Cat food brands

Variety of food for cats and cats Friskies

Variety of food for cats and cats Friskies
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Description of dry food
  3. Variety of wet food
  4. Review overview

Friskies cat food - liquid and dry, for spayed and neutered animals, as well as other options - can be called one of the best-selling in Russia. Their popularity is due to their reasonable cost and wide availability in retail chains. But the doctors' reviews do not look so optimistic, and the owners themselves express a variety of emotions - from delight to negative reactions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Friskies cat food is marketed all over the world, and packaging in the familiar bright yellow color can be found in the US, Russia or the UK. Today the brand is owned by Nestle Purina PetCare Corporation.

And for the first time, cat food with this name appeared on the shelves back in 1956, when even the very existence of a separate diet for pets seemed to be an absolute breakthrough. It was Friskies who made a difference - by then Carnation, the brand's creator, was already producing dog food.

The obvious advantages of the brand's products include the following characteristics.

  • Affordable cost. Economy class of feed is available to absolutely all animal lovers. People with different income levels can easily afford it.
  • Variety of packaging options... The brand has pouches of 100 g with convenient dosing of a portion of food, as well as dry food in cardboard boxes of 400 g and bags of 1.5 kg, in bags of 10 kg.
  • Flavoring variety... Few brands are ready to offer their consumers products with duck, tongue, salmon and other unusual ingredients.
  • Taking into account the individual needs of the animal. The company produces products for neutered cats and cats, as well as options for kittens and adults.
  • Availability in retail chains. There is food in almost every supermarket, not to mention specialized pet stores.
  • Optimum size of granules and pieces. You don't have to worry about your cat having trouble chewing food.
  • The presence of vegetables and herbs in the composition. They provide a beneficial effect on the digestion of animals.
  • The presence of taurine, zinc, vitamin D3... All of these substances are very important for the health of the animal.

The disadvantages are also quite obvious. The reduction in the cost of feed occurs due to the replacement of meat ingredients with by-products and cereals, cereals, and soy protein. Almost all of them are strong potential allergens, they can harm animals with reduced immunity.

Also, there are too few healthy fats in the composition, and vitamins and minerals do not cover 100% of the animal's needs.

Description of dry food

Dry food produced under the Friskies brand is on sale in a wide range. Their composition fully complies with the basic quality and safety standards. Large bags of 10 kg can often be found in nurseries or at owners of several animals. In retail chains, packaging options of 300-400 g or 2 kg are much more common.

It is worth remembering that for kittens, for neutered animals and for neutered, food should be specialized.

For adult cats

Designed by Friskies for adult animals, the cat food fully meets their nutritional needs. In addition to the dry diet, you can periodically give your pets spiders as a treat. But dry granules are still the basis of nutrition. They are produced by the brand in the following assortment.

  • To control the formation of hairballs. A chicken, cereal and vegetable based feed contains increased amounts of meat ingredients (about 10%), sugar beet pulp and antioxidants. The food contains useful trace elements, including selenium and phosphorus, as well as ingredients for healthy skin and normalization of the digestive tract systems.
  • For domestic cats. This food is enriched with garden herbs, which are lacking for pets deprived of outdoor walks. The basis of the granules is dehydrated chicken protein combined with a mixture of cereals. The food is designed for animals that have not been sterilized. A full complex of vitamins and minerals helps the cat not to be deficient in them, even with a rather monotonous diet.
  • For neutered cats and cats... In this category, the brand offers food based on rabbit meat and healthy vegetables. Special supplements support normal heart function and prevent weight gain. Food for neutered cats helps to prevent the development of ICD. The reduced calorie content helps to compensate for the decreased physical activity of the animal.
  • For adult cats with meat, chicken and liver. A universal complete product for feeding pets on an ongoing basis. The presence of offal in the composition makes it possible to diversify the taste and composition of food. Vegetables and antioxidants help maintain the health of adult cats and cats, prevent early aging.
  • For adult cats with meat and healthy vegetables... Universal food for free-range pets. The composition is not very diverse, but it covers the basic needs of an adult animal. Also in this series there are similar food with a rabbit and healthy vegetables, which allows you to slightly diversify the animal's diet.

While studying Friskies dry cat food, it can be noted that this brand is not characterized by a great variety of flavors. There is no specialized product for older animals in the line.

It is better for them to choose a special meal or switch to pauchi.The rest of the full-range foods fully satisfy the basic energy needs of domestic cats.

For kittens

For toddlers, pregnant or lactating cats, Friskies has developed a special dry food with chicken, milk and healthy vegetables. The bright corporate color of the packaging is diluted here with a pastel pink tone. Inside the box or bag are small granules that are good for kittens to eat. The product contains a whole range of ingredients.

  • Animal protein... This includes meat and chicken as well as fish. Also in the composition there are products of their processing.
  • Vegetable protein. It increases the nutritional value of the feed.
  • Cereals. The manufacturer does not disclose their list. Cereals are a source of vegetable protein, give energy and strength.
  • Vegetables... Dried green peas and other ingredients are a source of fiber.
  • Powdered milk. It promotes proper growth and development of the kitten.
  • Taurine for Heart Health. Additionally, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs of vision.
  • Vitamin E. It contributes to the normal development of the immune system.
  • Vitamin D3 for the prevention of rickets, the normal formation of teeth and claws.

Also, the feed contains minerals. Among them are selenium, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese and iron. Dry food for kittens does not require special storage conditions. It is enough to keep it in a cool dry place.

Variety of wet food

Liquid food in special disposable aluminum foil packaging is one of the most popular products in the Friskies line for cats. This packaging is called a spider. It protects canned food well from drying out, contamination or the harmful effects of bacterial microflora. Small, well-shaped bites are placed in a sauce or gravy to make the finished meal even more appealing to your pet.

Purina Friskies has 2 main lines of wet food in these sealed containers. The standard weight of a spider is 85 g.

The gustatory variety of the basic series is represented by the following products.

  • With beef... Classic taste for adult cats. The beef content reaches 4%.
  • With a duck. Delicacy product in gravy. The share of duck meat in the total volume does not exceed 4%.
  • With a lamb. An exquisite option for gourmet cats. The content of lamb among the meat ingredients is 4%.
  • With liver... A mixture of liver (up to 4%) and other offal with meat is placed in a sauce that harmoniously complements its taste.
  • With tongue... A delicacy for cats bored of a monotonous diet. By-products give it a special taste.
  • With Chiken. Classic feed based on poultry meat. Chicken accounts for about 4%.
  • With turkey. Diet poultry meat in a convenient format for feeding.
  • With salmon... Light fish variety in the meat feed line. The proportion of salmon is 4%, the rest consists of a mixture of cereals and meat ingredients.

Each spider contains 2 portions of feed at once - it is important to separate it without exceeding the recommended dosage. The main ingredient of the feed is meat and its processed products; sugar is used as a flavor enhancer. The complex of vitamins and minerals is supplemented with taurine.

Another new line of wet food Friskies, in addition to meat ingredients, contains buckwheat. The mass of the spiders is 75 g. Among the flavors presented there is beef with buckwheat in gravy, suitable for spayed cats. The main difference between this series is the absence of artificial colors in the composition.

Also among the spiders in the line there is an option for adult cats based on chicken and buckwheat in gravy. It is designed for animals with no health restrictions. The food is more balanced, contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. The daily dosage for complete use is 3-4 packs. Friskies Wet Kitten Food is only available with chicken. It comes in 85g spiders.Pieces in gravy, in addition to animal and poultry meat, contain cereals, fish - a source of Omega-3 acids, minerals and a vitamin complex.

Feeding is done in 2-3 doses, taking into account the age needs of growing babies.

Review overview

Economy class foods like Friskies are rarely approved by veterinarians. Despite the fact that this product has a good balance of price and quality, it still does not fully meet the nutritional requirements of the animal. The minimum amount of meat in the composition (from 1 to 4%) makes the food far from ideal for predators, which include domestic cats. Veterinarians also warn about the large amount of grain components in the brand's products - they are dangerous to animal health, can cause allergic reactions and other health problems.

The opinions of animal owners can also be called contradictory. The arguments in favor of Friskies food include the fact that animals are quite willing to eat them, and the variety of tastes makes such a diet not too boring.

Buyers note that the brand has products with chicory that reduce the odor of excrement and urine, as well as special preventive lines for spayed and neutered animals. Friskies' cat food is also supported by the experience of many hobbyist breeders who have been using this diet for years without harm to the health of their pets.

There are also negative reviews. They are mainly associated with the risk of developing urolithiasis or individual allergic reactions in cats. But do not forget that kidney diseases are often inherited by representatives of specific breeds - they initially require specialized nutrition, and not food from the mass market segment.

Some buyers also mention that the animals are gaining body weight, but here the reason is rather in excess of the recommended dosage of food, as well as in the sedentary lifestyle of pets.

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