Cat food brands

All about Felix food for kittens

All about Felix food for kittens
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Varieties
  3. Review overview

Cat owners have long noticed that it is more convenient and cheaper to feed their mustachioed furry with ready-made rations than homemade food. It is believed that cheap feed is of poor quality and has an adverse effect on the health of the pet. However, the manufacturers of Felix claim that their products are an order of magnitude higher in terms of nutritional and energy value than other counterparts in the economy segment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Felix is ​​manufactured by Purina. This manufacturer has been at the forefront of the low-cost animal feed segment for many years. In such products, the main share falls on cereals, there is very little meat. In addition, meat components are represented mainly by processed products.

However, this does not mean at all that Felix products are of poor quality and may harm the pet's health. The feed formulation is more balanced than the composition of many other similar products. The kitten diet contains a large number of ingredients.

Meat and offal - the series for kittens is represented mainly by chicken, its share is 4%. At the same time, the manufacturer does not specify which part of the poultry was used in production. Considering the cost of the feed, most likely a whole piece of the carcass was taken, dried and ground along with bones, paws, feathers and entrails.

To increase the proportion of proteins, fish and products of its processing are introduced into the diet. However, most of the protein comes from plant foods. As a rule, these are cheap components obtained from grains and legumes. Their inclusion in the formulation makes it possible to bring the total amount of proteins to the normative indicators, but they are less assimilated by the body of carnivorous cats than animal proteins.

The product for kittens is enriched with useful micro and macro elements. It contains vitamin A. It normalizes metabolism, increases the body's resistance, prevents pathologies of the organs of vision, improves the condition of the skin and coat. For full-fledged bone formation, products for kittens include increased dosages of calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamin D3 for better absorption of minerals.

Felix kitten food contains iron and iodine. These components are especially important for pets living in ecologically unfavorable areas. Trace elements contribute to the increased production of blood cells and the maintenance of the normal state of the blood.

The disadvantages of feed include the presence of dyes. They are used to make the feed more appetizing - they are completely useless ingredients that are not used in the higher grade feed.

Mineral salts and sugars are introduced into the diet. In fact, they are flavoring additives that are added to improve the pet's appetite and quickly get used to the product.


Felix products for kittens are not as diverse as the line for adult cats. However, there are several options for daily feeding your baby are presented here. The diets contain increased concentrations of proteins and trace elements that contribute to proper muscle formation and bone mineralization. This food can be used for pregnant, lactating cats and for animals after sterilization.

The dry ration is presented by the Double Yummy series. It is a mix of soft snacks and croquettes. For kittens it is offered only in one flavoring version - with chicken meat. The diet includes cereals, vegetable protein sources, animal lipids, and glycerin. The product is enriched with copper, manganese, zinc, selenium and other minerals. Contains antioxidants, vitamins A, E and D3.

Wet food is offered in five lines. The most unusual one is Sensations "with topping". The ration is a classic moist product of juicy chunks in a sauce, crunchy croquettes are added to it. Available in two flavors.

  • "Fish platter" - with salmon, cod and trout.

  • "Delicious assorted" - with chicken, duck and liver.

Sensations rations are represented by two more food options - these are juicy cubes in jelly or sauces. The product has unusual flavor combinations:

  • beef with tomatoes;

  • cod with tomatoes;
  • turkey meat with bacon;
  • duck with carrots.

However, it should be noted that the name of the feed is often nothing more than a marketing ploy. For example, the product "Cod in tomato sauce" includes no more than 4% of fish products, and tomatoes and greens are not noticeable here at all. The required aroma and taste is achieved through the introduction of synthetic food additives.

Food "Appetizing Chunks" has three flavors:

  • with fish (salmon or trout);

  • with meat (lamb / veal / rabbit);

  • with poultry (chicken or turkey).

This line offers a separate diet for kittens. It differs only in that it contains more vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Food "Double Yummy" offers only one option for kittens - this is canned chicken, its share is 4%. Another 19% is accounted for by products of meat origin. Thus, the concentration of proteins necessary for a growing organism is provided.

Felix recently introduced a series of soups. This product is not recommended for use as a base, it can only supplement the main diet. Here, the manufacturer does not distinguish between products for kittens and adult animals, feeding features are only in dosages.

Available in three flavors:

  • with a bang;

  • with beef;
  • with Chiken.

Review overview

Feedback from cat owners about Felix products is mixed. On the one hand, they are attracted by the availability of products. In addition, mass advertising with the participation of media characters assures that the quality of Felix is ​​an order of magnitude higher than other cheap feeds.

However, the analysis of the composition raises doubts about the nutritional value of the product.Do not forget that cats are carnivores, so animal proteins should be the basis of their diet.

This is especially true when it comes to kittens from 1 month to 1 year old, which gain muscle mass and form the bone apparatus. In budget feeds, which include Felix, animal proteins are replaced with vegetable ones. They do not satisfy all the needs of growing organisms for amino acids and trace elements.

Veterinarians advise using Felix only as a temporary measure when no other product is available. If the product is used on an ongoing basis, it should be combined with natural food and vitamin complexes. This is the only way to ensure the full growth and development of the pet.

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