Cat food brands

Chammy cat food

Chammy cat food
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Description of the assortment
  3. Review overview

The Russian company "Forsage" produces Chammy cat food. The manufacturer is quite popular, like the cat food, due to the adequate combination of price and quality. In this article, we will take a closer look at the features of Chammy cat food, a description of the range and an overview of customer reviews.


Chammy cat food is quite popular, many buyers have made their choice in favor of this food. It is proven and safe for pets as it meets international quality standards. The company constantly monitors new trends in the creation of animal feed, while using modern equipment. They refer to products economy class, so the value for money is quite acceptable.

Chammy foods are made from natural and fresh raw materials of good quality. They all fit GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (ISO 2200: 2005). Leading Russian experts are working on a recipe for cat food. The company has completely abandoned the addition of flavor enhancers, colorings, artificial additives and GMOs. A thorough quality control is carried out at each stage. But the composition of Chammy food is inferior to other products of well-known brands, since Chammy does not belong to the premium class.

The manufacturer focuses on the inexpensive price segment of the market, offering products of optimal quality at affordable prices.

Chammy cat food has the following benefits:

  • a wide range of - wet and dry food;

  • quite attractive prices, when compared with other manufacturers of similar products;

  • for sale in various stores, which is pretty convenient.

If we talk about the shortcomings, you should pay attention to a number of features:

  • the composition of the product is rather poor, it is not recommended to use it as a complete feed, it is better to alternate with food from another manufacturer;

  • the packaging shows the general formula of the ingredients, which usually indicates low quality raw materials.

Description of the assortment

The Forsage company provides Chammy cat food in two types: wet and dry. Let's take a closer look at their features.


This food option requires your pet to have access to water at all times.... The cat will need quite a lot of water, since there is practically no water in the food itself. Cereals and processed products are one of the main ingredients. Unfortunately, this component is undesirable in food, it is better to purchase options without it.

The protein sources are meat flour, corn gluten and chicken flour. The packaging does not indicate exactly how much each ingredient contains, so it is impossible to tell how much plant and animal protein is present. In general, this food contains 30% protein, 10% fat. The composition contains 9% ash, 3.5% fiber, 1.8% calcium and so on. The source of fiber is sugar beet pulp, and B vitamins are represented by dry yeast. Dry food also contains essential amino acids (taurine and methionine), minerals and vitamins.

Dry food is sold in packs of 350 grams. There is a fairly wide selection: fish, chicken and beef. The price of one pack is about 50 rubles.


Canned food is also very popular with cats. It consists mainly of 4 ingredients:

  • meat and offal - it is a protein, which is so important for cats, and vitamins; the manufacturer indicates that "at least 4% of chicken" is presented in the feed, he is silent about the rest of the components;

  • minerals - components necessary for the normal development of a cat;

  • taurine - a useful supplement;

  • cereals are carbohydrates; the manufacturer does not disclose their composition; no cereals should be used in wet feed.

Important! Canned food contains beef, chicken, turkey or rabbit as protein. In addition, it contains offal and chicken liver. Considering the appearance of the food, it should be noted that the composition mainly contains by-products.

Wet food is sold in small bags, which are made of three layers - polypropylene, aluminum and polyethylene. Weight - 85 grams. On average, one bag is designed for one feeding, but you can combine it with another feed, then the consumption will decrease.

Review overview

Chammy cat food is quite famous. Many owners purchase this particular food for their pets, so on the Internet you can find many reviews about Chammy products. There are both positive and negative comments. Basically, customers love Chammy products, just like their pets. They emphasize that cats respond well to the product and do not vomit or become upset.

Both dry and wet food are presented in the form of small pieces, so it is quite convenient for animals to eat it without much effort. Cats love the smell of food. In addition, the assortment includes several varieties with different tastes.

There are many negative reviews about Chammy food. If we talk about canned food, then quite often it looks like a broth. In addition, some buyers note that the composition is imperfect, it is rather difficult to understand what is in the package. It should be noted that not all cats eat it. Some people just don't like it, usually it concerns pedigree representatives. They are frightened off by the appearance and aroma. They don't even want to try it.

It can be noted that there are no negative reviews regarding Chammy dry food. They refer exclusively to canned food. Of course, each option has an inferior composition, but this is not critical. If you need an inexpensive and optimal dry option for a cat, then Chammy products will be a good solution.

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