

Reviews regarding GRANDORF products for the most part express only admiration for holistic products. Customers especially appreciate that the composition does not contain chicken, wheat and corn - that is, those ingredients that provoke allergies. On the contrary, about 70% of the meat is observed among the components, which, of course, pleases both the cat and its owner. The animal quickly gets used to the new diet and eats it with pleasure on a daily basis. The health of the fur is improved and the appearance is more sleek.

It is noted that dry granules of a convenient shape and pleasant smell, and also distributed in packages with a convenient lock, and this allows you to get rid of the need to purchase special containers.

Users refer to the relative disadvantages of the lack of large-sized packaging, since the maximum weight - 2 kg - is enough for a large four-legged only for a couple of weeks. In principle, you can find fault with the insufficient number of tastes that are suitable specifically for castrated individuals. Some buyers also note that the smell of cat feces increases, in addition, the four-legged lacks the norm indicated by the manufacturer.

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