Cat food brands

All About Gourmet Cat Food

All About Gourmet Cat Food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Collections
  3. Dosage
  4. Review overview

From an early age, children are told that cats living in the wild prefer to feast on milk, fish and caught mice. And if you look at the life of the courtyard mustachioed creatures, the way it is. And cats living in houses and apartments have completely different tastes and preferences. For example, their bodies rarely metabolize dairy products. Frequent feeding of fish leads to disturbances in the functioning of the feline body. Well, they definitely don't catch mice, especially in an apartment. And the cat-lovers do not always manage to prepare a separate menu for the purr.

Accordingly, breeders have to look for an alternative diet for mustachioed creatures, which will include a full range of vitamins and nutrients. One of these is the food of the Gourmet brand.


Gourmet is a world renowned brand that has established itself as the best wet food for cats. All of the company's products are manufactured at a factory in France, after which they are distributed around the world. The manufacturer Gourmet assures that the entire line of food is a true delicacy for the feline organism. This is covered in videos, flyers, brochures and other promotional materials.

Some people think that Gourmet has become popular only due to a well-designed marketing plan. But this is not the case. Cats and cats do not care who is depicted on the label, how new items are presented on TV screens. The taste and healthiness of the product is important to the purrs. And judging by their appetite, the represented brand was still able to find the right composition for feeding cats.

The owner of Gourmet wet food is the Purina company, this name is known all over the world. The hallmark of such a large company is its openness. Their internal politics are not a secret to the public.Thanks to this and many other facts, the Purina concern only increases its turnover every year. It is worth noting that Purina has several animal shelters under its care, other similar institutions conclude an agreement with the concern and can use special offers from a major partner.

Today, anyone looking to start a high quality cat food business can take advantage of the Purina franchise.

At the same time, the company does not make any special requirements - the main thing is that the feed is created from high-quality products and meets the requirements of the concern's standards.

Well, now we propose to return to Gourmet food again and understand some of the peculiarities of cat food. First of all, cat lovers need to know that the nutritious treat for their pets is divided into classes. There are 4 of them, and each has certain characteristics.

  • Economy - the most cost-effective feed option, which is constantly seen in commercials, newspapers and brochures. The composition of the economy food contains only 18% of protein, part of which is obtained from raw materials of plant origin.
  • Premium - this product contains 22% protein, with half of it being meat. In terms of cost, this food is much more expensive than the economy option, but, despite the decent price, the product has some disadvantages, namely the presence of a dye in the composition, flavoring and ballast elements.
  • Super premium - quite expensive food, advertising of which practically does not loom before our eyes. It contains 35-36% of meat, there are no useless elements, and the amount of plant components is reduced to the very minimum.
  • Holistic - elite food that is not sold in regular stores. Its main advantage is the presence of natural meat in the composition. Herbal supplements come in the form of vegetables, fruits, and herbs. No flavors and dyes, only natural ingredients. The quality of this class of feed affects the appearance and health of the animal, and only on the positive side.

Gourmet has staged promotions for pet owners on several occasions to prove that their food is the best, despite the pricing policy. The company invites cat lovers to simply smell the canned pate of a competitive brand and compare it to the aroma of Gourmet. Indeed, the smell alone makes it clear what kind of food contains delicious and, most importantly, healthy products.

Like any other food, Gourmet has its advantages and some disadvantages. It is suggested to start with positive aspects:

  • no artificial ingredients in the composition;
  • the complex of wet food contains moisture, which is necessary for the quiet life of the animal;
  • a wide variety of product range;
  • the presence of natural meat in the composition;
  • the presence of vitamins and minerals in the feed.

But, like all manufacturers, the Gourmet brand products have some disadvantages:

  • minimum shelf life;
  • lack of therapeutic elements in the diet.

Owner should read the information on the packaging before giving their purring pet Gourmet Wet Food.

In addition to the composition, the feeding method is prescribed on the cover of the soft food, which is extremely important to pay attention to. In some cases, when the animal's body is recovering from illness or shock, the breeder should contact the veterinarian for advice on feeding the cat or cat. This tip can also be found on cat food packaging.


The product range of the Gourmet company consists of exclusively wet type feed. These include pates with a variety of flavors and liquid fillings, pieces of meat in a special sauce, meatballs topped with delicious and aromatic jelly, and soups made from meat and seafood. The latter, by the way, are a special series that cannot be found in a regular store.

The brand managed to achieve such a wide variety of assortment due to the many unique tastes that domestic cats and cats liked. The compilers of each separate "dish" claim that not a drop of artificial flavors that are harmful to animal health are used in the recipes, only natural additives.

The manufacturer Gourmet offers cat lovers several lines of wet food, namely Perle, Mon Petit, Gold and A La Carte... Wherein Gold line presented in the classic version, "Terrine", meatballs, Gold with a delicate filling and "Double pleasure".

All of them differ from each other not only in taste and composition, but also in packaging. On sale are not only soft bags with a small amount of food, but also canned food in cans of different sizes. Each cat lover chooses at his own discretion which packaging is more convenient for use and subsequent storage.

As for the composition of the assortment range of Gourmet cat food, its main components are meat products such as fillets of beef, lamb, rabbit. However, there are other filling options, we are talking about chicken, chicken, turkey and duck. The Gourmet brand creates canned fish from salmon and tuna.

Cat food recipe makers pay particular attention to vegetable supplements. Such food is created directly for kittens and neutered cats to fill their body with an important complex of vitamins and minerals.

Well, now it is proposed to get acquainted in more detail with the most popular collections of Gourmet brand food, find out their features, understand the pros and understand whether they have any disadvantages.


The Gourmet Gold cat food is a wet food formulated to suit the feline world of all ages. This collection was created for purrs with a refined taste. It's no secret that many cats are true gourmets, demanding to eat only delicacies. This delicious is designed for them.

The presented collection is designed for purrs in the age category 1-7 years. It is important to keep in mind that cats should have normal activity. Such food is not suitable for lethargic and hyperactive cats.

All varieties of wet food in the Gourmet Gold collection are suitable for daily feeding of the animal or as an additional treat. The unique composition fully meets the needs of the feline body. To support the muscle mass of the purr, proteins in the composition of the feed are present in the range from 7.5% to 12%.

To keep your cat's teeth healthy and strong, the Gourmet Gold recipe makers have added calcium to the treat. It also contains fiber, which promotes good digestion, and taurine, which is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. A well-chosen vitamin complex guarantees high-quality support for the immune system.

"Natural recipes"

The Natural Recipes collection was created based on the gifts of Mother Nature. It is in nature that a lot of useful substances are hidden, necessary for the health of not only humans, but also animals. Each individual feed in this collection is created from specially selected high quality products. And it's not just about vegetables. The recipes contain ingredients such as beef, lamb, poultry and fish fillets. Vegetable crops supplement the protein components - these are carrots, tomatoes or parsnips.

As for the age category, the presented series is designed exclusively for adult cats and cats. For kittens, such food will be inappropriate in the diet. The food itself goes to shop windows in the form of canned food in a tin can.

All ingredients are cut into neat, uniform cubes that are easy to chew with your cat's teeth.

When choosing this series of food, special attention should be paid to the feeding recommendations. For example, owners of adult cats, weighing an average of 4 kg, need to stock up on about 3-4 cans of snacks per day. This rate is for cats and cats with moderate activity. If the animal is hyperactive, it is recommended to seek the advice of a veterinarian so that the doctor corrects the correct nutrition of this series of food.

Another nuance of feeding the animal - it is important that the "dish" has room temperature. In no case should you feed the animal with cold canned food, this negatively affects their well-being and health. You cannot store an open jar for more than a day. After opening the canned food, the container should be refrigerated. Well, after 24 hours, send the leftover cat food to the trash.


The presented collection of Gourmet food is designed exclusively for adult cats. Such a delicious treat for felines is sold in small plastic bags. The consistency inside the package is quite standard, although outwardly it differs from the image on the front side of the package.

The Perle Gourmet collection includes products such as meat and waste from meat processing, fish and waste from fish processing. The main plus is that all these are exclusively natural products, no chemicals. Besides meat and fish delicacies, Perle recipes include vitamins, minerals, sugar, and vegetable protein extract. The latter, by the way, help to strengthen the cat's immunity, improve the characteristics of the coat, and give the animals additional energy.

After tearing the package, when air gets inside, the countdown begins. After 24 hours, the leftover feed must be disposed of.

"Mon Petit"

One can talk about the Mon Petit collection for hours, and this is not surprising. All foods created under this initiative have been developed exclusively for cats who prefer to consume the least amount of food in one meal. No, they do not follow the figure, just a small portion is enough for them to completely saturate the stomach and body.

The food itself is presented on shop windows in the form of plastic bags, which are very convenient to open, store and take out a delicacy from them. One such packet of treats weighs only 50 g, and this is one serving.

Accordingly, the owner of the purr does not need to send the plastic packaging to the refrigerator after feeding and further worry that the leftovers will have to be thrown out in a day.

As noted by most cat breeders, their favorites were especially fond of Mon Petit with salmon. The highlight of this "dish" is that in its production, salmon fillet, cut into small cubes, is really used. This recipe was prepared using a unique technology, which is why the yummy received a special attractive aroma and taste.

The food from the presented collection can be used as a permanent diet for a cat or a cat, or as an additional treat when feeding an animal with dry balls. If Mon Petit is used on a regular basis, it is important for the breeder of the purring creature to become familiar with the intricacies of feeding his pet. It is even advisable to get the advice of a veterinarian. And most importantly, next to the cup of food, the cat should have a bowl filled with water at room temperature. The food itself should not be cold either. Even cool food negatively affects the functioning of the stomach of the furry creature.

You can store Mon Petit food in a cool, dry place. And after opening, the "dish" should be consumed by the animal within 24 hours. After 24 hours, uneaten food should be disposed of.

"A la Carte"

A La Carte is a collection created according to the recipes of famous chefs from around the world. The Gourmet experts had only to find some interchangeable products so that the dishes of human cuisine would be to the liking of cats and cats.

A La Carte is not just a line of food, but a real work of culinary art. A slight tear of a packet with a delicious delicacy makes the purr wake up from a deep sleep and run to the source of the aroma from the farthest room in the house. Only with this food will the owner be able to hear how his fluffy miracle purrs with pleasure during the meal.

The "dish" A La Carte "a la Provencal" is in special demand among the representatives of the feline world. For its preparation, Gourmet specialists and experts use appetizingly cut pieces of poultry fillets in combination with vegetables and tomato sauce. Not a single representative of the feline world can refuse such a delicacy.

Another positive characteristic of the A La Carte collection lies in the packaging.

The soft sachet with a comfortable tear line does not take up much space in the refrigerator, and it is a pleasure to squeeze food out of it for your pet.

Despite the fact that there is a sufficient amount of moisture in the food of the presented collection, it is important for the pet owner to make sure that a container with water at room temperature stands next to the food bowl. Tomato sauce has a special piquancy and some saltiness, which the cat should drink with a small amount of liquid.

The shelf life for open feed is standard - a day. After 24 hours, the leftovers from the cat must be sent to the trash.


According to basic standards, Gourmet can be fed to cats no more than 4-7 times a day. It all depends on the frequency of the diet developed from infancy and the health requirements. If the animal is undergoing a recovery process after treatment, it is important to consult a veterinarian. Only a doctor can adjust the amount of daily feedings.

But cats in a position should not be denied food in any case. The main thing is to make sure that the food does not expire, because the expectant mother saturates not only her body, but also small kittens.

Review overview

Whoever says anything, but the Gourmet brand occupies a leading position among the well-known manufacturers of cat food. Thousands of positive reviews about the feed of the presented brand appear on various Internet resources every day. If cats and cats knew how to work with a PC, the number of positive reviews would increase exponentially.

According to the breeders of elite breeds of cats, they feed their wards only Gourmet and see how effectively the correctly selected components of the dish work. Other cat owners note that after switching their pet to Gourmet, they noticed how their coat condition improved, their teeth became stronger, and yellow plaque disappeared.

The owners of cats suffering from poor digestibility of food express their deep gratitude to the Gourmet brand. Now they have an excellent appetite, do not feel unwell, show sufficient activity.

Gourmet food is the best that has been created for the correct and balanced nutrition of representatives of the feline world.

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