Cat food brands

Features of food for cats and cats Landor

Features of food for cats and cats Landor
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Assortment of feed
  3. Review overview

All pet owners dream of having their pet strong, strong and healthy. That is why special attention must be paid to the quality of the feed. The optimal solution for cats and cats will be ready-made food from the manufacturer from Spain Landor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Landor brand feeds appeared on the market not so long ago. However, veterinarians, zootechnologists and nutritionists worked on their creation for a long time.... This product is free from animal fats and allergenic chicken. A distinctive feature of the assortment is the high concentration of one type of protein component.

The assortment portfolio of this brand includes products with and without sea fish. Grain and grain-free feed can be found here. The products are categorized as holistic and are suitable for cats of all breeds and ages.

The lineup is relatively small. It contains food for healthy adult cats, as well as special rations for four-legged pets with digestive problems, castrated cats and spayed cats, and animals with allergies. A separate series is represented by products for elderly animals - food helps them to reduce the severity of age-related changes.

The manufacturer offers special food for pussies prone to obesity, as well as for kittens from 4 weeks to 1 year old.

The composition of the products consists mainly of natural ingredients. To increase the nutritional and energy value, vitamins and minerals are included in the feed, selected according to the physiological needs of cats. The Landor product line includes the following ingredients.

  • Lamb meat - a product with a high content of animal proteins, fats, trace elements and vitamins. It is the main source of amino acids useful for the feline body.
  • Duck meat - contains exceptional protein and essential amino acids. Provides the pet's need for micro- and macroelements, as well as pantothenic acid, thiamine and niacin. The composition includes vitamins. Regular consumption helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal tissue of the animal.
  • Tuna - rich in proteins and proteins. Contains trace elements, vitamins A, D, E and other useful ingredients. Like all other marine fish, it provides the body's need for fatty acids.
  • Salmon - contains proteins, Omega-3, as well as vitamins A, B, E and PP. It is a source of iron, potassium, selenium and phosphorus. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, heart and blood vessels. Stimulates brain activity, strengthens muscle tissue.
  • Anchovy Is another useful fish product that provides the pet's body with proteins, minerals and vitamins that are important for the full development of a cat. The product is saturated with B vitamins, contains vitamins A, E and K.
  • Herring - this seafood contains valuable Omega-3 acids, as well as a significant amount of vitamin D. Such a composition improves immunity, normalizes heart function, and improves brain activity.

Also, such products may be included in the feed.

  • Rice - an invaluable source of B vitamins. It has a stabilizing effect on the central nervous system. Lecithin, included in the composition of rice grains, stimulates the activation of brain activity, and amino acids have a positive effect on the immune system and digestive processes.
  • Barley - a supplier of insoluble and soluble fibers, promotes the formation of beneficial microflora in the intestines. Includes all vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for the life and health of a pet.
  • Carrot - this root vegetable is a rich source of retinol, vitamins B, E, K, PP. It has a general health-improving effect on the cat's organs of vision, improves its growth and development.
  • Apple - a fruit unique in its composition. It supplies pectin to the intestines, thanks to this it acts as a prophylaxis for the formation of stones in the gallbladder and strengthens blood vessels. The introduction of this component into the cat's diet helps to normalize the water-salt balance, restores metabolic processes, increases muscle tone and immunity. Reduces the severity of unfavorable age-related changes.
  • Yucca extract - this substance improves the intestinal microflora. Helps to reduce the formation of nitrogen-containing substances.
  • Berries - act as an important source of vitamins A and C, as well as beneficial trace elements. The inclusion of fruits prevents the multiplication of pathogenic microflora in the urinary system of cats, and in addition, reduces the odor of feces.
  • Rosemary - a natural antioxidant, useful for older animals.

A distinctive feature of Landor is the presence of butyric acid. It is a valuable source of energy, has anti-inflammatory properties and supports healthy homeostasis. And besides, it is a strong oncoprotector.

The source of this substance is Butyrex C4. It is not destroyed by the action of gastric juices, it is released in the intestine and works along its entire length. The butyric acid formed from it is actively absorbed into the intestinal epithelium. Thus, it normalizes microflora, improves metabolic processes and supports digestion.

Super premium holistic food is produced under the Landor trademark. Their advantages include the following nuances.

  • High in protein, meat becomes their source. However, the feed may also include vegetable proteins, most commonly peas.
  • The carbohydrate component of the product consists of grains that are easily digestible by the cat's body. Rice culture is commonly used.Highly allergenic corn and wheat are not used in production.
  • Affordable price - Of course, Landor feed is much more expensive than Kitiket, Whiskas and other economy segment feeds. However, in comparison with other holistic, it has a relatively low cost.

The disadvantages include the use of vegetable proteins in production, as well as the lack of an indication of the exact percentage of the main ingredients... In addition, preservatives are included in the diet. Moreover, there is no information on their quality on the packaging. Obviously, rosemary alone is not enough for the preservation of feed, and the manufacturer does not provide a mention of other antioxidants.

Assortment of feed

For a long time, Landor has specialized in the production of exclusively dry food. But recently, the assortment list has been expanded due to the introduction of wet formulations.


Landor offers dry food in the form of pellets and crackers. When using such products, it is very important to ensure that your pet has unhindered access to clean drinking water around the clock. Otherwise, a lack of fluid will lead to the development of kidney and urinary tract pathologies. Sold in packs from 400 g to 10 kg.

  • Nutrition with weight control and hairball elimination functions. This food is intended for animals over 1 year old. Most often it is bought by owners of long-haired pussies, who sometimes have hairballs in their stomachs.

The basic component of the diet is lamb, which is saturated with micro and macro elements important for a cat. The product does not contain any cereal ingredients. The food is enriched with a vitamin complex, thanks to which the coat acquires a healthy look, silkiness and shine. The unique formula allows you to control your pet's weight and prevent obesity.

  • Lamb food for cats with digestive disorders. A well-designed diet is the key to the full growth and development of a pet. High-quality feed must contain animal proteins, amino acids, and vitamins. That is why Landor with lamb is recommended for active animals. It contains essential nutrients and additionally contains selenium to enhance immunity.

The food is optimal for cats and cats prone to allergic reactions and indigestion. With regular use of such a product, the intestinal microflora of the pet is stabilized and the digestion of food is normalized.

  • Duck meat feed for overweight castrated animals. After sterilization of pets, they become susceptible to obesity and the appearance of genitourinary pathologies. This diet is specially formulated for these animals. Its unique shape protects the pet from the unwanted effects of surgery.

The main component is duck meat. Its amount is sufficient to enhance immunity. The food is enriched with proteins, contains L-carnitine and vitamin and mineral supplements. This helps to establish lipid metabolism and the pet's digestion. Regular use of such food allows you to keep the body weight of the animal under control, stimulates the build-up of muscle mass in the cat.

  • Food for cats living in the house. This type of product is specially designed for pets that live indoors and do not have access to the street. That is why herbal supplements are included in its structure. The main source of protein is duck meat, it provides the body with calcium, as well as phosphorus and essential amino acids. The consumption of food has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular activity and the musculoskeletal system of the animal.


Landor wet diets contain between 30 and 60% meat constituents - meat and broth. There is no vitamin and mineral complex, the protein content reaches 14%.

The assortment list includes the following products:

  • with duck and turkey;
  • with chicken breast, salmon, tuna, shrimp and crab;
  • with salmon, tuna and crab;
  • with partridge and turkey;
  • with rabbit and cranberries;
  • with veal and herring.

Landor offers a special food especially for young kittens - it is suitable for animals from 1 month to 1 year old.

Sold in granular form. Before using the granules, it is advisable to lightly sprinkle with water - this will facilitate their intake and subsequent digestion. The food is balanced, all components are selected taking into account the anatomical requirements of a young growing feline body. Promotes the correct formation of the jaw apparatus, the growth and strengthening of teeth.

Review overview

Landor complete feeds have earned the best reviews from customers. The reason for this popularity lies in the high proportion of meat, while only one type of meat is used in the product. Does not contain animal fats, by-products and chicken pulp, which is found in large quantities in cheaper products.

Cat owners note that the product line is relatively small. However, each breeder can always choose a food that matches the characteristics and tastes of his pet.

The food belongs to the category of holistic, therefore it has earned the best reviews from veterinarians. Experts note the rich composition, the increased proportion of animal proteins and the absence of allergenic components. All this makes the diet extremely nutritious and valuable for the four-legged friend.

As a disadvantage, buyers note the lack of clear information about which vegetables are used in the preparation of feed. Also, there is no information on preservatives on the packaging.

In general, the feed is presented in medium sized granules with a pleasant smell. Breeders note that after a week of intake of Landor food, the smell and the amount of excrement decreases, which means that the product is completely absorbed. The use of dry food allows you to massage the gums, clean teeth, activate blood circulation in the oral cavity and thereby strengthen the jaw apparatus.

As practice shows, even with long-term use of Landor cat food, pets remain active and do not show any signs of digestive disorders. The product is cheaper in comparison with other holistic, therefore we can safely recommend it to owners of mustachioed pussies.

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