Cat food brands

All about food for cats and cats Karmy

All about food for cats and cats Karmy
  1. general description
  2. Assortment of dry food
  3. Variety of wet products
  4. Review overview

Karmy is a company that produces quality, balanced food for cats and dogs. It is being developed by technologists and veterinary specialists, the production involves the use of high technologies and serious quality control. It all starts with the veterinary control of the incoming raw materials, after which the selected material is processed on modern equipment, and then it is checked in many stages in laboratories. As a result, feed with a high consumer confidence index comes to the market.

general description

Karmy cat food is a super premium product. It is produced by the Russian company LimKorm. The company's expert team creates, tests and approves the product before it is in the store. An obligatory stage of verification is testing: veterinary specialists take samples, do analyzes, only after positive results the feed is sent to mass production. The manufacturer buys raw materials with a mandatory list of certification, checks them in the laboratory for physical and chemical indicators.

The company's specialists have been studying cats and dogs for many years, creating food adapted to their biological needs. The company aims to produce a 100% balanced feed that will cover the daily requirement of animals for nutrients.

Here are the basic approaches to cat food.

  • The basic ingredient of the product is animal protein. It is nutritious and natural for the pet. But still, not a single type of meat covers the cat's need for a sufficient amount of amino acids, therefore other sources of protein also find a place in the composition of the product.
  • Due to the production quality control system, ingredients such as hooves, horns, blood, trimmings, skins cannot enter the feed.
  • Diets are necessarily enriched with fiber, vitamins and healthy fatty acids. This is very important for the functioning of the digestive tract, as well as for maintaining the functioning of the reproductive system of cats.
  • GMOs, preservatives, artificial flavors and colors are not used. They are replaced by natural ingredients: dehydrated meat and protein hydrolyzate. Cats like this smell, they react to it with pleasure, they eat food with appetite.
  • Brewer's yeast is used as a natural prebiotic. They are needed for beneficial intestinal microorganisms to grow in the digestive tract of cats. Yeast, by the way, also contains an easily digestible protein and a full complex of vitamins B. To maintain a healthy coat, to improve pigmentation, these vitamins are indispensable.
  • Seaweed, the most important source of iodine, is added to the feed. It forms the thyroid hormone, which affects the optimal regulation of metabolic processes. There are many useful fatty acids and enterosorbents in seaweed, which draw out toxins from the cat's body. And it also reduces the acidity of the stomach, which is shown to some pets.
  • Dried apple is also added to animal nutrition, because it is considered an excellent digestive stimulant, stool normalizer and enterosorbent. The dried apple also contains pectin, which lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  • Taurine is an essential antioxidant and amino acid beneficial for cats. It is not produced in the feline body, you need to get it from the outside. It is especially important that pregnant cats receive taurine in their diet. If the cat does not have enough of this amino acid, it can develop cardiopathologies and pathologies of the retina.
  • Milk and milk products are added to the brand's wet feeds. This is especially important for kittens who need a painless transition from mother's milk to adult food. In addition to the excellent vitamin composition, milk contains a considerable amount of valuable amino acids.
  • Chicken offal, stomachs and liver are added to cat food. There is a lot of protein in the liver, but little fat, stomachs are useful in that they have a beneficial effect on the joints and ligaments of the animal's body.

The company's approach to the selection of ingredients for nutrition is very balanced, and the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is so clear that the feed cannot be blamed for unjustified belonging to its class.

Assortment of dry food

The brand's products are interesting with a clear division into categories and a full description of the composition.

Examples of successful dry products.

  • Hypoallergenic. Complete dry food suitable for adult cats with a tendency to food allergies. Felines especially like the taste of duck. Technologists took care of the accuracy of the size of the granules, made them as comfortable as possible for the jaws of cats. Special proteins have been selected in the composition, salmon fat is also included, which allows the cat's coat to shine.

You can always see the feeding rates, for example, a cat that weighs 7 kg needs 81 g of feed per day.

  • Hair & Skin. And this food is intended for cats from year to year, the taste of "salmon" is also loved by pets. The producers themselves note the high palatability of the feed, even the fastidious are not averse to feasting on such a composition. Salmon meat is considered a dietary product.

The cat is transferred to dry food gradually, increasing the portion should take at least 5 days.

  • Delicious. Another option for dry food for cats is fastidious. Sold in 10 kg units, one of the most favorite flavors is “chicken”. In addition to chicken, the feed contains whole grains, fish oil, vegetable protein with a high digestibility index, taurine, hydrolyzed liver, and cranberries.
  • Sensitive. Cats really like the taste of "turkey", the product is packaged in packages of 10 kg, as well as 0.4 kg and 1.5 kg.In addition to turkey, the composition contains whole grains, salmon fat, brewer's yeast, rose hips, dried apples, vegetable fiber.

Here are the current dry food categories for cats of all breeds - from Maine Coons to Siamese. The food is suitable for spayed and neutered pets (but an individual consultation with a veterinarian will still not be superfluous).

Variety of wet products

Cats cannot eat only dry food, because the owners in the line of their favorite brand are always looking for wet foods.


A product with the same name exists in the dry food line, but wet food is arguably more popular because it is bought for kittens and pregnant / lactating cats as well. It is presented in two food options: in one case it is chicken in jelly, in the other - in sauce. The product is packaged in 80 g each. In addition to chicken meat, the composition contains chicken by-products, cereals, fish, milk, peas, taurine, chondroitin and others. Many components help the development of the kitten's eyesight and brain (in general), they are aimed at supporting the active growth of the baby.

A two-month-old kitten eats 1-2.5 packs of wet food, but it is better to combine one pack of wet food with 20-25 g of dry food.

However, any daily recommendation depends on the exact age of the kitten, on the level of its activity, on the season and the needs of the pet.


This name represents a complete wet food intended for adult cats (from 1 year old). The tastes are different: chicken (the most popular), veal, salmon. The products are offered both in jelly and in sauce. Feed is packaged in 80 g in one package. In addition to the main product (for example, chicken), by-products may be present there - chicken liver, cereals, vitamins, taurine, and minerals.

The products of this line are intended as an aid in the formation of strong immunity, which is due to the balance of prebiotics, minerals and vitamins. Technologists are also working on increased palatability, trying to preserve the brightness of taste and juiciness of each piece.


It is not hard to guess that this line includes food intended for neutered cats and neutered cats. They are presented in two flavors: chicken and veal. Products are available in jelly and sauce. Like other wet feeds, they are packaged in 80 g pouches. The guideline of technologists in this case is to control excess weight. By adhering to the feeding norms, cats will be protected from excess weight, as the fat content in this diet is moderate. And also these feeds should be purchased by those who intend to engage in the prevention of the development of urolithiasis in pets.

Even if “chicken” is stated on the feed, this does not mean that there is no veal in the composition. It's just that it will not be the main ingredient, but an additional one. And also in the composition there will be offal, cereals, vitamins, minerals, vegetable fiber, taurine, fatty acids. One hundred grams of the product is 73 kcal. For a kitty weighing up to 5 kg, an average of 2-3 sachets per day is enough.

Review overview

Analysis of reviews shows that, in general, Karmy is assessed as a quality product that justifies its purpose, in demand and, indeed, created with great expert immersion in development. But it would be fair to note the different poles of reviews.

The food is praised for the fact that it is inexpensive compared to foreign food, and the composition is the same, it has useful additives, without synthetic preservatives.

Professional breeders also celebrate the food, talking about the benefits of purchasing, when several kittens have to be fed at once, as well as a mother-cat,

The good composition of the food for sterilized and neutered pets is noted. Hypoallergenic food is highly praised, which fully justifies the stated purpose.

But there are also negative responses. Sometimes the food does not fit right away. Not the most affordable, hard to find in stores. Not the most expensive, but not the budget either.

It should be noted that the creators of the feed are happy to communicate constructively with their customers. Anyone can leave feedback, suggestions and comments, which the company considers and makes adjustments to the release of products (if the comments are significant and reasonable).

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