Cat food brands

Features of food for sterilized cats and cats PERFECT FIT

Features of food for sterilized cats and cats PERFECT FIT
  1. general description
  2. general description
  3. Assortment of feed
  4. Review overview

Each owner really wants his pet to always remain in good shape. Nutrition plays an important role in this matter. The developers of PERFECT FIT cat food have included rations for neutered cats and cats in the range. This product will be discussed in the article.

general description

PERFECT FIT feeds for sterilized individuals have an affordable price, since they are not included in the premium line. And also such food for felines has a variety. The products are made especially for neutered cats, neutered cats and kittens. By purchasing such products, the owner can ensure an active life for his pet. In addition, this food is suitable for both elderly animals and those animals that do not leave the house.

Since many pets need special care due to sterilization, the developers have created foods that can solve many health problems. Therefore, the granules contained in the PERFECT FIT packs have the following composition: fat, wheat, animal flour and flour from corn, rice, beets. It also contains chicory, salt and sunflower oil.

To improve the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, fructooligosaccharides, vitamins and other nutrients (fats about 40%, proteins about 40%, carbohydrates about 20%) are also added to the feed.

The advantages include the fact that PERFECT FIT food can always be purchased at any store. The assortment is not satisfactory. Packing is very convenient, as it contains the content, which is calculated in grams: 190 g, 650 g, 1200 g, 3000 g.

There are some disadvantages. The most significant of them is the absence of natural meat in the feed, as well as salt and yeast.

general description

PERFECT FIT sterilized cat food is highly consumer-approved. They are issued taking into account the opinions and conclusions of experts. Therefore, you will always find such products on the counter in the departments where specialized goods are sold.

  • Sensitive should be given to those individuals who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. Such food is hypoallergenic, and it is also able to ensure water balance. This helps prevent the formation of kidney stones.

This type of food is also suitable for castrated individuals.

  • In-home such a line is designed for individuals who lead an inactive lifestyle. It contains the following components: Omega acid, yucca extract, fiber. And this direction is also suitable for feeding sterilized cats.
  • Sterile specially designed for sterilized individuals. This product is able to provide a normal weight to the pet with the help of elements that promote a good metabolism.
  • Senior - such a product is intended for individuals over 8 years old. The feed contains the following components: glucosamine, taurine and other antioxidants. This set of components helps to stimulate the work of the heart and blood vessels. It restores the skeletal system.

This structure is also suitable for neutered cats.

  • In-form - This product is intended for animals prone to obesity. It contains substances that help burn fat. And this is very important if your pet is neutered.

Take due care when choosing a PERFECT FIT food in order to select the product that will work for your neutered pet. It is best to alternate between different types of food to determine which structure is best for your pet.

Assortment of feed

Consider the needs of the cat's body and use appropriate dry and wet foods.


If your pet has sensitive digestion, supplement with dry food (Sensitive) with turkey. This composition is considered hypoallergenic as it does not contain soy or wheat.

Cat food for neutered cats (Sterile) is composed of proteins, fats and dietary fiber. The packs weigh from 0.19 to 33 kg, and there are also packs of 10 kg.

For older cats and spayed cats, you can offer dry chicken food (Senior). Taurine, vitamins C and E are added to such a feed mixture, as well as glucosamine and Omega 3. Such nutrition helps to support the functioning of the heart and liver. The weight of a pack may vary. The largest package weighs 3 kg and 10 kg.


PERFECT FIT liquid food is also available in soft packs. Such a spider has a small cost of about 24 rubles. per pack. The developers of the PERFECT FIT line provide such a composition of wet food, which will allow adults to remain in good shape.

PERFECT FIT Adult Beef contains beef. In addition, this same structure contains minerals, vitamins and proteins. For restless cats and cats, you can use the (Active) active with chicken.

Such a composition is given to individuals from 1 to 8 years old. Vitamins A and B, iron, lutein are also included in this basic list.

You need to understand that this feed mixture does not contain dyes, soybeans, flavors, which is important for your pet's daily feeding.

Overweight individuals can consume Perfect Fit In-Form. This option is suitable for constant eating, since it contains much less calories than other similar foods. L-carnitine and vitamin A in the feed are excellent at breaking down fats.

A spider is the best option, since it is usually designed for a single use. Its weight ranges from 80 to 90 g. Therefore, you will never go wrong with the dosage and do not overfeed your pet.

Before feeding your cat wet food, be sure to warm it to the correct temperature.

Review overview

Cat breeders speak differently about PERFECT FIT cat food and cat food. Some scold him, others (most of them), on the contrary, praise him. However, it must be admitted that the general opinion is as follows: the PERFECT FIT line is a feed that corresponds to the optimal combination of price and quality.

It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to please everyone at once. Nevertheless, people write that as a result of eating PERFECT FIT, their pets, including sterilized ones, become much more active. Their problems with the gastrointestinal tract disappear. The composition of the product in question does not cause indigestion.

The doctors' reviews are also very positive. They note a good pricing policy, and also that an average feed at an average price will always find its consumer. True, this type of product does not belong to holistics. But it has all the nutrients you need to keep your body running smoothly.

All indicators in this line are at the average level and at the minimum permissible values. Nevertheless, in this direction of food for cats, all the necessary nutrients were used to the maximum.

There is meat in the feed. It is not real, but dehydrated. But the by-products that complement the main composition are of high quality.

After some research, we can conclude that PERFECT FIT food does not lead to ICD. Also, this feed does not contribute to the occurrence of other diseases in animals.

However, if PERFECT FIT becomes the main diet for a pet, then it must be given vitamin complexes and food supplements. Take this issue even more seriously if you own a young or very old pet.

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